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[Dragon Days] Epic Odes

Discussion in 'Events Archive' started by Deathangel, Jun 9, 2014.

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  1. Deathangel

    Deathangel True Chill Forum Legend

    Jun 2, 2011
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    609 King's Way

    Hello Daevas!

    After a long day of cruel battles, every warrior needs a bit of rest and there is nothing better than lying down infront of the bonfire and listen to the epic adventures of your comrades.

    Now it's your turn to tell a story!

    Your task in this event is to write down a short story about your battles in Aion.
    Your creativity has no limits here! Start from the amazing landscapes you have visited or tell us about your fight against that enormous balaur on the warfront, describe your journey around Atreia or simply concentrate on a single fight with a terrible opponent.

    The rules are very simple:

    • You may write only one story in one single post.
    • Post only when when you are ready, there is no need to save a spot for your story.
    • You may edit-change your story before the event closes.
    • Plagarized stories will be deleted.
    • Winners will be choosen via Staff Voting.


    1st Place: Prestige Wings or 150 Tempering Solutions and 175 TBTs.
    2nd Place: Top Gun Title and 150 TBTs.
    3rd Place: 25 Tempering Solutions and 100 TBTs.
    Participants: 10 Tempering Solutions and 50 TBTs.

    This event will close on the 9th July 2014.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 9, 2014
  2. Bert

    Bert Berserkings

    Dec 18, 2012
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    In-Game Name: Bluespirits
    Server: Siel

    Then the opponent of all daevas is the Balaur who conquer all our fortresses, and to protect our fortress and allies, I my self as a spiritmaster will fight for the sake of the daevas life, and now the simple spiritmaster came on the camp to visit, but before she came on the camp she encountered the Balaur airscraftship it was made with pure magic with unknown skill hide, this ship has the ability to hide all the time but it will be seen if the ship will use their attack then, it has a cannon to destroy all fortress and it can kill thousands of daeva. Back to the Spiritmaster story, then she encountered the aircraftship but the spiritmaster don't know how to destroy the aircraft and the only choice is to run away and use here temporary First(1) Hide but it will last untill 30sec and with 1 (percent) speed i guess or she can summon a Tempest spirit maybe she can run using it then hide to disturb the Airshipbalaur But she didn't expect that the Aricraft will send a Dragon and they called it Tiamat dragon's servant, the balaur sent out 5 strongest dragon and Of course she must defeat the dragon or else the spiritmaster will die but because of she can summon the must strongest spirits and she call it Selain(Tempest Spirit), Then selain ask for her master, on how or what to do, to defeat the (5)dragon then the Spiritmaster and Selain is having some steps on how to defeat the dragon's and the Spiritmaster is talking or making a plan but the dragon is attacking them, the only way to protect the spiritmaster is to use the power of selain but selain can't do much power but probably she can, but it's all about her master, so selain is protecting her master but the dragon is using an ultimate fire that can cause critical damage of all the spirit except the Fire spirit, then selain has 30(percent) to Regenerate her life but the four dragon is together using the crit fire then selain Say: I can't defeat the dragon (Master) I do not have enought much skill to defeat them, I don't have more life and i need to rest i'm sorry my (Master) but i need to go and rest. then the spiritmaster is angry, she use the area skill named Fear she has 3fear and she use the 3rd the area Fear skill, to have a time to summon a fire spirit, the only spirit that can survive in fire and after a few sec of summoning she succed but the fear had already gone so she command the Fire Spirit to attack the dragon, But the dragon use their ultimate fire skill but the spirit abasorb all of their fire and the balaur has descitioned to realese the cannon in after 5 sec then the balaur is counting 5,4,3,2,,,,,,,,,,1 Realeeeasssed the Fire Sipirit has gone and the Spiritmaster had affected the cannon and because of the Huge impact, The Daevas Feel the earthquake and saw a big and powerfull cannon skill and then the General of the (Reshanta) Command to go the area where the cannon has impact, while flying they stop and the daeva saw the Huge Aircraft, The only way to destroy the Airship is to use their arrows/swords/magics and all daevas attack the Ship, and they use all their weapons and their skills to destroy it , Then the spirit master use her spirit the wind and using her intiligence ability she use her sleeping skill in the 3 dragon and while the 3 dragons are sleeping she use her (1)Fear in to the fourth dragon and then she kill it 1 by 1 and she succed to kill the 5 dragons but the problem is the aircraft, While raising her head she Smiled, that she saw all Daevas Attack the Aircraft and because of she hasn't have enought strong to fly, She use the spirit the Wind spirit that can walk and fly using the wind then she command the wind to fly then she help attack the Aircraft then it was succesfuly destroy and because she released a lot of power she fall down and the daeva automatically catch the Spiritmaster, and After a few Day while the spirimaster resting, and then she wakes up and she saw that the General and the people is Clapping,Celebrates the Spiritmaster who killed 5 Dragon, she awarded a medal as a HERO, Then the Rumor has spread until the Genral of Sanctum heard it then the biggest celbration have held in sanctum and all of the Elyos has enspired, because of his Strenght and ability....... Hoorraay for the Spiritmaster.!!!!!!!!!!!! (The End)
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2014
  3. Steffanie

    Steffanie New Member

    Jan 5, 2014
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    In-Game Name: Steffanie
    Server: Siel

    Hi! To start this off, my character's name is Steffanie and I'm from Siel Server :)

