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[Official] GamezAion Suggestions/Tweaks

Discussion in 'GamezAION General Discussion' started by Alente, Jun 7, 2012.

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  1. Alente

    Alente Legend Forum Legend

    May 31, 2010
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    New Zealand
    Howdy folks!

    Well since we're always looking to improve and some of you, our lovely forum community, are often quite vocal about wanting changes I've decided to host a little experiment here and see what you guys are thinking.

    So the point of this thread will be for users to post and constructively discuss game change ideas. This could be a change in existing gameplay mechanics or perhaps even a minor rule shift. Please be sure to follow the guidelines closely (below) or I may have to smack people over the head - violently.


    • Make your suggestions as detailed as possible - a one-liner without any supporting arguments or evidence is far less likely to even be looked at compared to a solid idea.
    • Use balanced arguments - this means including all the benefits and negative consequences (pros and cons) you can think of. Pretending your idea has no downsides when it obviously does isn't going to get you far.
    • Avoid spam - while I'm sure some of you have a few things sitting in your head try to space it out. Posting one idea at a time (and no, double posts are not ok) is better than spamming a wall of them.
    • This is not a bug report thread, suggestions are tweaks or changes to mechanics not "FIX THIS NOW!!one!!1!"
    • There's a fine line between discussing the merits of an idea (good) and trolling (bad). Staff will decide where that line is drawn on a case-by-case basis.
    • Yes I appreciate the fact that you are all beautiful and unique snowflakes but just because your idea sounds good to you, and hell you might even get a fanclub on the forums agreeing with you, doesn't mean we're going to implement it.
    • Keep your ideas realistic. Outlandish ideas or implementations that would take a large chunk of time to bring in will likely be ignored.
    • "Is this post too close to breaking the rules?" - if you have to ask yourself whether or not what you're about to post is acceptable or not then don't post it, chances are you're about to post something completely idiotic and get a temp ban for your troubles.
    • Be civil and use some common sense.

    So. Let's see if you lot have anything interesting to put forward when push comes to shove eh ^^
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  2. Isin

    Isin Zerg me plox Forum Legend

    Nov 15, 2010
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    Jackson, Mississippi, United States
    Just want to suggest(even though its been suggested plenty of times before), that the abyss forts in particular become vulnerable again like before. So people can get gold medals like we use to before 2.5. That way it would cause all of the people who are just starting out in the server to "make a legion together" and to go farm gold medals and AP so they can get actual pvp gear. Then you wont hear that much "sir i can't pvp without pvp gear I'm going to leave this server" bs. Plus on top of that every weekend someone could reset the forts to the baluars so they can control it until someone captures them so that it would be fair to both factions. Just have weekly fort resets. I hope someone takes this into consideration, me myself I miss farming gold medals like the old days. If it wasn't for that I wouldn't be here now actually. -quoted from an old thread i made.

    But basically just make the forts in reshanta vunerable like every 1-2hrs and the guardians (not so hard to kill) like make them hard but not hard to the point where we need you there to kill it lol. That way we can farm medals like we use to and get egt weapons again and that would definately help lowbies cause people like me actually sell egt/eat items in the broker for like 1kinah sometimes.

    Something else i think that will make pvp a lil better is. just destorying ragnarok and omega. Their purpose is specifically to annoy us lol. We never kill them so its not like we're looking for any kind of drops.

    Another thing would probably be to make the mobs hit a lil lower in inggison/gelk/silentera. They hit harder than the asmos/elyos. Im hitting the asmos for like 900 ish or less each auto atk. the mobs hitting me for 1.3k and if its more than 3 the asmo got like free dmg easy lol. Just lil small suggestions though.
    14 people like this.
  3. archvanarl

    archvanarl we can play offline!!!

    Feb 9, 2011
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    Beryl State, Sunset Coast village, Esate no. 5
    i dont have much time but all i can say is make sarpan or any neutral Zones that both races shared same language for us to understand each other... no point of seeing them in a place where there is no active PVP.

    edit: and in neutral Zones i hope we can trade items both races.. since it is a place where we met each other.
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2012
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  4. Trance

    Trance New Member

    Aug 21, 2011
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    I like this. A lot. I love the abyss and there just isn't enough people going to it.

    Also I'd like to put in: make the shields around the elly/asmo bases kill again. Without them its just campers killing lowbies and unsuspecting others porting in. This would at least force every one to go out and about.

