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[Dragon Days] Epic Odes

Discussion in 'Events Archive' started by Deathangel, Jun 9, 2014.

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  1. Overwhelmed

    Overwhelmed Ultimate Member

    Sep 15, 2011
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    In-Game Name:Youvebeenwarned

    Today was an interesting day pvpwise. I am trying to level my essencetapping and so I scampered over to Danaria.It occurs to me it is asmo week a bit belated bunch of asmo defending pradeth fortress.I think i may have to smoosh an ely that suprisingly killed me while i was busy gathering some weeds.Revenge Is Mine Good Ninja Kill on my first kill of the day....:ninja:

    Also one glad brought Wood with him. The sin, who used to strike fear into my little pveing heart. It was a personal victory today to get to see his wings when he and a glad popped up when I was essencetapping.

    I finally feel like I'm starting to get fired up on PVP.

    I scampered over to gelk with 1 kill left in my quest. I got that blessedly fast and of course a wise person would have gone back home right after the quest updated.

    I had SO much fun today! I wasn't in Danaria too long but I got to fight some really fun people.But the fight was close enough for me to give it a second try.I hardly get to use my 4k damage signet skill :D in pvp and so I decided to give it a try at the very end then i meet an glady ely and he was killing my comrades when i found him.He's a great fighter and I had about 4% health when I popped it.By some miracle I got a heal off and he had to retreat and then use all my combos to finish him off and it did killed him.

    I was excited to win but kinda bummed.I hoped he would come back.

    And he did! The next time I won proper with no DPing.Lots of stunning skills,and trying not to weep openly at how hard he was hitting me. I think overall we fought like 5 times and I know he came out ahead killwise but I'm still very proud to have been able to go toe to toe with him!.Heading back to battlegroup encampment then teleport to tainted lands and then going to sleeping elders plateau to do BM quest.....

    I caught a couple people gliding down to sleeping elders plateau and decided to try out a tactic someone told me about glide fighting.

    I was floating above a chanter on the way to sleeping elders. I was close enough to hit her so I unpopped my wings and hit well the chant didnt die.I also managed to aggro those mobs in there after i'd already use my blinding burst skill and didnt notice there was a ranger behind me.BANG kill what a greedy -.-

    So began a cycle of getting a kill and then dying.Never fight a good chanter in close proximity hallways. They will hit you a lot lol. She whooped me a couple times both of which I apparently helped by aggroing mobs. I'm SO hoping to get a shot at a fight in the future and see if I can beat her 1v1. She was a good chanter!

    I was going to give it another go when I landed to sleeping elders and then i saw that sorc forgot his name -.- gliding down.Now I didn't have time to look up his gear but I remember him being very painful and winning a ffa crucible match i ran for my little life and stick with him and once again DIED lol.

    I made some great AP and had a lot of fun even if I may have died more than I won.

    Wow this ended up being raped by those overgeared ely haha I hope it's not boring. But don't be discouraged! .And when you are an overgeared monster beast... have mercy on me! lol <3

    Last edited: Jun 23, 2014
  2. mindfvckerrr

    mindfvckerrr New Member

    Jun 20, 2014
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    IGN: Unwavering
    Server: Siel

    It was a freezing cold dark night and I was home alone. I was very exhausted from work so I thought about the things that could make my mind in peace. So, I did what I usually do. And that was playing the game called "GamezAion". When I saw my characters I felt happy cause it's been a long time since I played the game and now, I can play it the whole night. I used my main toon which is templar. I was confused on what I just saw on Pandemonium, there was a strange portal and it seems it will take me to the other horizon. That time I was really really confused of what is that portal about so I came in and all of a sudden I was ported on a map where no NPC/mobs can be seen. I thought it was just a bug map cause it's so clean no ppl can be seen and it made me become more bored. I was to use my pande scroll so I can go back then suddenly I heard a voice saying enigmatic words then my toon became asleep. Then I heard another voice at my back saying most likely with the same voice that I heard first. Then both of them was uttering words that cannot be explained and cannot be determined and with a speed of a light my toon died because of the too much damaged dealt on it. And I saw the two demonic toons just laughed at my corpse and then there I realized that the two demonic toons where both Sorcerers.

    ~Hope you guys like it ! :smile:
  3. Altered

    Altered New Member

    Jun 21, 2014
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    A human who loves dragons and knows everything about them their habits type, food and almost everything about them, but the God Aion seen a potential in me and turned me into a Daeva which mean I am one of the thousand humans blessed with the power to defend the realm and battle other races that could harm Atrea my home, the bitter irony of it all is that I have to slay balaurs the very thing I adore without any questions or second thoughts I had no choice but to follow orders and face my faith… the day of my 1st mission arrived and it was a simple mission where I have to retrieve a stolen artifact from a lone baluar who hid itself on the caves but once I arrived there I found out that the balaur was stealing artifacts to heal itself because it was greatly wounded in battle I took pity on it and helped it recover a few weeks past it gained its full strength back then I remembered my orders to eliminate it from this world but I had second thoughts so I decided to help it escape and relocate and I was successful. After that I went back home and saw my village was under attack I wasn’t there to protect it everybody died no one was left except I now I hold a great hate for the dragons I once loved after the good deed I gave this is the payment I get I am going to use this knowledge and slay every single one of them. 2 years passed someone learned that I had help a balaur recover and helped it escape the council decided to exile my for my traitorous acts enraged I stormed away and went to hunt the biggest dragon I could kill it myself then stumbled upon Tahabata. It proved to strong for me I cant take it down tahabata was about to finish me off when this dragon that looked like tahabata and also bigger than tahabata itself came to my rescue and killed the dragon who tried to kill me, to my amazement it was the dragon I saved along time ago and learned that we were the same and exile from the faction the once belong.. now I travel a lot with my dragon friend if you want to see me got to the battle fields of inggison and look up and watch a mighty dragon flying over you….

    Server: Siel
  4. uchiha12

    uchiha12 Getting there

    Mar 17, 2014
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    IGN: Agillty
    Server: Siel

    hello daevas i want to share something new and cool story about my adventure in AION

    Long time Ago in far far away land there is a innocent child name Agillty. he was born with a mark of a dragon. The creation of baluar beginned and the never stoping war of daevas and baluar and...SHIT I HAVE NO TIME I WILL CONTINUE THIS STORY AFTER I GO TO ONLINE AGAIN FCK THIS SHIIIITT IM OUT!!


