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Elyos on Siel

Discussion in 'GamezAION General Discussion' started by Tempzilla, Apr 5, 2012.

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  1. Hardstyle

    Hardstyle ***** Slap Forum Legend

    Aug 3, 2010
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    Veghel, Netherlands
    how can u call overpopulated the cause of zerg?
    We used to have more players and less zerg then now.
  2. PivotNoir

    PivotNoir Proficient

    Jan 29, 2011
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    & btw.. theres nothing more annoying than a speed hacking Spiritmaster, especially if you're a chanter
  3. Xander

    Xander Proficient

    Oct 7, 2011
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    lol i complain about this but for asmos many days ago, i think elys are trying to "pay back" to asmos hahahha.
  4. Fizoul

    Fizoul New Member

    Jan 22, 2012
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    I've always planned to make a spirit master but could never be arsed, but now I think I will, just for you :D.

  5. Rome

    Rome ソロモン・ヨアズ・アブラハム Forum Legend

    Jan 29, 2011
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    Siel server?? Fail
  6. Coach1234

    Coach1234 Banned

    Mar 23, 2012
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    Fear = stumble/stun but for 10x the duration. Of course it's a "part of the game", but it's insanely unfair to use it and everyone knows it.

    NCSoft only added it so more people would play SM. I can tell you that the people that actually programmed Fear disagreed with it, but they don't really have a say on stuff like that. :/

    If you get feared during a 1v10, log on the other faction, call them a noob, and be on your way. That's the only thing you can do.

    Maybe if NCSoft fired whoever made this decision, they could bring someone new in and redesign SM. Diablo-like Necromancer seems like a nice alternative.
  7. Chuyoung

    Chuyoung Proficient

    Mar 20, 2011
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    Cookie Land
    anyone who makes an sm is pathetic..its op w/o fear also~~ shackles / dispel scroll.. kk

    whats more pathetic is an sm asking for a 1v1..

    I believe theres no such thing as a pro sm..just people who like easy mode~
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  8. Stark

    Stark ᴘ ʀ ɪ ᴍ ᴇ ʀ ᴀ Forum Legend

    Aug 19, 2011
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    ▲ Cannot agree more ▲

    Best way I've found to deal with zerging Spiritmasters is rolling an assassin. Nothing like killing them once they're alone or keeping themselves behind the zerg thinking it's safe there.
  9. gildarts

    gildarts Proficient

    Dec 5, 2011
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    What he said.
  10. Chuyoung

    Chuyoung Proficient

    Mar 20, 2011
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    Cookie Land
    rely on silence more...~~

    thats all sins got

    Edit: forgot to add the last part~
  11. Stark

    Stark ᴘ ʀ ɪ ᴍ ᴇ ʀ ᴀ Forum Legend

    Aug 19, 2011
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    Yea, good luck silencing a mage with magic resist set while you don't have a magic accuracy set. Even if you have a magic accuracy set, again, good luck killing them with such a low damage before they fear lock you. :<

    At the very least, silence godstone is something everyone has or can have including templars, them and their Empyrean Fury. Also, you can pot out silence but you can't do anything when feared except to face palm and watch your character die.
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2012
  12. Jessica

    Jessica Banned Forum Legend

    Aug 10, 2010
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    Only few mages use MR set. Everybody else sockets MB and MA for their nuke skills.
  13. CookieDuster