    The balic materials drop rate in the abyss could increased a tad bit more. Like 5% or something along those lines. Solid balaur mats are kinda rare from 50 mobs and lately the balic market has been nonexistent. At least it would be a source of kinah/secondary currency that every one can get into. It would also help the crafters get their hearts and their crafts with the benefit of new items to trade with. Something the stagnant economy on lumiel needs.
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2012
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  5. Mythic

    Mythic LEGENDARY ICON MEMBER Forum Legend

    Aug 8, 2010
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    suggestion is simple bring back the rift on eltnen and morheim.. less zerg and i miss the map and its also a good map for pvp :)
  6. Clubs

    Clubs Retired Forum Legend

    Aug 6, 2011
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    Seattle, Washington
    In-game report function

    The biggest problem about players abusing hacks/bugs/impersonating is that they then must go to the forum (if they have an account), go to in-game reports (if they know where it is), fill it out (if they know how to fill it out with all the right information needed), go to a 3rd party file hosting network and upload it (if they know how), and finally post that for everyone to see. It is a lot of hard work, and I think we need to improve upon this system.

    There are a couple functions in-game that we rarely to never use, most of us don't even know about it. There is a function called AionTweet which allows you to connect to twitter directly through the game. If we were able to revamp that application into a way to make in-game reports, players would be able to make quick anonymous reports without even having to tab out of the game.


    This is merely a suggestion basis, it would be up to the devs if they would actually be able to reconfigure the program, but it would be very interesting to see this connected up to the forum.
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  7. Xander

    Xander Proficient

    Oct 7, 2011
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    1. since kill ranga is litle imposible wil be nice if elys get back the other fortres in gelmaroz, cuz ragna make so dificult pvp there, making lag and sometimes that boss hit like 8k of damage, we have to run always to him, i think same happend to asmos, and i remenber pvp in gelk was so much better with elys in the other fort.

    2. posible change of host? maybe give us better ping for many of us. dont know if all want the same but is a suggest.

    3. Godstones: is crazy the many times is activate in a player, is just wrong, dont have the correct % of activation.
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2012
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  8. jasper1884

    jasper1884 JASZIK

    Jul 16, 2011
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    Land Of Troll

    1. Is it possible to make the EAC chain set or even ACD chain wearable by the glad & templar just like abg chain.

    2. is there a way to give us better ping here in Philippines?
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2012
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  9. Ellexis90

    Ellexis90 Expert

    Mar 28, 2011
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    I know this one is a long shot and hard to implicate but like you said Suggestion - diminishing return and i already know aion doesn't have this on retail and what not but this is just suggestion
    For those people who have played other mmo's like rift/wow diminishing returns turns the game into a more balanced pvp environment
    what is diminishing returns?
    Diminishing returns, abbreviated DR, means that certain spells and abilities are less effective against player characters if they are used frequently within a short period of time. The table below contains a list of abilities that are affected by DR, and under what circumstances. In addition, DR categories are listed. Effects within same category diminish each other.
    When a spell with diminishing returns is used against a target in PvP, the first effect has full duration. The effect then diminishes by 50%, then 75%, then the target becomes immune. Spells must be used on the same target within 15 seconds of the *end* of the duration in order to be diminished. In other words, if a target hasn't had a stun effect active on them for more than 15 seconds, the next stun will have full effect.
    Some abilities share diminishing returns—that is, it doesn't matter which one you use; the next time you use an ability in the same category on the same target, its duration will be diminished just as if you had used the exact same ability. These abilities fall into the same category.
    It should be noted that the server does not reset diminishing returns after exactly 15 seconds. Instead, it checks every 5 seconds if there are any diminishing returns that should be reset because the last spell in their category was cast on the target more than 15 seconds ago. As a result, a particular diminishing return category may take anywhere between 15 and 20 seconds to reset. Most addons guess that a DR category has reset after 18 seconds by default.

    why add this to gamesaion: for 1 unique gameplay no other server has it not even retail will add a new game play feel to gamezaion
    Balanced? with dr implicated pvp is now based of skills + lockdown rotation, + will be able to solo vsing 3 sm's that love to fear 24/7, getting zerged can mean small groups come out on top over a large amount of people,
    a million silences vsing a zerg won't mean wipe, with DR* teams stand a greater chance of wiping them
    ever been fearlocked todeath? kd'ed a thousand times? unbreakable stunlock? slept and slept and slept and slept?