    Me for instance, had my unforgettable experiences in Aion. Since I started playing this, I am so weak (even though until now I'm still a weakling, but learned some lessons), had difficulties on how to cope up with my character and of course, struggled to give her a good set. When I was just starting, what I did was roamed from house to house in Oriel until I entered a luxurious and well designed house owned by Archvanarl. Well He was the first one to help me build myself in Aion. I promised from that day on, I will never forget his kindness and forever will I give my thanks, keep it in my heart and share what knowledge He shared to me to those newbies who are in need of us experienced players. Even though he's snobbish at times, you'll see, he is as gentle and caring opposing his dark side if you got to know him better. Well if it wasn't because of him I never learned the basics and how to survive in Aion. But not enough knowledge to survive Asmodians like Watthefuck and Kinsekalibre. They have super fast attack speeds that you die in their hands in just 5 Seconds. They are so horrible! But you know what? I don't care. As long as I'm with my friends in Aion having fun and laughing all our imperfections out, I may not be as strong as those Asmos, Rich Kid like those few who play Aion, Not be in the highest Ranking as long as I live my life to the fullest, enjoying what I have, contented to what GOD gave me, and of course, being peaceful and happy in every single way :love:
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2014
  4. Lilithbg

    Lilithbg The Dark Sovereign

    Jan 28, 2011
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    ING Lillithbg
    Server Siel
    Like every assassin I love walking in the shadows, watching my enemies from distance... Every step they make, every breathe they take. I can see their moves before they do! Because shadows are my friends... Shadows is where I belong.
    I am quick and sneeky. Nobody knows when I will strike and slice the throat of my enemies.
    My blades will pierce you before you can blink, but dear you won't feel any pain. The poison will paralyze you immediately as the steel touches your skin. You will fall asleep... forever.
    I remember when I became a Daeva. I swore in endless protection of Asmodae and leading all Daevas to VICTORY! I've never thought that it would be easy...
    But these sunblessed Elyos were not the biggest threat! I had to improve my skills and gain courage for another more vicious enemy - the Balaur! Once, before the Cataclysm, before we separate Atreia in two fractions, Balaur's job was to protect us. That's why our god Aion had created them... But they became full of greed and wrath. They became ravages led by their twisted desire to enslave us...
    The best part of all the battles is when you can feel all the aetheric energy in your veins. It's just like adrenaline. You sense the power within your guts and you start runing towards the big horde, praying that you will live longer enough to see the sunrise of tomorrow.
    Fortress sieges are my favorite. I use the crowd around me as an invisible cloak. Nobody will pay me any attention during the warfire and it's easiest way to kill your target when she or he is distracted with the fight. But these weak soldiers don't even try to cover their back.
    To be a true warior you have to become one with your weapon! You have to dance with the sword, not to attack like savage. Make your weapon your only true friend. Trust your weapon, BE YOUR WEAPON! Because this war won't be easy to win. Stand up soldier and fight for Asmodae! Our enemies shall fall and we will show no mercy! We are Asmodians, we were born in cold and darkness and that makes us stronger than Balaur or Elyos. Everything that was taken from us we shall get it back with fire and blood!
    Walk in Azphel's shadow, Daeva.
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2014
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  5. Sammy

    Sammy Proficient Forum Legend

    Feb 14, 2012
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    IGN: Peyda / Thermal
    Server: Siel

    Greetings beloved daevas!
    Today I will be telling the tale of the Lone-Wolf Gladiator. This gladiator in particular is not to be considered Elyos nor Asmodian; he is Elyos at dawn and Asmodian at dusk. Don’t get me wrong, he is not a traitor or a spy; he loves all daevas equally. His ultimate dream is to have the Elyos and Asmodians fight one another for fun, and not hate each other. As no daeva can truly die, they should not be upset when they lose a fight. However, it will be a great challenge to truly unite every daeva because there is a great tension between the two bloodthirsty factions. Months ago, the gladiator joined two of the mightiest legions of both factions. Desperately trying to evenly support both guilds, he fought vigorously for both sides to uphold their honour. Although he put equal effort into every battle, he was shunned as being a traitor and a spy. The poor gladiator was now lost and confused. He did not know what to do. No one wanted to fight alongside him as everyone looked down upon him as a renegade. It was at this moment where he made the faithful decision to fight alone. He took his misery out on his enemies on the battlefield. He began taking on groups all by himself, not always winning, but putting up a great fight every time. On the battlefield, he earned his title as the Lone-Wolf Gladiator. Though not many respected him, they knew of him. This gladiator is on the path to becoming a legend, and he stands with you, all of you, on the battlefield.

    ***This is a TRUE story based off of my personal experiences in game. If you learn one thing from this story, it should be to never hate anyone, even your opposing faction. As the saying goes, keep your friends close, and your enemies closer. Fight for fun! Take your anger out on the battlefield; if someone smacks you down, return the favor in PvP and not foul words. I wish all you beautiful daevas a great day, and see you on the battlefield!
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2014
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  6. DarkFlight

    DarkFlight New Member

    Apr 9, 2014
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    Character: Nysos
    Server: Siel
    Info: A story inspired by stalking those separated from the zerge.

    I wrapped myself in shadows and harnessed the speed of the wind as I stalked my prey. I unsheathed my bow and intoned a short prayer to Zikel; ‘may I have your blessing, o’ Lord of destruction.’ I drew in the power of Zikel whilst I sighted in the prey; distance: 1273m, wind: 23wS, power: 90%

    ‘May Triniel embrace you’ I released the power, silent and deadly, before drawing in the shadows once more. The impact was deafening, there was a cloud at the sight of impact caused by dust. I embraced the wind yet again; where there was one Elyos, there was always more.

