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Points of voting very low

Discussion in 'Old Threads' started by winbledon, Aug 7, 2010.

  1. Beastie

    Beastie Banned

    May 21, 2010
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    I want 99999999999999999999999999999999 points per vote, and to have all all ABG gear and weps plus 15, and then everyone would all be the same! Seriously its fine the way it is and IM thankful that we had the extra time for double rewards. If you really really want the Abyss gear right away then donate, if not then wait.
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  2. Asmodaus

    Asmodaus Proficient

    Jun 16, 2010
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    be active in events, the GM's often give out a few silver and sometimes gold medals. But you need to actively particiapte in events, or you can just lurk on broker and wait for ppl to sell their medals, so it is not impossible to get medals, the GM's make it fun to gain medals, you just cant sit on your ass and expect to get rewarded
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  3. Shun

    Shun New Member

    Jul 16, 2010
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    What would happen to the server if the players will no longer opt to donate if the voting reward credits would be high?

    50 or 100 credits for every vote is not really a joke, and so as using donation items for rewards. I've been a donor for another game back then, and I understand that there should be an incentive to those who will use REAL money to get good gears to keep the server up and running. That's why you guys shouldn't complain so much of the voting system since the item rewards are also donation items, the game is already good if you have the premium user since it makes the farming for kinnah easy and soon they are going to implement 55 gears drops on dredgion and DP.
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  4. Aegis

    Aegis Guest

    Jun 23, 2010
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    There is an old saying....

    "Give people an inch and they will want a mile." (Paraphrased, of course.)

    The rewards have been doubled many times on this server now for different period's of time.

    Today is.... August 7th, these double vote rewards were supposed to last UNTIL August 3rd. Gamez-Aion has been very kind and given us all the oppertunity for double point's for over double the original promised time.

    As far as gearing out goes, I (though it may not be the best thing to be honest about) have a fully geared glad /ranger and sorcerer (share accessories b/t glad/ranger) all above levle 50 -> full 55 on sorc.... not donating AT ALL. (As I said, perhaps not the best thing to be parading on about; but its the truth.)

    These gear's aren't MEANT to be given out for free, tahabata is commonly seen and is a very potent set as well. While it may pale in comparison to pvp gear's, level 30 pvp gear (which is defiantely an effective alternative) is commonly accessable... and if you are active in events and commonly purchase silver medal's then even the elite level 40 set is a SUPERB(!!!) option for you.

    Worst comes to worst there are even muffler event's that take place, or even the regular events that go on give loads of kinah away to player's! Which can be traded here for the donation gear's.

    Thing's aren't impossible, but of course if you donate you will get them easier. Afterall, they are supporting the very server you are playing on for free!

    Added: Also I'll add that votes aren't worthless and take seconds of you're time. Just vote whenever you can; or whenever you have a free second and you get 50 points for virtually nothing at all. Though 50 points every 12 hours may not seem like much, it does add up.
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2010
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  5. FadetoBlack

    FadetoBlack Veni, vidi, vici, reliqui

    Jun 6, 2010
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    Somewhere along the path of the beam
    Most of you are wrong.

    Look guys, I see a lot of people disagreeing with the OP. I think he has every right. Voting isn't something I do cause I'm nice, SORRY, I do it for the rewards. Have there been servers who don't reward you for voting? Of course there's quite a lot of them. But people don't vote as much, compare us to the runner up in the list. Voting isn't to be expected of me, or of ANYONE on this server, it isn't because I don't like the server, but because time is golden, and MY time is VERY important to me. People, most people, do things when you make it WORTHWHILE. Sorry to tell you, but voting for 10pts is NOT worthwhile. All of you donors, don't misunderstand me I DO appreciate what you do for this server, but most of you just want to STAY POWERFUL. I'm not saying some people don't vote out of the good of their own heart. Do I HIGHLY doubt it? HELL YES. Would I donate if i had the means? OF COURSE. Would it be out of gratefulness? PARTLY. I expect, and I AM like most other human beings, so therefore, most of YOU EXPECT.

    SORRY, I DON'T agree, also I'm not really sorry. Are you insane? Read me people, and read well. You DONATE, and that is something that is supposed to be done out of the good of your heart, not for your fancy ABG gear, think about it. YOU, donors, more than ANYONE, have not the right to say, "sorry you should spend tons of time voting in order to gain what we did by donating." You DONATED for god's sakes!!!!

    THAT'S the definition of donating, learn it, and remember you're doing this out of the good of your own heart, UNLIKE ME. I think donors often forget that the premise, and definition of a donation is expecting nothing after giving something. Sorry to break it to you but a VOTE is NOT a DONATION.

    I vote because
    1. I DO want the server ranking top
    2. I want my reward.

    10 points per vote... let me see if I may possibly get this through your thick heads, and know I will try.

    Let us break it down, for easier understanding.

