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User Discouragement

Discussion in 'Old Threads' started by Slyther, Nov 1, 2014.

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  1. Slyther

    Slyther Oculus Ex Inferni Forum Legend

    Oct 27, 2011
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    For those wondering:


    Lautaro is using an alternative to warnings and bans on us right now: XenForo's discouragement feature. It's taken me at least half an hour to post this, if not more. It seems the move to XenForo wasn't in the best interest of the community (big surprise!), but rather a move to help gamez stay on the money-cow train.

    Bad decisions followed by more bad decisions, starting with Lautaro not wanting useless super mod to get booted, then wanting the backbone of staff gone (Ari), then allowing all of staff to follow if that's what standing by his actions meant, and now he's just dealing with us by making forums unusable to anyone who is displeased by this.

    I also hear that, in the desperation, Brian and Puddles are in talks of coming back. I feel bad that Brian is even considering it, but for Carl to be considering having Puddles back, that's pretty hilarious, considering what he's said about her before.

    All in all, pretty funny and abusive actions that are once again allowed as if this was the norm and nothing was wrong or out of the ordinary. I wonder if it would be ok to even out the playground?
    Bits, Rubyah, Bordy and 5 others like this.
  2. Rome

    Rome ソロモン・ヨアズ・アブラハム Forum Legend

    Jan 29, 2011
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    People need to know when to stop. This is THEIR community and they do as they want, wether a Tyrant dictator or a leader of the people, its Carl's community and if he decides to send you all to hell and start again, its his server and his choice. Everyone knew this the day they turned blue, that justice only works for the people outside carl's circle and under the CEO's wings. I don't mean to offend anyone but for christ sake if this were my server I'd do as I pleased and screw justice and everything along with it, hell I'd be king Sh*t and you all would be nothing.
    Bits, SonOfGod, Shelo and 3 others like this.
  3. Slyther

    Slyther Oculus Ex Inferni Forum Legend

    Oct 27, 2011
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    User Discouragement is used so the user isn't even made aware that he's not desired in forums. It's an act of cowardice and a failed one at that. Also considering I haven't even received a warning or infraction during all of this, your argument is quite invalid.

    I don't care what Lautaro owns, nobody does. Cowardly actions like these aren't justified by simply saying you own forums, and paying for something like a secure database does not mean we owe any sort of gratitude towards whomever got the encrypted database. It's a requirement of a working website that stores user information, and any less than that should even result in a lawsuit like what happened to adobe, so don't use that bit as some sort of reason for us to be grateful, or as some sort of white pass for getting away with trippy shit like what's going on right now.

    @Sau: Then you don't know the first thing about handling a business. The events gamez has undergone in the past few days should be like guidelines on how NOT to treat your money-cow. This is almost guaranteeing a bad ending to Gamez and to Carl's wallet.
    Bordy and Guille like this.
  4. Rome

    Rome ソロモン・ヨアズ・アブラハム Forum Legend

    Jan 29, 2011
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    Whine all you guys want and I swear I understand you and in my ethical point of view you're right, but since there are no laws protecting the people affected and this is a community owned by one individual, you guys have to accept whatever that individual decides because this is practically HIS community and he does as he pleases. Stop this stupid drama and move on, this will go nowhere and you guys knew it the day you started in the staff. Look at Brian, puddles, TrustSony etc. This situation right here is the same reason I never accepted a position in the staff, years of work thrown in the trash can. Thanks for your service and have a nice day.


    edit: I am not taking anyone's side, this is my personal opinion and I apologize if I offend anyone with my point of view.
    Shelo, Zaido, SonOfGod and 1 other person like this.
  5. Slyther

    Slyther Oculus Ex Inferni Forum Legend

    Oct 27, 2011
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    I am not going to repeat myself, read my reply before answering with the same crap over and over.

    P.S. you'll excuse my delayed replies, I'm having to deal with some really annoying fail from Lautaro in order to post these.
  6. Rome

    Rome ソロモン・ヨアズ・アブラハム Forum Legend

    Jan 29, 2011
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    I never knew how stubborn you could be Joseph, grow up and accept how the system works, go home and call it a day. I can tell you'll have problems in real life if you don't "go with the flow".
    SonOfGod, Shelo, Zaido and 1 other person like this.
  7. Slyther

    Slyther Oculus Ex Inferni Forum Legend

    Oct 27, 2011
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    My last post was aimed at Kyle, I can't even quote or edit posts so also excuse my double posts.

    @Sau: I'll assume you assumed my reply was aimed at you. This is not about growing up or something and it's sad you don't see that the very basis of development is disagreement. I don't have any problems in real life because shit isn't bat-shit stupid and horribly handled in real life as it is in here.
  8. Rome

    Rome ソロモン・ヨアズ・アブラハム Forum Legend

    Jan 29, 2011
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    I know that its not aimed at me and I am not trying to bash you or your point of view Joseph, but there are times when you need to stop, bite your tongue and carry on. If shit here is that bad then why are you still around? you know how shit its done here and yet you get surprised when shit hits the fan. I swear its like all of you are masochists and enjoy being a victim. I won't post anymore because I don't get any benefit from it, thats just my personal opinion.

    I apologize if I offended anyone and my personal opinion should not matter the least, have a good night Joseph.
    Shelo, Zaido and Kyle like this.
  9. Rubyah

    Rubyah The Celestial Nostrum

    Dec 19, 2012
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    Such nheggashh protecting themselves bcoz of the possessions they've got............ I hope sinkholes are far away enough..................
  10. Akikaze

    Akikaze Elohim, Essaim...I implore you Forum Legend

    Sep 24, 2011
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    First off, I would like to address that it is NOT their community. The community in essence and definition is a term for people of a collective/common nature, bond or characteristics. Aka, the people makes the community not the individual. This common feature between all of us and why we're on this forums is because we played their server. They don't own the community, the community have free will to conduct their decisions and routine. The admins simply provided a guideline, which have been generally approved by the greater majority as foundation for their actions. As such, you'll still get rebellious actions such as hackers/trolls/grievers (by the minority) because they do not wish to comply to the established guidelines.