  5. Argel

    Argel Proficient

    Sep 23, 2013
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    Red Night
    IGN: Elementor
    Server: Siel
    Class : Spiritmaster

    This story actually happened between Elyos and the Asmodians:

    The Elyos have invaded peacefully Mode,forcing the Asmodians to battle them as well as the Balaur in order to survive. In the name of the Shedim Lords, punish the Elyos and fulfill your destiny as the true heir of atreia.
    The story of Aion is rich and diverse, stretching back thousands of years to the creation and subsequent shattering of Atreia to the present day.I would know because I have seen it all unfold before my very eyes. For now you can simply refer to me as The Observer. I watched as the violent struggle unfolded and Atreia was torn apart. Who is to blame when it is all said and done? Inevitably, it depends on your point of view. The Asmodians and Elyos have chosen to blame one another. While I, unburdened by association with either, seek to collect all that was once Atreia’s written history. I am neither Judge nor Jury, but maybe in my task the truth of the Cataclysm will be exposed.

    I would like to relate an experience I do not play that basis the strength or popularity as a player but has to have self-discipline and intelligent to understand things in order.Only four words I want to interpret my experience about this game, (1).Easy gamer but not easy to start with nothing, (2).Hard gamer since very alone and train people so others wont this game called ultimate, (3).Ultimate gamer need to be alert and wise same as in real life.For a beginner I do not yet know the transvestites bypass.

    Easy to choose race between Light(Elyos) and Dark(Asmodian).We know more goodness than
    evil prevails, But I choose asmodian race because not all in the darkness is bad, Dark is comparable to myself.

    Hard to select the class is very difficult because you do not know how to use it.Pondored whether to choose a marvelous class, Thought to be considering to compare yourself with aplomb even see light exterior appearance.And I chose Spiritmaster, And thus began my journey as a Spiritmaster. I was bony other talented players became unmanageable and the elyos as well as all events.I had several friends who are always included in the happy days.

    Player would be an ultimate, But not at all because for me, You could just be the ultimate friends with you. And so much more just to show you the other players as much support you.The game is realistic, so I made all discrimination and courage to every problem inbound.Not all the time you're there alone because you have friends who always goes there.Yeah I was just greedy stronger and left all friends, But I realize friend is more important in this game, But I did not understand that because I always thought that just waxed and I thought I turned off the track to them.To everyone I hurt would come the day to forgiven me out became arrogant and conceited.

    OMG! Oh My GamezAion I turned almost three years in GamezAion player I'm surprised this has strengthened me and soon I play. A great opportunity to share my experience in this game.

    I believe in saying, You are able to achieve with self-discipline, charity largely cue from God.
    - Jeffrey L. Rivera
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2014
  6. kathnis

    kathnis New Member

    Jun 18, 2014
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    In-game: valkerie
    server: seil

    I and my four companions traveling the road to heiron observatory ... until I saw someone ASMO buffing on my radar ... I suddenly stopped, and warned them with incoming enemies ... later suddenly ASMO surprise with one of my comrades .. it was an assasin ... I cast him a thunder bolt that stopped him .. but he still escaped ... suddenly he disappeared with hide2 ... we continued our journey towards heiron .. and I was right in my suspicion that there is an ongoing battle ... two groups of ASMO .. since we have clerick we fight them with all of our skills ... were not strong enough to fight them but our bond to each other was completely strong enough to beat them... 1 of my companions was died so i have to lure them away from my other companions (since i am their first target).. i run away even its too hard for me to do it because they are hitting me.. for a short while they resurrect our fallen companions..but i already died..then i knew that i can resurrect because of the buff of clerick on me.. i make my mp/hp full then i go back into them,to help them to fight.. we do our best but in the very end we lost... we all die to that clash.. the end....
  7. Cleinna

    Cleinna New Member

    Jun 9, 2013
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    In-game name: Nanei
    Server: Lumiel

    It was a day like any other, I was killing balaur in hopes of getting their divine hearts. I was locked in a fight against two balaur when suddenly an Asmodian assassin came from the shadows and attacked me. I knew I wouldn't survive this, but I wouldn't go down without a fight. I focused my attention on the assassin, hoping to get the last laugh in our little battle. The assassin kept evading my raging strikes and my attempts to severely damage him, but his swords were tickling me. I used my Unwavering Devotion and I killed the assassin. Just as I was going to celebrate my victory, the balaur fatally hit me, and a few seconds later I died. My death was nothing, I came back to my senses at sanctum, with Jucleas praising my assassination of the assassin. Jucleas informed me that the Governor of Sanctum Fasimedes is looking for me to give me my next task. I stepped out of the Lyceum as a proud Elyos, stepping towards my next assignment against the dark forces which roam in Atreia.
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  8. dukanxxx

    dukanxxx Proficient

    Apr 4, 2014
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    Server: Siel IGN: Lacocz

    My story is simple. Ive used to be in SPD (Sanctum Police Department). We used bows and magic to catch criminals, but one day everything changed, the day when Israphel’s research center produced their first prototypes of pistols and aethercanons for us to test, thanks to my hard work in the field Ive been choosen to be in the first ten people that tested it.

    My first thoughts were negative about this new technology... It looked so rough and dangerous to the user, but when i fired my first shot from pistol, awww it felt so natural and easy, everyone but me strougle with shooting. Awesome feeling... This went for weeks, ingeneers didnt want us to go in teraing unprepared, but i was pumped and ready for action. It was me who sugested to use this in war with Asmodians and Balaur and i was one who should trained the first army users.

