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[STORY] The Legend of Gamez

Discussion in 'Media Center' started by Luff, Oct 5, 2015.

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  1. Luff

    Luff - ᴛʜᴇ ғɪᴢᴢ - Staff Member Trainee

    Dec 8, 2014
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    The Caribbean

    Written by -

    Written in –
    English – Harimau Dua

    Characters -

    - Detre - Main Character
    - Olitaro – Detre’s Father
    - Pudellea – Detre’s Mother
    - Deitra – Detre’s Sister
    - Lis – Detre’s Love
    - Turo – Detre’s Sworn Nemesis
    - Master Llerup – Detre’s Master/Trainer

    Plot –

    Set in the ancient history of a harsh and vicious world, based on the game Aion, the Legend of Gamez is centered around a young man who learns to master his skill of choice based on whom his father was. He ventures throughout the world of Atrea, to gain power and strength to become stronger and wiser than anyone who opposes and/or challenges him to a duel. He is hell bent on defeating all those who slander his name or his clans’ and to furthermore avenge his father - who was brutally murdered by the Balaur.

    He starts out by training with his new master, Llerup, after his father passed, learning the basics of how to be strong in mind and body, but kind and meek at heart. He wants to be a Warrior, but is unsure of what path to master, be it whether to become a Grandmaster Gladiator or a Revered Templar. He starts out by learning each skill acquired with every new level achieved. His master is always found present, guiding him and educating him about each skill and how and when to use it. His mother, Pudellea, who fears for her son’s life having lost her husband, also makes herself available to him at all times, to teach him restraint and remind him to exercise patience and mercy. Working together they will enable this young man to walk in the footsteps of his father, but later on are unable to stop him from making challenges after finding out the truth of his father’s horrendous murder.

    Detre, being unaware of plots against not only his own life but against his family, is warned about a secret assassin union, named the Atak-suki (Or so legend has it), by his own beloved sister - Deitra. She aids him in understanding how they work, passing on knowledge attained from her former master - a now-member of the secret union. She urges him to learn their ways to be able to help her protect their mother and the clan from being brutally slaughtered, as they take no prisoners. They both find out later as to why such a hit was placed on his clan and work together to stop the perpetrators before they had the chance to attack, by challenging their leader to a duel to the death.

    Accomplishing goals along the way and becoming stronger, Detre earns new armor from the Masters’ Armory by presenting his defeats as well as his well-earned abyss medallions as a trophy to the Gods. He sets out further into new land and challenges in this exciting adventure, coping with harsh outcomes and near-death experiences, getting closer and closer to the truth and finally avenging his predecessor – Olitaro.

    Special thanks to -

    GamezNetwork Forum - for allowing me this pleasure
    @Dimitra - Helping with name fix(es)
    @lisveth - Logo & banner design(s)
    And Everyone else included in this & future publications for permission to use their names ;)
    Especially @Dementa who is my main character!

    Maximus, Fendi, Rubyah and 9 others like this.
  2. Luff

    Luff - ᴛʜᴇ ғɪᴢᴢ - Staff Member Trainee

    Dec 8, 2014
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    The Caribbean

























    P A R T | O N E




    P A R T | T W O















    To Be Continued...







    Important footnotes -
    *The Holy Shield – A skill only learnt by beginner Templars. It reflects any damage dealt while blocking with a shield back to its enemy - whether ranged or melee.

    *Danarian Shield – Acquired upon defeating one of Beritra’s Followers in the depths of Danaria. The medal gained from such a defeat, can be used to acquire weapons of any kind or a shield.

    *Absorbing Fury – A skill learnt by Gladiators of any kind. This skill draws from the essence of any enemy or foe nearby and inflicts healing properties to the wielder.

    *Robe of Flame – A skill learnt by sorcerers to increase their damage base when they attack.

    *Skin hardens like stone – happens when a mage (Sorcerer/Spirit Master) uses the skill Stone Skin to increase their defense from both magical, ranged and melee attacks.

    *Lethal Arrow – A skill learnt by experienced Rangers. It is a charged type skill that has 0% chance to miss its target. However if timed correctly, it can be interrupted by an enemy attack.

    *Passage – Means by which people travel publicly from one city/area to another. Essence is summoned and the magical pathway pulls you in and sends you to your destination. (A payment in gold is required of course)

    *Noble Officer Bow – Noble Officer Items (gear or weapons) can be acquired from any academy of training upon completing a certain amount of skills and earning enough wins in duels (practice).

    *Pure Bred – People who are born to take a specific path. Nothing they do or try will allow them to deter from the path they were meant to take.

    *Lord Lannok – One of the Hidden Demi-gods. Is said to drop medallions that can be used to acquire apprentice level weapons, of which some are extendable.

