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Official Aion or Private?..

Discussion in 'Old Threads' started by ejychels, May 18, 2011.

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  1. Ashtar

    Ashtar Enraged Ashtarius Forum Legend

    Jul 24, 2010
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    somewhere on a track
    Ive never played retail but have been tempted to - just dont know if I have the patience for it. I like pservers b/c you can level faster and obtain items that maybe you wouldnt be able to in retail or they would be very difficult to obtain.
  2. crimsonfang

    crimsonfang Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2010
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    At the "Ridge of Hopes"
    Better play a private server than the retail... less efforts and u can acquire gears much easier^_^v
  3. Beastie

    Beastie Banned

    May 21, 2010
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    If you want to kill 50 million boars in the forest in order to level up then retail is for you.
  4. Mantle

    Mantle New Member Forum Legend

    May 10, 2011
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    xikoaoyama was just adding to his constructive post. nowhere did he imply that it's what you said. so, try again.

    apart from the fact your rebuttal doesnt actually have its own point i'd also like to point out the following;
    compare the bugs from retail to private.
    also compare the types of bugs from retail to private.
    now compare the time frame of when bugs get fixed from retail to private.

    who's straight retarded now? incomplete BT sets anyone?

    from your post i can tell that you must have been a terrible player on retail.

    taking a month to get to 55? it takes 1-2 week of casual play. 3-5 days hardcore.

    on retail, players are rewarded monthly for their subscriptions. Each month for the first 12 months you're supplied with several XP lodus amulets (along with other useful things like free inventory expansion, pets, etc) that increase your XP gain by a set percentage for a allocated time. The XP bonus applies to not only levelling, but also your essencetapping, aethertapping & even your crafting XP too. that, combined with the knowledge of what to kill so you're maximising your XP gain will level you up fast.
    but hey, easymode players like yourself will complain about anything remotely difficult.

    also from your above post, i can tell you were a PVE carebear.

    months to obtain a PVP set? it might take that long - if you don't actaully PVP!
    but if you actually played the game like a normal person and not like a 12 year old, you can have a full PVP set within a week or two, 50 elite set would take a bit longer but what do you expect, for gear to just be given to you? it's like all the retards on this server who BOUGHT their full PVP sets from the item shop yet have no PVP experience whatsoever. "whats lockdown? whats UD? should i stack MB as a sin? whats weaving? how do i kite as a melee?" prime pserver community knowledge examples.
    months to get a full PVP set on retail? tell me how many months of voting you'd need to do to get full ABG? oh and before you mention donating, the monthly subscription fee for retail costs less then only 1 piece of ABG. what's faster now? and don't say masta/anuhart/etc is good enough for PVP. PVE gear is PVE gear.

    im going to save you some face and not start talking about how fail the loot tables of all bosses in this game are. good luck getting a complete anything without having to donate.

    Now, in your own words you say "Let's put aside the fact you have to go looking for PvP or wait for Dredgion." - So with that i ask you, are you complaining about looking for PVP? in a PVP orientated game? yup, you're definitely a PVE carebear.

    Also you complain about gathering mats for crafting. now tell me, how is that in any way different then here? also, it's actually EASIER to gets mats on retail because the broker actually works and the economy is stable so that kinah has value.

    Next time before you try to flame someone else, make sure you've got something to back up your own words.

    english is my 3rd language & yet i'm still able to break down your post to show how empty it actually is.
    come back in 6 years when you're 18, kid.

    xoxo Mantle.
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  5. dmaxcustom

    dmaxcustom Well-Known Member

    Jun 30, 2010
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    I think it depends more on what you want to obtain of a game based on your life settings.

    To me, I love games, but I dont play more than 2-3 hours daily. It wont be a problem to pay retail either, but it wont do me any good to be paying for 6 months to level to 55 and then try for another couple months to obtain a decent (not top) gear. Of course retail offers more in the terms of personal satisfaction and in-game experience... Though grind its a real pain in the ass, but this is a Korean MMO, and you have to grind in all of them (I dont know every Korean MMo around, so this is based on personal experience)

    So if you are casual player, retail isnt for you.

    P. server on the other hand, are buggy, incomplete, unstable, etc, etc... but they do offer the kind of satisfaction a casual player seeks for. You always ask for more though, so its normal you begin to jump from one P.server to another.