    CookieDuster New Member

    Aug 25, 2011
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    Finally someone that realizes what the op was originally addressing.
    Why is there such a large increase in the SM population?
    The answer is simply players will choose to play whatever role has the most advantage at the current time. This is an ongoing trend since I began gamez almost one year ago. When the sorc class was able to hit 20k damage on lightburst and 7-12k on glacial shard / flamespray a huge increase in the sorc population was evident. When a bug allowing melee classes to exponentially increase their overall attack, Templars that could breakpower for 6-8k flooded the server. When gladiators could use their parry buff for the entire 30 seconds rather than the allotted 10 hits many people chose to play this class. The previous trend was the magic boost sin that can signet silence 4k – 12k. Each time there is a flaw in a character design that gives a distinct advantage players will chose to switch to it.
    The current trend of SMs can be linked to a multitude of factors which include an in game bug. Currently when a player that is in a transformed state (i.e. Candies, or mau form transformations) is transformed again by another player’s skills or mob transformations which includes ALL fear skills (SM), curse of roots, and curse of old roots (Sorc skills / remove shock skill) their skills become unusable even after the transformation has expired. The only way for the bugged player to fix their skills is to remove their candy/ mau form, die via pvp death, falling death, mob death doesn’t really matter, or to relog.
    So why not play a class that can take advantage of the many players that do not know how to remedy this bug. You gain a distinct advantage over you enemy when they cannot use skills and you are free to burst them down and follow it by laughing at them, shyt talking them (which is pointless due to opposing factions being unable to translate the text), jumping on their dead body, or any other form of humiliation that is deemed necessary after abusing this bug.
    Another bug that affects the sm class along with many other magical aoe based classes is one dealing with the skills initial range. This bug allows the caster to have an increased area of effectiveness with their skills. When an magical based aoe skill is used the effective range includes the 15 – 25m (depending on the skill) around the caster + an additional 15 – 25m around the player that the skill was casted upon. This allows skills such as fear shriek, sleeping storm, and many aoe heals to land on targets well outside of the initial range that the developers intended.
    Another factor that has influenced the rapid growth of the sm population is zerg pvp. SM’s excel in group pvp more than any other class. Their many aoe’s, buff removal skills, and fears leave their opponents defenseless, allowing one side to obtain a distinct advantage over the other. In the past when zerging was less evident on this server only players with the best gear and skill / knowledge of this class could excel with the spirit master class. Nowadays the need for gear / skill / knowledge has been replaced by sheer numbers. The influx of new sms relies solely on the protection of their surrounding players that can easily kill another player whom is buffless, slowed, and in fear state making them easy targets.
    The op hints at the overpoweredness of the sm class basically due to the ability to fear lock opposing players. Is the fear skill overpowered? Yes, but only slightly. Initially the fear skill wasn’t viewed as overpowered because the feared player will move in an opposite direction of the caster and will continue to stay at the maximum range unless slowed, or rooted. This makes the possibility of dpsing a player down 100% difficult during the fear transformation. Only skilled SM’s could properly use their skills and the terrain to effectively kill someone during a fear skill. What makes the fear skill seem overpowered nowadays is the combination of in game geo –location errors and an extreme amount of grouped players all hitting the feared player. Geo- location errors allow the feared player to be forced under the map or into cliff sides, etc. stopping the feared player form staying at the maximum distance from the fear caster. These error also allow skills to land on players whom would be los (line of site) if these errors didn’t exist. This can work for and against a player. Many times one can escape death by falling through the map and gliding to a lower elevation area, rather than being dps’d down by a hoard of the opposing faction.
    Now my rant about sm’s.
    People that have recently have chosen to play the sm class do so out of their INABILITY TO ADAPT their initial character to zerg pvp. Rather than learning how to properly play their class, learn to use the terrain, or try new types of pvp (GvG, arena, solo, FLIGHT pvp.. the forgotten style on gamez), or attempt to pvp in uncommonly used maps (abyss) they switch over to a “cheap” class and join the zerg.
    Will we continue to see an increase in SM’s?
    Unfortunately yes, until the sm class is balanced, the server population resides, or new pvp zones are introduced, the sm population will continue to increase. Until then, we can only make threads to QQ, vent, or rage after we are fear locked and violated by the zerg
    -Oatcrisp, CookieDuster, Windwalk GotsCandyGetinMyVan
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2012
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  14. Tempzilla

    Tempzilla I Gots Candy!!

    Jul 14, 2011
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    Of Course Cookie's First and possibly last post ever in his entire life has to be a wall of text, and yet I actually read through it all LMAO.
  15. Vildiil

    Vildiil Hit em with a 100 round clip Forum Legend

    Aug 23, 2010
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    Fort Myers, Florida, USA
    Why is this rage thread still open what.
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