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Horror Stories

Discussion in 'Events Archive' started by Illusions, Oct 13, 2015.

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  1. Illusions

    Illusions ß̫͒̃ڻᶇٴᶇٴŷ̪ Ķ̫͌ńĭģĥŧ̝̜᷈ Forum Legend

    Dec 28, 2013
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    Welcome, welcome. I've heard about you, yes. You're
    the one! People are afraid of you and you know it, they're even scared of your presence. I may have seen you somewhere, but I cannot recall any information about you and how I know you. Perhaps you're a mythical creature of the dark? Mmph... I highly doubt that, you humans can't even move a muscle without pain. So weak and so fragile. Anyway, how about you tell me a story of who you are? I don't reward silence, so go on, talk already. What are you waiting for?

    This is a "write a story" event where you are asked to bring your originality, creativity and imagination to play. You have tell of a story of a "Horror Halloween Story". Perhaps you would like to tell us how you were killing clans of vampires while running from wooden stakes? Or perhaps a little treat of staring at the moon while tracking down werewolves. Up to you, be creative.
    We are looking for creativity, imagination, originality and the depth of the story.

    Word Limit - MINIMUM:
    300 MAXIMUM: 2000


    Absolutely NO PLAGIARISM*
    Anybody can join, including staff members

    You must submit your OWN work and must SIGN with your NAME*
    Do NOT exceed the word limit and do NOT submit entries that are less than 300 words
    Word Limit - MINIMUM : 300 MAXIMUM : 2000
    If ideas are taken from a book or from anywhere on the internet, quotation marks and links should be provided, otherwise, it will be counted as a plagiarised entry

    If the story or your posts show no effort, your entry will not be counted
    Not following any of these rules can lead to a disqualification without notice

    We are enforcing the Black Strike System in this event
    *Plagiarism: We WILL enforce the black strike system, any disqualifications will lead to a black strike. Three black strikes lead to a PERMANENT disqualification from ALL forum events. If a user is caught submitting plagiarised work, he/she will be disqualified immediately without a warning.
    *Name: Preferably Forum/Ingame Name


    For word count you can use WordCounter.net

    Don't forget to sign your work!


    First Prize
    Any Costume of Choice*

    1x Crystal Reward
    Second Prize

    1x Crystal Reward
    1x Mythical Reward
    Third Prize
    1x Mythical Reward
    1x Ethereal Reward

    * Literally, ANY costume of choice. You name it, we reward it.

    The event opens from 13/10/2015 00:00 GMT.

    This event will forever be sealed on the 25th of October.
    The winners will be announced on the 31st of October.
    Last edited: Oct 15, 2015
    Ayaria, Louy, Patatas and 6 others like this.
  2. spoiled1124

    spoiled1124 Getting there

    Jun 17, 2011
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    IGN: caffeowner
    Forum Name: spoiled1124
    Word Count : 53
    Entry:1 I have a story and its real i see dead people around here specially in mindanao... riding in tandemn killers.... they kill specially drug addicts and criminals.... one time i witness man shot in the head... it feels i cant sleep at night for three days, this is true horror and story... Thanks....
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 15, 2015
  3. jerjhem