    I'm not saying all CC** effect skills should have a DR* and they shouldn't all share a global DR* either.
    Slow effects shouldn't be added with DR* just saying with a little DR around pvp in aion will become alot more enjoyable for soling classes that get jumped by 3 glads and kd'ed todeath because they can't move or rangers with their KB's

    in a nutshell
    dr add a global cd for static effects like fear
    what does that mean
    fear once = full duration
    2nd fear half
    3rd = 75%
    4th = immune for 15 secs
    it stops people from spaming recurring effects on people

    e.g 6sec, then 3sec, then 1.5sec, then immune
    but of cause the DR can be what ever the developers want it to be
    DR effects on stun/sleep/tree/fear/kd/kb/silence/blind with all different DR

    Down side* harder to kill classes if you don't use rotation
    10 people with same static effects will activate DR faster unless you allow full timer without interpution to current DR from same effect hence over lapping
    some spells may remove other effects to add dr to both if people are unaware of what is happing and just spamming
    Just a suggestion

    Last edited: Jun 8, 2012
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  10. Yachiyo

    Yachiyo Eustiana Von Astraea

    Apr 28, 2011
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    In your heart :">
    I suggest that when you're in Sarpan, err, Kamar to be specific, if you're dueling other races and got killed by accident (Mostly because of Damage per Second skill like Poison, fire or curse) you won't lose your AP. Since it can be abused by Sorcs, SMs, and clerics.

    Well, this doesn't need a hell wall of text :)
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  11. Tempzilla

    Tempzilla I Gots Candy!!

    Jul 14, 2011
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    My Idea is more along the lines of giving players something to do other than open world pvp and pve.

    Gamez should add a "battlegrounds" system. Yes we have the arena and crucible challenge as something else to do but the limitations of what we can purchase/the rewards we can get makes them unappealing to players.

    System can be set up to be a GVG or FFA as a pvp option.

    Also we can add in a pve option where you need to go through Steel Rake (Pretty Complicated dungeon with the need to acquire keys to open doors.) With a Final boss which the stats are enhanced to be Alliance Difficulty type bosses with enhanced drop table to allow near endgame (pvp i.e. level 50 pvp or 55 non-eternal or even medal drops)/endgame gear(pve for endgame) or similar rewards already given to us from AM events.

    Also you can mix it in as a pvevp by allowing both sides to enter the same instance to Fight to the instance boss.

    This can be done I would say maybe once an hour for the pvp and maybe once every 6 hours for the pve side.

    The Idea can also be made a bit more interesting by allowing players of opposing race to work together as well. The implementation of this idea is slightly in the works from Future retail patching that has yet to be released to NA/EU servers. So Doing it on our end is still probably not possible but its another thing for the overall idea.

    The positives of this tweak (if possible) is that this would attract more players to the servers and give players more of an opportunity to work together or against other players. Also allowing current open world usual pvp areas to be a little less zergy. Also this would lighten the work load for the AMs allowing them to focus on bugs/helping players directly/hacker reports.

    The downsides to the tweak are the rewards if they are too overdone the game could be flooded with items that would break down the economy of the community. There would be less contact with AMs as the events are not only something to distract the players from the norm but also for the community to know who is there taking care of the "policing" of the server. Actually implementing this tweak may break the server somehow. (There's always that little thing that makes things go boom) As for how long it would take to code I am not particularly sure since I don't know jack about it but I know its possible and it is another feature that I believe Gamez should have.
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  12. Pedrobehr

    Pedrobehr Proficient

    May 30, 2012
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    Rhodes, Greece
    First of all thanks for making this thread Alente, know that what we players love the most, is being given a chance to share our thoughts =)

    My suggestions are:

    1) Bosses/Mobs at Inggison/Gelkmaros
    Right now, as many said, Ragnarok and Omega are causing alot of trouble. And the monsters even more, they hit me for 1.3k/hit. Asmodians hit me for less than 1k.. the fight is with the mobs, not the players anymore. I'd suggest you remove Omega/Ragnarok and remove some monsters from certain spots (so that we will be able to pass next to them without aggroing). Currently they are so many that there's not enough space between them and if you try to pass from that spot, you'll aggro both.

    2) Godstones
    Another thing that bothers me and many others are the Godstone procs. Currently, whoever can't kill you with his skill, will do it with his godstone. I suggest the gs proc rate gets lowered.. and i am not talking about assassins with m.accuracy but classes like gladiators with crit/atk manastones silencing me once and within a second after i use a healing potion they silence me again. PvP no longer requires skill nowadays. Lower the chance?

