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Who is Vildiil?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Ashtar, Jan 14, 2014.

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  1. Ashtar

    Ashtar Enraged Ashtarius Forum Legend

    Jul 24, 2010
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    somewhere on a track
    I'm just wondering if anyone on this forum knows who the real Vildiil is b/c I sure don't. He is a complete stranger to me. I once thought I knew him. He was great, he loved helping people, he always fought for the truth, he was kind and loving, etc etc. A lot of us here have great memories of our time spent with the great Vildiil. Most of us can tell stories about how he helped us or did something kind or answered a question.

    I can even say I fell in love with him and moved him into my home b/c I trusted him that much. Alente warned me not to do it. I ignored him b/c it was ****ing Vildiil for god's sake. No he didn't steal from me or hurt my son or anything like that. He was actually perfect. My family liked him, my son loved him and still does and doesn't understand why I had to send him away.

    You're wondering if he's so perfect then why would you do such a thing Ash.

    A couple of weeks before Christmas I accidently discovered he was dating a girl from in game. I was completely shocked and hurt and didn't understand what the hell was going on. We had a fight about it. He told me he was considering a promotion from work going from a cashier to regional manager making 175k a year. I am not innocent in all this as I know at times I can be difficult but I was always honest with him and I didn't think there was any real problems b/c Brian never complained. I was happy, he was happy la dee frickin da right. We talked things out and listed our complaints and moved on.

    I don't know how you guys are but once someone breaks my trust, it's really hard for me to trust them again. One night, a couple of days after Christtmas, Brian went to bed early and left his computer on. I got this idea in my head I should check his fb and make sure he wasn't still talking to that girl b/c he told me he wasn't. I had never violated the trust b/tw us before by doing that b/c I never felt the need to. This was Brian for ^$3&'% sake. I never suspected him of cheating ever.

    So I got on his fb, didn't find any convo's from that girl but I found one from another one. This girl is very well known on retail and I was beyond pissed. I went and woke him up, yelling at him about it. I told him to choose her or me b/c I was done with him at that point and if he didn't want to be with me I just wanted him to tell me so I could go on. He just got really really mad and yelled he was leaving blah blah blah blah. At that point I didn't care, I was going to kick him out anyways b/c I am not a person who can handle dealing with this sort of personal problems. I had went through it once before and I just couldn't do it again.

    The next night rolls around, I come home from work and I'm tired so I go to bed early, leaving Brian and Nate playing their respective games. I wake up around 3am to pee and am shocked to discover Nate still up playing his xbox and Brian drunker than I've ever seen any person be. I sent Nate to bed and I just sat there with Brian laughing at him cuz he was being super goofy but ofc I realized he was very very drunk. After awhile he went from being silly to crying to eventually being really angry. I stayed through it all b/c I was afraid he would pass out and choke on his puke and die (that actually happened to one of my coworkers husbands) I could go into great details about that night like how I had to clean his puke off him and get his puke crusted clothes off him before getting him to bed and retreiving his phone from the toilet but I'll save a small bit of what dignity he has left.

    So time goes on, he's expecting to leave on the 13th of this month. I go back and forth b/tw wanting him to stay and wanting him out of my house. I was afraid for him to go b/c he was the person I turned to for everything but at the same time he was a complete stranger now to me and I didn't trust him anymore in my home with my son b/c I didnt know who he even was.

    He made The Illusionist legion on retail. I thought the name itself was fitting for my situation so I asked him to join. He had told me some of his friends from here would join but they did not b/c he never told them. I felt uncomfortable there, like I was the butt of the joke his friends were all in on and I was not just by some comments made and comments I overheard Brian saying to them. I left after 2 days b/c I couldnt take it anymore feeling that uncomfortable in a legion.

    He left his computer on several times. I couldn't resist the temptation b/c now I just wanted to sort things out and try to come to some sort of understanding about all of it. I found more conversations once I started to dig deeper. More girls all at once. Some good friends with each other. I even checked here on this forums in his private mailbox. I was hurt even more to discover all these girls were not even something new. It had been going on from the beginning of our relationship with different ones.

    I thought I knew mostly the truth by the time I drove him to the greyhound bus station the day before yesterday. I felt pity for him even and wondered just how bad his life had been to make him like this. I thought I was going to be a complete wreck and requested that day and following 2 days off from work. I surprised myself though. I didnt cry even one tear as I drove away. I was cried out and couldn't cry anymore.

    Like I said I thought I knew mostly the truth by that time, but I was surprised to discover in game today how many people wanted to talk to me. All it took was saying one thing to one of my friends about how I felt and it was like BAM. So we talked and compared. They asked me lots of questions like

    So your real name is Jess? Are you sure your real name is Carolyn and not Jess b/c that's what he always called you? You're a drunk and crackhead? You're his roommate? Nate is his son? He has cancer? He was in the hospital getting treatment for cancer? His mom is dead? OMG ASHSTAR IS YOUR CHAR!!! He said you lived in the same town as he did and are stalking him, did you? How many girls is he dating? What's their names and I'll tell you the ones I know of? Wait, he's not an alcoholic? He wasn't in rehab this past week what? Do you know this person b/c they kept insisting you were his gf but he kept denying it to everyone? He makes more money than you do? My personal fav is -> But Ash you are so nice to everyone, what's wrong with him?

