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Ideas on Improvements

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Paulablue, Apr 7, 2015.

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  1. Paulablue

    Paulablue New Member

    Mar 4, 2012
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    Hi Gamez!

    Lately I've been thinking about how we can improve our game experience on our servers.
    I will there present a few things.
    I'm sure there will be those who agree and disagree. And I'm totally okay with it.
    The purpose of these suggestions that will follow is not to critize but simply to put some light
    on this issues and see what the rest of community feels about these things.
    So please feel free to share your opinion and comment!

    1. The Broker
    The Trade Broker is our market place in-game. This is where we do our window-shopping, where
    we can see what players have for sale. It is a really nice feature and it's also a fun thing to do.
    It has been disabled or bugged for quite some time now. I have no idea why, No explanation has been
    presented and it's really sad to be honest. I'm sure VIP users could become more useful with the Broker actually working.

    2. Starting level
    A game like Aion is huge, it's really complicated to say the least. It recquires a whole lot of time and education
    to become really good at it.
    Today we automatically become lvl 60 the moment we "Choose Path" of the class we wish to play.
    That itself is a nice feature, but I'm sure there are those who would like to level up the old fashioned way.
    New players who've never played Aion before are somewhat confused and miss out on these "baby-steps"
    Instead they get flooded with a big jungle of skills and don't know where to get started.
    The longer the journey a player has with his/her character the more attached he/she gets to it.
    Missing out alot on the Story-Line about who the elyos and asmodians really are, also creates an hollow and confusing game experience.

    3. Webshop in Game
    It was a long time since we were able to see the Webshop icon next to our compass.
    Such a tiny thing but gave us access to a whole different kind of experience.
    Just like the Trade Broker this was the most essential port for us to plan and invest for new
    items, gear, remodels, emotes, titles etc. in game.
    The access was amazing, and to be able to make previews of gear and remos.
    Being able to compare stats and get the instant previews is something I think we all really miss not to mention
    the quick access to check our Credits Balance.

    4. Glory Points and Abyss Points
    I've seen naked players banging on fortress gates and be able to reach high ranks; Officers and even Generals if you so will.
    At the same time there are players who work their asses off in tough pvp in maps such as Danaria, Gelk or Katalam and will never become
    more than Soldier Rank1 no matter how much they kill. I know they get their AP, but that will never give them Officer or above.
    Ranks matter to most players. It is a way of getting a reward and be able to show others ones efforts.
    I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who feels it's unfair and wrong that knocking on a fortress door gives more in terms of ranking then
    hard work in the battlefields.

    That's all Folks.
    Feel free to comment or give your ideas on this subject or any other improvements you have in mind.

    P.S The only thing that matters to me is that each player can enjoy Aion as much as possible.

    Thank You
    Giullia, Aza, Ren and 1 other person like this.
  2. Bard

    Bard R E T I R E D

    Sep 19, 2014
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    we'll see and wait......next update (maybe),,,,
  3. Louy

    Louy ʍѳɴʂ†ɛʀ Forum Legend

    Jul 9, 2012
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    Hi Paula, so many time i don't see you ^^
    About your ideas:
    1. The broker is bugged since long time, the problem is they don't have a developer team to fix the bug, so they are waiting for the next update i think, maybe it will fix... maybe :(
    2. Some people like to lvl up but i really think they are minority, nowadays it's really easier create characters really fast, make IS to get ap and ceramium medals and get decent gear, the fact we don't have to lvl up the first 60 levels make the things easy for the beginners, and it have a lot of others ways to learn about the game ^^
    3. This problem it's because of NCSoft, they did that and it will be hard insert that button again (since gamez doesn't have developers) :( but i miss that button too :p
    4. Yeah, GP system it's not cool but, since i realize, even when it was the AP system, was not important, none of them, since gamez doesn't have Xform, rank restrictions for sets, now even more since everyone can hide behind a gate naked and get their precious GP to get high rank for what? status? nah :), i have 15k AP in my Songweaver, i don't have GP, i'm rank 1 only and always, i don't give too much AP when i die, i don't loose too much AP when i die, i can buy my sets, pots and things, augment my sets when needed and that's the only use for AP :D:D
    And it can't be changed, once again, Ncsoft's fault, they implemented this system :(

    Remembering i'm just doing a comment, i'm not criticizing or arguing against you xD , i'm just pointing some things and sharing my opinion like you xD
    Aza and Dimitra like this.
  4. Dimitra