    When i first joined the army i thought it will be band of stupid daevas who just kills for fun, but no. In my legion everone were clever, understanding and happy to help each other, i loved it. Our first mission with theese new guns was simple. Band of Bards was traped inside Asteria fort, with our new canons wasnt that hard to get through fortress gate and with our accuracy, asmos were flying away as fast as they could. It was huge succes for us as a team and for this new technology, now everyone can choose to go this path... the path ot the Gunslinger...
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2014
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  9. Seacher

    Seacher New Member

    Sep 25, 2010
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    Server: Siel IGN: Seacher

    Back then in the earlier days of our despited world, there was a day that I still remember like it was yesterday. I woke up in the morning, packed my bags and swords, picked myself up and went to Heiron to gather some Aether, having nothing in my head then my brother who got slain by Asmodians in the last siege war. Besides me there were some friends, since we all were afraid of might getting in danger when we're alone, cause you never knew what would happen next. So there we were.. havin' our time. Later that day we were finished, exhausted from our gathering and even tho pretty happy that we're all still alive. The next weeks made life better, it almost seemed like the war was over, or even just had come to rest for that moment, which we all appreciated pretty much. As we all were deavas, we were happy about beeing able to meet up with our families and friends and have some good times. Then there was that day, that one day that changed everything again. Like four weeks later, again in the morning, one of the kids ran into my house, yelling and crying, in search for his mom. I picked myself up and asked him out what's going on. He just ran away and yelled: "They're coming again!" I was pretty shocked, picked up my armor and ran out of my house and looked up the sky. I just stood there for 10 seconds with my eyes wide open. A dredgeon, like the biggest one i've ever seen in my life was right above our small village near Heiron, and the balaur floated out of it in thousands. I knew what I had to do, even tho I was kinda scared and in search for my familiy. The situation left me no choise, I had to fight. Dead Guardians around me, women and children who ran away and cryed, it was horrible, the worst day in my life. I was full of anger, hate.. I wanted to slay every single one of those basterds. I felt a strengt I never felt before, it was like something was charging at me and I had to stand it with all my power. So I slayed one after another, blood ran from my Dagger, and I fought with all my anger inside of me, not willing to let go. Me and my brothers tryed to defend our village as hard as we could, but they were too many..I just remember getting a hit on my helmet from behind.. then there was the blackout.. The next thing I remember was waking up on the bottom in the sands, with noone around me, there was almost nothing left. Everything was destroyed, houses were on fire and not one human beeing was there anymore. All were killed. I never found my family, I guess they were killed too.. Now I'm an broken down piece of meat, not really having a point in life anymore. I got nothing to fight for left. There's an undying rage inside me, that will never let go.. never dissapear. But I'm too old to fight for my familiy. They are still with me, in my heart and my head, and I will never forget what they did for me. That's my story, and I hope everyone out there who's fighting for our life will do better than me. Save your family and kids, save everyone that you're able to, but never forget yourself. And never forget where you came from, cause when you do it's a long way home.
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  10. cachaquito

    cachaquito New Member

    Jun 25, 2014
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    I was in Sanctum when I saw they were recruiting people to go to Reshanta access to the fortress. Once applied I was invited to the alliance and prepared to meet with the group to start the battle. I came to Reshanta and then band together to raise our flight to Miren Fortress. On the way Asmos but had not reached the fort they were there, waiting for we approached. They decided to attack us while we tried to go down the door of the fortress, we dispersed and at least I realized I was just trying to stay alive and chased by a 5 star officer who can not remember the name but if I was a templar. We fight tirelessly in the air, with courage; silenced him, as he healed me beat him down the defense, spend all my squid HP but it all proved futile, since I, a simple rank 1, had no armor needed to win. Then revive and heal I went looking for him when he suddenly appeared flying towards me and two Elyos behind him and that was the time I tied it in the air, I approached him and silenced, I hit as hard as I could and got my revenge and with it his Abyss Point :smile:

    Im Elyo.
    Ingame name: Otto.
    Server: Siel
  11. Caitllyn

    Caitllyn New Member

    Jun 28, 2014
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    A Daevas battle

    One day in the Tiamaranta´s Eye two big dragons and a legion of Pashid Elite Soldiers and Pacifer Gunners had arrived...
    The Legion was protecting their three treasures two Tahabata´s treasures and a big one from Tiamat when a group of Daevas arrived to finish them all...The Stormwing dragon(boss) wasn´t the easiest one because of his powerful wind powers but there was a bad thing in this fight between the two dragons...One of the Daevas died,and they had to fight without that Daeva because he was the only one who could bring people back from death (cleric), when they were finishing the Legion,a group of Asmodians arrived (The Daevas where Elyos) they fought to death and only one elyo survived...But,he called a Priest(cleric) who ressurected all his group, after that they got all the reasures and got well equipped and ready to fight more Asmodians and get more Abyss Points!!! :lol::lol::lol::lol:

    (I wrote this story like someone else was telling it to be more instersting :p)
    In-Game Name : Caitllyn
    Server: Lumiel
    Race: Elyo
  12. japblues

    japblues New Member

    Dec 16, 2013
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    In Game Name: Missalt
    Server :Siel
  13. Carnage

    Carnage Lord Of Calamities: OMEGAWEAPON Forum Legend

    Nov 18, 2010
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    IGN: Legatto
    Server: Siel


    The story I composed does not have an accurate connection to the true story that Led to the events of Aion. The story created is based mainly on pure imagination on how Dark Poeta came to be.

    *About the Author*

    This is about me putting into perspective as the whole soul of the character I created. Legatto. As I had the most time playing a game I fall in love with, the more I interact into the fantasy world, I created someone based on my personality, feelings and ideals if I have to be someone that exist on other reality. I also became someone else other than myself and live in an unreal world. I let that other person within me live the way I wanted more likely living a double life. Interacting with people that has the same type of lifestyle all over the world. Developed friendships and maybe a feeling of love with someone and meeting different people online, persons who I wouldn't meet in reality and hoping I could meet them.

    The character created and cultivated the skills I do on unreal world grows, it's unavoidable that some would admire the person i created because of the greatness i enveloped on my other self.

    Dark Tales of Poeta

    - Prologue -

    The story began at the dark days of Poeta, A once peaceful place inhabited with peaceful people and now was conquered by the evil. I ascend to become one of the warriors blessed by the Empyrean Lords, I was appointed to become a Gladiator. A mighty warrior having a skill essential to inflict heavy damages and kill the surrounding enemies with the use of heavy weaponry. A warrior that has the ability to withstand countless but not infinite blows from the enemy.
    As I venture into the wilderness, I learned different skills essential for my survival and as a part of my quest to venture into the world of Atreia, slaying monsters along the way, and destroying anyone who come across my path. With the training and skills I acquired throughout the years of my adventures, the time has finally come for the Empyrean Lords to ask my help. A great calamity is approaching. A calamity that brings the world in total darkness. That day has come. The hell as we know it, break loose. The time for us mighty warriors priests and wizards will have to defend our homeland. The world as we know it, was different than the world we used to know. Our race is not the only ones who inhabited this world. We were wrong.