    Saying which is better I think is based in what you expect from the game, and the time, resources you can invest in it.
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  6. emerpuSdoGtsaoT

    emerpuSdoGtsaoT New Member

    May 2, 2011
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    I wouldn't say they're ALL unstable. I know of one that went nearly two weeks uptime with thousands of players online simultaneously every day. ;) True story. I'm sure if not for the bi-weekly/weekly updates, that server would have an amazing uptime.
  7. ghost521

    ghost521 Lucent's name is Jeremy

    Jan 24, 2011
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    Westminster, California, United States
    Shhhhhhsh, you and your huge-butt morning jelly grin.
  8. Xalamander

    Xalamander Well-Known Member

    Jul 31, 2010
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    ive played retail... not planning on playing back there
  9. JHeezy

    JHeezy Getting there

    May 1, 2011
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    Guess I upset somebody. I should clear up my points.

    I'll take this into consideration...as I break you down.
    Did I hit a soft spot by rocking on xikoaoyama? Just wondering.

    If you go back and read my post again...you'll notice that I said retail players are in essence paying NCSoft's developers to keep the server maintained. This includes keeping the server free of bugs. As well as setting up test servers to ensure new patch releases are as bug-free as possible.

    Not once did I mention anywhere on my post that pservers are bug free. But any moron with two hands, a set of eyes and half a brain can see that.

    I know I'm not straight retarded. My SM is rocking the BT set. QQ4slotshoulders.

    You're serious? That why even the plvling services takes at least a few weeks of "casual play"? And charge hundreds of dollars for it?

    Hmm...from what I remember from retail, Lodus Amulets had a CD on 'em. Only an hour long too. Oh but they must've given you x500% exp rates right?
    According to you it only takes a few weeks to lvl to 55. If that was the case, why would they even bother giving out Lodus Amulets as a monthly reward?
    But hey, promode players like yourself defy coding.

    I'll get to the whole time amount required to gather a decent PvP set on retail later. You're gonna love it. Promise.

    Do you really need a full ABG set to be well off in PvP? Everybody has to start off somewhere...and before the new EMU broke the server, I'm pretty sure everybody started out with a Taha weapon and Anuhart gear. You also have the option of donating. I personally wouldn't pay my money for e-items, but that's just me.

    Before the server broke, medals and AP were easily accessible, granted you knew what you were doing. So in essence, yeah this pserver was setup so lvl50e gear was fairly easy to get. Until they broke the server.

    Really? How come my ranger has two complete armor sets and my SM is rockin' the BT set as mentioned before?

    Only case where you're on the right for jumping the gun...because I didn't explain my case enough.

    Yes, Aion is a PvP oriented game. I agree with you right there. But when I played retail; back when retail was at 1.x, I don't remember nor care for it exactly; once you hit lvl 50 you had access to Dredgion, a few rifts, and Abyss PvP. That's it.

    Dredgion is ridiculous. It's pretty much a race to see who can finish the instance faster and/or kill each other more until one side finishes the instance. And before they fixed it, the winner was decided on whoever had more sins on their team. Pretty fail if you ask me.

    World PvP? If rifts aren't up, you can't rift. Simple, end of story. Most people live their lives based on their own schedules, not rift opening schedules. Abyss? You have to fly around and look for people to kill. Oh wait...isn't that looking for PvP? In most cases, you will find a few people to gank. Congrats.

    Let's not even bring up sieges because it's really not worth anybody's time. Zergfest is not PvP.

    I don't know how retail is with the addition to Balaurea. I'm pretty sure it made PvP more accessible to players. Like it is here in gamez.

    So to sum it up...Aion is a PvP-oriented game...but it doesn't make PvP easily accessible to players. With the addition of scrolls and pots that are basically a must for PvP (I'll get to why that fails later)...Aion fails. Sorry to disappoint.

    On another note, Aion is heavily based on groups. Basically if you don't have a group of friends to play with or involved in a serious legion, you're shit outta luck when it comes to PvP. Refer to the zergfest that ensues in Gelk when you go gank a few members of the opposing faction. O LOOK, DEY BRAWT PHRENDZ.

    Actually, gathering mats for crafting was just a part of my point of why crafting is fail in Aion. You wanna know why it's easier to get mats on retail? Because people actually gather and craft in retail, due to it almost being a requirement to advance in the game. Mind blowing, I know. :bandit:

    And yeah, kinah does hold more value in retail than in a pserver. But why does that matter? The economy in a server is a reflection of what items/mats/etc hold most value to the players, not how much kinah it costs. People trade for kinah in retail, people trade for credits/medals/godstones/items in gamez.