    My bow was sheathed; it would no longer be impactful now that the element of surprise was over. I prayed to Azphel as I closed the distance, ‘may I have your blessing, o’ Lord of Shadow.’ I focused Azphels power into my weapons, a midnight-black poniard for close range in my left hand, a pale white rapier in my right, for mid-range combat.
    The rapier was intoned with Kaisinel’s power when it was forged; it drew the attention of foes so that my poniard could strike. Few people even noticed the poniard, even after it got acquainted with their hearts.

    I spotted three foes as I neared my prey. ‘may Zikel run wild and Triniel feast.
  7. polip210

    polip210 Getting there

    Oct 29, 2010
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    Missing Jungle

    Hello im Buffi and im say more of one day whit my chanter..:) This story beginning 2 year ago im make my first chanter ^^ (btw..realy weak one).
    So one day my cousins show me what is the aion. I played many whit chant and try learn how the best for me..lol.Hard to make something from beginning you begin from nothing and you make something than nothing.The first year was hard for me i gain more friends and try to gear up!:D And now i got one good chanter(not over power one but good xD). Someone me "weak" or etc..But im know that not all on win like to have fun :D.
    battle..battle..battle..What i know write for you about battle. Chanter is hard dps i think but not the last on heal type too.
    Thanks to read this guys <3
    PS: Sorry For bad(Sh*t) english :D
    "Call me if you need buff bro" Buffy
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  8. Saraph

    Saraph New Member

    Feb 25, 2014
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    Character: Saraph

    Title: Hammer Of Dawn

    In captivity for 10,000 years, which everyone thought impossible has happened, an enemy so powerful, personified death has been released into the Balaur race as evil being that many consider unmentionable. Whose sole purpose is to bring devastation. That's why the great houses of the Asmodians decide to take up arms, fought with honor in the plains of timaranta, anyone could pick up a gun was led to war, countless lives were lost, countless souls were lost forever. The memories of that fight still haunt my mind, view Templars fall, as hard as rock, so business magicians who knew the deepest secrets of nature. The spectrum of this fruitless crusade conclude kamar in fields, in those hours where dawn rises just in our world, although much enter that field, few can count as evil fell to the shadow of our wings, glacial rose on the horizon immobilizing the beast, swords made their way into your skin as hard as steel, arches filled the sky with arrows of a race that refused to be exterminated.

    We came home as heroes, we become senior officers, but only we know what really happened there, and that torment us for eternity.

    PD: Sorry for thetranslate, google translate tool :whistling:
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  9. darkxian

    darkxian New Member

    Apr 17, 2014
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    Ign: Engel
    Server: Siel

    As i awoken from a deep slumber, I see myself in the middle of the mountains surrounded by enemys i have never seen before.
    Asak, An Ulgorn Raider told me the story of what happened to the Ateria. The Balaurs, highly powerful and inteligent beings have invaded Ateria.
    I was shocked and have no idea what has happen to the world i have known. As i lay down take a rest, Lord Marchutan appeared in my dreams.
    "Be strong daeva, the world is in your hands". I awoken and the breeze of the wind gave me the chill i can never imagine.
    A day has passed when a guard confronts me, a summon from the Raider Boss Ulgorn has reached me. I went as fast as i could but the the balaurs kept
    me days and night, fighting. And there it was, the city of beginning, a small village, Adelle Village. I visited Ulgorn and spoke to him what i have
    dreamt of and he quickly told me that we, the Asmodians are in War. I was offered a chance to change Ateria, and i accepted it. I was training days and night,
    thru rain and snow, the dazzling heat, and i never stop. To the point i have fainted because of exhaustion. Ulgorn visited me, he spoke to me briefly saying
    "Son, you are ready". He sent me to travel far north, and with the help of Sheofin, the flight transporter of the city, i traveled far north to see a man called
    Munin. It was a long journey before i can reach him but i know for sure that i will fight to the death to see my comrads, my friends and family, to fight as one and
    defeat the ravaging Balaurs. And there i was high in the mountains, surrounded with graves of fallen townsfolk and their vengeful ghost when i saw the man i am meaning to see, Munin.
    Munin, a mystery man, help me to acend to my highest limit, from a scout to a ranger. When i recieved his blessing he sent me to the center of asmodians, Pandemonium.
    And there i was, waiting to see Heimdal, a city guard escorting me to the high priest, Balder. I was surrounded with guards for they have known my past, I was once a raider but now
    im a daeva. Balder, the high priest have instructed me to travel to defeat the balaurs, to take revenge of our fallen Asmodians that has befallen to the wicked Elyos and to take back
    what is rightfully ours, what is rightfully to Asmodians. There i was, in pandemonium, starting my journey as a daeva, with the help of my friends, I shall conquer the whole Ateria.
  10. Stephen

    Stephen I always chill bruh

    Jul 13, 2013
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    Somewhere inside her heart!
    In-gane Name: Pawn
    Server: Siel