    Lannok Sword – A weapon acquired with a Lord Lannok Medallion, from the weaponry. It is said that these weapons also come with a random skill acquired and learnt by the wielder on its first usage.

    Aether Leash – A skill learnt by Templars, which allow them to pull an enemy or foe towards them from a certain distance. It uses essence energy to warp around the target, disabling them to move whilst being pulled.

    Kinah – Currency used to purchase almost everything.
    Punishing Thrust – An intermediate Templar skill, which can be used only when equipped with a weapon. Its damage is great, but the range is very short.
    Red Spirit – A spirit assigned to Daevas who are training for a specific path, whatever it may be. These spirits, guard, advice and protect them at all costs with a certain level of limitation.
    Rebirth – A skill only acquired by devoted clerics that allow them to inflict a healing essence upon the target, creating a tiny barrier of defense and healing them over a long or short period of time. The longer the healing period, the more in-depth the repair will be.
    Beritra – The high Balaurean Dragon Lord, who hails himself as the only god of all the lands, is a very dangerous and menacing demon. It is said that he has a dragon form that has never been defeated by any, and he acquired most of his powers by defeating Tiamat, another dragon lord.

    Aether Armor - A Templar skill that increases magic resist and allows them to evade a certain level of magic skills and spells. It does not decrease or shield them from any damage.

    Katalium Spellbook – A weapon acquired from the Weaponry with a medallion from earned from crafting. Only a master crafter can make such a medallion, and issue it

    Inquisitors Blow – A Templar skill that cuts through the targeted enemy and can be use from a considerably long distance.

    Backdraft – Being a Sspiritmaster skill, it allows them to pull essence from enemy or foe, healing their health essence as well as their will power to continue fighting – relieving any fatigue.

    Stormwing’s spear - Spear attained from defeating one of Stormwings’ incarnations which can only be found in the depths of the Beshmundir’s Temple.

    Weakening Blow – A gladiator skill that decreases evasion and weakens the enemy’s defenses by a certain amount.

    Tendon Slice – Gladiator skill that immobilizes its target.

    Piercing Rupture – A very strong gladiator skill that does high amounts of damage and severely decreases physical defense of the target.

    Lockdown – A gladiator skill that prevents the target from doing any melee or range physical attacks.

    Crushing blow – A gladiator stumbling skill.

    Final Strike – one of the hardest hitting gladiator skills. It is very destructive if used at the right time.

    Songweaver – A new mage class that plays song notes with its harp and can heal essence energy as well as will power. It is said that this class also has insane damage and can counter and destroy every other class that currently exists. It is divinely founded by Lady Siel and represents her.

    Aetherblaze – A sorcery skill that increases the magical damage the wielder decides to do within a certain time period after activating it.

    Shadowburst – A skill only grated by Illusions himself to certain elitist Sorcerers. It uses a lot of Essence to summon and can prove fatal to the wielder and the person being attacked.

    Arcane Thunderbolt – A stunning electrifying sorcerer skill.

    Whirlwind – A sorcerer skill that calls upon a gust of wind that has a probability to stun anything in its path.

    Blessing of Rock – Skill used to increase essence and willpower as well as defenses both physical and elemental by a Chanter.

    Unforgotten armor & Luminasiel weapon – Gear invented and issued by Lady Siel herself from her personal armory. She is very keen unto whom she issues these.

    Bodyguard (SM) – Spirit Master skill that allows them to shield the caster from taking any form of damage for a short period of time.

    Illusion Storm – A sorcerer skill that allows them to stun any enemy or foe that is near to them.

    Soul Absorption – Sorcerer ultimate skill that allows them to steal essence to regenerate their own from whatever target they choose.

    Aetherflame – Fire damage dealing skill that sorcerers use that can stun an enemy or push them away. It is an advance skill.

    Sword Storm – Templar skill that allows them to stumble a target within range dealing a fair amount of damage.

    Break Power – This is an ultimate Templar skill that deals enormous damage to a target that is stumbled. It calls upon the pure energy of one’s essence and is unstoppable.

    Wind Spear – Sorcerer skill that is multi cast dealing shards of ice damage to the target which can slow the target from getting away or stunning the target briefly.

    Light Resurrect - Cleric skill used to bring someone or something back to life.

    Freestyle - A skill that puts the target to sleep for a certain period of time (Songweaver)

    Sonic Gust - This skill knocks the target back/down with a strong force. It is a Songweavers skill.

    Quaver - A songweavers silencing skill. It prevents any usage of magic base skills.

    Half Stop - Emitted from a Songweaver and is used to dispel buffs from the target.

    Blazing Requiem - A very Strong Charge skill from songweaver said to be devastating.

