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[Forum Event] Christmas Stories!

Discussion in 'Events Archive' started by Alente, Dec 11, 2012.

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  1. Vhinzanity

    Vhinzanity Proficient

    Apr 14, 2011
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    Again we are celebrating a day that we called "Christmas" some says it's the birth of our savior "Jesus Christ.. some think of it also of "Sharing or Giving gifts to our love ones..But what really is Christmas? I guess no one can really define it,,only our "Hearts" can say what it is or can express it,,

    They say
    give "Love on Christmas day,,when u can give it everyday,,share it to everybody..

    Giving gifts and exchanging cards..when u can give your extra cloth,toys and foods to those to who really in needs it..

    So everyday must be a Christmas day to experience it all? NOPE!
    Just by giving only what can u offer will do..Our Lord GOD would be more happier to see if people will do that instead of celebrating, preparing, and spending your money just to feel the essence of "Christmas"..
    I can't say that i'm a good person that i help the poor(coz im not rich i strive also just to eat),,but i can extend my help to those who are worth helping for..

    So i'm hoping evrybody would continue to respect love their parents..even if they were bad persons,,still GOD made them for you care for them..Lets just be thankful of wat we have right now and be more patient to work hard until we reach our own goals in life,,
    Have a Merry Christmas to everyone..hope to be more blessed to share to others,,
    Server: Siel
    Race: Asmo
    IGN: Vhinzanity

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  2. Barbieegirl

    Barbieegirl New Member

    Oct 31, 2012
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    Five little evergreens
    outside in a row.

    The first one said,
    "Let's look at the snow."

    The second one said,
    "Oh-oh, it's getting cold."
    The third one said,
    "Christmas is coming so I'm told."

    The fourth one said,
    "I hope someone decorates me."

    The fifth one said,
    "We'll just have to wait and see."

    Merry Xmas:))

    From Lumiel, Barbieegirl
    Last edited: Dec 12, 2012
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  3. Zeenki

    Zeenki Señor Citizen

    Sep 24, 2012
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    Middle East
    Christmas means for me is a annual Christian festival celebrating Christ's birth, held on December 25 all around the world (Love-Peace-Joy-& unity-)

    (Feel the Christmas on my Story)
    ok let me start :)
    I looked at the gift. It looked SO different than the others under the tree. It was so carefully wrapped and even had a ribbon tied in a bow. In rich red paper it was beautiful! THIS gift was larger than the others too. Something was missing… It didn’t have a name on it. I couldn't ask whose it was; it seemed too special. I just looked in wonder. Just having it under the tree added something special to Christmas.

    That Christmas, along with other holidays, was not special. Holidays, in my home, were filled with lots of drinking.

    Drinking always led to yelling. . .

    Yelling led to fights. . .

    Fights sometimes went beyond words . . .

    In our home the “special” had been lost in holiday events. This Christmas in particular was framed in angry discussions of job loss and financial stress. I overheard a lot.

    The GIFT was so mysterious; it was a blaze of red color in my black and white world. It captured my mind.

    I could hardly contain myself as the time came to open presents! I am the youngest of four. Presents were handed out in order, oldest to youngest. Each time another gift was handed out the anticipation built.

    It did not go to my sister. . .

    My oldest brother did not get it. . .

    My middle brother was given the box next to it. . .

    Next, my mom’s hand reached for THE gift . . . my world went into slow motion when she handed THE mysterious, beautifully wrapped gift to me! For just a moment I didn’t move. Maybe it was a mistake… then I saw the hidden tag; it said, “To Mike from Santa.” It was real. It was for me. My fingers began to un-wrap the box; I was still in disbelief. As the paper fell away, I could hardly believe my eyes; a brand new pair of black ice skates. New for ME! Being the youngest boy with two older brothers almost nothing was new coming to me. Now right in front of me were brand new shiny ice skates.

    I remember nothing else of that day beyond skating up and down the ice covered country roads. I was the only one thankful for the recent ice storm! In the next few days, I’m sure I must have broken some world record for the distance skated by a 9 year old boy.

    That gift lifted me out of a fog. I’m not sure what I would label the fog. Maybe it was the expectation that somehow Christmas should be special. Maybe it was TV or maybe comments I heard at school but somehow I thought Christmas should be a special time. The mysterious gift made that Christmas the most memorable of my childhood. I never found out who “Santa” was. I wish I could say, “Thank you” and let them know how much that gift meant. Someone’s kindness made a significant impact and a memorable Christmas.