    Besides all the previously mentioned, I think you missed or didn't understand my biggest point on why retail Aion fails. So let me repeat myself so you don't think this is another empty rebuttal by me. I'll break it down, bold it, italicize it, and underscore it. You know, so you don't miss it again.

    Grinding sucks, it's not friendly to the casual gamer.

    You know what it means to be a casual gamer?
    You're not spending half your day in-game. Meaning those who are hardcore will most likely advance at a quicker rate than you.
    You don't need to log in at a specific time for a specific amount of time just to try to get something done in-game. You play when you feel like playing, log off when you're done.
    You probably aren't involved in a legion that matters to much to a faction, if you do have friends that play with you, it's likely that they're casual gamers too. Meaning if your friends aren't logged in and you don't have a legion for support...you're pretty much solo.
    Pugs? Gimme a break.

    You can refer to my last paragraph before the last little bit of your reply I quoted if you don't get where I'm going with this. Hopefully you'll understand.

    Now...getting back to the grinding required to get a decent PvP set and/or the highest tier PvP set. Lemme quote a person you should be very familiar with, this comes from this thread: http://forum.gameznetwork.com/showt...s-rework-requires-testing?p=915684#post915684

    I thought it only took a few weeks to get a decent set? The math sure doesn't work out. Did I miss something?

    I'm just sayin' tho. :tongue:
    오빠 나쁜사람 안야~ ㅋㅋ
  10. Mantle

    Mantle New Member Forum Legend

    May 10, 2011
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    so what exactly are you trying to prove here? aion is fail? then why do you play it? regardless of retail or private, aion is aion.

    Also your point regarding xikoaoyama... no i don't now the person, what i did see however is that just because this person had a different opinion then that of yours, you decided to flame their post. -1 to your constructiveness.

    "Not once did I mention anywhere on my post that pservers are bug free. But any moron with two hands, a set of eyes and half a brain can see that."

    and not once did I imply that any server is bug free. once again, you're trying to make a point out of something that was never said. so once more i say, try again.

    Do you really need a full ABG set to be well off in PvP? Everybody has to start off somewhere...and before the new EMU broke the server, I'm pretty sure everybody started out with a Taha weapon and Anuhart gear. You also have the option of donating. I personally wouldn't pay my money for e-items, but that's just me.

    lol you've just proved how much you lack in terms of knowledge about aion.
    what did i say in my previous post? PVE gear is PVE gear.
    Now based on your theory, we don't need ABG to be well off in PVP, then why is it that you're complaining about the time it takes to acquire PVP gear in retail?
    a full set of ABG costs of the top of my head US$200+ via donating or about 6+ months of pure voting not spending it on anything else.
    12 months of Aion subscription costs around US$180 (less if you pay in bulk).
    you can be 55 and geared to the teeth in less then the 6 months it'd require you to get ABG via voting here.
    who's paying more now?

    before the server broke? now this is where i can see where our difference of opinion comes from.
    i started on Gamez aion a week ago so when you mention this old emu and what not, i actually don't have any idea of what you're talking about.
    Now with retail, i played it up until about a month or two ago. so my knowledge of how aion is far more then what you know of this game.

    "Before the server broke, medals and AP were easily accessible, granted you knew what you were doing. So in essence, yeah this pserver was setup so lvl50e gear was fairly easy to get. Until they broke the server.

    Really? How come my ranger has two complete armor sets and my SM is rockin' the BT set as mentioned before?"

    this is why i believe you're mentally challenged. you say that medals and AP were easily accessible granted you knew what you were doing.... and i say to you, the same thing about retail. if you know what you're doing, it's not hard at all.
    On NA aion, there was a system for medal distribution where the top legions who would own the forts would donate those medals to a universal bank and when any player on the ENTIRE server needed medals all they needed to do was provide half the amount of medals required and to have the AP ready. also, certain truces and agreements were made so that abyss battles could be staged fairly.
    i'd like to see any private server have that level of cooperation.

    "Yes, Aion is a PvP oriented game. I agree with you right there. But when I played retail; back when retail was at 1.x, I don't remember nor care for it exactly; once you hit lvl 50 you had access to Dredgion, a few rifts, and Abyss PvP. That's it.

    Dredgion is ridiculous. It's pretty much a race to see who can finish the instance faster and/or kill each other more until one side finishes the instance. And before they fixed it, the winner was decided on whoever had more sins on their team. Pretty fail if you ask me.