    Poeta - How it was and how it became.

    - Peace & Harmony -

    Poeta, once a peaceful place, covered with thick green forests. Icy mountains and glaciers surrounds the land. A place full of life and creatures living in harmony. Lush green covered the hills around the mountains, and lakes inhabited with majestic creatures. People lived in their daily lives helping others and lived happily. The sound of the wind touches our hardened skin from the days of work giving us relief from the soars of our daily chores. Crystal like waters flowing from every river, creek, and the bluish ponds reflecting the peaceful sky above. Giant trees provides us shelter, branches from the trees were made to build our homes. Fruit bearing trees abundant on every part of the land and our main food source. From able bodied men, they trained to be one of the villages guardians. In time according to their will to move on, were appointed and trained to be a warrior.

    - Calamity's Beginning -

    The peaceful time around these creatures inhabited the peaceful place will now near to its demise. Clear blue skies are now covered with thick black clouds. Lightning and thunder roaring around the mountains. Rifts opened on the Mist covered lakes and thick forests. Balaur soldiers, commanders, Nagas and other evil creatures started to spawn around these areas. Greenish forests changed their colors into grayish ash as the green leaves slowly rotting. Barks on the trees crumbles and started to petrify. Grasses turned to bloody colored ground as the fluid inside of them started to come out and began to rot and produces a poisonous thick liquid that splattered the ground. The grounds are now thick mushy swamps that became a breeding place for evil offspring. People once inhabited the place who became immune to these events led to their transformation and mutation into other beings. Life that surrounds these areas evolved into evil. Those who died on these events were melted. Their blood and their liquefied flesh, Feds the plants and the animals that inhabited the area. The bloods of slain inhabitants and humans who were captured were mutilated, experimented and their useless body parts were overflown into the lake. Then in turn, the lake were became a nourishment for the Balaurs and other monsters surrounding the land. Piles of bloodied corpses, forming a small hills made of human flesh bones and human remains. Maggots, insects and other detestable creatures began to fed on these and the air surrounding these areas became a heavenly poison all over Poeta.
    These events led to a massive animal and human mutations into evil monsters. Nightmare who were just a mere fantasy has now became a reality. As the earth crumbles, mountainous regions arise and volcanic mountains were formed and started to erupt as one of the dragon lords cast its wrath on once peaceful place.

    - The Rise of Heroes -

    The empyrean lords could not stand the wrath of these calamities and the terror that brought from the Balaurs.
    Mighty warriors sorcerers spirit masters priests and assassins rise to their power as they were trained not only to be born to defend the land but how their cultures are meant to be.

    - The Templar & Gladiators -

    Templar has the skills specifically for defense and acts as the defenders. They are the warriors that goes in front with the help of their shield and their weapons of sword or a war hammer. They have the power to inflict a heavy damage In a single blow, overpowering those who are hit. They are granted with defensive power that make them invulnerable to any physical damage and the ability to heal.

    Unlike Templar with their ability to inflict heavy damage, the Gladiators can hit multiple targets with a set of range depending on their weapons. They were granted to have a berserk spirit that make them stronger five times their strength in a short burst of time. Powerful warriors that kills most of the enemies ahead. They are essential for wiping out enemies on surrounded areas.

    - Assassins & Rangers -

    The assassins are known for their quick attacks and their speed on single combat. Swords and daggers are their weapon of choice for faster kills. They are granted to ambush and stun an enemy and poison them. Their ability to hide and act stealthy without leaving any noise and trace were essential for enemy infiltration.

    Rangers on the other hand are also quick and fast just like the Assassins. But their skills are different. They are specialized on using bows and arrows. They have the ability to attack enemies on a long range and specialized on escaping a big group of enemies and has the ability to see anything that are hiding.

    - The healers -

    They are composed of Clerics and Chanters. Clerics are trained from priesthood to assist the mighty warriors by having the power not only to heal but can cure almost anything. They are granted the power to heal and dispel any black magic that was cast on anyone around a certain range. They wield a mace and a shield just like the Templar for defensive purposes. Chanters in the other hand can also heal and assist but cannot heal like those of the Clerics. They are specialized on making their party faster and stronger. They can cast a protective buffs to any of the warriors wizards, sorcerers and other healers. Their mantras are what they are known for as a chanter. They can also wield a weapon just like the Templar and Clerics, but their weapon of choice are the Staff, which they used for hand to hand combat. Chanters are not only build to assist and to heal but also they are trained to inflict physical damage to the enemy.

    - Sorcerers and Spirit masters -

    They are known as the Wizards appointed by the Empyrean Lords to ascend to Either Spirit masters or Sorcerers. Sorcerers has the ability to cast strong magical spells, either single or multiple hits against enemies. They have the ability to buff themselves to make them hard as a rock to a buff that can make them invulnerable to any physical nor magical attacks from a short period of time. They can cloak themselves with an icy magical power that can reflect any physical attacks ten times.

    Spirit masters are also wizards appointed by the Empyrean lords but are different from the Sorcerers. They can summon an elemental spirits, either wind, water, earth or fire spirit to fight and to defend. They are specialized on casting magical power that can weaken, immobilized and bound anyone who stand against them.

    - Start -

    Together, we infiltrated the evil infested place clashing our swords casting powerful magic against these terror driven Balaurs. As we tried to kill each and every one of them, a scene of near defeat, the Balaur captains and their commanders were summoned to fight us! With our will to never give up and the power of our great teamwork, these evil creatures were no where in victory. Thousands upon thousands, they rushed towards us as their will of vengeance drives on their defeat. Hundreds of Templars blocked and defended the front lines. The chains that cast against hundreds of Balaurs pulled towards them and the powerful attacks from the gladiators brings these Balaurs at their deaths. Another wave of attack coming from the west, was stopped by the rains of arrows from the rangers and the sniping skills a powerful attack that brought them at their knees. Then with the help of the spirits masters made them bounded at their knees and a cast of powerful magic cast against them made the Balaurs experience their slow death. With the hundreds of them bounded and snared, it's time for the Sorcerers to cast their attacks.

