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[Dragon Days] Epic Odes

Discussion in 'Events Archive' started by Deathangel, Jun 9, 2014.

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  1. Derpy

    Derpy Derpinator

    Feb 16, 2012
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    IGN: Hero
    Server: Siel

    Help the Hero
    (the irony)

    Location: Katalam, Broken Cliff Camp

    Asmodians are camping, preventing Elyos to get a crafting material to make a weapon that can be a threat for the Asmodians. I, Hero the templar, tried to help elyos but failed because the Asmodian Zerg from two known legions are very consistent on not letting a single Elyos pass through them. I was taunting the Asmodian Zerg, going in and out of safe zone when suddenly I got pulled at the middle, that moment I realized, I'm a dead man, I won't make it back to the but still I tried to fight, despite of lacking number of Elyos. I used all that I have, did everything that I can, hunted that one Spirit Master from a known legion of the cross faction, I succeeded on killing him, got my hopes up high, surviving from the ocean full of sharks. One step closer from the safe zone, I got pulled again, my defense are down, but still i tried to run, other Elyos are just standing at the safe zone, staring at me dying. I closed my eyes, accepted the fact that I cant make it. A light shone, I felt refreshed, safe from any harm. I opened my eyes and saw a hand laying in front of me. Fire started to blaze on my eyes. It was my legion mates/friends who came for reinforcement. I charged again through the Asmodian zerg, finally other Elyos went out from the safe zone to help us. In just less than a minute, surroundings got full of blood, of Asmodians. We Elyos won the fight and got what we want. I felt so happy and amazed what my mates did to win the fight. Finally created my weapon that can slay Asmodians in an instant to protect my fellow Elyos.

    The Hero got saved!

    sorry for my nub engrish huehue
    1 person likes this.
  2. Arabella05

    Arabella05 New Member

    Jan 10, 2014
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    In the Tropics
    IGN: Nealite
    Server: Siel

    A Lesson Learned

    In a world where a great cataclysm occurred, three races struggle for survival and superiority, the Asmodian, Elyos and Balaur and as an aftershock, these three races face a world full of hatred and dispute. It’s been millennia since the cataclysm, and an elyos mage with a bloodline of a spiritmasters’ was born, her name is Nealite. She was a fair beauty with a copper like hair, with skin kissed by sunlight, eyes the color of turquoise and her lips red as rose.
    This story began when I went to the land of Katalam. It was a cloudy afternoon when I was passing by Hadradim’s watch, I was first mesmerized by the surrounding my stoneskin nearing its time but I didn’t pay attention, it was my first time going in there so I scrutinize everything that I pass, and I especially pay attention to the trees and flowers that have different colors. When I was busy scrutinizing a flower near the road I was suddenly assaulted by a lone asmodian gladiator, I was thrown in the ground several times fortunately I regain my footing and started to fight my opponent he was strong and skilled I can tell. As the battle between the two of us progressed I was nearing my limit and my mana and life was running low so is my opponent. I thought I could win this battle but the inevitable happen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . another asmodian shows up and attacked me from behind, it was a ranger, I was silenced and rooted in the ground I could not do anything between the two as I die I learned a lesson in a very excruciating manner and that is to never let your guard down especially when you are not in a neutral zone.
    Last edited: Jul 7, 2014
  3. Idrilke

    Idrilke Proficient

    Mar 31, 2011
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    IGN : Idrilke
    Server : Lumiel

    Stories from the cold : Unexpected world boss,.... and PvP

    After a long period of inactivity, Idrilke was a little rusty. She quickly realized that her "Stormwing" full set, once so sought, was now obsolete. Even her abyss mace looks old and crappy. Then, she decided to set off to new territories "Danaria" and "Katalam" in the hope of finding a little newer equipment.

    She had known the warm southerly winds of Danaria while she explored "Sauro foot path". She had suffocated in the heat and humidity of the swamps. She had lost between "Stonewtach rampart" and "Starlit grove." Now, as she head to the north of Danaria, the weather was cold and dry. Soon the snow came down to her knees, slowing its progression.