    "World PvP? If rifts aren't up, you can't rift. Simple, end of story. Most people live their lives based on their own schedules, not rift opening schedules. Abyss? You have to fly around and look for people to kill. Oh wait...isn't that looking for PvP? In most cases, you will find a few people to gank. Congrats."

    again you've just proved your lack of knowledge. 1.x? and you're trying to make valid cons against a game you dont even know about? 2.5 comes out in a week. you've missed a lot my friend.
    Yes when level cap was 50, those were pretty much the only zones for PVP.
    but why would you need other zones when you can barely get the carebears like yourself out of PVE safe lands anyway?
    firstly your point regarding dredgion is plain ridiculous. yes originally a team of sins could ninja all the surks but a fix was implemented a very VERY long time ago. why are you bringing up stuff from the past that happened like 10 major updates ago? you're trying a bit hard there to find a a valid point jheezy. :)
    when you said that dredgion is just a race i immediately could tell you were never a proper PVP player. only bad players lose to cap rushers.
    i'm not going to give you tips on how to beat it but i'll say this: if you're losing to a team that rushes for cap only, you're doing it wrong. lol.

    now onto world PVP, you say if rifts aren't up you cant rift.... then go look for another one? it's exactly the same here on gamez you're still waiting for a rift to go through or by having a GM send you. back when you were playing level cap was 50, so access to heiron/beluslan was easy & abyss PVP did well on retail as it was one of it's main selling points. did you ever PVP in the core pre 2.0? insane.
    also you mention that you have to fly around to look for PVP yet what i dont understand is, is it any different here? i bet you on retail aion there will be 10x the amount of people in the abyss at any given time compared to gamez as people would fight from fort to fort, shard to shard.
    and you say "Oh wait...isn't that looking for PvP?" as if it was me that was complaining about looking for PVP. get your facts right kiddo.
    regardless of if it was retail or private, you're gonna be looking for PVP either way. so your complaint really is utterly stupid.

    "Let's not even bring up sieges because it's really not worth anybody's time. Zergfest is not PvP.

    I don't know how retail is with the addition to Balaurea. I'm pretty sure it made PvP more accessible to players. Like it is here in gamez.

    So to sum it up...Aion is a PvP-oriented game...but it doesn't make PvP easily accessible to players. With the addition of scrolls and pots that are basically a must for PvP (I'll get to why that fails later)...Aion fails. Sorry to disappoint.

    On another note, Aion is heavily based on groups. Basically if you don't have a group of friends to play with or involved in a serious legion, you're shit outta luck when it comes to PvP. Refer to the zergfest that ensues in Gelk when you go gank a few members of the opposing faction. O LOOK, DEY BRAWT PHRENDZ."

    the reason you say lets not bring up seiges is because you actually have no knowledge on the matter. you're calling zergfests not PVP... rofl have you ever stepped out of brustonin/theobomos my PVE carebear friend? walk from north fort to south fort at either inggrison or gelkmaros and see how many zergs you encounter.
    again another pointless poke at something you're entirely biased upon.
    the difference on NA, is that a so call "zerg" vs "zerg" actually is more strategic then you think. unlike here where everyone just spams all their skills and pray they get last hit to look cool.
    ever heard of focus firing? i'm also yet to see a single player mark targets here on gamez. pservers are all about PVP? lol righteo.

    You say aion is heavily based on groups. so are you complaining about retail or pservers? because you're gonna need a group in either of them. JUST LIKE ANY OTHER MMORPG OUT THERE! shock horror at that fact! again and again, you make complaints about the game yet you don't actually rebut the points i make. just because you can put words together to make a paragraph doesn't mean you're right. because from this paragraph i can clearly tell that a) you're confused about your emotions over both retail and pserver aion and b) you're confused about your own arguments. ^^

    "Grinding sucks, it's not friendly to the casual gamer.

    You know what it means to be a casual gamer?
    You're not spending half your day in-game. Meaning those who are hardcore will most likely advance at a quicker rate than you.
    You don't need to log in at a specific time for a specific amount of time just to try to get something done in-game. You play when you feel like playing, log off when you're done.
    You probably aren't involved in a legion that matters to much to a faction, if you do have friends that play with you, it's likely that they're casual gamers too. Meaning if your friends aren't logged in and you don't have a legion for support...you're pretty much solo.
    Pugs? Gimme a break."