    We will assume that this hypothetical voter wants to have a fully geared char, right? Not much to ask for, seeing that a lot of donors have that, and is equality to much to ask? I think not. This voter votes 2x a day EVERY day for a total of 100 pts a day. This is the best case scenario. Also assuming that this voter is a 2h weapon user. We are also assuming that this voter is going to upgrade his level 55 items with non credit stones, which as you donors ALL know, is a HUGE pain in the ass.

    Helmet 1,500 credits 15 days
    Jewels (Earrings) 2,000 credits 20 days
    Rings 2,000 credits 20 days
    Weapon 2,000 credits 20 days
    Belt 1,500 credits 15 days
    Full Armor Set 10,000 credits 100 days
    Godstone 1000 credits 10 days

    Now through the power of math... thats 200 days of voting, and remember this is voting every 12 hours we're talking about. Let's see, lets assume we take 4 minutes every day (2 minutes per voting session) to vote, and thats, I think, on the LOW end. (4*200)/(60)= 13 hours and 19 minutes of your life, over the period you spent voting GONE. Not mentioning of course, this is 200 DAYS we're talking about, are you KIDDING ME?!?! YOU expect me to vote for 200 DAYS, WITHOUT missing a single session, so I can beat you ?(not because I LACK skills, but rather because you outgear me HEAVILY). Sorry, you're (pardon my French) balls-to-the-wall batshit crazy. I'd rather quit. Is it too hard, or perhaps too much to ask for that you double my reward, so I can spend half as much time saving up, and more time enjoying? No, No it is NOT.

    Now, thats 20k credits 200 dollars. It's quite a bit of money, but say you take and save 20dollars/week thats 70 days until your wonderful fully geared character, when I'm expected to bust my ass for 200 days, I don't see it happening, again, I'd rather quit. I believe in a certain degree of equality, sorry but I find it hard to believe that I'm less worthy of having the items than the donor, it's a hard pill to swallow, I play as much as I can (sometimes to the point where it interferes with my life) so you cant tell me, that just because someone donated (probably because of the reward) deserves it more than me. I'm not asking for free for all, for endless rewards, I'm asking for a REASONABLE rate for voting.

    I hope you understand what I'm explaining here.

    Now, another point shall we? Yes.

    I rub your back, you rub mine, as I previously stated, I'm not voting because I'm just such a great person. I expect something, and that something is gear, why? so I can stand up to people who donate, rather than get beaten senseless. Look, I'm by NO means the most skilled player here, but let's admit it, it ISN'T as hard beating someone when you're fully geared. What you're doing is counter-productive, you're informed. Look, I voted because I received 20 points per vote, which I thought was EXTREMELY FAIR. So I said, man, I want to get some credit stuff, so I'll vote every chance I get. What am I thinking now? NOT WORTHWHILE. You're STIFLING my desire to vote, and that leads to.... LESS votes, and I'd bet a lot of my body parts that more people than me feel that way.

    Will you see people running around with level 55 gear in the server if you double the voting reward? YES, YES YOU WILL. This will take 100 days of straight voting. Sorry to tell you all, but most donors are NOT willing to vote for EVEN 100 days straight (assuming you have no personal life to interfere in the process, which I'm sure, even the NERDIEST of us do).

    I'm sure you enjoyed increased votes during the 2x voting rewards time (hell I set up a schedule so I didn't miss a session). You're being unfair, you really are, your VOTERS are your FAN base, or rather your COMMUNITY, voters make up a much larger percentage than donors. You can run a server, sure, with donations, but you won't have many people playing except those same donors. Eventually, the difference in power will be so great, that those who haven't ragequit over continued pvp losses, will simply give up.

    Look, I really respect everyone in this server, and I admire what the admins (and those of lesser power) do, and how the players (most of them) are. What I LOATHE is IGNORANCE, you CAN'T fix STUPID but you CAN fix IGNORANCE. So please, DO NOT TL;DR this, take your time, and read through, and maybe, just maybe what I've said won't sound crazy and ridiculous.

    Thanks, and please if you want to, tell me WHY I'm wrong, because, I don't think I am, not being self righteous, I just took my time and thought about this. If you can explain to me, with a sound and time consuming argument (somewhat like mine) why you're right, PLEASE DO. I'm not trying to incite rage, but merely present a strong argument for the OP's side.

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  6. winbledon

    winbledon New Member

    Jul 22, 2010
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    FadeToBlack responded well, can not believe that donors are so angered by calling 20 points per vote, want to win just to have better equipment?
    I also helped to vote to the server, even with my vote bring more donors to the server.
    It seems this issue has no meaning wounded pride are the donors for wanting to have a good team too, and as you said FadeToBlack also would take almost four months.
    And who wants to vote as yet, conosco many who do not nor will they.
    Close the post so I do not read absurd answers.
    It was a suggestion.
  7. Dane

    Dane New Member

    May 26, 2010
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    In private server terms:

    - Donating = Buying

    - Donators = Buyers

    I'm sure you guys already know this so please don't compare Private Server Donators ( Ones who expect something in Return ) to Real life Donators ( ones who don't expect something in return )