    It was a hot day in summer, as me and my mentor where traveling the environs of Gelkmarus to gather some fruits and herbs for his alchemy studies. As we go back to Gelkmarus fortress we heard of whispers of a news that Tiamat was seen residing on her secret hideout. At that very moment, an alliance of strong willed Asmodian was formed guided by our Brigade General Oyasumii and some of our legion answered the call to assist on killing Tiamat.
    As we infiltrated Tiamat's hideout, we saw Kahrun guarding an orb telling us that using that very orb is the only way of getting inside of Tiamats realm. All hands are sweating, shaking bodies and felt the chills on the bones as we had seen the biggest dragon we have ever seen. The battle on the first dragon was immense we already have casualties. A shout broke the silence for the first time, we saw our Emperian Lord Marchutan ready to assist us on our quest. Our leader Oyasumii told us to kill the Tiamat reincarnates as fast as we can. Time have past, we manage to kill every single reincarnates, after that we help Lord Marchutan on his fight against Tiamat who was badly beaten. The Dragon Lord was so fierce, I can still remember her face that gave nightmare every night, she breaths fire and summon elite guards to assist her.As the last piece of Healing potion on my inventory was used, I accepted the fact that Im going to die at that very moment. My comrades fell, scent of blood of my fallen friends in the air, and the carcass of the daeva who once you talked to, was burned. It was a very horrible day in the life of a daeva, suddenly I felt the a warm breath on my skin, then I died. I am not ashamed of that, I am not ashamed of telling you that I died during a battle. I thank Aion for his wonderful gift for us who managed to tapped the aether, we are immortals, I was ressurected by a cleric. As I returned to normal, I heard of shouts that Tiamat is dying, so go back on fighting and we did our very best to bring our opponent down.
    Lord Marchutan made one last strike who killed Tiamat, Tiamat shouted in pain as she died. We all celebrated that day as one of our ally got a mythical weapon. This is my story, and I am not ashamed of it. From the Book of Pawn: The Adventure of a Mighty Sorcerer.
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2014
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  11. vanyte

    vanyte Shugo-in-training

    Jun 18, 2011
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    IGN: Vanyte
    Server: Siel

    Blood trickles down my blade as I stare at it and keep up with my breathing. The place is so eerie that seemingly every move I make is observed by invisible eyes preying on me, ready to attack from any direction. The air is getting thicker and I know that I have to get out of here as soon as possible.

    I shove the Balaur Scout’s cold dead body as I check for anything useful I can take for my journey. I put out my knife and prepare to skin the carcass which seemed like a bad idea at the time. My gut is telling me to do otherwise and run. The atmosphere is getting darker, temperature is getting colder, and the feeling of uneasiness grew on me as I pierce the Balaur’s hide.

    “Behind you!”

    The words instill fear in my heart as I hear it pound against my chest, wanting to move my whole body in an act of panic and confusion.
    The barrage of arrows flies through darkness and to the shield behind my back they found their mark. It came from everywhere. No. I was so shocked that I didn’t notice where the arrow that struck my leg originated. My leg. Drops of blood hit the ground as I realize that an arrow found my right leg, hindering me from any movement.

    I try to understand what’s happening in an act of pure desperation to get out alive. I drew my blade forcefully as I reach for the shield on my back, bracing myself for incoming attacks.

    “It is not the time to waver.” I tell myself as my devotion grew strong. My will to live gave me the courage I needed to face my opponent.

    She flips through the wind as she charges what seemed to be a fire arrow. Glowing brightly, eradicating the darkness between us, the fire took the form of a phoenix as it fly to me, wanting to take me down in a fiery blaze. I prepare my shield for the impact, knowing that I can’t dodge fast enough. The sound of the clash sent ringing to my ears, flashed before my eyes as it hit my trusty shield.

    I sent out a roar as I prepare to launch my attack. My blade picked her body from a distance, closing the gap between us.

    “Now is my chance!” I shouted as I charged my shield for a bash to her body. The impact sent her flying to the ground; her glowing red eyes fade as it close momentarily from the shock. My grip to the blade intensifies, my wrist twitched and in an unconscious haze, I dragged my sword through the ground, racking momentum as it hits her frail body, sending her rolling into the air and hitting the ground again. But this time, her swift body is lifeless. Her glowing red eyes are shut. Blood pools on the earth beneath her.

    Blood trickles down my blade as I stare at it and keep up with my breathing.
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  12. Squirty

    Squirty New Member

    Jun 11, 2014
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    The Heart of Tiamat