    i'll agree with first sentence of this paragraph. it's definitely not friendly at all. but it's a korean game after all. grinding is apart of the learning process.
    it doesnt take a rocket scientist to understand that a hardcore player will advance faster then you. they're spending more time on the game. DUH! another sentence just to sound cool.
    It's not hard at all to get into a legion. i'd like you to point out how many players end game on retail are without a legion. don't worry, i'll wait!
    lol the answer is 0, apart from the occasional person who just left their legion who will eventually join another one.
    on retail, you level with players so you make bonds with players as well. something that doesnt happen on private servers. it's called "making friends".
    and before you say anything about pugs on retail, i'd like to say i'd pick a pug from retail over someone from gamez ANY DAY. a pug in retail will still be 10x more experienced with aion compared to someone on gamez.
    Do you know how many countless players i've come acros here who don't even know where to buy powershards, kisks or simple game abbreviations mean? i'm not gonna even begin on how many times someone has PM'd me in game asking what "LFM" means.

    "Now...getting back to the grinding required to get a decent PvP set and/or the highest tier PvP set. Lemme quote a person you should be very familiar with, this comes from this thread: http://forum.gameznetwork.com/showth...684#post915684

    I thought it only took a few weeks to get a decent set? The math sure doesn't work out. Did I miss something?

    I'm just sayin' tho.
    오빠 나쁜사람 안야~ ㅋㅋ"

    you're lack of reading comprehension astounds me.

    i spent 3 months on KOR aion before 2.0 came out, and my MAIN character was a fully PVP geared temp. did i also mention i had another sorc alt in 30 elite pvp gear?

    on NA aion i spent 14 months there. my MAIN was a severely geared gladiator that had multiple PVP sets. and do you think i only finished my sets when i quit? moron.
    i had my first 40 elite set within 3 months when i was playing casually due to university or it'd be done in 3 weeks. then i worked on the 50 elite after that. that's not including my fenris set, my 4/5 DP set, my udas set, my besh set & my 3/5 SW set that i obtained as well.
    oh btw, that account also had a L50 chanter (40 non elite PVP) b.dredgion alt, a L40 (30 elite PVP) twink sorc alt, a L30 cleric & L50 ranger.

    so maybe try do your math again. or did you miss something again? :D

    but hey, i'm just sayin' tho.

    xoxo Mantle.

    p.s your korean is horrid.
  11. JHeezy

    JHeezy Getting there

    May 1, 2011
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    You know what's funny? No, you didn't include any of your alt info. But refer to the bold text in my quote.

    Thanks for further proving my point. Don't think I need to bother with anything else, kinda like how you pick and chose areas of my rebuttal to argue against. Losing argument is lose. But you did a nice job summing it up for me.

    Oh, and it's your lack of reading comprehension. You know, since we're playing grammar police and all. ^^
    Last edited: May 21, 2011
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  12. Naj

    Naj In-Game Reports bystander

    Dec 15, 2010
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    anything as long as AION exist
  13. Jun

    Jun Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2010
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    I Love Kpop
    i want P server ^_^
    cant affort at Official
  14. Mantle

    Mantle New Member Forum Legend

    May 10, 2011
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    again you fail to be able to comprehend anything.
    and before i get into why you fail at comprehension, you mention that i pick and chose parts of your post to rebut. yet you don't have a single thing to say about the points i made. grasping at straws are we?

    you assumed that that was all i had accomplished in that time frame.
    you assumed that my subscription was for the entire 14 months.
    you assumed that i only played one character.
    you assume i wasn't working on other things during that time.
    you assume all my AP & time was dedicated to obtaining armor alone.

    you've just proven your inability to read properly and to form logical ideas based off a sentence.
    assumptions when trying to comprehend something will not get you far.
    "that's not including my fenris set, my 4/5 DP set, my udas set, my besh set & my 3/5 SW set that i obtained as well."
    did you forget i mentioned this? but hey, looks like you're the one who pick and chose what to rebut as well - oh wait, you didn't have anything to say at all LOL.
    Now if i was focusing on a PVP set and only the PVP set, like i said i'd of had it within 3 weeks.
    Fenris alone took up most of my time when grinding bloods and several failed attempts at proccing heart of magic to get the pants.
    Also what you pointed out was 40 elite set. a 30 elite set is less than half that.
    fail much?

    here's something i'll let you think about:


    50 elite PVP set costs 1,998,100 AP.
    40 elite PVP set costs 1,036,700 AP.
    50 PVP accessories (not incl. helm) costs 1,229,700 AP.
    55 PVP Plate helm costs 548,800 AP.

    40 non elite PVP set cost 691,400 AP.
    50 PVP accessories (not incl. Hood) costs 1,229,700 AP.