    I now know there is another mysterious gift that makes Christmas special. Often it is missed in the busyness, emotion or misplaced focus of the season. This gift has removed the fog of despair that had a grip on my life. This mysterious gift came in the form of a baby born in a stable. When I consider that Jesus left the perfection of heaven, it is almost incomprehensible. He came to walk the planet He created. Each day, His heart was broken by the people he came to serve. He did this for nine year old boys. All this is wonderful, mysterious and beautiful. What a gift. Since I do know THIS gift giver, I can say “Thank you” for a life changing gift.

    ( Thanks guys for reading my story i hope you enjoy it )

    Merry Christmas Everyone!

    Race: Asmodians
    IGN: Iconic
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  4. pricejah

    pricejah Getting there

    Jul 14, 2012
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    my short story last year..enjoy reading it...^__^

    It was a bright December morning, several weeks before Christmas, and I was out at our front yard. I saw children making rounds, singing carols. Numerous people, from garbage collectors, electricity and telephone bill collection agents, to people from different sects, were roaming around giving envelopes, hoping for a generous donation. But several things bothered me: business was down, and the scenario of not having a bright Christmas hangs over my head. I still haven’t done shopping for gifts, and I haven’t planned what to eat on our ‘Noche Buena’. The Christmas lights and lanterns need to be fixed, or worse, replaced. Things like these gave me a headache.....Christmas....

    A boy suddenly appeared at the gate. He was thin and wore shabby clothes. He wore no slippers and he was holding a sack. He was a garbage scavenger. He asked if I have some plastic bottles or old newspapers to be sold to the junk shop. Even though I felt a little bit irritated, I was amused and jokingly asked him of what Christmas meant to him. He looked far away but said in a loud and joyous manner “Christmas is grace! Money! There’s plenty of money...because there’s so many garbage!!!”

    I was surprised at his reply. Here I was, worrying and having a hard time while this boy was full of excitement and enthusiasm. I was so out of focus that I forgot the real meaning of Christmas. I equated it with gift-giving, food, more spending, while the boy equated Christmas with GRACE! I felt ashamed. I forgot the most important thing. Christmas is Jesus’ birthday! I forgot the most important message of all. I forgot about L-O-V-E........

    As I was pondering on it, the boy stood up, starting to leave. I told him to wait, and grabbed the old tin cans, newspapers, plastics and other items I collected and gave it to him for free. He was surprised and was so happy. The sack was full, and I told him to go and sell it immediately. He didn’t bother to thank me but I didn’t mind. In fact, I was thankful, because it took another poor boy again, like the poor baby in the manger, to open my ‘eyes’ to remember the true message of Christmas…

    I can tell that we don’t have to wait for Christmas. We don’t have to pass the time to smile, to share, to repent, to forgive and most of all, to love. We can do it every day. And as we celebrate the season of Advent, let us be like the garbage boy, full of excitement and joy as we remember the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ . … MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL!!! ^__^

    Server: Siel
    IGN: Huilen
    Race: Elyos

    Last edited: Dec 12, 2012
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  5. shengpot20

    shengpot20 New Member

    Dec 12, 2012
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    It was the night before Christmas and we’re livin in Philippines
    The holidays are a little different here, let me tell you how

    We ain’t got no chimney, but we don’t care
    There’s snow and it’s cold back home, why would we want to be there?

    We’re all really happy, just not in our beds
    It’s Noche Buena tonight, and the food is what’s in our heads

    Mama’s doin the cookin’ and I’m taking a nap
    Hey, it’s hot here, I have no more energy to tap

    But outside the gate there arose a big clatter
    I even woke up, better go see what’s the matter

    Christmas Carolers – at first I thought it was funny
    But then they said – “sir, where is my money?”

    The carolers kept singin, I didn’t care for the sound
    But, if I didn’t give money, they would stay around

    I gave a few pesos, and the singers were leaving now
    Then suddenly I saw Santa’s sleigh, and it was pulled by carabao!

    I took a second look to make sure I had nothing to fret
    Yep, it was Santa, but he was dripping in sweat!

    The carabao were slow and clumsy as to the earth they came
    I realized that Santa was Filipino when he called them by name!

    “Now Ding, hey Inday, Dong and Girlie;
    On Jun, on Piter on Maria and Shirley!

    Land there by the coconut tree, what are you drinkin?
    There ain’t no chimney in the Philippines, what the heck are you thinkin?”