    In-game name: Squirtykage
    Server: Siel

    “Tiamat!” boomed a voice.
    “Fregion?!” gasped Tiamat, spinning on her heels to confront the First Dragon Lord behind her.
    A tall large Balaur gloomed over Tiamat’s small body. Hot red skin boiling with flames veiled his skin, eyes flaring gold. His gaze caught Tiamat’s with the vertical black lined pupil, the stare of a devil pierced into her.
    “What are you doing here?” shrieked Tiamat.
    “Why has happened to Tiamarantia? I entrusted you with its dominance! You have even begged me for the support you needed, so why are Daeva swabbing all over the place?! I aided you with a large portion of my army out of generously. Have they all been for nothing?”
    Tiamat took a step back, carefully choosing her words in attempts to not provoke Fregion.
    “I-It is not so simple, Fregion! Not only do I have to deal with the Daeva in hundreds but also Kaisinel and Marchutan!”
    “Then pull out the army and let Elyos and Asmodian kill each other! How simple is that, Tiamat?”
    “Like I said, things aren’t so simplistic! They have this Reian called Kahrun! He has some power that keeps the Daevas from slaughtering each other. As of this moment, they have already broken through and established Rancora Headquarters under his eye at my doorstep to Tiamarantia’s Eye. I don’t know how long I can hold.”
    “I see you have also encountered Israphel. It seems there are three Empyrean Lords after you.”
    “Yes, that coward is seeking Siel’s Relics. But that is with me Fregion, I will use that power and destroy the damned Daevas and Reians. With half of them petrified, I don’t need your pity!”
    Fregion smirked widely, intrigued by Tiamat’s sudden elevation of confidence.
    “Tiamat, I don’t know how you intend you use such an unstable power, but if you need me…ask with haste.”
    “Like I said, Fregion. I don’t need your pit-,”
    “KNOW THIS, TIAMAT!” bellowed Fregion’s thundering voice. Tiamat fell silent, her head now hanging on the back of her neck as Fregion’s height grew, transforming into a Dragon. With a voice echoing with distortion, the shadow spanned the entire area she stood.
    “No Dragon Lord will save you after you slain the last fifth Dragon Lord, Apsu and declared yourself the Sixth! Beritra, Meslamtaeda, Ereshkigal, will not save you for your crimes. You best decide whether you can actually stand a chance, Tiamat! I have shown and given you my mercy when you rose to power. I believe and entrusted you when you stole Apsu’s throne. Do not make yourself an excuse for the other Lords question my judgement by dying, Tiamat!”
    With wings larger than the span of her sight, Fregion wings beat with tremendous force, shockwaves generated, sending as his enormous golden-scaled lizard-like body across the sky and into the distance in a mere fraction of a moment.
    Tiamat stared till the shadow and shape of Fregion shrunk beyond the mountains.
    She put her hand onto her chest. She wondered if anyone cared for her. There would be no Dragon Lords by her side, only scared soldier that called themselves Balaur. She knew Fregion’s cooperation was solely because of what she had proven in battle against the Daevas and the assassination of her own mentor, Apsu. Fregion only sided with her due to capabilities, not her heart. She would never be understood even by the skin of her own race.
    She marched down the hallway and into the Throne of Blood, where hung up on the ceiling was Siel’s Relics. Its beautiful emerald glow puzzled her eyes. It reminded her of beauty, what it meant to be sought after, wanted and desired for. She had no one of such like in her life. After a moment of bathing gently in its light, she whispered to herself.
    “I must let go of my selfishness. It has been my wicked curse.”
    She lifted her head and clicked her fingers, summoning a messenger.
    A Balaur appeared before her, kneeling obediently.
    “Go after Fregion quickly!” Tiamat reconsidered, “Petition for reinforcements. Tell him…tell him that, I…I need his help. I cannot last without him! You must get to him as fast as you can! I fear the end may be mine to bare alone without aid.”
    The Balaur nodded and disappeared but Tiamat had noticed that he had seen the trickle on her face.
    A tear fell from her eye. Then suddenly a presence filled the room.
    It sickened her instantly. She crossed her eyes. Clenched her fist.
    But before she turned around, she closed her eyes and felt peace for the short while.
    “Oh Apsu…forgive me. Perhaps…perhaps if I hadn’t done it, you would be here, to see my story…all I had done.”
    With that, she twisted around and with a voice filled with only the intent to kill, she hissed.
  13. Hatexx

    Hatexx New Member

    Apr 27, 2014
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    For many decades Asmo and Elyos were the enemies. But let me tell u about one love between those two fighting races.
    She was unbeaten cleric on the Asmodian side of the world - Nalotia. That dark beauty, daughter of Tailos, the Reian Elder, had many adorators but years before she promised her dying mother, that she will find men strong enought to carry the Dark Kingdom.
    She hated Elyos population, specially Irio who in his jealousy of Tailos carrer and beautiful family, poisoned Aretia, our beauty mother.
    Nalotia from the youngest days, was practicing healing and chain magic. She was fighting all over world, looking for revenge. But inside..she felt so lonely.
    In one of typical war moves in Danaria, she saw him. He was fighting with rage alone against two Dark warriors. They catched him and almost killed before she get out of the stun after seeing that mighty male.
    She order her people to get him in chains, so she could get out of him information about enemy.
    Nalotia walked slowly to prisoner, almost blinded of bright beauty of his.
    -What is your name Elyos scum- she shouted while looking around for other people. They were alone.
    -Derone- he whispered before fainting
    She jumped to him and took his head on her knees. He opened his eyes - the most bright blue she ever saw- and sayed:
    -Are you my dark angel, that i looked all my life?- he fainted again.
    She was shocked. She should kill that Elyos, but from the second she saw him, she felt that strange, warm thing in her belly. Is this love she? How can that be, hes my eternal enemy, i cant feel that. But she felt.