    3) Mauform
    DP Gain too high? I don't know, 99% of the rangers will use mauform and flee from battle. Make it's CD Longer? It's really annoying.

    4) Live chat with Staff Members
    Voice/Text chat with online staff members is needed because there's many hackers often who never get caught and let me explain why. They have these stupid programs that show whoever is nearby and once a gm approaches them, even if he's using invisibility mode, they will still detect him and they will log out at once. And i've been in this situation, this is no assumption, gms tell me "He logged out, sorry, without solid evidence nothing can be done". Well i can broadcast if needed as long as there will be someone to see it. Also let's not forget, when you record your fps drops to half and makes it almost unplayable for some of us.

    5) Abyss Fortresses
    Right now, there's only rangers and sorcerers killing newbies in Teminon/Primum Landing. Enabling Fort Sieges again would be great, and maybe putting the barriers back to the forts to prevent the spawnkilling. And if it was just that.. their cleric flies above our building and his buddies get in and he heals with aoes so we can't hit him...

    6) Starter Gear
    Giving newbies temporarily some items as good as eat/egt let's say would be good, just until the dungeons are fixed, because right now they're quitting. All that remains is the idiots who don't understand and just walk around lol, and you know how they're going to the ruin pvp in the future...


    7) The Voting System
    You do realize that people need credits really badly atm and many cannot get them because of the way this new voting system works, right? Why do u think every1 is selling a whole abg set + a weapon for 2.5k vip credits? This also makes some newcomers quit. We really need to get another system x.x Oh and now that i read it, a 1-day vip or at least 1-week vip would be great. Wasting 1.5k credits for just one trade is more than lame. People get it mostly for the trading and not for the XP/AP/DP Rates, etc.

    There's alot more i'd love to see but i know many will disagree with, like being able to talk with the opposite race, creating some sort of racing event with mounts between them, etc. (It is easy to spawn objects and create a track in empty areas like the mountains we do rvr in, right?) Events like these would be great.

    Can't think of anything else right now, i'll add more later maybe. Thanks in advance!

    p.s. i am not sure if i got the last rule.. was i supposed to post them one by one? x.x kinda sleepy atm, sorry.
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2012
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  13. Stark

    Stark ᴘ ʀ ɪ ᴍ ᴇ ʀ ᴀ Forum Legend

    Aug 19, 2011
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    1. Staff Management
    Recruit enough staff members for each position. By enough, what I mean is make sure every time zone is covered by both Aion Masters and Forum Moderators. You see, 90% of the time, the ones closing threads are Aion Masters. Aren't they supposed to be in-game helping players out / hosting events / watching out for hackers or bug abusers? The way it is like now seems like as if we don't even have forum moderator at all. They are the ones who are suppose to be doing most of the forum tasks. It's kind of tiring to hear phrases "Well, we AMs have our life of our own too" and anything along these line so to avoid these kind of things, we must have enough AM to cover all the time zones and the same should go for moderators. Add something like a quota of how much time they should be online doing what they ought to do per day, per week or maybe per month. Also, each team should have an extremely competent leader, not a sitting pretty leader acting all high and mighty because of his/her position.

    Form another team of staff members dedicated only on catching / watching out for hackers or bug abusers. One thing I hate in a certain game is letting players clean the mess that's on the server. We play to have fun and to entertain ourselves not to put some stress on by wasting time and effort trying to get people banned instead of playing the game itself.

    2. Game Management
    This server is supposed to be a PvP server yet there isn't enough source to get PvP items especially for newcomers. There are 2 paths to take, first is the simplest and fastest one, quit and find another server/game and the other one is is jump on the bandwagon and zerg 24/7 which is killing the very terrible quality of PvP we already have. This contradicts what the server is suppose to be, a PvP focused server.

    • Fountain for changing Silver Medal to Gold Medal being disabled. Come on, we are on 3.0 now and EGT/EAT items are nowhere close to the best PvP items we have now yet you take away this small source off of the players especially from the newcomers.
    • Coliseum PvP items being unobtainable in-game. I understand that this is a private server and needs a source of financial support but not letting players get at least the Fabled coliseum PvP items is going way overboard. I know it's possible to let players get the Fabled coliseum PvP items and keep the Eternal ones unobtainable just like how we can get GPP/APP in-game but couldn't get GBG/ABG.
    • Sieges not working properly. Remove the Platinum Medals from Surveys and fix the Sieges and the rewards from them.