    A few coconuts fell as the sleigh passed by the tree
    If I was standing there, the coconuts might have hit me!

    The carabao made a u-turn right up in the sky
    When they landed, I noticed they left a few carabao pie!

    I ran to the house to tell Mama what’s happening
    But I saw that the kids were already singing and clapping

    When I got to the house, I saw Santa eating our food
    Was Noche Buena early this year, or was Santa just being rude?

    Santa was dressed all in fur, no wonder he was sweaty
    Hey, he is being rude, he just ate all the sweet spaghetti!

    A bundle of durian he had flung on his back
    Maybe he’d leave some, for it would lighten his pack

    But then Santa laughed and it shook his belly
    For he knew that the durian this year were quite smelly

    Because of the smell he put a plug on his nose
    It seemed like his visit might be coming to a close

    Before leaving he started looking around
    He tip toed around and did not make a sound

    As he snuck around he tripped and almost fell
    But then he was happy, he found the San Miguel!

    He was chubby and plump, so he had a San Mig Light
    I thought to myself – that was alright!

    A wink of his eye, and a twist of the cap
    If he drank too much, he might need a nap!

    But he drank just one bottle, then went straight to his work
    He opened two durian and then turned with a jerk

    He heard a bit of a sound and for a moment he froze
    Then he ran for the door, he was quick on his toes

    He jumped in his sleigh and gave the carabao a whistle
    But it took a few whips before they took off like a missile

    But I heard him exclaim as he went out of sight
    Merry Christmas Everybody :)

    Race: Elyos
    Server: Siel
    IGN: Allojah (ranger)
    Last edited: Dec 12, 2012
  6. Badrobot

    Badrobot SNU SNU

    Aug 17, 2010
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    Server: Siel
    Name: Cazar
    Last edited: Dec 12, 2012
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  7. Daedelus

    Daedelus New Member

    Oct 17, 2012
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    I hear you say it’s time to cheer
    Santa is coming, looking rather queer
    Presents galore, Santa has a full sack
    He comes down the chimney
    or gets through a crack

    That naughty Santa gets in your house
    You never notice, as quiet as a mouse
    Mince pies and whisky it’s what it’s about
    Santa drinks them and it gives him a clout

    It’s time to leave so he empties his sack with a heave,
    It’s a relief and Santa is on his way
    Rudolf with his nose so bright
    Has just done a poo in line of sight

    Happy Christmas one and all

  8. ade

    ade ♥ Fashionista ♥ Forum Legend

    Nov 11, 2010
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    This is my story <3

    Christmas is the time when everyone gathers together and celebrates, and because it is also a public holiday, it is the best time for me to meet up with my secondary school friends. We had not met for a long time since every one of us graduated from secondary school. I was looking forward to it on Christmas Eve.

    I went shopping, spend lots of time and effort getting clothes, make ups, accessories and of course presents for everyone (i really enjoyed it XD). I wanted to let them have the best impression of me.

    I met up with my friends in a restaurant. We had a long chatting session and we had lots of fun (brings back memories ><). I never realized i had a total of 9 miss call from my mother, until about 9pm when i was on my way home. ‘Why is she calling me when my curfew is to reach home before 11pm? I guess she must be thinking that i had forgotten about her, ha ha silly <3.’ I talked to myself as i looked at my hand phone. I didn't bother to call back since i was reaching home soon.

    My mother and i used to spend our Christmas Eve together as my father is working overseas and his schedule doesn’t allows him to come back (yes even on Christmas), well you can say that he is also a workaholic (;/). He often says it’s because he want us to have a better life but i used to blame him for not spending enough time with us (not anymore and sorry daddy <3). It had always been my wish to spend each and every festive season together as a family.

    When i reached home, i was surprised. My parents, both my father and mother were waiting for me to have our Christmas Eve reunion dinner. I was happy yet ashamed as i burst into tears while running into my room (i didn’t know how to face them, what to say, i was enjoying my dinner with my friends and my parents were both waiting for me at home, to make it worst my daddy came back specially to celebrate with me for the first time). I thought they would be angry at me.

    However my mother came into my room after awhile, and whispered, 'I'm here if you need me alright? You can tell me everything and anything'. I hugged her immediately and i cried even more while saying, ‘I’m sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, I’m sorry’. She kissed me on my forehead and asked, ‘Sweetie are you ok? Don’t worry mommy’s here’. At that point of time i really hated myself. My parents didn’t blame me for not picking up the phone and waited for me on an empty stomach just to fulfil one of my wishes, to celebrate as a family. I really appreciated that (I love you mummy and daddy).