    Thousands of the Balaurs were injured, thousands were slaughtered, thousands were kept hostage. But their death and their defeat was not the end. We took their weapon, armors and made them as a trophies. The weapons we're reforge to form another kind of weaponry. Their hides were made to coats and clothing for the remaining warriors. Their spears are reforge to form a greater spear or a greater claymore. The weapons that were made not only became durable but broader and lighter as well. The swords that were reforge became harder and durable. The hides that were made to coats, were lighter and durable than any of the Coats created. Arcane magics became powerful as they mix the blood from fallen Balaurs.

    - Witnessed -

    But the fight for evil on this place has yet to end. The thoughts of our victory seemed to be a mere fantasy when one of us saw a silhouette of a dark, massive flying creature approaching from the fiery sky. The shadows of its wings are far wide as a mountain as it's shadows covers the side of a mountain. Once a peaceful bluish green sky from the thoughts of near victory, was suddenly darkened from the fire and blaze of a fiery dragon. The sky turned into an ember colored sky. The shine of the sun were turned into darkness and color of dried blood covered our very own Sky.

    As I saw this creature approaching to our demise, I feel the fear of death, a feeling of doubts to my fellow adventurer to survive the terror that will brought upon us. A legend heard from millenea that none of us believed it was true, has now come to us to know became a reality. TAHABATA - has come to us and witnessed his wrath and his mighty power. Our hearts trembles from his hate and witness The destruction that we are about to experience.

    As he flies above the fiery ground of the hills we were standing, gusts of flaming wind touches our skin and the embers splatters on our heavy armors. He expressed his hate by a roar that made the mountains crumble and flaming magma spouts on our very feet. Upon every roar he makes, the mountains crushed and the ground divides. Every roar he makes, the agony of fallen warriors and fallen Balaurs alike were heard from countless miles away. The shout of death follows every roar he makes. Fear and Dread is heard towards us on every sounds he makes. His breathing made the winds that touches our skin like a steam of hot water facing in front of us. The stench of his breath is like a poison that mix the air. A mist of hot air fills the ground and flaming inferno was seen on his knees and on to the ground he is standing, and the moist that were created, brings life in an unimaginable way.

    The flaps of his wings brought us a flaming storm and fiery Tornadoes created on every part of the forests as he flaps his wings violently towards us.
    His four wings are wide, wide enough to cover a mountain. His skin and scales are silver colored, impenetrable by any means of metal. His veins are hot, visible on our very eyes, glowing, scorching like that of wooden ember. His blood is like an overflowing hot liquid, like on those magma that spouts from the volcanoes. He has three heads, one attached To its bony neck and three heads from the its shoulders. Each heads have their own brain and can think separately from others but can be in subjection of the main head. His heart is burning with anger and speaks slanderous. He has a long neck, the same length of his body. Every bone of his back bone were like a sharpened swords sticking up on his back. Spaces dividing its skin were glowing like a molten iron, scorching in heat and flames sprays dauntlessly. His scales are liken to those of spikes on a spear covering his whole body.

    - When all was LOST -

    The action began when our leader blows the horn signaling our charge. Templars with great defense rushed to his front as they block his first attack. But the shock wave caused by the impact of his mighty hand was too much for them to handle. They struggle to keep the pace and defense on each and every attack he made. Hundreds of Templars, and Gladiators were incinerated because of their poor teamwork. Some alliance were successful on defending, and some are unlucky and were faced to their demise. I witnessed all these terrors that brought us. But our effort were somewhat worthy of what we do as we continued to attack this mighty beast. As we discovered on how to keep the pace fighting this malevolent being, the fight goes on for days as our thousands of warriors kept on fighting him. As our fight against him continues without end, the Beast was nowhere on his defeat. He acts as these attacks towards him was just Merely a child's play. He flew up high on the heavens and charge his power and quickly cast a powerful blasts of fire and lightning thundering towards us. Thousands of us even our mightiest warriors having the best of the best of skills and armors and weapons were instantly incinerated.

    - Memories -

    A flashback of the ones good memories I had with my fellow adventurers now came to my mind. The lush green grasses on my village, the people I loved living in harmony and the memories of my beloved one now came to me. The cold spring waters and the roaring waterfalls once I venture, now all have lost. Rivers and Rice fields and the fragrance of peaceful winds from these lush green now became a scene far worse than a chaotic hell.

    Memories from someone who feared and admire my might, my skills and my passion towards my friendly fights. A memory of someone who admired who I am and fell in love with me by the fear of her being defeated on a duel. - Anaia is her name. Someone I didn't know from the start and someone who seek me, and someone who trained for the day that came and asked for a friendly duel and till the day She defeated me. Fights in endless requests, days in and days out, defeats and victories from our friendly fights, till the day we say our true feelings till the day we say how much we love each other.

    Now that day was all gone, I saw someone from a nearby hill, a burnt body armor, a broken sword and a piece of shiny shield along the path of a chaotic hell. A familiar gift that once I present to someone I love was found by my friend. And a calamity greater than the one we are facing have gone through my heart. My chest was pounding, my heart was racing and the heavens from hell, falls towards me. The woman I love was found floating on a river. As I approached her near death situation, she ask me to be with her till her life was at end despite of all the calamities were still facing. She grab me and lift herself up holding the back of my neck and as I carry her on safety. She touches my check, crying and tried to whisper me with her lovely voice saying...

    "No matter what it takes, please don't die till. Have faith and you will succeed." "I believe that something has to be done". "No matter what it takes, someday We will be together again". "I will always love you no matter what."

    Then her life has taken. I shouted like I never have shouted because of the pain and agony that she has caused.

    - Retribution -

    Hopes still nowhere to be seen. Thousands of us perished. Then suddenly, a scene of an unknown person appeared from the hills in front of the Dragon. Someone we did not know, a mysterious person with a gleaming aura surrounding him. He changed his attention towards him. He lift his mighty arms and his sharpened claws burning with anger towards and fires him with a giant ball of fire and lightning, thundering the skies above and shocking the ground below He repeated his his assault towards him over and over, charging its power and firing it all towards this mysterious person, stronger and stronger. With all his effort to defeat this person, no harm was done against him. Then this mysterious person lift up his arms in the heavens, his auras began to grow. Then he spread his wings with a majestic scene and flys in the burning sky. He has four wings, mixed with red and black colors. The wings are burning like those of the dragon's breath and the fire that came from the sun and the sky was seeing through on these wings. He has an armor crafted by the gods. Armor created with a symbol of glory and peace, crafted in perfection and has a design that harmoniously aligned. The armor is black, mix with other dark colors black grey and red symbolizing vengeance and glory.