    His breath formed small plumes of smoke and ice clung to her hair. "A good fight will warms me" she said to herself. Suddenly, she saw on mob named “Stanir GateKeeper”. It looks fierce and dangerous. She tought : ”How hell that dude could have traveled from supply base, to come so far in the north ? ”. Anyway, she used to be a powerful cleric, she could be safe due to her rebirth and hand of reincarnation skills so she decided to fight Stanir. She took some magical attack and regen potions, cast speed and magical critical scrolls. She checked her dp, 4K, all is fine. She start casting her healing servant. Then she casted thorny skin skill, Grace of Empyrean Lord to preserve her mana, amplification to get a better magic boost, sage wisdom to cast faster. Finally, she began to hit Stanir with Storm of Aion to decrease his magic resist, then she goes for heavy damages : call of lightning, enfeebling burst, earth wrath, and smite chain skill. Stanir didn’t took a long time before reacting and hitting Idrilke. It was now time for her to heal quickly because her hp was dangerously low. Flash of recovery and radiant cure worked perfectly and she was not interrupted while she was casting those skill. At the same time, she looked to Stanir’s Hp and saw that her damage was really effective on this big dog and the dude on it. Full of hopes, she starts a new combination of damage skills but her mana began to be really low despite of the pots she tooked. She casted penance. The fight was not as hard as she expected at the first sight on Stanir, and she was asking herself about the potential loot.

    Suddenly, she saw two shadows coming from the top of a hill. Two asmodians, a sin and a ranger, were patrolling the area. As soon as the saw Idrilke, They fell upon her like smallpox on the Clerger.

    First of all she used Immortal shroud to block the first attack of the enemies, not only Stanir, but asmodians soldiers as well. Luckily, she had preserved her dp skills and starts with word of destruction, a powerful curse immediately followed by a chain of suffering for the ranger. Now the sin was on her, and she was alive only due to her blessed shield. She roots the assassin, then stunt the ranger and puted three more curses (enfeebling burst, earth wrath and chastise) on his head. He didn’t knew it at this time, but he was already dead.

    But the sin was on her back again and stunted her. She used remove shock, then Imprevious Veil. Now protected by a powerful magical shield for 30 s and she could enjoy the death of the ranger while she was running in circle to escape the attacks of the sin and Stanir. She rooted again the last asmodian and cursed him, but her hp and mana were so low she believed she will die. She casted her DP skill called Salvation and an HP abyss potion then, she could finish the sin quickly. During the whole battle Stanir was still hitting her, but he was almost dead and she finished him quickly. On the boss’s dead corpse, she found a mythic chainhood headgear, her first mythic item ! She was so happy, she cried like a girl (after all, she was a girl), and her tears instantly froze on her cheeks and eyes… As she couldn’t see anymore, she never knew who killed her from behind. RIP

    Last edited: Jul 7, 2014
  4. xNoodlesx

    xNoodlesx Getting there

    May 20, 2014
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    Someone's Heart
    In-Game Name: Noodles
    Server: Siel
    Title: The Unknown Friend Who Convert Me To Become Asmodian.

    Hello Daevas! I am Noodles, an Asmodian warrior, and this is my story.

    Everything happened while I was playing this interesting game. My elyos character was an assasin named Vowel, a complete noob but fully geared. I used to be called Noob Smasher, since all I ever did was killing inexperienced players, despite my skill knowledge.

    One day I had been wondering for a long time, why I can't beat the strong players. Even being close to them meant an inevitable death. All I was able to see was strong auras coming out of them.
    I never enjoyed dying numerous times, however I couldn’t dodge the very same outcome easily.
    Hence, I decided to start working on my skills and abilities so that one day I could be just like them.
    After a lot of observation, I came to the conclusion that it was prominent to learn the enemy’s tactics and thinking. As time passed I was gaining more knowledge about battles and I improved little by little. I learned many useful things and soon became better at each adventure. I was now killing many enemies in Besfer. Sometimes I even wondered, why they died so easily if they see me coming after them.
    Days go by, and I still keep roaming around in Besfer, waiting for a suitable opponent to show up. Then one day, I saw this sorcerer standing on a big rock just outside of the village.