    3. Product Management
    Like I mentioned a while ago, I do understand that this is a private server and needs a source of financial support but what I DO NOT understand is why won't you put the items players are requesting for so badly. There are items that are suppose to be available only at certain events such as Solorius items during Christmas,Beatific items during Easter and something along this line but why do you have to be so ungenerous keeping away items like Surama (we already accept that these won't ever drop in-game), Noble Tac Officer (we already accept that we can never get them through Crucible Insignia) and a whole lot of costumes, pets and designs that we players already accepted long ago that we'll never get them in-game like how it's supposed to be. All we are asking now is to let us enjoy how graphically amazing Aion is by putting those items in Black Cloud Trader's Shop.

    I just do not understand why do such thing. I can't think of any negative effect that it might have for both the server and players. By doing what I suggested, you'll be satisfying players which could highly possibly bring in more players and more importantly, the server will have a better source of financial support and I'm 100% sure of this. We all know that one of the Aion's strongest selling point is it's stunning graphics and you're not making a very good use of it right now.

    4. Player Treatment
    Some staff members cannot be any more arrogant and and incompetent than they already are. I won't be mentioning names as it's not needed and would just cause more of a mess, besides I do know that they know who they are, I just don't know if they can or want to accept that to themselves. I'll give a few examples to better understand where I am trying to get at.

    • AM answering players in-game something like "wait, let me for check you" but 30 minutes has passed and the poor player has not receive a single PM from the incompetent AM at all but I'm sure if the one who ask is someone the AM knows, it'll be answered in less than 5 minutes.
    • AM closing threads that haven't gotten any answer at all yet or have not been answered properly yet. If you're not sure about the answer then for heaven's sake, don't close the thread yet! You want us to wait for an answer on a closed thread?Are you serious!? And once we make another thread regarding the same topic, you'll close or delete it? Well, have some common sense, you closed the first thread without giving a proper answer instead of giving the thread a chance to be answered by co-players or by a competent AM.
    • Reports being ignored. No matter how incomplete a certain report is, all of them should be answered properly so that the person who took the time and effort to try to get rid of some hackers / bug abusers which isn't suppose to be what the player is doing will have an idea next time or will have a chance to fix the report thus making the effort not wasted.

    5. Server Host
    Majority of the players are having latency issues, please don't say it's our connection and whatnot because we all know it's not. Players from different part of the world cannot possibly have the same exact problem regardless of location, machine and connection speed. Tried checking retail and had around 200ms ping without WTFast while here, with WTFast, couldn't even go below 230ms. I'm not asking to get same latency that I get from retail but at least try to improve the one we have here to get something close to what retail has to offer.

    6. In-game / Forum Events and Battle Grounds / Tournaments
    Most of the private servers have custom battlegrounds and automated events. We are already suffering from the lack of AM yet we don't have this kind of things to make up for it. Actually, I'm wondering how Gamez is able to stand on it's current rank among Aion private servers without having any working Battle Ground or Automated in-game events. We don't have enough forum events to keep the forum lively so what see are mostly, trollings, rant/QQ threads and spams. Make sure to have weekly and monthly forum events with encouraging prizes, maybe daily events too but with less desirable prizes. We are already tired of Enchant Stones and Transform Candies from every single in-game event that we participate it and to make it worse, they're not even fun or unique in any way, these needs major changes too. I mean, why would you allow a low level and and almost naked player to participate in PvP event? Things like this DO NOT MAKE SENSE AT ALL.

    Since this is suppose to be a PvP server, why not host some unique and fun Race vs Race / Legion vs Legion / Group vs Group / X vs X (X being a certain number ie; 1 vs 1, 2 vs 2 and so on) events. Maybe a tournament for each character classes too like Gladiator vs Gladiator or Sorcerer vs Sorcerer and so on. Could also be from 4 main classes ie; Warrior vs Warrior or Mage vs Mage meaning it could be Gladiator vs Templar or Spirit Master vs Sorcerer. A custom battleground with the same would also be nice.

    7. Concrete Information and Transparency
    Make sure to provide a concrete information for the players, let us know what are your plans, what's gonna be the game like and such. A good server will let it's players prepare for the upcoming developments and changes and would be as transparent as possible as it can. Who knows, we might have something good to add or we might have something in mind that could make the development faster or better.