    Treble Cleave - A song note skill from the class songweaver which is an elitist skill. It is instantly cast and hits very hard.

    Minstrel’s Flair - A skill only available Elitist Songweavers granted by Lady Siel herself, which uses half of the casters Essence to cast.

    Hide - Ranger skill used to render themselves invisible.

    Sauro Military Supply Base - The hideout of Brigade General Sheba

    Resurrection Stone - A precious stone that contains properties used in bringing someone back to life.

    Brigade General Sheba - One of Beritra's trusted allies, who is hellbent on proving to him that she should be second in command.

    Cursed Queen Modor - Beritra's Second in command and most trusted ally. She is the sole strongest non-legendary Beritran warrior. She is a sorcerer.

    Ode of Protection - Songeaver skill used to strengthen them physically and magical against both melee and magical skills, blocking only a certain amount of attacks/damage.

    Dance Off - Songweaer skill used to quickly sleep anyone in close proximity to the caster.

    Mvt 4. Winter - A skill used to create a shield around a songweaver that blocks 100% damage for a short period of time.

    Hall of Fame - The storage area and armory of the elitists combat gear and weaponry. It is located just beyond Marchutan's Priory which is only in Pandaemonium City.

    Guardian General Transformation - Granted only by the Governor of Pandaemonium, this is given to Daevas who have achieved a certain rank and can transform into a Deity.

    Dragon Lord - Legendary form of a Balaur. They are the strongest and most feared.

    Lethal Archon Chief's Greatsword - Weapon grated to Elitist Templar or Gladiator.

    Bodyguard - Templar skill used to block 100% damage on the person it is cast on and the caster experienced the damage only at a rate of 80%.

    Pitiless low - A stumble triggered skill like Break power, given to templars, it is not as strong, but does 3x applied damage.

    Punishing Wave - An area of effect templar skill that can root enemies who are in close proximity to the caster.

    Prayer of Victory - A Templar skill used to increase the essence and longevity of all close-by allies.

    Invigorating Strike - Templar skill that allows them to inflict damage to a target and steal a certain amount of essence for their own.

    Holy Punishment - Very fast and strong Templar skill that allows them to instantly stun a target.

    Divine Justice - A weak skill that can only be done by a Templar. It is mostly used to stun a target from a great distance.

    Hand of Healing - This is a very expensive skill when it comes to a Templar's Essence. It allows them to completely rejuvenate themselves back to full health from any damage previously experienced.

    Blood Pact - A triple hitting skill that rips through enemies at great speed. Only can be acquired by a Templar.

    Slayer Form - An Assassin skill that transforms them into a slayer, increasing their essence and power overall. When in this form they have an intent to kill.

    Devotion - Very quickly cast skill available to both Assassins and Rangers, allowing them to double their offensive attack.

    Focused Evasion - A scout skill that allows them to evade one magical OR physical attack that may come their way after they cast the skill. It is very effective.

    Ambush - Assassin skill that allows them to phase out and reappear behind their target, stunning them and dealing a great amount of damage.

    Apply Lethal Venom - A very deadly Assassin skill that allows them to deal extra damage with their weapons at a doubled rate.

    Deadly Abandon - A long lasting Assassin skill that increases their offensive attacks by a small amount.

    Deadly Focus - Like Devotion, but only available to Assassins. It is a very deadly skill, mostly only used with the intent to kill.

    Spiral Slash - An Elitist skill only available to Assassins. It stuns the target for a great deal of time and is very strong. Can be done from a great distance.

    Massacre - Assassin skill that allows them to not only poison their target, but also slow their movement.

    Ripclaw Strike - Sin skill that gives them the ability to carve runes into the target to be later burst by another skill that could either stun, bind, silence or do a great deal of damage.

    Binding Rune - A rune dependent skill that binds the target in the air helplessly.

    Assassination - A skill used to finish off opponents with the intent to kill (most times). It hits very hard and is only available to Assassins.

    Wind Walk - Essence depleting skill that allows them to quickly get away in sticky situation. It makes them undetectable to the naked eye and increases their movement speed greatly.

    Shadow Fall - Assassin skill that allows them to stumble a target that has been stunned and most times knock them unconscious.

    Word of Wind - A chanter buff skill that increases the caster and nearby allies movement speed by great amount. Very useful for traveling or getting around quickly in fights.

    Last edited: Dec 23, 2015
    Fendi, Visty, Hizie and 13 others like this.
  3. Dementa

    Dementa Providence Forum Legend

    Apr 21, 2010
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    *e-peen doubles in size*

    Nah really though it looks like dis will be a nice story, even better than those published by @BeastiesDecoyAccount !! And that's saying something. He wrote almost an entire book! I wonder what conflicts await.
    timdonyo, lisveth and Luff like this.
  4. Illusions

    Illusions ß̫͒̃ڻᶇٴᶇٴŷ̪ Ķ̫͌ńĭģĥŧ̝̜᷈ Forum Legend

    Dec 28, 2013
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    Can I get a TL;DR version? (just kidding).