    This person should be weak”- I thought.

    I was eager to kill the sorcerer now, since he was the perfect prey for an assassin like myself. I waited for the opportunity, and I kept following the simple- looking sorcerer until I found the right time to come out of the shadows.
    All of the sudden, I was stunned from what I saw... I never thought a sorcerer could be like this. He was killing every Elyos which stood on his way. Due to my surprise I decided to stay in stealth mode, just so that I can observe his gameplay a bit more. After that a feeling of fear filled my heart because I understood that I might just end the same way.
    Then something came up in my mind and I asked myself: “Isn’t this what I have been waiting for? To fight with a worthy opponent?”.
    I came out of my protective hide and after I dashed, I couldn’t believe the reaction of my opponent. He blinked right away and vanished into the deep forest. I have never seen anything like it.
    I felt so ashamed of my failure and continued to look for that mystical sorcerer again.

    Then... I suddenly saw him. Standing on the exact same place as before waiting for the proper target to destroy.

    Days passed and I found myself standing in Sanctum when an unknown person whispered me. He said to me: “Hello Noodles”.
    I asked him if he wanted some noodles since I didn’t know anyone named Noodles.

    You should be called Noodles .” – he said.

    I really don’t know what you’re talking about and stop calling me that! Who are you anyways?”- I asked.

    I am the sorcerer who ruthlessly killed you in Besfer”- he answered proudly.

    Suddenly I felt sad since I knew he was much more experienced in battle than me. But deep inside I began to idolize this person, because of his strategy.

    I decided to call you Noodles since it’s pleasant to kill you... and I also like to eat noodles.”- the sorcerer explained.

    Thanks for the compliment I guess...”- I replied.

    At this very moment I felt so weak and vulnerable, that I decided not to pvp in Besfer village anymore just so that I can avoid meeting this sorcerer again. However we started talking every day about different things which we found amusing as well as important. This unknown person had become my friend and I no longer wanted to get away from him.We had fun killing our enemies together and then laughing at funny stories. Before I met him I had felt so lonely and abandoned but he had changed everything. We were now a great team.

    Days had passed until suddenly my friend disappeared. I couldn’t find him anywhere and I knew that this was not typical for him. He had been gone for a long time and I knew I was never going to be with him again. This person had left without even saying goodbye. I never even knew his name... although he was my idol. I knew I had to go on by myself and continue the endless war between the Elyos and Asmodian faction, so as I grew stronger I managed to keep the pleasant memory of his company. After every fight I remembered the strategies and tactics he had taught me and implemented them in every upcoming battle.
    Even in the end I could still feel his presence on the battlefield.
  5. Deathangel

    Deathangel True Chill Forum Legend

    Jun 2, 2011
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    609 King's Way
    The event is going to close in 24 hours.

    Please remember to show your server and IGN, otherwise you won't be getting any reward!
    Last edited: Jul 8, 2014
  6. Elizabethdrake

    Elizabethdrake New Member

    May 27, 2014
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    Siel-Asmodian-Lizdrake (chanter)
    [this is my roleplaying story for my bard-Chrisabell]