    30 elite PVP set costs 475,000 AP.
    30 PVP accessories incl. headband costs 440,000 AP.

    = 7,649,400 AP. 14 months NA-aion, 550k AP per month. this is when i played casually.


    40 elite PVP set costs 1,036,700 AP.
    50 PVP accessories (not incl. helm) costs 1,229,700 AP.

    30 elite PVP set costs 475,000 AP.
    30 PVP accessories incl. headband costs 440,000 AP.

    = 3,181,400 AP. 3 months in K-aion, 1mil AP per month. this is when i played a lot, not casually.

    ^ this is not including the other alts, PVP weapons (which is a big part), the amount of AP pots i purchased, guardian transformation seeds, revival stones & the advanced stigmas that require AP to buy.

    Nice try at directing it at my NA gladiator and having to lurk my posts from another thread just so that you could have a few arguments to make you think you were onto something.

    k-aion: 3 months = 12 weeks > 2 armor sets > 2 accessory sets. do the math.

    "Don't think I need to bother with anything else, kinda like how you pick and chose areas of my rebuttal to argue against. Losing argument is lose. But you did a nice job summing it up for me."

    lastly, i think it's you who summed it up nicely for me. just because you think you won, doesnt mean you did. have a look at charlie sheen if you don't believe me. :)

    "losing argument is lose"?

    well then i say to you,


    xoxo Mantle.
    Last edited: May 21, 2011
  15. Ally

    Ally Well-Known Member

    May 8, 2010
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    David Beckhams Bedroom <3!
    end of the day
    it's up to you.
  16. Terrorized

    Terrorized Beautiful Garbage Forum Legend

    Aug 17, 2010
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    Official (Retail); because it's on the verge of 2.5, not everyone's a glad/ranger, no one has ABG, no full stigmas, better economy, more work, more fun, less bugs, less hacks, better PVP, and finally, instances aren't boring on Retail.
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  17. regiix3

    regiix3 yeah Forum Legend

    Sep 14, 2010
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    but anyways um,
    i would definitely try out retail if i didnt have to pay $15 for subscription each godamm month.
    it would certainly be funny to witness massssssssssssssss zergs around ingg and crap <3
    but yeah, i mean, i played crystal for 2 weeks, and i couldnt even get to lvl 40 cause i had no patience,
    ^ Let alone retail.

    It really depends on what ps youre playing,
    even though Gamez Aion has a number of bugs, its not just gameplaying is it ? Virtual social life roflmfao.
    And thats the fun i get out of it :3
    And once you get to know the community well enough, even when you leave, the forums are gonna pull you back anyways.
    I was able to live without gamez aion for 4 days (it was soo hard ...) but i was lucky enough to have internet connection on my phone and i was on forums, basically all day everyday.

    And everybody in retail is so godammn serious, as in, you actually see nolifers and how hardcore they are.
    High rate servers are like, meh, 55 in 4 hours, get all your abg and shiz and lets go raid now (H)
    where as retail, its like 895684230569283568 months to get to 55 and another 3657452241278 years to get proper equips and that just leads to extreme farming and staying up 25/7. No its not healthy at all. Not saying playing a ps for a period of time isnt butttt shhhh ! you get my point :3

    Private Servers (with high population) > Retail, no matter how many people play it.

    cough cough,
  18. PetromaniaC

    PetromaniaC Banned

    Jul 2, 2010
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    Athens , Greece
    lol guys , who are we fooling?
    do you realize that some people have donated up to 1,000$ + to this crappy server while they could've bought time cards for retail with that money?
    they could play in retail for years with 1,000$ and get the gear they like without getting bugged and zerged 24/7.
    And yeah , retail has zergs too , but by both races. In gamez , it's 3 Elyos Groups vs 3 Asmodians.

    Donators usually pay like 150$ to get some pvp gear , 150 / 15 = 10 months of retail
    getting gear isn't everything. i personally have everything i want here in gamez , and what? im playing in my friend's server , farming elders at core.
    2 people like this.
  19. Hidetoshi

    Hidetoshi Proficient

    May 5, 2011
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    mAYBE U HAVE masta or veille staff 6 slots for trade? :D
  20. regiix3

    regiix3 yeah Forum Legend

    Sep 14, 2010
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    Which is really sad :<
    $1000 dollars is like .. (gets calculator out) idk, years of retail,
    prolly one of the reasons i dont donate, im not allowed to anyways :3


    i dont think is the place to place such offers and crap?
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