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- need someone who knows a lot of history- american history/racism

Discussion in 'Old Threads' started by Avaliable, Jan 26, 2013.

  1. Avaliable

    Avaliable YIC - INACTIVE

    Aug 20, 2012
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    Well.. I am kinda searching about ULCA and ANPPC & end of the slave thing on EUA and the war North - South(?
    I tried to find stuff on google about it but nothing there about the ULCA and ANPPC so I dont really know if it really exists or no but it appeared on a movie named A time to kill (we saw it at philosophy classes and i must do a work about it so I decided i would abord that theme (racism and american history) ), thats why I came here, I need someone who really know about those things without any jokes or cussing.
    I am also searching about Ku Klux Klan a group that appears on the movie (creepy one).

    AAAlso i have a question to make.. What do you think that can justify that racism that marks the justice and the society of Canton-Mississipi on 80s 90s ? On my opinion it can't be justified but I wanted to check other opinions.

    Another question.. well imagine there is a man which daughter gets raped and sexually abused by 2 guys that after abusing her, piss on her, kick her, spank her and throw her from a bridge and she survives (can never have kids again) kills those mans with cold blood because he is afraid that those guys wil do that over and over again and will never be judged and that guy who killed those 2 guys gets free and will not go to jail.
    Do you agree with his freedom?
    for those who didnt saw the movie and wanna check, this is the last argument that the layer gives to free the man that made justice with his own hands..

    Would be lovely if we discussed about that, i think its really hard to give a concrete answer but I would love to know yours..
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2013
  2. Vyxen

    Vyxen British Accent Master Forum Legend

    Nov 5, 2012
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    there's very few justice nowadays, even though the law differs from country to country. I understand what the dad did for her daughter, that's why I do not feel he did wrong. Many killers are free even though they committed the worst crimes ever, and innocent people are sometimes judged guilty for lack of proofs witnessing their innocence, sadly going to jail. Self-justice is not the solution for minor cases, but I do not condemn those people who acted like the dad in the movie. His act is a sort of self-revenge indeed, but in some cases the lack of justice make those people act like that, choosing the way of self-justice which is understandable in particular cases.
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  3. Vyxen

    Vyxen British Accent Master Forum Legend

    Nov 5, 2012
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    Bump this up, pls guys reply to this thread!
  4. Vyxen

    Vyxen British Accent Master Forum Legend

    Nov 5, 2012
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    Bump this up, pls guys reply to this thread! :sad:
  5. LightSpike

    LightSpike Unlimited Ego

    Nov 6, 2012
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    The center of the universe

    Morally this is pretty much legit... If I was in his shoes I would not only kill them. I'll kill them, revive them, then kill them again, then decapitate the bodies and feed them to some local farm pigs @ night. But before all that I'll torture in ways I would never reveal to anybody to retrieve all the info I need to hunt their families, their friends, their political idols, their whole life. I'll kill everything they hold dear to the very last god forsaken kid toy. Nobody's gonna touch my daughter and get away with it. NOBODY!

    Btw if you think this is a joke think again... I almost killed certain someone for slapping my gf back in high school. I have no problem killing people if there is a just cause to it. And this situation you provide for sample, pretty much gives that guy the right to judge them by the old ways. Why? Cause beating somebody is one thing. Sexual harrassment and abuse is completely different one. No law can give back what the girl lost... and jail is not fitting punishment for the crime they did. But that's only my point of view on the case.
    Last edited: Jan 27, 2013
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  6. Ddraig

    Ddraig Steel of Destiny

    May 16, 2012
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    When people reach adulthood and became a useful part of society, they implicitly agree to follow the laws that the society they live in abides to. That is, they are not the law, unless they become part of mechanism that enforces the law on others. Under that implicit accord that everyone takes, defying it by a form of personal justice, even if the given circumstances are justified and even defendable, the person must be punished; that person would have avenged her daughter suffering and tortured future that will be ahead of her, but must by all means necessary make himself accountable for his actions. The law does not make amends by our emotions and reasons, it simple react to our actions.

    Ideally that is what I think, but I hardly think that I would stay calm and quiet if my mother, girlfriend, wife or daughter were to be abused in such a way. Its more likely that I would look for all the ways and means possible to capture the guy alive and have my time with him. Then no problem, I turn myself into the law to become accountable for my actions.

    Those are pretty hard examples, and most likely the worst that life might put you through, the law as it is now does not have the tools to respond to such acts towards the people that suffers the lost. But even so, we are supposed to follow it, but there is a threshold that a person can take in such circumstances. I wouldnt blame him and most likely I would even praise him, but he needs to be processed as he should for his acts. The "Justice" is blind for a reason.
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