    The list goes on and on pretty much the same questions repeated over and over.

    I know I wrote a book here and I dont expect that it gets read before many of you post - keep your personal life private, mad cuz bad, etc etc. I'll tell you something though. What happened to me hurt a lot and I'm discovering that talking about it is making me feel better instead of keeping it bottled up inside. Who better to share this with than my gamez aion family. The only ones who might even remotely understand how deeply I feel betrayed since I always thought of him like the majority of you do.

    I didnt post this to embarrass Brian in front of this large community of people who all know him. Well, maybe a little bit b/c I am angry but also deeply hurt. I plotted lots of ways to get revenge but in the end I carried none of them out b/c I'm too flipping nice. Plus I realized he needs help and I can't be the one to help him. He's got to want the help himself and recognize he has a problem. I'm not saying he's a terrible person b/c he's not. He's really as awesome as he seems online and we had a lot of fun times together so at least I have those memories although they will now always be tainted by all the lies he told about me and to me.

    Just be careful about meeting people online b/c they are not always the person they seem to be unfortunately. I learned the hard way. I'm done with my novel now.

    Will the real Vildiil please stand up?
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  2. LordCurlyFry

    LordCurlyFry Yeah, I like curly fries. Forum Legend

    Mar 14, 2013
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    I was slightly acquainted with Brian as I was in The Illusionist after he remade it during 3.7-4.0. From what I had known about him at the time, and the actions he took, I could agree to some of these accusations. However, given that I was only acquainted with him (and maybe some of these women you speak of) I'm just going to wish you the best with your life. I probably could never even begin to comprehend how you feel, but thanks to my Girlfriend I don't have to. (BTW, she's also here, and lives about 6000 miles away from me).

    If you wish to talk about some stuff, anything more will be restricted to pms only. For obvious reasons. I will leave one last message though.

    We all make mistakes. It takes courage to realize when it is one mistake too much.
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  3. zeei

    zeei lkaashl.deviantart.com

    Apr 21, 2011
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    where light is dark
    enraged ashtarius indeed.

    its nice of you to share, im definitely on your side... your story reminds me of Catfish.

    one thing though, everyone is not perfect. cheer up, no one likes a cheater.
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  4. Unleashed

    Unleashed No Fear. No Mercy.

    Jun 14, 2011
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    But but but.. Brian is a cool guy! )=
    Sorry to hear that you're going through all that, God bless, and take care irl.
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  5. Badrobot

    Badrobot SNU SNU

    Aug 17, 2010
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    Ashtar, i saw a post of yours a few months ago that you and Brian lived and were together and to be honest i was really shocked, i had never known about it and all the time i was lead to believe that he was with another player from gamezaion because that's what i had been seeing in the legion chat.

    From what i've seen he was a helpful, good and generous guy, at least towards me and the rest of the legion members, but at some point he kind of surprised us all, was as if he changed with his actions, and there was a lot of talking going on about what he was really doing with his staff powers (i mean we all knew it, we were neither stupid nor 5 years old) and who he was using them for, to the point that most of the legion members quit. Though it is sad for me to read those things, it all starts to make sense i guess.

    Anyway, i wish you luck and hope you recover, forgive and forget.
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2014
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  6. Jessica

    Jessica Guest

    This is really shocking, the contents of this revelation gave me cancer.(jk)

    I have been avoiding online relationships ever since I've been here. I think friends are okay but this is just ridiculous, you could never really know anyone?! Vil was such a nice guy, and it sucks that I had the same name as what name he used in his lies with his other friends convos.
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  7. DOndee

    DOndee Filipino Pride 2019 Forum Legend

    Jul 1, 2012
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    Hello, Ashtar. I don't know you or neither do you know me probably because I wasn't around yet when you were HGM here. I've heard a lot of nice stuff about you and from that I could tell you are a good person. Btw, I'm Dondee. Nice to finally meet you :)

    Trust is like the core of a relationship and it's the most important factor that plays a key role in maintaining a relationship. I agree that once your trust is broken, you'll have a hard time trusting the person again especially after cheating. I'm in a long distance relationship myself and I can tell you it's hard, really hard to give out trust since you can't be with the your loved one personally keeping an eye on her or whatnot but hey, I trust her a hell of a lot and I do love her so much. In your case, you are with him in person. Remember: Cheating is never a mistake, it's a choice. There are so many things that could lead people to cheat. They could make excuses about it or hell even blame you for it but cheating is still cheating no matter how you put it.

    Sometimes people tend to cheat as it is the "easy way out" of a relationship. No matter how you keep a person happy, no matter how hard you try if the person isn't satisfied at all regardless of the effort you put in through, he'll still search for a reason or simply a way out if he doesn't feel contented and or happy and whatnot.