    He has a weapon on his back as large as himself. A great sword forged by the gods made up of a materials from one of the metallic dragons he has slain. The edges of the great sword he carries are sharp that can divide a dragons souls. The weapon is black in color engraved by symbols of great destruction and has it's own aura gleaming on the edges. He also carries a sword on his left and a dagger on his right, weapons with similar auras. Weapons symbolizes his glory that will be witnessed to those who dread in fear. Whenever he draws his weapon, countless lightning and thundering echoes follows.

    His aura is colored black, white, blue, and red, symbolizing death, agony, suffering, and destruction. Their motion is like a disturbing winds going to any direction. Lighting and fire were on these auras. Everything that these lightning touches, were immediately vaporized and life starts rise. The ground he was standing became lush green and the sky above him changed to blue skies and the burning sun starts to shine on the place he is standing. Then he started to spread his aura at a far greater distance and changes his aura into light enveloping the whole land. And life gradually start to develop and the land gradually healing.

    As the dragon saw this person, fear strucked him. His Feeling of dread now develops. He draws his dagger and strikes the dragon without any means of effort. And the dragon felt the greatest pain and shouted with agony. With one struck from this mysterious person made the dragon felt fear.
    The person now we witnessed his power faced us. His eyes are glowing a symbol of vengeance against badness. And then he began to speak to us through our mind saying...

    "I heard the cries of your fellow men. Their feeling of pain and their agony. Their punishments they don't deserve and the call of their deaths awaken me. Fear him not as these pain and suffering you witness among your fellow men gave out powers within me. As many as thousands of them perished shall all of their deaths has given me strengths and an unfathomable power. The more suffering you face, the more outcries and pain you feel shall belong."

    He raises his hands on the heaven and draws his sword on his left, and the heavens began to crumble, absorbing the darkness on the heavens down towards him and his aura began to grow like never before enveloping him and the dragon towards him. Countless shock waves started to pound and earthquakes shakes the grounds they were standing and as he walks slowly towards the dragon, Volcanoes erupted simultaneously giving out their bleeding blood, and his footsteps that he left behind became green and grass starts to grow, the place he left were filled with life and shining light follows him on his direction. The dragon now started to attack him wih great power and might. But the damages has done was nothing. Then, the mysterious person faced us with a glowy eyes resembling vengeance and started to speak to us.

    "I am Zikel, one of the Shedim Lords. The fight I am facing is not mine to finish. I shall Grant you my powers as a symbol of your great battle. After your victory, Your journey is yet to end. You will continue to venture into this world. A world different from you used to know. A world that you ancestors tried to hide from you, as he cares for you to never to venture. Because of fear you will not succeed and so you are here. My powers will guide you through the harsh journey you will face. I shall be with you no matter where ever you are."

    After all the speech he said, He became ashes that blown through the wind. His auras became pure as snow and shining like the rays of a the sun. The light came through us. As these lights starts to wrap around us like the warmth of someone who cares. Our burned with ashes and wounded skin gradually cleaned and started to heal. The ashes that wraps around us were blown through the wind, and our armor started to polish. Our strength was restored. Our speed, multiplied. Our weapons did not became heavy but it was light as a feather. Our garment became durable, our weapons broaden and each of us was granted with Auras symbolizing our near victory. .

    We charged all together towards the dragon. Our weapons now can penetrate his hardened skin. Every strike and every blow we made, made him feel the greatest pain he ever feel. Every blow we made was followed with thunder and shockwaves onward through his toughened armor and hides. We slashed through him and his flaming blood pour out to the ground. His wound were worsen and his skins thats cut off were vaporized because of the gleaming aura of our weapons. With all the blows we inflict towards this mighty beast now came to weaken him. Assassins ambushed him from their days of strategic hiding now came to this beast and they poisoned him. Our greatest pain and agony now came to the mighty beast. All the suffering we faced and all the outcries we shout and all the deaths of our fellow men, now we delivered to the death of this mighty beast. Now they gave me the honor to inflict the final blow towards the Dragon, With the cheer and shouts of a feeling of victory from fellow men drives me to deliver a final blow on his heart. Then the Dragon that brought us terror now came to his death.

    Our victory seems to come to an end. The burning and scorching skies we saw from days and days of our battle now came to seize. Thundering clouds start to disappear. The sun starts to shine again and the blue skies were now visible on our eyes. The dark days of this journey is now coming to its end. The battle continues towards him as these events leading to the restoration of Dark Poeta.

    The Journey to venture continues after the slaughter of the Great Dragon. We started to venture all over Atrea. Facing the same terror we faced with greater dangers. Greater Dragons together we slain, and powerful individuals we faced. Battle towards godly monsters we encountered and greater battles we struggled with victory. But with the faith and power we received from the Shedim Lord Zikel, Our journey continues to this day...

    - Finale -

    After a long while at the gates of the abyss, A great rift was opened wondering who would come. Anxiously waiting for some powerful monsters and greater dragons would come. And then, someone walked out of that rift. It was like someone we resembles. His face was harmless, their skins are light. They have wings similar to ours displaying his Glory. His armor is bright like the skies above. Then he shouted with a mysterious voice, and his fellow warriors started to come out and followed him. Then he saw us and attacked us. Myriads upon myriads of them came to us and a battle we never had experienced now came to us. Their strengths are to us and their numbers are overwhelming. Our powers we acquired seemed to deemed out because of their multitude of numbers.

    To be continued...

    Written and Composed by Omegaweapon

    Last edited: Jul 9, 2014
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  14. explane

    explane Proficient

    Sep 4, 2010
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    IGN: explaneServer: Siel

    Fire and blood

    In a small cottage in the Goldendell Village lived a perfectly normal sorcerer. He was not big or small, nor mighty as others are or invisible, he was like me or you, fighting against the balaur every day for as long as he can remember. Every day was a little different but mostly the same until one day...