    Treasure the ones you love, when times of need they will always be there for you. Be sure to love, show more concern, care for them as your parents are the ones who cares for you more than anyone in this world.

    Hope you guys like my story <3

    Server - Siel
    Character name – Pinkabelle
    Fraction - Elyos
    Class - Cleric
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  9. Ddraig

    Ddraig Steel of Destiny

    May 16, 2012
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    -Codex file: 326 - fragment-

    -Walking through the snow seeing a giant structure that resembled a shape of several triangles piled one upon the other, with glowing things spread in the sky high; fluttering and expanding like the power of the gods that seemingly abandoned us years ago. The question of the belief was always a secondary priority, focusing only in the wonders and horrors that would be inflicted upon the world. So it was decided that the engines were ready to ignite to throws us to the wonders of the lights, with a force that wasn´t expected the distance to the top was shortened and the lights were there to dazzle and blind us in joy. The neo Titanium alloy of the frame supported the powerful G-forces that were strained upon it every time a hazardous maneuver was performed with a precise degree of accuracy, circling the mega structure that shined with a majestic presence.

    Upon the top it was clear that the lights pointed up to a place even further in the cosmos; maintaining the altitude via a hovering motion, and stabilizing the position via the Arms that worked as side rudder stabilizer, it was possible to gaze the magnitude of the world spread further away. On the sky, the black sensation of vastness that was not visible even with the almighty glow that the structure provided and pointed to that void, made us fell in the realization that we were still to naive to pretend venturing there, the dangers would simply makes us fail and probably never return, even with the technology that was in posession, the mighty of our weapons, the fury of our reactors, and the will of our people; there still places to were we couldn´t go, at least, not now. That is were the gods were when they abandoned us? Of course, no one could answer that, no one wanted to either.

    Performing a roll, the engines kicked once again, plummeting us to the ground that was still a place no free from danger, an alarm ringed out advising of highly explosive weaponry ready to be fired upon unconfirmed locations. The danger was ever present when those things flew in the sky, until then we had no idea was we were attacking or defending against, and even if rarely there were to happen a retaliation, the purpose was still muddled in high command minds that put us in alert every time it happened. The thermal sensor rang with force when a large exhaust energy signature was expanded, even at the distance the screens were burnt by the intensity of it; even stronger than the engines of our Core system, it was escaping the trap of gravity at an even further pace that we could even dream of. A few seconds later another one was launched, and another, and another; a few moments later, further away in the heavens the first explosion of those devastating weapons was seen, the sheer power of the explosion made the earth rumble and the night turn into day for the shortest of moments. How many have perished on that brutal onslaught? The next one exploded in the same fashion, the attack lasted for several minutes, a total devastation was inflicted towards and enemy that was not identified. As someone that is not in High Command chain, knowing the real intentions of our actions was still something we weren´t allowed to, silently we watched the lights going on an on, wondering what was beyond that we needed to attack in such a fashion. Loosing the sense of time, we realized that our fuel was running low, that we needed to return, soon system will go off and there was the danger of being stranded in here. So we turned around once again to the mega structure that kept our hopes that all of those dangers outside weren´t going to meet us anytime soon.

    Softly landing in the hangar, our machine took a crouched position allowing us to disembark, being greeted by our loved ones after the adventure was a joy, food and warm was provided. The day was over and our mission was completed, for now. The red lights followed us and a happy joy was given when that night ended and a the new day begun. They said that because we did good, we were given presents and incentives to continue our mission in the future, with the hopes of protecting this place for the years to come.

    It was not a surprise that we felt tired after all that, soon after we were driven to our resting zone and we drift off to the realm of the dreams, but with the constant feeling of what all of this meant was not just this; it was for a greater reason that we failed to understand until many years after... The hope and belief that we can always dream for magic, fantasy and love. Even if misplaced in our greed, as long we are able to share it, even if only one time in the Gregorian year, maybe it would be enough to sooth our gray and boring days.