    We all have our dark secrets. I'm also a witness of Vil's kindness and I've also seen how approachable kind of guy he is. However, it's not that safe to assume that what the certain person is showing outside is being the same person that he is on the inside. Never judge a book by it's cover.

    Every time someone's been violated, it's always "how can I learn to trust again?". Asking yourself this question always helps in a situation like this. The amount of trust that you can give to a certain person is always, ALWAYS equal to or lower than the amount of trust you have for yourself. The amount of trust depends on how strong we are as an individual and knowing that we can handle our partner's imperfections. Also, trust comes from KNOWING you can handle what they do not in being able to predict what they're gonna do. If you trust yourself enough to not allow anyone to hurt you so you can accept that person back into your life.
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  8. ::B::Y::O::B::

    ::B::Y::O::B:: Expert Forum Legend

    Nov 12, 2010
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    I knew you were married to Villdill irl b/c you guys made it public via forum a long time ago, so I don't really understand how this all happened but I do understand that he got involved with someone named Viridianna and I can be honest that might be the source of all these blatant rumors and all the trouble because a lot of people could agree or disagree but I've known this person since the beginning and have the right to say she is the source of a lot of drama here on Gamez.
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  9. Kihaku

    Kihaku Your Imagination

    Aug 12, 2010
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    Sorry you had to learn the hard way, I can tell how big of a heart you have by how many times you battled with yourself over your trust in him and letting him stay or letting him go and it's sad that it got trampled into the ground so much but I know it is still intact and that you're strong enough to learn from this and, in time, move on with your life for the better with your son. I'm sure you will find happier memories to replace the bad ones and I wish you luck in everything you choose to do from this point on, Ash.
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2014
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  10. username101

    username101 Proficient

    May 29, 2013
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    To trust is to risk. But you'll never know what's love if you'll never welcome pain. Life is not always a bed of roses. It will always find a way to weaken you. For us to win the game of life, we must fight with our brain and not just with our heart. That moment when Life thought he already ganked you down to the ground, that's when you have to lift yourself up and turn everything to your advantage. Make this experience a lesson. Show Life, he has no power to crash you down because you are his master and you own him. Good luck to you.
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  11. bluefire

    bluefire Proficient

    Apr 29, 2012
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    Look like vidiil will never return to this forum again.
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  12. Stephen

    Stephen I always chill bruh

    Jul 13, 2013
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    Somewhere inside her heart!
    Reading what Maam Ashtar post made me cry, also these guys comments, huhuhu, Im so dramatic right now, what happen to your relationship?
  13. snic

    snic Respected Member

    Aug 23, 2010
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    You've been through a lot ash, I'm sorry to hear that, as others mentioned vild seemed like an awesome guy ( and i do believe, deep inside, he is), but life indeed is a challenge. The worst thing is when the person you trust turns you down, but you must not get broken, you have son with whom you'll create future. So cheer up ash, soon, very soon you'll find happiness again.
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  14. Cjxiv

    Cjxiv Emperor's Eye Forum Legend

    Jan 11, 2013
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    You already read what Ashtar said yet you still asking what happened, Uhh..

    @Ashtar, Just wishing you the best of luck irl, ermm i don't have anything to say :)
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  15. DOndee

    DOndee Filipino Pride 2019 Forum Legend

    Jul 1, 2012
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    Stop trying to be funny when you're not. This is a serious discussion.
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  16. Sougo

    Sougo Katte ni my soul . . .

    Mar 14, 2013
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    sorry to hear that all.. im just reading i have nothing and nothing to do and join with personal discussion to others..
  17. Llama

    Llama The Drama Llama Forum Legend

    Dec 16, 2010
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    Forgive, forget & move on is all the way Ash. God have his reasons why you're facing this now. Good luck irl and keep smiling.
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  18. Ashtar

    Ashtar Enraged Ashtarius Forum Legend

    Jul 24, 2010
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    somewhere on a track
    Thanks for your kind words guys and for sharing your thoughts, encouragement and stories as well. It's very therapeutic to get it out and not pretend everything is okay when it's not atm. I know it will be in time and I hope for Brian's sake that it is for him as well.

    On a more humorous note, one of the retail people I spoke with today said to me "So wait, you're actually a girl?"
    Me "Yeah"
    Them "Brian told me you were a guy. He even called you "he".
    Me "I can assure you I have female parts. I even gave birth with them."
    Them "Hmm, I don't snore in case you are interested."

    Men -> ermagerd
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  19. niyawa16

    niyawa16 ♀ Ariba Zamboanga Kita ♀

    Aug 24, 2012
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    To Her Heart
    Don't dwell on what went wrong. Instead, focus on what to do next. Spend your energies on moving forward
    Were all here for you.. so smile ..
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2014
  20. Ddraig

    Ddraig Steel of Destiny

    May 16, 2012
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    Avatars and fake names... the online world is prone to deceit, you can do a lot of things when you don´t need to look yourself in the mirror.
    Sorry about what happened.
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