    Planning for a paperback edition?
    timdonyo and Luff like this.
  5. Luff

    Luff - ᴛʜᴇ ғɪᴢᴢ - Staff Member Trainee

    Dec 8, 2014
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    The Caribbean
    Haha not at all - Just a hobby for now ;)

    • Updated & Edited.
    • Issue #2 Released.
    • New footnotes added.
  6. Luff

    Luff - ᴛʜᴇ ғɪᴢᴢ - Staff Member Trainee

    Dec 8, 2014
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    The Caribbean
    Sorry for being a bit late. Hope you guys will like this Issue. Picked up the pace a bit and introduced new characters. Enjoy!

    • Updated & Edited
    • Issue #3 Released.
    • New footnotes added (Important)
    lisveth, Zannova and Dementa like this.
  7. Luff

    Luff - ᴛʜᴇ ғɪᴢᴢ - Staff Member Trainee

    Dec 8, 2014
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    The Caribbean
    Here it is everyone! Have fun and remember any remarks, questions at all use the Discussion thread -> Click Here

    • Updated & Edited.
    • Issue #4 Released.
    • New footnotes and information added.
    lisveth likes this.
  8. Luff

    Luff - ᴛʜᴇ ғɪᴢᴢ - Staff Member Trainee

    Dec 8, 2014
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    The Caribbean
    The long awaited update. Here it is my fellow readers :rolleyes: Introduced new characters, story took a twist! Enjoy~

    • Updated & Edited.
    • Issue #5 - Part One Released.
    • New Footnotes & Information added.

    Upcoming in Issue #5 - Part Two:
    • Yustiel introduces Vayn.
    • Lady Siel shows her wrath.
    • Deitra warns Pudellea about Yubashiri
    • Beritra meets with the Empyrean Lords and ...
    • Detre Challenges Beritra.

    This and more to come!

    Thanks to everyone for your patience and support!
    Ollo likes this.
  9. Luff

    Luff - ᴛʜᴇ ғɪᴢᴢ - Staff Member Trainee

    Dec 8, 2014
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    The Caribbean
    Issue #5 Part Two is here. Story guided now to introduce the main nemesis as well as final characters coming into play.

    • Updated & Edited.
    • Issue 5 - Part Two Released.
    • New footnotes added.
    • New integral characters introduced.

    Thank you all for your patience. Hopefully I can finish this by the end of the year, even if I have to release two issues in one week. Will not be releasing any the week of Christmas.

    Happy Holidays to all ;)
    Ethereal and Kessie like this.
  10. Luff

    Luff - ᴛʜᴇ ғɪᴢᴢ - Staff Member Trainee

    Dec 8, 2014
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    The Caribbean
    The awaited game changer of my story that will have you on the edge of your seats wanting to know what will happen next is here! New enemy characters introduced and story mainstreamed!

    • Updated and Edited.
    • Issue #6 Released.
    • New footnotes added (so much T__T)
    • Exciting Action/Enemies introduced.

    I hope you fellow readers will enjoy this issue, as it is the trendsetter for what is to come.

    What to expect in Issue #7
    • Hillel faces off with Yubashiri and shows the true power of a Spirit Master.
    • The true identity of the Secret Assassin Union revealed.
    • Detre and Lis engage in their first romantic coitus.
    • And lastly, Israphel strips Illusions of his Empyrean Lordship and jails him.

    See you next week! Enjoy!
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2015
    Illusions likes this.
  11. Luff

    Luff - ᴛʜᴇ ғɪᴢᴢ - Staff Member Trainee

    Dec 8, 2014
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    The Caribbean
    The long awaited Issue #7 is here! I did my best to keep it clean for our under-aged readers and to also keep in line with the forum rules. Story advances forward in a mainstream manner, picked up the pace a bit for my readers who are eager to find out more. As this is the festive holidays, I will still do my best to get this done before the end of the year, if not the first week of next year - Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all ♥!

    • Updated and edited.
    • Issue #7 released.
    • Exciting scenes as well as events that will impact the future taking place :>
    Have fun reading, and if you have any questions or concerns, please PM me @Luff - Thank you!

    What to expect in the next Issue:
    • Beritra reveals his 'back-up' plan.
    • Hillel returns to the group.
    • Cursed Queen Modor Defeated and...
    • Beritra VS Siel and Marchutan.

    Until next week! Enjoy!
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