    Sweet and Sultry

    The midday sun in Danaria was harsh, especially to the Asmodian Chrisabell, whose extremely fair skin and golden hair didn’t agree with this sort of weather. Her family were entertainers, poets and actors who traveled around from one camp to another, reciting legends of old and casting glorious illusions using the power of Aether. At this moment of time, however, Chrisabell was the only one of this merry band that hadn’t ascended, not that it bothered her. Her brothers and sisters could cast magic, and summon spirits to help with certain roles, while she sang in her soft, melodic voice. They had just left Pandarunerk’s Delve, and were walking down the dirt road to Soaring Archways. Betoa and Belzack, her brother and sister twins, both summoned earth spirits to haul their belongings in a caravan. Slowly, the sun moved across the sky into the late afternoon, and the road gently sloped upward the heat waves shimmering off the dry reddish dirt with the only noise being the gentle rumble of wooden wheels on rocky clay..
    Suddenly, a group of Beritran Calvary jumped the carriage, overturning it with their mounts. Chrisabell watched as her family went into combat mode, spreading their wings and drawing their weapons. Powerful fireballs materialized from the Aether her mother controlled, while her father simply fought with an enchanted staff. One of her brothers fought with a large polearm, her older sister used daggers, and the twins summoned mystical servants to barrage the balaur. Chrisabell released the straps that held the Earth spirits to the caravan, and they joined the fray. Without their spirits, her brothers and sisters had already taken out several Balaur on their own, but the spirits ran forward to help their masters with the ones that remained. In the split second she remained outside the caravan, she felt the scaly claws grab her arm, twisting it around her back. As though time slowed down, Chrisabell watched a shining black blade quickly move to her throat, and with a moment of searing pain, her vision went dark.
    When Chrisabell’s eyes opened, she was sitting back in the caravan, on her mother’s lap. At first she felt like it was all a dream, and started to close her eyes again, until she noticed that she was laying in something soft, feathery, and black. She felt her hands grace her new wings and attempted to sit up better, a sharp pain in her throat snapping her to her senses. Chrisabell turned to her mother and tried to ask what happened with the fight, but no sound came from her mouth. Her mother read her lips instead, “You nearly died last night, but just before the last spark of life faded, you ascended and held on long enough for us to take care of you. That Balaur… He severed your vocal chords. I don’t think you will be able to speak again.” Her eyes stung with tears, and she silently mouthed the word “no”, unable to make a sound. The caravan finally rolled into the Soaring Archways campsite a little behind schedule, but still in one piece.
    The show began moments after the stage was set up, Chrisabell quietly watching the others from behind the curtains. She silently mouthed the poems and songs that she had memorized, grief stricken with the loss of her singing talent. Even without her voice, the Asmodians rejoiced with the entertainment, many throwing small handfuls of kinah into their tip-jar. As they usually did, her family evenly distributed the tips amongst them. Chrisabell gave her portion to her twin brother and sister instead, shaking her head furiously. She didn’t deserve to be paid, when she didn’t even fulfill her role.
    Morning finally peaked over the mountaintops and the mist lifted from the grass, signaling their time to leave had come. Chrisabell hid inside the caravan, feeling as hollow as she did the night before. She watched the sun come up, realized that they hadn’t moved yet, and turned to her mother with an inquisitive look. “Betoa and Belzack haven’t gotten back yet.” There was a sudden rap on the wood frame outside, and her mother brushed aside the cloth flap of the doorway. Belzack handed in a long wooden box, “Chrisabell, cheer up! We got you an ascension present!” Betoa continued, “We decided that maybe you can pick up a new role with this, it can be your “voice” so to speak.” With nervous claws, Chrisabell pulled the shimmering ribbon off the front of the box, and opened it. Inside, lay a beautifully carved ivory harp. She picked up the harp and bow, and softly strummed it with a cheerful smile. It softly hummed against her, and she strummed a little faster, testing different positions. The caravan lurched forward, although Chrisabell didn’t even notice. A newfound fire of determination burned within her chest, spurring her to master her new harp. She continued playing as though in a trance, slowly finding the right notes for the songs in their plays. Before they made it back to Pademonerk’s Delve, she already memorized the “Ballad of Lannok and Ntuamu.”
    Last edited: Jul 8, 2014
  7. Templegul