    I still have so many things that I want to add but I'll cut it here for now to see how this thread will go because I don't want to waste my time and effort writing all I have in mind only find out that none, not even a single suggestion was implemented. I like Aion a lot but I do not have time to be playing retail so here I am on a private server and would be willing to give ideas to further improve the server if the right people will listen and you can see how serious I am on this just by reading everything that I've written up there.
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2012
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  14. pilonbe

    pilonbe Proficient

    Jun 12, 2011
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    All the intances work, MANY rare items what u can get from rewards (Coins), rewards for Coins like mithirls coins etc, get gold medals from fortress, Rare items from rewars (intances), pvp in Tiamarant core, find more players to server for pvp i think what 200-300 onlines in asmos, EXP rates increasend, Quest exp increased, ALL ITEMS CAN BE TRADE WHITOUT VIP that can help to everybody what only buy the vip for trade items, Item pak work for all the windonws (XP SP3),
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2012
  15. MayRon

    MayRon Proficient

    Jun 11, 2011
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    Be There When You Die
    Cheap skins for all the cool new stuff, instead of buying the real item just for the skin..
    Wing Remodeling, if possible..
    bugged skills be fixed..
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  16. Luvlee

    Luvlee Herp Derp

    Dec 14, 2010
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    I hope this thread is genuine and not just some superficial farce, implement some of these ideas please.

    It'd be nice if the following also were considered:

    - Enable the Morheim/Elten Rifts for level 55/60.No one realistically levels up their characters there, with mentoring...it's even easier. It's just a dead map. Also enable freefly in those areas (That free fly thread just...dead) an extra PvP 'map' might encourage people to get out and raid. For the flight PvPers who want a different scene from Teminon/Primum it might be nice for them.

    - Improve event prizes, come on enchant stones, like 50 scrolls and candies won't go far. The tournament prizes aren't that much better than normal ones. There isn't much incentive to join events so people stick to zerging/afking.

    APP/GPP or EAT/EGT sets or weapons as prizes isn't gonna trifle donations >.> Heck handing out an ABG weapon or a special remodel (Veille, Sema/Padma, crafted stuff as skins) in big events isn't gonna hurt, especially since better EAC stuff are out ABG is even more redundant.

    - Particular emphasis on the other suggestions: Battlegrounds, more staff at each time zone, DROPS (let people have more than SW/Udas/Anuhart), Isin's suggestion about the medals (it was a great help to my legion mates back then who were just starting, quite fun too...moving fort to fort with your faction taking forts and defending against asmo - true abyss PvP back then).
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  17. Vhinzanity

    Vhinzanity Proficient

    Apr 14, 2011
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    i would like to add that i hope chain sets in 3.0 and future patch can wearable also by glad..cause im using 2 main char glad and chanter,,im not that rich to buy both sets for my 2 chars,,thnx! :D
  18. Destiny

    Destiny ✮The Hoarder✮

    Jan 3, 2011
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    Perhaps adding the command to reset quests to players or just SAM? Of course this can have a negative side as some people would try to abuse it (especially the eltnen/morheim teleportation quests), however this can be prevented if the command is tweaked as to be used on campaign quests only? It can also be used only on active quests, as to prevent reward reaping from already completed quests.
    It would help tremendously to new players being stuck on some bugged quests (which would be later fixed in an update, or old players such as myself being stuck with them for a year or so <.<. It would also reduce the amount of /w i have to send to Vildil every month asking whether he can reset my quests or not <.<.
  19. Awoken

    Awoken Expert Forum Legend

    Jul 31, 2011
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    * Remove the dailly sell kinah limit on npcs (So low lvl players can get more kinah).

    * Like Isin mentioned about the forts in abyss to gain/farm gold medals.

    * Make all the old instances and new instances work.

    * Remove the pots and manastones in the cloud trader shop (1.5k Toll for manastones 10x = ridiculous just remove it).

    * Make costumes cheaper in the end it's just to remodel and 1k for customes is to much should be like 500.

    * Do something about dupers.

    * Remove the langauge filter from both races , neutral zones in 3.0 have no sense if you can't chill and talk there.

    * Make dark poeta easyer, even abg people die in there mega OP monsters.

    * Make a new starter pack for beginners like lvl 30 abyss armor and acces with a tahabata weapon and some wings.

    i'l update this when i got some more things i can think off.
    5 people like this.
  20. MayRon

    MayRon Proficient

    Jun 11, 2011
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    Be There When You Die
    I would like to add 1 more.. if possible allow Account Transfer from Gamez to Crystal, but no vise versa XD.. since we want more players on Crystal..

    I really wanna transfer my account there, if possible
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