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Spider Solution

Discussion in 'Media' started by Mirriada, Jan 13, 2013.

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  1. Mirriada

    Mirriada Getting there

    Oct 8, 2011
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    Northern Ireland
    It began like a regular morning, like hundreds of those I´ve already seen before in my life... in a life of a Daeva under the service of Vidar, brute force, clement mind- a witchers life.
    When I walked trough the Great Hall, I was wondering in what matter Vidar summoned me today. It must be a special job, for not much of mine orders are presented to me by him personally.
    Vidar seemed somewhat different from the way I used to know him. Maybe something worries him, although most likely it´s none of my business flashed trough my mind, as I walked towards him.
    ´Aion watch over you, Governor´ my voice broke the silence as I kneeled before him awaiting more significant signs of his current mood.
    ´Stand up, Mirriada. Sadly, I have news for you that surely won´t make anyone happy. Express letter arrived last night from Desert Garrison in Morheim. We´ve known about this problem for a long time, but now it grows even stronger. Maybe we were too afraid to make a move, but now we can wait no longer. Octakus minions are spreading more and more away of her lair everyday. The Kentari village is already under constant attacks, and soon they shall cross the desert and attack the garrison. Maybe you wonder, why I am not sending some assasin or ranger, who are certainly more skilled in shadowwalking...well, the answer is- we dont have many soldiers able to find their way in those caves, and as former guard of Desert Garrison, you surely know more about Octakus lair than anyone else of us. I am sending you with great expectations and I hope you will return to us. May Azphel watch over you, daeva.´

    My mood went down with every Vidars word. Although I had everything I shall need for this mission, I was not certain if I will ever see Pandaemonium again...

    There surely isn´t a lot of more distastefull and dangerous places in entire Atreia- I wasn´t even certain if there is any, than the lair of this bestial overgrown spider. However, Vidar gave this mission to me with great expectations and nice reward was granted, so I had no doubt I am up for this task.
    I said to myslef...why not...when I can only make profit of this. I´m a Daeva- one more death will not kill me. I left Pandaemonium well geared and prepared, leading straight to Morheim desert.

    I don´t know why I feel so tired after every flight... but on the other hand, who would rather walk the entire way... and the sound of falling coins is so luring- I can hear it even now. After landing at the desert garrison, I gave myself a quick rest, warmup and then I walked straight to the lair. Some people are even afraid of little spiders and meeting a bigger one is deadly for them, some people are afraid of bigger spiders, but one thing is for sure- meeting with Octanu is deadly for everyone, because she is a bit... out of range.

    I passed by a rock wall with crashed Shugo airship and continued following the road next to the cliff. I noticed the deadly silence which suddenly spreaded around me. The only sound I heard was freezing wind blowing trough the wretched canvas- maybe to remind me, how high is the price for failure in this land. I found myself standing at the edge of cliff staring into the black cave, which seemed pretty scary. I slowly touched the handle of my polearm with sweated hand and walked forward. I was instantly breathed by a hideous smell- luckily it wasn´t my pants yet.

    Only my heartbeat echoed in evil silence and my guts were constricting of tension. Hand on hilt, eyes scouting round. There was nothing around me but grotesquely twisted trees- I would maybe rather stand in front of the spider than this silent creepy hole. It lured me... come in and you willl never walk out again!

    I entered fearlessly. The image of golden glow was way stronger than fear of having my body fluids sucked out alive. An Elyos would be already bugged up from this... and they won´t even walk in this cave. I laughed on my own ideas, giving myself courage. I quickly looked into the corridor on the right. My Asmodian eyes used to dark, long nights recognized bunch of creatures in scale near to a table. Unfortunately, their eyes were used exactly to this place. I drew the polearm. In jiff, I made two smaller ones from the first one and the second received blow from grace after I cut of its legs. That wasn´t a horrible fight at all I continued searching my objective. Some small spider creeped under my legs- I mercilessly treaded it down.
    Sticky fluid squirted out and its legs exploded all around. I smiled harshly...
    In next corridor I found something similar to Octanu herself- atleast if the stories about her shape were true. However, it was way too small for her. Maybe a young queen? I thought I must notice this when I get out of here- for them to see I took my job seriously and I maybe destroyed a future threat.

    Couple of arrows from an Elyos bow was enough to bring it down. As I heard, all the vermin here are Octanus children (how she does it, I rather don´t want to know), anyway it is certain that when I get to her, she will be pretty shirty... but why not to harm her even more?

    Some corridors and caves were absolutely empty- however I heard patting of hundreds of little legs all the time- I was constantly looking back- the vision of eightlegged monster biting me lovingly in the neck hadn´t really seemed ardoring to me. I met two smaller Octanus and a group of unpleasantly overgrown centipedes. When I was certain that there was no more of this vermit left, I leaded to the last cave. My instinct hadn´t disappointed me- as always. It was the largest cave- the queens cave. I walked in, only a couple of steps and then I saw her- in strip of light coming trough a transom, a disgusting body grown into great scale, towering ominously- indeed a true queen of all nightmares. I gathered all my power treasured just for her, activated power shards made of aether to maximize my strength in this fight and to gain even more power, quickly drank out some shugo potion. I was ready.

    And the rest... nothing worth mentioning. Queen Octanu, that damn beast... she went down quickly after trapping her in aether cage. Nasty nyerk- after that all I hoped for a challenging fight- so much frustration only for...wait? Eeee...for kinah!
    Of course the fight was epic and I even managed to stop the possibility of new queen raising. I will be forever known as a hero and protector for locals- maybe for many more human generations- and that surely is how it should be, haha.

    This is a story I wrote like half a year ago while playing NA aion...maybe you are wondering why is it an asmo story...well I play both factions :) hope you liked it, more will be coming soon probably.
  2. iulian987

    iulian987 Retired

    Feb 4, 2012
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    Ur really enjoyin aion don't ya?:d
  3. kaylee_book

    kaylee_book New Member

    Aug 25, 2013
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    LOL above that sig make my day :p
  4. Homicide

    Homicide Predatory Templario! Forum Legend

    Mar 11, 2010
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    يً♥ Mahal kita ♥يً
    Nice one <3
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