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Removing Abyss Shields result.

Discussion in 'Old Threads' started by PoWeLL, Nov 12, 2011.

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  1. Unearth

    Unearth Proficient

    Jul 24, 2010
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    I'm an asmo myself but I don't care what race or who does it. Obelisk camping under geared low levels is just lame and I hope all the people featured in this video have action taken against them. Especially that damn sorcerer.
  2. maskedbr

    maskedbr Respected Member

    Jun 11, 2010
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    i have a video like this.. but with ranny (commander) i was lazy to upload cause i know nothing gonna happens
    if gms confirm a punishment im going to upload..
  3. Bambieundies

    Bambieundies ╥▌Funeral Director▌╥

    Dec 28, 2010
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    people are just forgetting that this can be solved by repelling. It's not like there are a lot of Asmos camping your obelisks.
    This was not the situation before. The players on this server has changed a lot unlike my time.

    Gamezaion highrate zerg server. The reason why I am no longer tempted to log in.
  4. asmo442

    asmo442 Proficient

    Mar 25, 2011
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    They didnt disable the shields for some mystical reason (take your pick), their just to lazy to refix them after an update. Yes, they have to refix everything after every update. All the bugs we had before, and now, and every new patch will continue to pop back up whenever there is an update. Thats the pains of a private server.
  5. kalintz

    kalintz Getting there

    Sep 23, 2011
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    allways the same guys camping on kisks jeipa/terminom/heiron gate like i saw on last 3 reports...

    Also i can remember ops i can quote here what Aseline sayd
    so all i can figure after see this video is NOTHING IS DONE ABOUT KISK CAMPING REPORTS.
  6. Unearth

    Unearth Proficient

    Jul 24, 2010
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    I just think it's ridiculous that some people play this way or maybe I'm just failing to see the pvp in two shotting a level 45 after he revives with 20% hp because he's obviously binded there.
  7. Zerho320

    Zerho320 Getting there

    Jun 23, 2011
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    ahmm.. maybe the best solution for this is to increase exp rate in server..
    maybe 1000x like that..
    and remove the survey rewards so that no ones goonna expoit the plat medals reward on 55.. :p

    just a suggestion
  8. eCs4free

    eCs4free Diablo

    Apr 24, 2011
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    near a pub
    omg you lost so many ap
  9. Sileria

    Sileria Expert Forum Legend

    Jun 28, 2011
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    Excessive obelisk camping obelisks results in jailing/a ban, no exceptions. Continue reporting campers if you want to see action taken against them. Videos are always the best evidence to submit. Feel free to whisper your AMs (.gmlist) when it's occurring.

    Next time, post your evidence in the in-game reports section. The shields were not brought down to promote obelisk camping; it'll stop once enough players have been adequately punished for committing the crime.

    As for your suggestions, they are already being considered.
  10. Nthex

    Nthex Proficient

    Nov 3, 2010
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    A few ours you say, yesterday was the only day Didn't play Aion, so I'd say that was only time since the shield went down that this could of happen, again I can't understand has to why the shields been down make so many of you mad when the Abyss was a ghost town before this happen, you are posting videos out of content making it seem has if the Asmos sit there 24/7, level 20 or 45 has you put it if your not there to PvP there is no reason for you been there for a few hours.

    You want air PvP you say, how does the shield been down stop you from getting that, no one should ever Obelisk camp but have you ever heard of a kisk not because it's our base doesn't mean you can't use one.
    A larger % of Gamez players also love ground Pvp can you tell me of just one PvP area that this doesn't happen in??.
    what did you do wait a whole week to for the perfect time to make this Vid, it's some what insulting to the players who defend Teminon every day where the hell are you and your when the following players spend hours at a time protecting there?

    you wanna give names? how about ***ha Mirajanne Quincyshino Ryanlaga Xmrboang Mijnari Hulkvaro Choasmage Viridianna and myself and those are just the name I can remember I even play on 2 PC with my Chanter Kabetoshin who stand there and heal any and every player to revive at that obelisk, but no need for you to take my word for it i'm sure any Asmos or Elyos who go to the Abyss can confirm this for us.
    Again if you don’t want to PvP in the abyss please just go run with the Inggions Zerg no one will stop you, stop trying to make the seem like the wild west, if you had a few hours if should have been spend fighting back not making some lame vid.

    no to mention that spend hours killing a lvl.45 shame on them.
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2011
  11. PoWeLL

    PoWeLL Getting there

    Sep 9, 2010
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    Excuseme, the whole week? that was just one day. You say how does the shield down stops me doing air pvp? And how does the shield up stops you to do air pvp? Isnt the abyss big enough? Do you really have to get inside a city to get pvp?..

    I dont care at all who you are, when do you play or if you heal somebody on obelisks or not. I just see a rule broken every day by a lot of people just using the "now we can have air pvp" excuse.