    Templegul New Member

    Aug 30, 2013
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    Character: Translator
    Server: Siel
    Info:To become the Great Templar
    Hello, so this is my story about my success in becoming the great Templar!
    when i first stand in the world of gamezaion, im confused for my first time playing it and i choose my race and i chose asmo because they say that asmos are more harmful than elyos.So i made up my Templar and it was Templargul well im not a great player i know how combat especially when they are so many and so on im my friend name Dezertpvnk made a legion named:<Ripped>and my other friends join the legion and we stick together to defeat the other elyos but suddenly our legion passed away and were so sad to that the legion was deleted,and i realized that its important to stick together and never pass away so i made my new legion in gamezaion 4.5 and thats the latest version and there is a new class of a (Aethertech) its strong can remove buffs and many other new skills and then i made up my newest character named Translator and there i made up a new legion name (Asmodian Revolutionary Army) then i was a brigade of that legion and i experienced new friends and hardest enemies in aion, we try so hard to defeat the hardest enemies like Wudang,Purell,Suhosin,Beauty,Beastt,and Kha so i learned a new lesson in gamezaion that' your account, your responsibility and now on im careful in trading and protect my account and i practiced my templar to become a GREAT TEMPLAR!!!!!
  8. Razor

    Razor Master of Disguise Forum Legend

    Oct 14, 2010
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    Sofia, Bulgaria
    I'm going to complete this tonight, just posting it lest I forget.

    Character name: Resonance
    Server: Lumiel
    Title: The Exile
    I woke up as I felt a numbing gust of wind brushing my radiant visage. I crawled my way out of the snowdrift and into a nearby cavern I had seen earlier. Desperately craving sleep, with my last shred of energy I conjured a sphere of fire to enclose me before dropping on the freezing ice. It was very cold and dark. A reoccuring pattern consisting of me falling and winged shadows blocking the sun in my view would appear in my sleep. I opened my eyes in shock because of the falling to find myself on the verge of death yet another time - the burning orb of mine had been weakened by no other than a horde of Mosbears which were mindlessly ravaging at it, trying to get their hands on my feeble body. My only ward was upon its end and I had to make a move at that very moment - Should I run? Fight them? Stand with my back against the wall and scream for help? - my mind was racing. Suddenly, a rabid swoop shattered the sphere, hit me and scraped my left eye. Next thing I knew I was lying on the snow, covered in ashes, near the ruined cave. What happened and who did it were both a mystery to me, however I couldn't help but notice my right hand pointer finger's nail had grown out by a lot as well as the surge of Aether flowing in my body. I heated up some snow in a hollow rock to wash the ash off myself and drank the remaining water. And while I wasn't sure how I got there in the first place, my journey through the deserts of Beluslan began.

    Surely no other Daeva had treaded in those forgotten lands of Asmodae for decades, I could tell, for it was so heavily stripped of Aether that I felt like a god, like Aion himself there, in the wilderness. It was very cold and I had to find a way to get back home as soon as possible then, luckily, I saw a Rift in the distance to north-west. It was going to be a dangerous ride but it was the only one out of that deserted land that I knew and so I headed toward the daunting facade of Beluslan Fortress. And so I reached the bridge connecting the Black Plains to the desolation I've been wandering in thus far. I took a step forward when out of the blue a monstrous claw of an enigmatic silhouette shoved me into the dark precipice. I was shook and could not see very clearly but barely followed the assassin's movements, dodging his attacks and desperately trying to slow him down. My lightning bolt missed and not a single moment passed before I could feel cold steel pierce through my chest. At last I was able to recognize the silhouette of the assassin I was battling - it was Sigyn herself, who then swiftly struck a vital vessel in my neck and knocked me unconscious.