    Dimitra 安心。 Forum Legend

    Oct 22, 2010
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    Hello ^_^

    1. Everybody agrees with you, I don't think there's anybody who doesn't want the broker to be fixed.. For whatever reason though it's just taking a bit more time. Plus the bugs get fixed on every update. We haven't had an update in a while and I'm sure it wouldn't be that logical to shut down the servers and apply an update just to fix one thing! We just have to be a bit patient until the next update and hopefull it will be fixed then.. that's all :)

    2. I know what you mean, but people will complain either way.. When the instant L60 was not implemented, people were not happy with how "long" it took to level up since it's everywhere advertised that gamez is a quick, high rate server.. Personally I am really glad that we have the instant L60/crafting because I'm a huge lazy bum, but at the same time it causes problems as seen in this thread, however; This feature was introduced not so long ago and I'm sure it will remain like that for a while if not forever :/

    3. As @Louy said (which I also just learnt), NCsoft removed the black cloud marketplace button.. It really was a handy tool and I'm sure there wouldn't be a problem re-using it if it was added again by the base game :)

    4. It's been a constant suggestion for a while to enable the system that allows you to trade AP for GP.. That way it can be a bit more fair for those who actually PVP instead of doing sieges all the time. Even though yes, siege is not just PVE as it includes some PVP which can sometimes be really fun too, these days it has become really, really dead. Elyos obviously have all the forts and no asmos come to take them because, who would with that PVP buff (on Siel at least)?! If the AP to GP system was applied, I'm sure the ranks would be brought back to mostly "the higher the rank, the better the player" but.. Maybe if that happened, nobody would actually do siege, and the system would be even more dead than it is now :/ However, trust me, the higher ups already know how requested this change is.

    Overall your suggestions are ones I agree with, yes :) And they are also ones that those who are responsible for said changes, already have in mind ^_^ ♥
    Last edited: Apr 7, 2015
    Ren and Louy like this.
  5. QueenSydney

    QueenSydney Love is a beautiful pain.

    Feb 13, 2015
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    All your points are covered nicely in this post :). The only thing I have to add is that regarding automatic lvl 60, I know some private servers that have the "no exp" command which stops you from leveling up. And I'm sure when most people take those baby steps, it might be great to learn at first, but once that person(s) sees everyone advancing but themselves, it would most likely make them feel left out. These automatic lvls are implemented for dungeons and gear so that people can advance, which is the main point of playing a private server.

    Broker is of course useful, but the reason is still it's broken is still unknown. When we updated, we had more bugs and we REALLY had a lot going on. We can't update again without knowing what else is gonna break. Because one bug fix may break another thing and etc.

    That in game shop was very useful as we could preview remodels and other items :(. But I guess people abused it in some way which made it removed temporarily (hopefully ;o)

    As for the GP system, nothing can really be done about that. Because a lot of people are biased about rank and unfortunately most brag about it or call people "noobs" etc, just for being low rank. I believe a rank doesn't show skill, and I believe that's why a lot of people dislike this system and also because especially people who aren't VIP and get significantly less GP than those who are VIP. My GP got wiped (I was 4 star) and I do disagree with this system also. Everyone gets the same treatment though in different ways, and it's all because of rank. Meh, you aren't alone though D:..
    Last edited: Apr 7, 2015
    Ren likes this.
  6. Louy

    Louy ʍѳɴʂ†ɛʀ Forum Legend

    Jul 9, 2012
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    OMG That would be great xD
    Ren, Dimitra and QueenSydney like this.
  7. Paulablue

    Paulablue New Member

    Mar 4, 2012
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    I would like to thank you all for all the amazing and quick answers, comments and responses <3
    Louy, QueenSydney and Dimitra like this.
  8. Ren

    Ren Fried Fish

    Oct 13, 2014
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    The ideas are really good hope everyone agrees with this.
    But i still hate you :mad:
  9. DarkestNight

    DarkestNight Romeo and Chillderella

    Jul 28, 2014
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    Kinda late but..meh, I'll still put mei opinion/suggestion about number 2

    Well for me, They should put a system about choosing if you want auto-level or level the old-fashioned way
    Just an opinion/suggestion though..
    (Crafting skill will still remain auto-lvl though)
  10. Dreadlord

    Dreadlord mentally somewhere else

    Oct 25, 2011
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    I have to disagree to this one.
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