    That was day was called in the Codex -Christmas-


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  10. Vildiil

    Vildiil Hit em with a 100 round clip Forum Legend

    Aug 23, 2010
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    Fort Myers, Florida, USA
    What Christmas is to me:

    Christmas to me was normally a depressing holiday, one filled with sorrow and pain, rather than joyous smiles and family. When I was little, mom and dad would cry for hours, and I being a child I never could come to understand why until later on in years, when they'd explained that I had an older sister that'd passed away on Christmas day, the year I was born, not even a month afterwords. They wouldn't get my younger sister or myself any gifts, or do anything festive with us, and would sit home and console themselves in several bottles of alcohol or through several joints. Stoned and drunk out of their minds would be one of the only things to numb the pain, the other being to blame me and call me a curse to life, even to the day.

    It wasn't until I'd moved away from them and spent my first Christmas with Ashtar and her family until I realized what Christmas was supposed to be about. I'd always thought it was a miserable day, and when I got to spend the time with her and her family I learned that It was supposed to be about spending time with loved ones, a joyous holiday where we celebrate the year past, watch the kids open gifts and play with them, and really so much more that I can't put into words.

    I find that the older I get, the more I still have to learn about everything, and I'm grateful that Ash deals with me while I wander down this path.


    I'm not including myself for any prizes, thus why no characters are listed. Simply felt that I should write something to say what it means.
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  11. lafitness88

    lafitness88 I LOL at hackers

    Aug 17, 2010
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    United States Of America
    wow, nice entries so far good luck to you all... Ill right something later =)
  12. publinext

    publinext Proficient

    Dec 12, 2010
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    What Christmas is to me:

    Well.. Christmas for me is..share with my mom..the food she cook..the gift she gave to me.. the memories i had...and stay with her all nigh long..since i was young i was alone with her always, and i will be there for her even if i ide first..

    Many people say im like a Grench but i dont care if i do what i like to do..or if i am with i want to be..

    BTW..before Christmas i go and drink with my friends but that is not mu christmas..


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  13. danni619

    danni619 New Member

    Dec 12, 2012
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    Bertie was a very good boy. He was kind, obedient, truthful, and unselfish. He had, however, one great fault,—he always forgot.

    No matter how important the errand, his answer always was, "I forgot." When he was sent with a note to the dress-maker his mother would find the note in his pocket at night. If he was sent to the store in a great hurry, to get something for tea, he would return late, without the article, but with his usual answer.

    His father and mother talked the matter over, and decided that something must be done to make the little boy remember.

    Christmas was near, and Bertie was busy making out a list of things which Santa Claus was to bring him.

    "Santa Claus may forget some of those things," said his mother.

    "He cannot," replied Bertie; "for I shall write sled, and skates, and drum, and violin, and all the things on this paper. Then when Santa Claus goes to my stocking he will find the list. He can see it and put the things in as fast as he reads."

    Christmas morning came, and Bertie was up at dawn to see what was in his stocking. His mother kept away from him as long as she could, for she knew what Santa Claus had done.
    Finally she heard him coming with slow steps to her room. Slowly he opened the door and came towards her. He held in his hand a list very much longer than the one he had made out. He put it in his mother's hand, while tears of disappointment fell from his eyes.

    "See what Santa Claus left for me; but I think he might have given me one thing besides."

    His mother opened the roll. It was a list of all the errands Bertie had been asked to do for six months. At the end of all was written, in staring capitals, "I FORGOT."

    Bertie wept for an hour. Then his mother told him they were all going to grandpa's. For the first time he would see a Christmas-tree. Perhaps something might be growing there for him.

    It was very strange to Bertie, but on grandpa's tree he found everything he had written on his list. Was he cured of his bad habit? Not all at once; but when his mother saw that he was particularly heedless she would say, "Remember, Santa Claus does not forget."

  14. amutochan

    amutochan New Member

    Apr 19, 2012
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    You will find the road to Christmas
    Where your hopes and dreams come true,
    And your heart will know the magic
    That the season brings to you.

    There's a beauty when it's Christmas,
    All the world is different then,
    There's no place for petty hatredIn the hearts and minds of men.
    That is why my heart is happy,
    And my mind can hold a dream,
    For I keep a part of ChristmasWith its peace and joy supreme.

    So glorious and so brigh...Reach for an angel high on a star,she sends you Christmas wherever you are...happy christmas everyone.


    Last edited: Dec 13, 2012
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  15. alex_sasuke

    alex_sasuke New Member

    Apr 19, 2012
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    [h=2]It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas[/h]

    It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas
    Ev'rywhere you go;
    Take a look in the five and ten glistening once again
    With candy canes and silver lanes aglow.
    It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas
    Toys in ev'ry store
    But the prettiest sight to see is the holly that will be
    On your own front door.