    I woke up in wet, dark basement. Damn asmodians finally catched me. I almost died and then i saw that angel. She was so beautiful that it should be punished. She looked so different that typical Elyos girls. Her long hair, dark as heban. Skin in the shade of midnight and the big, black, full of emotions eyes. My Lord. I really regret that shes from opposit race. I would make her my beloved wife if she would be an Sanctrum citizen. Maybe there is a place that we could live together.
    She was telling her warriors, that spy will become our ally or she will kill him.
    They were talking everyday. About their travels, favorite places and hobbys. Finally Derone decided to tell Nalotia about his feelings.
    -There is something i wanted to tell u from the first day i saw you. For whole my life i was looking for someone like you. Run with me, lets leave this wars and enemys.- he looked at her thinking, please Lord, make it happend.
    -Oh Derone!-She immediately kissed him- I was waiting for any sign from you. I know one place in whole world where we can be together.
    -My dearest, i would go even to Pandemonium with you-he said
    -No silly. We will run today, to Sarpan. I know the leader, Kahrun. He despises our races wars. He will be glad to have our two as a protectors against Balaur armies.
    They ran that night. He was dazed by her seeing at night skills.
    On the way, they meet bunch of drunk Elyos bards girls. When they saw our multiraced couple, they went crazy. Derone was such a handsome warrior and hes walking around with that lame Asmodian cleric?! They jumped on her while hypnotizing Derone into dance. Nalotia had a lot of problems to defeat bards, but she didnt gave up. After blinding enemys, she used her most powerfull skill-World of Destruction-and passed away. One by one, bard gilrs start to die. Derone woke up of his dernière danse, and saw his beloved laying on ground with no life.
    -No! Dont do this to me! We are so close to Sarpan! You promised to spend rest of your life with me!-he cried.
    He took her on his arms, and decided to bring her into Kahrun palace.
    When Kahrun saw them, he runned into them.
    -What happend!?
    -She was fighting with bards in woods near fortress. Please help me! Shes not breathing!
    Kahrun looked at her and start to laugh.
    -Why are u laughing you old fool!?!
    -Dear boy, she is one of the best clerics in Atreia. Just look at her.
    And he was right. Few seconds after elder stopped talking, she woke up.
    Nalotia looked at Derone with concern.
    -Why did you cry my beloved?
    -I thought that i lost you.
    They told about everything to elders in Kamar.
    Kahrun looked suprised by their story, but as a romantic, he decided to gave them a small piece of land, so they could live finally in peace and love.
    From that day Nalotia and Derone, love and live together in their small cabin in sarpan west grounds.

    Who says that enemys cant be lovers :D
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2014
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  14. LordCurlyFry

    LordCurlyFry Yeah, I like curly fries. Forum Legend

    Mar 14, 2013
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    Huntington Beach, California
    Server: Siel
    IGN: Frankenstein

    Hope ya like it ;D

    The Tale of the Tank Bred.

    It was a lonely day in the Abyss. Frankenstein watched from his tank, a creation of Desparil, first born under Ddraig, and like his father before him, A Holy Miragent Templar of Elysea, sworn protector of the Elyos peoples and ideals. Frankenstein would watch. And he would watch. Countless days would pass without his knowledge of it even being tomorrow, with the perpetual sun looming over their island, making it seemingly impossible to tell when it was. It could have been night. It could have been day. But to him, that was irrelevant. All that mattered to him was watching from afar the many battles that underwent in the Abyss. The Elyos, proud and intelligent, the Asmodians, savage and strong, and the Balaur, of which all was alien to him. He obtained the idea that since his creator, his father, Desparil, was an Elysean, he too would count under the ranks of Ariel and her followers. Restless dreams would occupy his mind during his sleep, dreams of prevailing over the Asmodians, and subjugating the Balaur. He was strong, he knew this. And yet not a day, not a minute, not one second had he escaped the prison of his incubation tank. Others would scorn him for being "bred". But he would rise amongst his peers and his enemies, he knew it. However, first, he must leave his cage. But it was not the right moment. He was ill prepared.

    Frankenstein woke up the next morning, or at least what he related to morning. He connected this moment, the moment of his awakening, to the methodical and somewhat ritual activity that was Desparil wiping the condensation from the glass of his containment. He knew cold. He felt it. He felt in his bones, seeping down and making his entire body numb, his heartbeat and his lungs being the only thing he felt move. Frankenstein would stare out at him, curiousity in his eyes. His mouth was covered with a breather, supplying him with oxygen as he floated in the nutrients and aether surrounding him. Due to this muzzle, he could not speak, and only observe the man peering over him, pretending not to notice his gaze. Up and down, side to side, Desparil wiped the glass, until he was satisfied. After he finished, he turned, and steadily walked across the room to light the furnace nestling in a conclave directly across Frankenstein's tank. The furnace warmed the room, and in doing so warmed the tank, and him. The warmth would crawl over his skin, and creep into his body. This was his favorite moment. As he relished the warmth, he thought of his plan to be, to escape from his shackles and fly into the Abyss. But he was caught amidst his thoughts as Desparil came to him and spoke.

    "How are you feeling?", Desparil asked, speaking to Frankenstein for the first time in his existance. Frankenstein stared at Desparil, confused that he was presented with a question. Desparil smirked, remembering that he could not speak. Desparil started to softly whistle as he walked to his table and sat, leaning over his notebook as he studied it's contents. He turned the page, once, twice, thrice, and seemed happy at his findings. He got up, walked to Frankensteins tank, and spoke to him a second time.

    "Alright, Frankenstein. Time for another 'How' question. Are you ready?"

    Frankenstein nodded, unsure of what exactly his father would ask of him. Desparil breathed.

    "How would you like to leave your tank?"