    I came round lying on the floor of a large dark room in Pandaemonium. I had been brought there for unknown reasons but I was sure it was extremely unusual for anything of that sort to happen. An Asmodian librarian named Cavalorn approached me and presented himself - he could speak both factions' languages and was going to be an intermediary between myself and Vidar, the Governor of Pandaemonium. At that point it was clear they didn't mean me any harm. He told me they sensed extremely powerful, yet unstable force coming from the Mosbear Fields in Beluslan so they dispatched Sigyn to scout it out, however she assessed she could capture me on her own and acted despite her orders. The Governor was astounded by the sheer power I, an ordinary Daeva, possessed, one only matched by that of officers of their very highest ranks, and even more so by the fact that I couldn't harness it at my own will. In the end they decided that I were to undergo battle training in the Triniel Underground Arena under supervision to better understand the nature of what I actually were. The inhabitants of Pandaemonium had mixed feelings about the hospitality I was receiving - many believed that I was an Elyos test subject sent to Asmodae as a spy, while some saw me as the key to victory over those unworthy of ruling Atreia. Was I a spy? In fact, who or what was I?! Perhaps figuring out the story behind those obscure dreams of mine would make me able to see the whole picture.. if only.

    The next day I was sent to the Underground Area with instructions to put as much effort and power as I possibly could into high-grade spells such as the devastatingly powerful Storm Strike or the fleshcutting Wind Spear, combatting a trained Asmodian soldier in the process. To no avail, unfortunately. I was getting beat every time, however I didn't want to give up and neither would they have let me. A month later, Cavalorn showed up again, carrying an old skill book which he said once belonged in the library of Sanctum. It taught a spell meant for ultimate obliteration, - Cavalorn continued - channeling its power from Lord Kaisinel's Wrath himself to send maned ones back to the flow of Aether at once. When the time came that I were ready, I would receive an elixir of Divine Power to give me the strength required to call upon His might against one of their unfaithful. Another month passed and it was the day I were to be put to the test - all of Pandaemonium was headed to watch the execution at the Triniel Coliseum. The prisoner and I were brought to the arena and he was then tied to a massive pillar made of pure Drenium. I was given a sign to act - I closed my eyes and took a deep breath and then fiercely casted the incantation. Something was terribly wrong! Instead of lightnings, I felt unexplicable pain in my fingers when two dark spheres appeared. They began wavering uncontrollably in my hands so I tried to pull away only to have them collide and form a large black hole. One could hear a whisper saying "fools" as it imploded and disappeared. Chaos ensued and I was taken away by two soldiers. I noticed I had grown claws just like them - and then it all made perfect sense! The power of Lumiel was at my fingertips and I was certain to deliver cold-blooded vengeance first-hand to all of those who once used to call themselves my friends.
    Last edited: Jul 8, 2014
  9. Eluneth

    Eluneth New Member

    Jun 9, 2014
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    Character name: Elaniel
    Server: Lumiel
    Title: New Horizon

    We all know the story of Atreia and the God Aion, but the time has come to tell a story that was shortly after discovered, the story of the birth of the new worlds: Katalam, Danaria and Idian Depths.

    Balaurea was a place previously conquered by the atrocious and terrible Balaurs. After thousands of Battles, both the Elyos (Inggison) and the Asmodians (Gelkmaros) were able to conquer Balaurea. This gave rise to the worlds were both races could coexist. Besides those lands, there are two other places were both the Elyos and Asmodians can dispute and showcase their power.

    Sarpan, as we know already, is a place of peace and tranquility. Only a few regions of this map are considered warzones, and in these areas the Reian rule, maintaining the equilibrium and prosperity thanks to the leadership of Kahrun.

    Tiamaranta is a region were both the Elyos and Asmodians have had their place at the throne. Within it, there are four big fortresses that are known by some as the Hearts, where numerous battles are unleashed with frequency. The race that dominates the Hearts will have access to an impressive world full of Balaurs, treasures, instances, and more.

    But the Elyos and Asmos were not satisfied by only knowing these regions, and their eagerness to expand their rule all over the lands of Atreia led them to discover new worlds and regions, such as Katalam and Danaria.