    Terminon / Primum is not only for lvl chars.. in fact, i dont exp chars on abyss. But there are usefull NPCs, the rank quests, the fountain where you can exchange silver medals and teleports to another spots. I just want to use all those NPCs in freedom, not being camped all the time in some place that is not suppose to be any enemy inside. If you want air pvp that much create another account with the opposite faction and spam an abyss location and there you have.
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  12. Nthex

    Nthex Proficient

    Nov 3, 2010
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    I said you most of waited the whole week to find the right day to make you video because yesterday is the only day I didn't not play aion this week, Yes the Abyss is a big place to Pvp without attacking the Elyos or Asmos base, but that is just it players love to run and not stand and fight, has you said the Abyss is every big map 7-8mins of flight without the recharge rings, it's not link ground PvP were you run for ever, and while i'm not for attacking the Obelick camping I do why they attack the bases, and i don't care they attack we kill we get AP.
    And what's with this all the time BS, what does it really take that long to talk with a NCP?, at the same time the shield should not be what stop players from attacking low levels, pride should because if you will run from a fight but will atk low levels who are just moving about like that guys said the other day they are just scum and the shield won't save you from that.
  13. Fantaros

    Fantaros Banned Forum Legend

    Oct 9, 2010
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    chanter.. sorry to disapoint u..

    as for the other guy.. u failed to troll me.. and as shadez said


    it's a pvp server not a barbie server
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2011
  14. aecoon

    aecoon 。◕ ‿ ◕。 Forum Legend

    Jul 18, 2010
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    there will always be threads like these. ppl are never happy on this server =) and like fanta said. there is like 7 other maps/places to lvl or farm at. ofc killing low lvls is just stupid but not everyone plays fair on this server, or almost no one does now days.
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  15. Silverfox

    Silverfox ࿇Mind ᚾ ߙ ᚾ Trickery࿇

    Jun 28, 2010
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    Put this vid on report section (this is a solid proof of...) camping obelisks isnt allowed they will be send to jail but if they continue they are going to get banned + if you report live a gm that someone is camping obelisk the gm is going to kick their asses out from there (i had done it and the staff DO listen) cause the only thing that this morons do is ruining the game experience.
  16. asmo442

    asmo442 Proficient

    Mar 25, 2011
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    You, sir, are the fail troll.

    With the shields down, the pvp there can best be described as a gank-run-and-drop-wings-paradise. There isnt any pvp, only ganking. As soon as you get a fight going on, the invader runs and drops wings. And their probably ones that talk about guard huggers, when their ganking and run and drop wings can be considered by some as worse pvp behavior.

    Absolutely no reason pvp cannot be had at the shards or elsewhere, but in town, at an obelisk... Come on man... lol
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2011
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  17. Fantaros

    Fantaros Banned Forum Legend

    Oct 9, 2010
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    Even if i am fail troll i got your attension..right?anyway!

    I pvp too sometimes in reshata and premium/terminon !

    people QQ about the shields when they are off but when they call 20-30 people to gang one is nice huh?

    as long for the campers? report them.. you have the power to do that!
  18. Shunko

    Shunko Expert

    Dec 27, 2010
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    'Scroll to the abyss with your retired no gear great general because you happen to have craft on it and want to buy a recipe, get banged by 5 campers and lose -70k ap'

    Improvement indeed.
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  19. TrueSeph

    TrueSeph Proficient

    Dec 14, 2010
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    For some reason, I'm still in complete wonder as to how individuals can try to make a case that some have no right to complain because prior to the shields being up, it was a ghost town, so why be angry now that shields are down.

    Well, the #1 reason why the Abyss was a ghost town was because the forts, drops within the abyss were either not working properly or just plain outrageous to try and obtain. Hence the reason why it turned into a ghost town. Go back a few months when forts didn't take 11 life times to kill a guardian, when the core actually had its drop items being frequent and you'll notice that it was flourishing with PvP, even without the shields being turned off.

    Again, the logic seems to elude some people, and I'm just left scratching my head. I said this as soon as the shields were turned off, that it would directly promote nothing but camping, and a completely baseless and broken zergfest that would not improve the way Abyss PvP was intended to be.

    You have people now camping either directly inside the fortress, or even outside of it, so just taking a step outside the fort without an army to protect you is signing a death wish. Yet this was the so called great and wonderful idea to improve the PvP scenario within the abyss?

    I'm sure that I was the one who wrote what the thread starter implied when I said that the proper way to improve PvP in the Abyss is to make fortress run properly with the guardians in a HP value that would correspond with the community population. This along with a working core that drops their items more frequently (doesn't have to be as high as it once was, but more so then what it is now...which is almost never). Biggest change that needs to happen still within the Abyss is to allow Abyssal Splinter to be Non-VIP accessible, which would then draw a huge number of players from both sides into the core to do battle to obtain the rights to enter it.

    This is what makes the Abyss fun within retail, and why it flourishes there even with shields on, and without question is the proper solution to improving PvP within the Abyss.

    As it is now is a laughing stock, and as I said, it hasn't reduced the zerging in Ingg/Gelk, something that some people claimed would happen, but seemingly forgot that within the past, that was never ever the case, and its obvious that Ingg/Gelk are still the hot ticket zerging spots. So okay the zerging dropped from 95% to 90% within Ing/Gelk, which is far from being an improvement.

    To the Admins who have the ability to turn the shields back on. I would strongly suggest that, all the while fixing the fortress properly, and making Abyssal Splinter Non-VIP (<--- Please stop being so greedy, AS is one of the best parts of Abyss PvP, and you are removing one of the most interesting Events of Aion by only allowing credit users to be able to go here) so that it will encourage both races to commit and fight for it. That is the obvious ingredient for a healthy PvP course within the Abyss without turning off the shields and making it a camp/zerg/kill any red box that shows up/fest.
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  20. ghost521

    ghost521 Lucent's name is Jeremy

    Jan 24, 2011
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    Westminster, California, United States
    I wouldn't call making AS VIP-only as an act of greed (abuse-reducing, maybe?) but it's obvious that some of our people don't realize why there's a BIG FREAKING INSTANCE RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF ABYSS.

    That's what it's there for: a bait for people to flock to Abyss, not shield removal.
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