    Seeing the gleam in his eyes, Desparil smiled, pleased at his creation's reaction. He reached to the side of Frankenstein's tank and fiddled with some controls outside his range of view. Frankenstein could hear the metallic clang of something moving within the tank, and the reverbrations in the liquid surrounding him to confirm it. He glanced up, and noticed the liquid was draining. It was at that moment that he could feel his body being tugged slightly downwards as the contents of his tank emptied out. The liquid reached his neck, and Frankenstein reached up to tear the breather off. The breather came off, and for the first time he could breathe and taste the humidity of the air that now circulated around him, replacing the nutrients as they drained. He planted his feet on the floor of his container and stood for the first time. Desparil reached for a latch on the side of the glass, pulled it, and swung the lid open. He reached a hand to Frankenstein, expecting him to take hold and allow him to help him out. Seeing this, Frankenstein obeyed, and left his tank. Desparil noticed Frankenstein's state of undress and reached for his bed. He grabbed one of the sheets, and took hold of one of the corners as Frankenstein walked towards him, stopping in front of Desparil. Desparil threw the sheet over the man before him, draping it over his broad shoulders. He reached for his table, grabbed some pins, and used them to clasp the sheet ends at Frankenstein's neck and waist.

    Days past, and Frankenstein learned many things. He listened to stories of Desparil, and imagined the cities and landscapes he heard among them. On the 6th day, a Shugo came to the place of Frankenstein's birth, the home of his creator. Carrying a toolbox and a stool in tow, he waltzed to the man draped in the robe. Placing the stool before him, and climbing atop it, he gestured for the man to take his robe off. Desparil came to fiddle at the Shugo's toolbox, and brought out a notebook, a pencil, and a spool. The shugo took measurements of Frankenstein's body, writing down notes after every limb was finished. After he was done, he left and came back some days afterwards, followed by other shugos, each carrying a piece of the armor that was created for Frankenstein. He trained, mastered the arts of the sword, became a Templar, like his father before him. A year had gone, then 2 years, and his arduous life had reached it's peak: his release. Desparil motioned for Frankenstein to take out his wings, and the man obeyed Desparil's every word. His wings, the purest white, were vulnerable to many things, and so Desparil clasped armor among them to help pretect him from his foes. Once done, Frankenstein slowly walked to the edge of the island he as knew home, and jumped off. Not seconds had gone by when he burst through the void on his magnificient wings, headed to the greatest presence of Asmodae in the Abyss

    And so, his notorious life of camping lowbies in Primum Fortress for his kill count began, and still continues, to this day.
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2014
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  15. Deathangel

    Deathangel True Chill Forum Legend

    Jun 2, 2011
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    609 King's Way
    Hello there.

    I've seen a lot of you put a good amount of time and effort in your stories.
    However, some others did not.
    If your entry has been deleted, it is for one of the following reasons:

    -Your story is too short and poorly written. We don't need you to put a few words together to win some tempering solutions.
    -Your story is out of the theme of the contest.
    -Plagarism. Copy-pasting stories from other websites shows that you have no creativity nor style.
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  16. zkcor1098

    zkcor1098 New Member

    May 20, 2014
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    IGN: Driedlungs
    Server: Siel

    I started playing Aion since 2009 and this was my most favorite online game ever because of its gameplay and graphics (best graphics ever)
    I've tried all kinds of class but i guess scout(ranger and Sin) class are my favorite and also using it as my main toon until now. i already played in two servers and this was the best server. i tried two races(elyos and asmodians) also.. In playing online games first thing you have in mind is to have Godlike items/weapons and to be the strongest for PVP and PVE..Also it is easy to kill enemy if you have very good items.. As time goes by i suddenly realize that it is not the way it is..its about enjoying while playing even if you only have average items most important is you are gaining a lot of friends local and in different races. Keep calm and enjoy playing aion.
  17. ZERO11

    ZERO11 Getting there

    Mar 1, 2011
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    IGN: Oitex

    Journey to the top

    August 2010,i started my adventure in this beautiful land called Aetria,i was a stranger and nobody ever cared for my presence.Through out the land lots of quest and hard battles awaits,i chose the path of the worrior. At first, i thought it was a bad idea in the path i choose...for the 3 years i struggled..nothing good happened,its still the class which i sucked the most....most people told me to even quit it,but i never quits.
    As years passed,i've entered the battle grounds,im equiped with the most and powerfull gears....but i still failed. Then i started to make some friends,they helped me on many things and they told me to stick on which i chose..and thats when started to come up with some ideas,strategies,tactics...through many battles and training, i realised it was not just about your equipments,so i sold them and started with a basic equips (pve).Theres this ranking system based on the kills of ur battles,it started from rank 9.So, i started and test my skills....and finally 3 years of practice and hard training...my skills started to bloom :tongue:.....with that basic (pve) equips....i've reached the 5-star Officer Rank....which is among the high class rank :tongue:....but i get overcoffident and feel so pro....i forgot about one important thing 'Team Work' ..i thought i can do everything on my own,i forgot about my friends.,and thats when my downfall begins....i looses all my points and.... ah screw this im out of words...THE END! :lol:
  18. UnknownIdentity

    UnknownIdentity New Member

    Jun 10, 2014
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    Camp Half-Blood
    Character Name: Heiressie(Elyos)
    Server: Lumiel
    Intro: Zerge Ahead