    Katalam is a place that was initially occupied by Tiamat and his army. It was inhabited by ancient and extraordinary creatures, and it was filled with a power vaster than that of the Aether, the power of the Ide.

    The Daeva took action on these lands to dethrone Tiamat. The Asmodians took over the superior left part and named it Danuar Spire. On the other hand, the Elyos conquered the superior right land, calling it Kaisinel Beacom.

    The whole continent was so vast and extensive, with different climates and landscapes, that both races found themselves in a constant battle to dominate it. The heart of Katalam, Sillus Fortress, is located at its very center - a symbol of the maximum domain of the lands of Katalam, while Danaria is a place that was discovered and immediately conquered by the Asmodians, the Berita and the Elyos. However, the Shugos have had a considerable participation monopolizing a big part of Danaria, converting their lands in neutral zones for the enjoyment of the Daevas, even though out of those zones there are numerous places where battles are developed each day to posses and completely domain the new lands.

    This map made a great impact on the Daevas, because it contained impressive fortresses called Pradeth and Silona, regions were they could battle in mid air, enjoy new instances, and many camps to be conquered, while the Shugos possessed a big part of Danaria, on which they dedicated themselves to expand and construct mines little by little, discovering wonders that no one had previously known about, and a subterraneous world full of Ide. They also discovered strange but powerful creatures, instances, bosses, and much more. This land was baptized as Idian Depths, nyerk. The Shugos, not losing any lucrative opportunity, gave open doors to the Daeva to access this mine. However, it cannot be conquered by anyone. It’s a map were battles are held but only for the domain of the bosses that are found there. With the arrival of these new regions, Atreia gave an unexpected turn. New instances, armors, challenges, battles, and conquests inspired the Daeva to once more defend their ideals and continue the eternal battle that has always characterized them.
  10. natzkid

    natzkid New Member

    Jul 9, 2014
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    IGN: Summerain
    Server: SIEL

    To begin, I'm a weakling in Seil who love's instance and making friends with other players. I usually doing SSB with my friends. My most unforgettable moment in AION is when i'm playing with my younger brother. We usually go around KATALAM and DANARIA. Picking fights with other pvp'er were not that strong (especially with our set or armors that we always kiss the ground XD). We usually tag and enjoy doing quest. Playing AION doesn't just impact our brotherhood but it also boost our awareness not at some point we can end up on the same page. We help each other like other player do to newbies. I always love doing party battle or alliance for sieges and usually loves watching my race flying together. That every can say i can spread my wings and fly until I reach my limit. Kindness usually helps each other. In addition to that, its not that armor or the weapon which make a character strong but the will to win a battle and the determination to win a fight.
  11. ladyraven

    ladyraven New Member

    Jun 24, 2014
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    davao city, Philippines
    In-Game Name: Neon
    Server: Siel

    Greetings Daevas!

    This story of mine begin when one of my best friends invited us to play Aion because he wants us to have a great time with each other without stressing ourselves and at the same time enjoying ourselves in creating our characters based on our own image and personality like a mini version of us. He also want to fight in the game with us because he felt safe and contented knowing that in his battles we are there.
    My characters name is Neon, she's a templar, i choose to be a templar because i wanted to become the protector or the defender of our group. In our battles one of my most unforgettable moment is when i'd fought the war in New Heiron Observatory, my very first battle, of course i'm with my best friendsCobie as our cleric, Chubbie as our gladiator, Sphalerine as our sm and Corinthian as our sorcerer. At that time i still don't know what to do because i'm still a newbie in this game. One by one i saw my comrades dying all around me including my best friends, its like watching a true to life war between warriors of different tribes trying to conquer each other to proved the superiority of their race and in that very moment it hit me, if i'm not strong enough to fight for my own life how can i protect those people who are important to me.. So i decided that no matter how hard a battle can be, i will see to it that i will fulfill my duty as their protector even if that means dying before them.
  12. japblues

    japblues New Member

    Dec 16, 2013
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    In-Game Name: Missalt
    Server: Siel