    It was a sunny afternoon when she came to the town of Sanctum, she looked like an angel with beautiful white wings that cover the sky and big blue eyes like a little puppy, she was the image of innocence with perfect curves and she looked scared so I went to see what’s wrong. If I knew what was going to happen I would have stayed home.

    Suddenly I found myself saying hello and she looked at me with that big beautiful eyes wondering what I want from her, she looked like a deer in a slaughter house, and said hi with a little tremble in her voice. I asked what’s wrong and the tears start falling like a waterfall , she could not stop so I took her into my arms, it felt like the world ended she said, I tried to understand the rest but the words felt like small knives cutting the world in half so I stopped . Finally that little angel looked at me and asked “will you help me?”, it’s like I wasn’t even there and I probably said yes because she stopped crying and with a fire in her eyes that I could no figure she has it, said lets go.

    I found myself in dark places that I said I will never go, places where people go to dye, and wonder what am I doing there but then I looked at her, she was determined and had a fire in her eyes bigger than before, so what could I do? Go back?

    The background got darker and darker as we moved deeper into the dragon’s lair, the trees changed into bodies, rivers reddened and the sky start dropping blood. It was hard smells in the air like death so strong that you could stop you’re breathing. As we approached heat waves hit us from the front and dry everything in their path. Suddenly I saw something I could not believe… people struggling for survival surrounded by fire, everywhere fire, fire in the sky falling on the remains of brave fighters. And there was me and the little angel in the middle of all.

    My eyes stopped…, through fire and blood and melting corpses I saw him, an endless creature of darkness and chaos, a child of the titans with pitch black wings and spear like claws that cuts through armor.

    I looked at my little angel she looked at me and said two words that will hunt me forever: “help them”… so I went to do that, raging through fire and bones and burning meet. There they were strong brave man fighting the chaos dying slow, boiling in there suits of armor, and here I was coming to their help, me the ordinary one that never went to a fighting zone nor out of the protection of the city’s. I took my book and cast a protection spell, the first one that came to mind, right in the middle of the fight. I start throwing lighting and ice, fighting fire with fire. She came next to me and strained her bow, I asked” what is your name?” , one look a friendly look, warm, gentle and pretty, that is what I saw and one word “later”.

    The fire melted the walls and the armor like chocolate and the group was smaller and smaller, every wave of burning air took a bit of my soul, little by little we were dying. I start casting a big spell, a spell I have never used before, a forbidden one that I knew it will weaken me but it will do the same to him. Don’t know, maybe he felt it or he got sick of the fight, all I know is what I saw: an inferno, waves of darkness one above the other, sultry air and burning flesh; in that hell I saw her, my little angel, she said “Cassandra”. I guess I looked at her in a strange way because she said something again “my name… Cassandra”. And then I woke up in Sanctum and never saw her again.
    Last edited: Jul 2, 2014
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  15. azineth

    azineth New Member

    Jun 3, 2014
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    My bow was sheathed; it would no longer be impactful now that the element of surprise was over. I prayed to Azphel as I closed the distance, ‘may I have your blessing, o’ Lord of Shadow.’ I focused Azphels power into my weapons, a midnight-black poniard for close range in my left hand, a pale white rapier in my right, for mid-range combat.
    The rapier was intoned with Kaisinel’s power when it was forged; it drew the attention of foes so that my poniard could strike. Few people even noticed the poniard, even after it got acquainted with their hearts..All hands are sweating, shaking bodies and felt the chills on the bones as we had seen the biggest dragon we have ever seen. The battle on the first dragon was immense we already have casualties. A shout broke the silence for the first time, we saw our Emperian Lord Marchutan ready to assist us on our quest. Our leader Oyasumii told us to kill the Tiamat reincarnates as fast as we can. Time have past, we manage to kill every single reincarnates, after that we help Lord Marchutan on his fight against Tiamat who was badly beaten. The Dragon Lord was so fierce, I can still remember her face that gave nightmare every night, she breaths fire and summon elite guards to assist her.As the last piece of Healing potion on my inventory was used, I accepted the fact that Im going to die at that very moment. My comrades fell, scent of blood of my fallen friends in the air, and the carcass of the daeva who once you talked to, was burned. It was a very horrible day in the life of a daeva, suddenly I felt the a warm breath on my skin, then I died. I am not ashamed of that, I am not ashamed of telling you that I died during a battle. I thank Aion for his wonderful gift for us who managed to tapped the aether, we are immortals, I was ressurected by a cleric. As I returned to normal, I heard of shouts that Tiamat is dying, so go back on fighting and we did our very best to bring our opponent down.
    Lord Marchutan made one last strike who killed Tiamat, Tiamat shouted in pain as she died. We all celebrated that day as one of our ally got a mythical weapon. This is my story, and I am not ashamed of it. From the Book of Pawn: The Adventure of a Mighty Sorcerer.
  16. Jayreaper

    Jayreaper Mr.BadAss

    Feb 23, 2012
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    Here is my story about how i started to play aion!
    Well was another boring my friend was telling me 2 months before come nub play wiht us aion .....i was like neah i don't like it then in one day i decide to try aion , for few leasons i went to my friend to learn me a bit, and after 2 hours i was like wow..... i like this game.
    I remember i was so nub using a weak ranger trying to make ascension quest but there was a problem where was the npc for quest? After 2 hours i found the npc now the problem was how to kill those mobs..........well i do that quest like 20 times until i suceed it u can't imagine how happy i was.:love:
    My second day in aion trying to lvl up my ranger wich was already lvl 22 so why shouldn't not try another maps and i go to Heiron where ofc those abex kicked my ass in 2 sec and i was so angry a goat kick my ass....then i create another char, was the one what i still using now "The Gladiator".
    This one was easy for me i was start to love gladiator and takes me like 4-5 days to make it lvl 55 since my friends was not in game for a while was hard to lvl up but was a nice experience for me all those huge maps all whit those mobs wich was looking awesome quests losing in maps well was funn and whit time i started to understand the game so from here the fun was start.
    My first day at hunt in Inggison was the best ever for me even if i killed like hell was so funny still remember Deja Vu legion was there evry single day then from ely side i always see the Pwnage Inc legion always when saw it look at this guys so nice remodels so nice weapons they are so cool and i wonder when i will be like them.
    Time was passed i learning more and more about aion and was so funny when i learn to craft, to make istances ,to pvp properly whit my gladiator...........damm i miss those old times.
    Then after so many updates more and more challenges the aion story continued and i am always fascinated about the new things they add thats why i keep play aion. Thx!!