    In other words... Donators in private Servers definitely don't do it out of the goodness of their hearts ( it's not right to assume they do and it's not right to force them to feel that way )
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  8. dallenforth

    dallenforth Getting there

    Jul 11, 2010
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    Then don't call it Donating call it Buying credits, because thats the truth of the matter
  9. Dane

    Dane New Member

    May 26, 2010
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    The term donating is actually just for show.. since if they make it appear that they really are earning money through official business then the owners of the game would have sufficient proof to shut down the server.... which I think none of us wants

    Since I'm not from the USA I'm not sure about the copyright laws you guys have but I'm pretty sure it's a general rule wherever you are
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2010
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  10. Aegis

    Aegis Guest

    Jun 23, 2010
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    +1, this is why it's called donating.
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  11. ♥ LeLiah ♥

    ♥ LeLiah ♥ Tag Your It! Forum Legend

    Aug 5, 2010
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    I miss Japan ♥‿♥
    I Concure! ^_^

    AMEN! :innocent:
    Estar de acuerdo!
    etc! :w00t:

    110% +1 and all my cents! Enough Said:smile:
  12. Accelerator

    Accelerator Expert

    May 20, 2010
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    lying in moon watching the Earth
    it needs a lot time to collect the silver medals to buy elite 40,and we're not talking for 20 or 30,it costs 174 SM.not everyone have tons of billions to buy SM from broker(i barely have 110m,and need to buy wing),and by events you don't always win.plus rewards of evemnt from 400m now they give 200m.
    but i don't understand why they give gold medals?they give them so rare times,and for elite 50 set you need 202.almost immposible to get by events.and don't say with mufflers,cause i haven't seen muffler event a long time.
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2010
  13. Aethelfaed

    Aethelfaed Proficient

    Aug 6, 2010
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    It is about $300 in total to get full PVP set +15 all with weapons etc ...it really is rediculous to ask for more points considering the people who are willing to pay for this spend so much, really would be little unfare to them and want would be the point of donate if there was more credits allocated.

    I think the current system is fair and it is easy enough to get Anuhart and for those rare few who have full pvp either by donate or work for it are the ones that deserve it...
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  14. snap001

    snap001 Proficient

    Jul 12, 2010
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    x2 for vote reward .
  15. Tribalist

    Tribalist New Member

    Aug 8, 2010
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    More vote rewards = Less donations. Less donations = bad for server.
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  16. Shun

    Shun New Member

    Jul 16, 2010
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    thanks... i'm not donor of this game but I do understand how the donation and voting system goes from my previous experience(game)...
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  17. FadetoBlack

    FadetoBlack Veni, vidi, vici, reliqui

    Jun 6, 2010
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    Somewhere along the path of the beam
    You're so wrong, you are almost right

    Dude are you crazy? YOU DONATED, this means... you have absolutely NO RIGHT to expect ANYTHING in return, and by this i mean ANYTHING. 20 points per vote makes no difference in the amount of people who are willing to donate, as I'm sure you're not willing to vote for 100 straight days without missing a single session. What is really, and i mean REALLY ridiculous is keeping the higher end items from those who CAN'T DONATE, BUT ARE WILLING TO VOTE. I like this server, but I do not like it enough to waste 200 days voting twice a day. You probably don't like it enough either, so please think about what the hell you're thinking before posting.

    ---------- Post added at 09:48 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:40 AM ----------

    WRONG. More voting points = more balanced donation to voting rates, which means more people willing to vote, and about the same amount of people willing to donate. Those who are willing enough to vote, will, those who are not do NOT donate. You're assuming that a donor is not a voter and a voter is not a donor. You're wrong, people who cant get the items through donations will usually not say "oh hey let me bust my ass for 200 days so i can get a nice full item set." People who were not willing to put in those 200 days, and donated (because they could) will not spend 100 days to get what they could have sooner by donating. People who don't donate, either don't like spending money on virtual items, or don't have it. TRUST ME, not a single donor says "screw this donating, I'll just vote for 100 days straight to get my set."
    Increasing the voting rates doesn't mean that less people will donate, but rather that more people will take their time to vote.

    ---------- Post added at 09:55 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:48 AM ----------

    You're absolutely right. But just because you bought your way (not necessarily YOU, but any donor) doesn't mean that I don't deserve that item simply because I don't have the means to pay for it. All I'm saying is that an increased voting rate would not HURT you, but help me along, so I can achieve what you did through buying, without taking 200 days to do so. 100 days of voting with 2x voting rewards isn't asking much, and it would help balance pvp and increase the server's population
  18. ~Devil School~

    ~Devil School~ Proficient

    Aug 7, 2010
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    i agree. hope administrator double the vore reward to 20 credits. :love:
  19. evilset

    evilset Expert Forum Legend

    Jul 3, 2010
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    Can we get any information from the Admins?
  20. TheShaikan

    TheShaikan Banned

    Jun 18, 2010
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    Romania. Umad?
    no...let the creds per vote 15 :D so 150 creds per day should satisfy every1 :D 20 creds are too much

    15 creds normal and 25 creds when carls modifies em (or 20)

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