    Missalt is a Bard who uses her music to heal, to regain others mana, to revive comrades and to defeat enemies like balaurs and asmodians. The adventures of Missalt started at the land of Poeta were she need to regain her lost memories after a fight from a fearsome balaur who defeated her. Through the help of Pernos she had able to remember who she was, after what had happened she is ready to help her comrades and defeat enemies once again. After that she returned to her studio in Oriel. From the balcony of her studio she can see all the beautiful houses and mansions, the magnificent view of beach, the playing and dancing dolphins and the pleasant and stunning beauty of different kinds of flowers around the land of Oriel. While she was resting a request came from Kahrun the ruler of the great city of Sarpan, Kahrun would like to ask for the assistance to all Elyos to eliminate fearsome monsters like Lightning Lapu, General Chunupa, Empress Muada, Tamark Statesman and Breeze Tan these monsters roams around the city waiting to hurt Daevas and whoever defeats these monsters will be rewarded. When Missalt finish reading the request she immediately teleports to Sarpan and accepts the mission. Along with the other Elyos, Missalt defeated these monsters and after the fight Missalt and other Elyos returned to Sarpan. Kahrun granted the reward for the bravery showed by Missalt and other Elyos. Missalt used the reward to upgrade her weapons and armor. Afterwards she went to the Land of Heiron, she heard news about the infiltration of the Asmodians in the Heiron Observatory.On the way to the Heiron Observatory she meet the Asmodians, Missalt was attacked and terribly wounded she thought that her life will end in that place but help came when Cobie the Cleric, Ammelie the Chanter, Nealite the Spirit Master, and Neon the Templar who came also hunting the asmodians who infiltrated the area. They defeated the asmodians who attacked Missalt and healed her wounds. From that moment a strong bond of friendship was formed. Missalt, Cobie, Ammelie, Nealite, and Neon decided to form a group to defeat the asmodians in the land of Heiron. And then victory is in the side of Elyos. Mean while a request mission came about the dragon named Tiamat in a place named Dragon Lords Refuge. Others said that dragon possess a destructive power that can wipe out a whole city with just one blown of its powerful flames. Missalt and her new found comrades decided to take down Tiamat before it escapes and spead its terror across the land. The other Elyos also decided to help Missalt and her team to their mission, Kahrun also lend his hand to help them where to find the Dragon Lords Refuge. As Missalt and the other Elyos step in the territory of the dragon, Tiamat greet them with a mighty roar that most of the Elyos are terrified, but the a strong will and determination fired up their hearts to fight. As the fight is going on most of the warriors are terrebly wounded but still they keep on pressing on to defeat the dragon, Because of this scenery Lord Kaisinel himself showed up the lend his power in order give time for Missalt and other healers heal their wounds, revive the Daevas who have fallen and recharge the mana. Then Lord Kaisinel can’t hold Tiamat anymore suddenly Lord Kaisinel dissappeared and leaving the fate of the World of Aion to the brave Elyos. And Lord Kaisinel is not dissappointed, Missalt and the other Elyos deafeted Tiamat and discovered a huge tressure box full of different armors and weapons overflowing power from Tiamat itself. Missalt and her team and the other elyos is victorous in defending and protecting the Wold of Aion.

    For how long…… No one knows …………….

    The End……
  13. Deathangel

    Deathangel True Chill Forum Legend

    Jun 2, 2011
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    This event is now over!
    Winners will be announced within a few hours, thank you for participating!
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  14. Deathangel

    Deathangel True Chill Forum Legend

    Jun 2, 2011
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    And the winners of the Epic Odes event are....

    st Place:
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    3rd Place:

    There were plenty of very well written stories, it was a quite hard choice.
    Thank you for participating, rewards will be mailed shortly!
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  15. Deathangel

    Deathangel True Chill Forum Legend

    Jun 2, 2011
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    Every reward has been mailed. Please check your inbox!
    This event is now officially over, thank you again!
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