    For those who have somthing to comment on my story because of my english well i am not perfect ,i never be! Ty
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2014
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  17. kissmemo

    kissmemo New Member

    Jan 8, 2014
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    Character: cobie

    Greetings daevas!

    My journey started when i used to visit at katalam wherein asmodians are eager to kill innocent elly named cobie, i was frightened and root to death, by the sudden attack that came from the asmodians! when i had finally regained my equilibrium thats where a thought struck me that from this day onward i will never ever lose again to any asmodians.. after the hardwork and tremendous training. i learned to fight back, but since, i am priestess my skills are mastered in healing thus limiting my ability to fight.
    In my life as a citizen of elyos fighting is not always about winning but its about having the privilege to fight together with my comrades and new found camaraderie, one of my happiest experience is when i heard about the fortress of siege wherein i can gain glory points,because way back in the start of my career i was in the height of my success as Elyos Army 5-star officer and i will have the chance again to redeem my former glory.
    In this journey of mine i learned lessons that i wish to impart with others first, is to continue to strive hard even if your on top, 2nd is to never lose courage and hope that the odds will be in your favor and lastly to cherish every moment with your friends. I hope that this lessons will help you also in your game and in your life. LOVE <3 cobie! :love:
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  18. bbacares23

    bbacares23 New Member

    Jan 20, 2011
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    Planet Earth
    This is a story of the one Asmodian human who ascended as a daeva in Aion 2.0. The human, now daeva first chooses to be a Spiritmaster. Because at first the daeva always wanted to be a ranged magical class that has a bit more survabability than a Sorcerer. Little did the daeva know that the Spiritmaster is an OP and buggy class. This daeva, after grouping up with fellow daeva friends and getting their first PVE armors and weapons by killing the dragon Tahabata and its balaur minions. The daeva started to hunt elyos in Asmodae casting fears and dots to the enemies. The daeva had fun hunting and killing elyos, although the was often killed by a zerg of elyos, as well as the ABG geared, and hackers. The daeva tried to learn more about the Spiritmaster class to be better by seeking knowledge and doing duels with fellow asmodian daevas.

    As time passes by the daeva realizes that it became boring to fear enemies and smashing 12345...dots, debuffs and spirit sub. While the daeva is having fun watching enemy daevas fear-locked to death and squirm of SM's OPness, It became obvious the daeva wants more physical action. So the daeva decided to change class, and knows that there's surely one class out there that will suit the daeva's playstyle. The daeva wants physical action but ranged, thus the daeva chooses to be a Ranger.

    By that time, the daeva have enough credits from voting to have an ABG set and weapons.The daeva found out that it's quite cool weilding a bow and attacking mobs, balaur, and the elyos with a rain of pew pew arrows! Ranking up and ganking elyos all the way to Aion 2.5. By this time, the daeva feel that it's not the right one. The daeva wants to go solo and not to be in a group (or zerg XD) everytime when pvping. So being a leather wearer already the daeva decided to be an Assassin. The daeva really had fun being an Assassin ganking up elyos in Atrea everywhere in hide 2. But alas! the negative circumstances of playing as an Assassin with super high ping and the introduction of the new pvp armors plus the OP WOC2 in Aion 2.7 take its toll on the daeva. As much as the daeva wants to play as an Assassin it's not meant to be.

    The daeva takes a hiatus outside the world of Atrea and begins soul-searching. Vows that one day will return and find the best class that will suit the daeva. Continuously voting while on hiatus, the daeva began to combine the qualities the daeva find the most fun and liked. The daeva enumerated: Must be magical as an SM; Ranged as a Ranger; Can solo as an Assassin but not squisy; And lastly, have high endurance in a fight. Then it hit the daeva in the head.

    With Aion 4.0 now live and enough credits saved to buy the best and newest pvp sets and weapons(Arbiter). The daeva returned as this new class and couldn't be happier. Trolling low MA daevas, kiting and rooting melee's like Templar, Glads and Assassin until they die. Out-surviving fights and zergs with infinite shields, cleanse and heals. And soloing bosses like a boss...THE END :D

    IGN: Margie
    Server: Siel
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2014
  19. Glory

    Glory Loneliness Forum Legend

    Feb 24, 2014
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    In Game Name: Junni
    Server: Lumiel

    Our Server...

    Atreia, a place that is in constant battle between the 3 races that want to dominate and conquer it... There always have been innumerable wars where the daevas have been the primary involved... Recently the war between Elyos and Asmodians have been in decline. the Elyos have taken control of 86% of Atreia, it has been a tough war, we asmodians have seen our comrades fall in battle… Our numbers are low, but our courage is strong, Elyos however are twice in numbers and this make them stronger, they are a race in which in their unity lies their strength, even thou not all of them are really that powerful, they can make a difference. Undoubtedly and until now, they have been a fearful group during sieges. The Asmodians, a little more independent, have been very selective about their groups, like their motto says; "Blood for Blood" they possess that impulse for pvp that differentiate them completely from Elyos, althou their ratio in atreia is 0% they wont stop showing their thirst for blood...

    Our constant war is situated in Gelmaros, more specifically in Vorgaltem Battlefield, each day numerous elyos and asmodians reunite to confront each other, no matter how many times they die, they keep coming back to this war. With the arrival of the Bosses that appear in Tiamaranta, specifically the ones called TBT, a battle have manifest for the dominion of it, where is evident that only the highest numbers or either elyos or asmodian can take control and dominate the Boss. Each day in Lumiel, even thou we have less players than Siel, we experience spectacular battles, as asmodian there have been plenty of times I have screamed because I've died, but thousands of times I stand up and go back to battle.

    For me thats the real spirit of a Daeva Warrior...
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2014
  20. Carnage

    Carnage Lord Of Calamities: OMEGAWEAPON Forum Legend

    Nov 18, 2010
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    Just Bumping, My entry is now finished. Please enjoy the story :). I hope you guys liked it.
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