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What about a bunch of poems?

Discussion in 'Media' started by Mirriada, Jan 17, 2013.

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  1. Mirriada

    Mirriada Getting there

    Oct 8, 2011
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    Northern Ireland
    Though most of my poems are originally in Slovak (my mothertongue) I slowly translate them and I also write (apart from short stories or better said portraits of what I see and what I feel) short poemic texts or poems dedicated to a certain writer or musician. In this thread I will introduce my poetry to you, and I hope some of you find it worth reading. Whether you have a negative or positive response in your mind, feel free to write it, I will appreciate any. The poems will be added chronologically and new ones will probably appear as well :) So there we go

    A storm is raging on the shore
    Though noone hears the ocean´s lore
    There is one man, in shadowfall
    Cursed for waiting eternal

    And yet he might not see behind
    The curtain of the cloudy skies
    A white ship may once come for him
    Gleaming harbringer of paradise
    (dedicated to J.R.R. Tolkien, first one)


    Once long ago travelling trough the fields
    From that time had passed many years
    I saw in thorns, weed and squalor
    A beautiful and stunning flower

    With colors played the stem, rainbow leaves reveling
    And above all of them, a crystal crown was towering
    Just like a oil pool of color
    Nectar was down it´s petals trickling
    I stood there amazed by it´s valor
    In crystal my own face was mirroring

    I stretched my hand- not to tear, but to care
    For who would ever wish to tear such beauty, who would dare?
    The petal crimson and then cyan keen
    In corolla a world of beauties unseen
    And oh, the scent- so heavy, fainting and charming
    Yet most lovably playful, soft and caring

    Blossom was speaking to me- come tomorrow to again witness
    The deep taste of nectar, the flower´s brightness
    Or just to admire it blowing in the wind
    Fall awake, asleep again, into my own mind
    And so I came again next morning, to see the flower prime
    But it had been gone long ago- someone torn it- perhaps time?

    After all, it was just an ordinary flower, wasn´t it?
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  2. Mirriada

    Mirriada Getting there

    Oct 8, 2011
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    Northern Ireland

    When storm gets dark above cities, villages near
    To all windows spreads freezing fear
    Fear beats hopes, desires and dreams
    Fear, *******, nameless and blind

    Clean your soul of ancient dirt
    We all are truly slaves of fear
    Although in society noone pleads
    Alone in dark everyone fears

    We fear of unknown, we fear of places darken
    We fear of our friends, we fear of children
    We fear of family, we fear of our lives
    The fear is spreading of underground severs

    Be fearless, hero, and face the darkness
    Only then you can find strong place in life
    Your desires wont be threaten by dark dreams anymore
    And your life will no more be fainted and sombre


    Slowly the sun rises above his land
    To be silent witness of sad moment
    Scene of ruin, of war, of vain
    Under hard marching land fell, lans of grain
    Bloody they tremble in easy gale
    There was a fight, in sleeptime pale

    Yes, it was dreaming, in it the force was born
    Darkened but still pure
    In Him the force was born of which the land apart is torn
    It destroyed, that is for sure

    Towers are ruined, walls keep on falling
    It seems that under them victims are breathing
    In honest praying to heaven last look
    For where only silence sounds they salvation hunger
    Salvation, grace for their souls, for souls of other
    For them there is nothing though, wanderers shaded

    Proud city will loose it´s crown in blood and silt
    Even the king will vanish, though power of his will
    for long has protected the city from murderers
    Outtake must been terrible, that´s how it seems
    The one that vanished all souls in streets

    But truth is different, yet noone percieves
    Only He above the city on mighty wings rises
    Alone he ascended above the victims cry
    To even hell´s gate with smile he will fly
    From darkened wings crimson is dripping
    Until the last drop finishes falling

    And with that drop the city is done
    For Him another journey had yet begun
    And sharply monstrous sound flies trough the land
    At His command earth torns and city dives in sand

    Thousand of innocent souls...
    Of danger they hadn´t tought
    As he flied towards the sun, tears dropped from his face
    The death was silent, as flight of dove
    Towards the sun on wings he leaps
    In pain, but with hope
    That one day all of hirs arrears
    will be refund
    And all what he destroyed, all what he burned
    All what he lost in suffering and gore
    All of them He...might...once...restore...

    Song for the moon

    In a land far away, in shade of mountain
    in dazzling embrace of a sheep herd
    in rich scent of birch skintan
    There lived a boy who I once loved

    For many years we´ve been together
    fulling what fate hadn´t gave us
    one day he passed away in suffer
    forever gone, no more he was

    I cried, lost hope, cursed and sweared
    Damned the Lord for taking him away
    for the great suffering I must have stand
    blinded by pain I ran far away

    But when ages passed and I had to die
    for my lifted curse punished was I
    destroyed by regrets had I to live on
    eternal life without him, never to be torn

    Even if ages pass and all starlight dies
    for my eyes your blight again shall rise

    Even if ages pass and wind of time will blow
    For me above the waves fullmoon will show
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  3. kaylee_book

    kaylee_book New Member

    Aug 25, 2013
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    I will arise and go now, and go to Innisfree,
    And a small cabin build there, of clay and wattles made:
    Nine bean-rows will I have there, a hive for the honeybee,
    And live alone in the bee-loud glade.

    And I shall have some peace there, for peace comes dropping slow,
    Dropping from the veils of the morning to where the cricket sings;
    There midnight's all a glimmer, and noon a purple glow,
    And evening full of the linnet's wings.

    I will arise and go now, for always night and day
    I hear lake water lapping with low sounds by the shore;
    While I stand on the roadway, or on the pavements gray,
    I hear it in the deep heart's core.
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