    A pair of hopalong boots and a pistol that shoots
    Is the wish of Barney and Ben;
    Dolls that will talk and will go for a walk
    Is the hope of Janice and Jen;
    And Mom and Dad can hardly wait for school to start again.
    It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas
    Ev'rywhere you go;
    There's a tree in the Grand Hotel, one in the park as well,
    The sturdy kind that doesn't mind the snow.
    It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas;
    Soon the bells will start,
    And the thing that will make them ring is the carol that you sing
    Right within your heart.

    Merry Christmas

    Have fun this Christmas everyone, take a look around but spend your time playing Gamez Aion . xD=)

    Server: Siel
    Elyos:Alex :3

  16. Miasol

    Miasol do u even lift bro? Forum Legend

    Feb 27, 2011
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    Vancouver B.C
    Twas the month after Christmas and all through the house Nothing would fit me, not even a blouse. The cookies I'd nibbled, the eggnog I'd taste. All the holiday parties had gone to my waist. When I got on the scales there arose such a number! When I walked to the store (less a walk than a lumber). I'd remember the marvelous meals I'd prepared; The gravies and sauces and beef nicely rared, The wine and the rum balls, the bread and the cheese And the way I'd never said, "No thank you, please." As I dressed myself in my husband's old shirt And prepared once again to do battle with dirt I said to myself, as I only can "You can't spend a winter disguised as a man!" So--away with the last of the sour cream dip, Get rid of the fruitcake, every cracker and chip Every last bit of food that I like must be banished Till all the additional ounces have vanished. I won't have a cookienot even a lick. I'll want only to chew on a long celery stick. I won't have hot biscuits, or corn bread, or pie, I'll munch on a carrot and quietly cry. I'm hungry, I'm lonesome, and life is a bore But isn't that what January is for? Unable to giggle, no longer a riot. Happy New Year to all and to all a good diet!

    IGN Penetrate
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2012
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  17. Invictis

    Invictis OutOfInsanityComesClarity Forum Legend

    Dec 23, 2010
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    in your dreams or nightmares, determined on a case
    Although it is not formally stated, copy/pasting stories and poems from other sources really defeats the purpose of the event. The ones that are original have a much higher chance of winning. We want you to share something of yourself, not of someone else. Keep'em coming....I'm excited to see what more entries will bring!
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  18. Puddles

    Puddles Tͮh͌̀ͩe̅̋̔̓ͣ̎͟ ̔ͫ̈́̾ͩG͗́̓o͐̍d̊̊̄d͑̔̎͑ ̋̾͏e ̏̏ͬ͌s̶s͛ Forum Legend

    Dec 29, 2010
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    Behind You
    Oh boys!! Plagiarism!!

    Really good stories and poems here. Some good creative people and heartfelt words. <3 <3 <3
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  19. Awoken

    Awoken Expert Forum Legend

    Jul 31, 2011
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    Don't know if this will count as a story or will get a prize but this is what is Christmas for me

    Short and simple:

    Warm at home with my family and the christmas three shining almighty.
    Recieving presents but also giving out presents having a nice meal with a nice desert.
    No work and last but not least i just love all the christmas theme in shopping streets and in real life it's just amazing Everyone being nice to eachother etc =D...

    Merry Christmas already to everyone at gamez network altough it's a week to early even a bit more =P

    PS: I Didn't feel like copying some random poem from google rly =P u asked what we think of christmas and here is my answer :D


    Last edited: Dec 13, 2012
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  20. iulian987

    iulian987 Retired

    Feb 4, 2012
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    Christmas is one of the most important events per year.
    It's not resumed on gifts & other material things , it's focused on the time spend in family and with the loved people.
    Also , it doesn't matters what kind of gift you recive or you give , the gesture is the one who only matters , representing respect for each other.
    The main thing of Christmas represent the birthday celebration of our savior Jesus Christ who risked his life for us.
    An important part of Christmas, as well , is to be nice with the other people even if you don't like some of them , it gives you a better feeling & prolly have a better future with them.
    When i was younger i thought Christmas is the definition of reciving gifts & as well as all other people at they'r young stage though,but by the time we grew up and we realise more and more things & the real meaning of Christmas : Happines,Love,Unity & Forgiveness between people and our Savior's celebration.

    Server : Siel
    Race : Elyos
    IGN: Nunchaku
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