    There is no denying since it is their server, the management is up to Carl/Lautaro to have the final judgement call. However what Slyther is addressing and questioning is on the decision making process. There are no right and wrong ways to moderating and managing people if you want to be a tyrant. That's another question to be discussed under ethical behaviour.
    Bordy, Anilin, Lance and 2 others like this.
  11. SonOfGod

    SonOfGod Proficient

    May 21, 2014
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    some gm's goes or leave,another comming.
    Personaly i dont care why ppl leaving,who leaving and who come,here is a bunch of guys who are/was game masters who complain in making thons of thread,and saying same thing.Who the fk wants to see ur supid threads about resignation?we will see if another guys will take ur place if any of u is not longer part of team.
    stop spamming in forum and talk in pm,skype,facebook etc.Do you want to make the others players to leave to or what?
    Take a life and forgot whats hapenns here,bbye!
    Shelo, Zaido, Rome and 1 other person like this.
  12. Iori

    Iori Proficient Forum Legend

    Sep 11, 2012
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    Take a Grammar course, then shoot yourself
  13. SonOfGod

    SonOfGod Proficient

    May 21, 2014
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    Zaido and Shelo like this.
  14. Iori

    Iori Proficient Forum Legend

    Sep 11, 2012
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    Yeah Clearly, you're trying to say something but you're only proving that you're a retarded kid, go back to your moma ask her for money, spend it on a course and come back when you have better knowledge of the English Language.

    I seriously had it with ignorant fucks just bashing in trying to prove something when they clearly don't have a slightest hint of what's going on.
  15. SonOfGod

    SonOfGod Proficient

    May 21, 2014
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    read again my frist post in this thread,i don't care about what's happen here,about what u say and others ex-gm will say.
    it's normal to say something after 2 days of crying in forum;)
  16. Llama

    Llama The Drama Llama Forum Legend

    Dec 16, 2010
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    Twist Plot: The guy who left was the one who made your game better.

    You fags doesn't even care about what Ari did. I don't need to mention everything cuz all of those working shits stuffs in game are all now 'working' because of Ari. He made your game better and enjoyable and now you didn't care about what he did? That's pure bullshit. At least thank him for giving you a good game you assholes and hope you can find another person who has a wide idea about the game rather than spreading random craps around forum.

    You should get a life and stop playing 24/7. I feel like you're that worry about your game. "Omg, I cunt play nowz cuz server dead. Omg omg Aion is my life". Getalife!
    Sammy, Markmyword, vesiinabox and 6 others like this.
  17. Rubyah

    Rubyah The Celestial Nostrum

    Dec 19, 2012
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    Yes it is....... Indeed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. SonOfGod

    SonOfGod Proficient

    May 21, 2014
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    nowone put Ari,or any of u to make what something here,they ask by making a request,or asking a friend to become a GM,so u should know that is free work and in another time u can be kicked in the ass.
    stop crying in forum.make a facebook group called "Complaints" and put ur shit words there.
    server have 300+ players and only 10-15 or less crying,and all this guys are friends.

    p.s. i'm out of game for months!
    Zaido, Shelo and Kyle like this.
  19. Purell

    Purell - Forum Legend

    Oct 31, 2011
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    It's cause retards like you guys actually make me want to post, and call you guys out on your stupidity. Yeah, you're right, let's not give a shit that the fact the one dude who actually gave a shit about the server is gone. I personally didn't care about most the staff cause majority of them I had considered them to be really useless. There's some people in the staff who we lost who actually did more shit than 90% of our previous staff. I actually am pissed of what has been going on, and why the hell do people still keep this Kyle guy around acting like nothing had happened. Like honestly, what has this dude done other than pissed people off? The guy is a joke. Literally every move he has done people had laughed at him for his mistakes and trolled him which led him to abuse his powers many times.

    Now, you're probably thinking why I care so much about all this silly little drama? I actually play the freaking game, and had enjoy some of the changes Ari had done to the server or had least tried to do. I don't know the full situation, but judging by his recent thread http://forum.gameznetwork.com/threads/a-few-words.183844/ It just tells me that some people are just making some stupid decisions, and need to get there shit straight. I don't know if it's about pride or whatever it may be, but I suggest drop that shit, and solve your issues as a team. I wasn't cool with Ari like most of the guys here are, but he had always answered my questions, and fixed every issue I had when no AM or SAM could fix my problems. I actually had tons of personal problems towards my character in the past, but he was always there willing to help. Don't get me wrong there's people who in the staff who actually did a lot of shit for me too when I had tiny questions, and they would answer me instantly. Honestly, I am going to miss the dude, and for his hard work that he has done for this server, and for everyone else who actually supported the server. Tell me exactly where in the hell you actually plan on finding a staff like that? I might be dick riding too much, but i'm just speaking facts.
    Last edited: Nov 2, 2014
    Sammy, spinxshout, Bordy and 13 others like this.
  20. Llama

    Llama The Drama Llama Forum Legend

    Dec 16, 2010
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    You're obviously have no idea what happened. Wait, did I say i'm crying or smthing? I'm just saying that Ari made a huge change on this server while you don't care any shit about what he did. All i want you faggots to at least appreciate the work that's been done by Ari (which is free just like you said) and you can continue your pingpong pvp in game. Have fun fags.
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