    She felt a sweat ran down her spine as she saw through an alliance of the opposing faction heading through her way. Being a Field Director, escaping was a very easy task. The Asmodians were nowhere to be found. She continued exploring the hazy path of Gelkmaros until she arrived at Vorgaltem Battlefield. Her heartbeat raced fast, knowing the fact that she is in the territory of an enemy. Sending the thoughts away, she carried on. Standing near the Alukina's Mischief Artifact, when suddenly, a group of Asmodians appeared on her sight. She then quickly used Amplification I and Thorny Skin III and simply killed the three of them. Later on, she saw a friend and the two of them formed a party. Not long after they met,another group of Asmodians were detected on Heiressie's radar. She realized fighting them and winning would be an impossible task to do because there were just too many of them so she and her friend escaped. They used a Sanctum Scroll, rebuffed and used the Mitrakand Pass statue to port in a spot in Gelkmaros where many allies await. To put in a nutshell, Asmodians quickly paced their way through the kisk spot of the Elyos and sooner not later, they were zerged. With the desire to help and heal others, she decided to fight back. She used all her Healing Boost Skills(God Mode) and she became immortal for 30 seconds. She jumped down, spamming Cleanse and Group Heals. She ran out of skills so she retreated at the moment. She charged and the Asmodian's ran back. She laughed a bit because it was only her who was heading through their spot. She looked back when a horde of Elyos rushed in to back her up. She thanked all of them for helping her. And successfully, they purged the Asmodians untill all of them ran with a hole on their pants.

    I Hope you like my story! >.<
  19. jhayvhee

    jhayvhee New Member

    Jul 19, 2013
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    IGN: Nastygurl
    Server: Siel

    In the cold mountains of Beluslan, I find my self unconcious and freezing to death. When I open my eyes, I saw a group of people. they where the one who save me from death. They healed me and gave me food, as the night falls we gather in in a bon fire that they make. I ask them where they where going and they say they are searching for powerful bosses that gives a magical items that makes you even stronger. i ask them why they need such power they said they need power to protect the important things for them. we take some rest and in the middle of the night a group of elyos ambushed our group we where helpless that we watch our comrades die. Some of us manage to escape and return to the near fortress there we gather a group of people to hunt the bosses that gives the magical item and we asked where we could find these monsters there was a mysterious hermit that told us where we could find these monsters but he warned us about the danger the are giong to face just to find their location and we could never imagine how strong they are but we are determined so we decided to go inspite of his warnings. He told us the name of the place he said that its name is dark poeta a place where strong monsters gather and insie this place we could find a cave that connects to the head quarters of the dragons where stong items are given to the one who could slay them. Afer his story we started our journey and find leads where we could find the entrance of dark poeta after a long journey at last we found the secret entrance to dark poeta. without any hesitation we entered and there we found many strong monsters. we tried our best to survive so that we could kill the boss that gives the items at the firs location we fought the atmach monster boss there we slaughter it using our weapons my greatsword was pierced in its skull then at the second location we fought the monster tree there we almost die because its strong enough thanks to our cleric that is very skilled enough and the chanter that keeps us safe and we proceed to cave that connects to the head quarters of the dragon. At the gate of the head quarters there is a very strong boss that guards it. We use all of our buffs and skills in order to kill it. After that we entered the gate and there we are surprised that the leader of the dragons appeared in front of us. It started to attack us and when we are almost wiped out our chanter buffed us with the skill that protected us for 15 seconds thanks to him we manage to survive and bought enough time to heal our comrades and as we recovered from the pinch that we are into. we managed to kill it using all of our strength and skills we have. after its death we where given the items we need to take revenge to the group of elyos that attacked us and from that time we started our long battle to wipe out all our enemy..

    Thats all thank you :smile: For Reading And Have a Good Time....
  20. Cookiechip

    Cookiechip New Member

    Jan 30, 2014
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    IGN: Icytooo
    Server: Siel

    She had awakened in a cold, dark land unable to recall what had happened. Her mind was blank and her memory was only fragmentary which had emptied her lively soul. She did not know the time and place which led to her confusion. The only thing that she perceived was the fact that she was a Daeva.

    The raw wind kept blowing as the young woman was struggling to find a way out of the endless forest. All the surroundings remained unknown for her, simply because she had never seen such a sinister place. The air was fraught with tension and anticipation as if something bad was going to happen. Every branch was creaking which filled her heart with compelling fear. All the nightmares she had had suddenly became reality.

    After endless hours of divagation, the Daeva finally met a pale- skinned man with a frowning expression.
    “Where am I sir?” – she had asked.

    The man remained silent and observed her from a distance. Even the last piece of hope vanished and the woman continued to walk aimlessly.
    “Young woman. You are in the land of Asmodea.”- replied the old man.

    “What is this evil place? I have never been here in my entire life. Why do not I remember anything from my whereabouts? ”- cried the Daeva.

    “Your story lies between the declared war between the Elyos and the Asmodian faction ever since the world of Atreia was torn apart. It is the world created by the god Aion which shattered long ago due to the The Great Cataclysm.”- explained the unknown man.

    “But I am no warrior. I do not wish to fight anyone and I certainly want to get out of this place. Could you help me?”

    “I am sorry young lady, but my duty is to protect this forest from the Balaur as they can be very intrusive. Continue walking this way and you will soon be in the Garldar Village”- said the man and waved.

    The youthful Daeva followed his advice and soon found herself in the busy village of Garldar. She could hear music and laughter coming out of a nearby tavern. “The atmosphere is much better here than in that lonely forest”- she thought. Her mind was full of curiosity and she could wait no more. She went closer to one of the village guards and started asking him numerous questions about everything around her. The adolescent man smiled at her nescience and said:

    “Come with me my dear child. I shall show you the magnificent world of Atreia.”

    And so their journey began…
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