    jerjhem New Member

    May 4, 2013
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    IGN: Azraell
    Forum name: jerjhem
    Word Count: 668
    This story i wanna share to you happened to 3 normal teenagers,(including me).This 3 guys are really best of Friends and they are like real brothers.. And one day,one of them asked about have they ever experienced or see a ghost?.. and rest of them answered NO. After the conversation they are like inspired and interested to experience one.One day they meet this on guy that was a medium or ghost expert.. and that moment they asked the medium to teach them to open their eyes to the spirit world. and it happened the trained until one night, the medium said got to this location and their you can see what you are looking for, or you wanna see.so they went in excitement. And on their way and the are close. at the huge tree one of them thought that he is the only one saw that thing...... an evil thing that is color black with wings red eyes that has a body of a person that jumped from the other branch of a tree to the other....so he freaked out and said guys lets!!!! go... and with that shout all of them run to the house of their medium... and they haven't reach the house they didn't know that their medium already know that they brought something or bad spirit.. so the medium waited at his door and said to them bring them back to where you got them... but even the are afraid they said yes but how? and the medium instructed them what to do, and said to them go.. so they leave the house and as their medium thought they did what they do. this three guys decided to go home cause they are too afraid to go back to where they came from.
    After that night... early in the morning i turned on my recorded scene, cause that time i brought my tape recorder.. and as i played it i heard a deep laugh from the inner part below that feels it is everywhere. and after hearing that the tape recorder broke.. and i went to the repair shop to make it fixed so i left it there, after 3 day the one who is working to fix my recorder died. and no one know why he died, he is healthy, no illness its just early morning he didn't woke up..So it is possible that when i was the one holding the recorder, its me that probably died. and i told it to my Friends and we are all freaking out.. we don't know what to do. we are all shy to go to our mediums house cause we didn't follow him.and that time we are together again a strange feeling we felt again. and we start to see people that no one can see, but only us.Sometime we talk to them but suddenly they disappear or they become a bloody mess. SO we proved that if we are all joined together we are a key to something we cannot see. so after that night, every time we meet together, we are just like opening a portal from the afterword that we always see unseen things until now.. so we decided not to see each other anymore.Its so sad for us cause we are really best of friends..
    But i don't know until when that our lives will not cross again, that one day we can open again these portal that we are all afraid of.So all of us we must all be careful to what we want to do, that we might not regret it.This happened to us, so it will probably happen to you too if you don't think what you are doing.Don't mess with dead people or Devil.They will chase you , hunt you and kill you....

    So this is my Greatest experience or let say my horror story. Hope you all enjoyed it...

    Respectfully yours,
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 15, 2015
    Lautaro and Illusions like this.
  4. Minorak

    Minorak Professional Fearer

    Oct 12, 2012
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    13th Circle of Hell
    IGN: Ryokou
    Forum Name: Minorak
    Word Count : 727
    Entry: My Last Halloween.

    Every Halloween is essentially the same, trick or treaters, stupid costumes, the usual. But last year was completely different.....
    It all started in the morning woke up as anyone normally would, but something felt...... odd. A completely unnerving feeling that something was wrong. Shrugging it off as just a random occurrence, I got up and when down stairs to get some breakfast. When I got downstairs i found out my family hadn't gotten up yet, i decided not to worry about it, thinking that they may have just over slept or just really tired. I got my breakfast, ate it and then went for a shower. And that's when I saw it..... A darkened figure moving past the window, I wasn't scared at this time. If i knew what it really was, then i would have been.
    I quickly looked outside to see what this "thing" was but couldn't see anything or anyone outside, i mean no one at all which was odd. I live in the middle of my town, and at this time of morning there is usually cars rushing by my house like bats out of hell..... But there was nothing, no one, no cars moving, no people at all. I went back inside, got dressed and tried to wake up my family, but i couldn't find them. Now I am panicking, where is everyone, where is my family, my neighbours, my friends, everyone!
    I thought i couldn't be the only one left here, surely, I went outside to try and find someone. I looked all over town, it took all morning and nearly all afternoon. By this time it was almost 7 in the evening, and it was real dark. I couldn't figure out where everyone had gone to, no events locally, no parties that i knew of. I tried to call the police but my mobile, and the landlines were completely not working. Well, since i couldn't call anyone and i was all alone, or so it seemed, i started breaking into house and shops to see if i can find someone, and because it was fun at the time.
    What i didn't notice was this looming black shadow, always behind me, but never getting much closer. Before i noticed the time it was already 12am, midnight, 3 hours till the witching hour, 3 hours till i faced..... IT! As it was getting so late i moved on home, no one was there but didn't stop me from going home either way. As i was going back home i could sense being watched, followed, hunted like an animal. I picked up the pace, walking faster and faster, eventually getting to running pace, then that is when i heard it, a loud deafening roar. I whipped around and saw....... nothing, absolutely nothing, i was shaking all over. Scared of what could be lurking out there in the dark, i took 3 steps back wards, turned, then ran as fast as i could home.
    Before i go to the end of the road, standing under a street light, out in the open the darkest of black shadows. It stood taller than any man i had ever seen, looking about 2 meters tall. It had the shape of a man, but something about it, except the height, made me think this was no man. I froze in fear, not knowing where to go what to do. I blinked, and it was gone again. Furiously looking around me, trying to see this thing again and i couldn't find where it had gone. I bolted to my house, i got through the door locking it behind me. I thought to myself, I'm safe, i'm home, thank all the gods I could think of. I went into the living room, suddenly the fear was back, this thing was behind me, inches behind me, i could feel it breathing on my neck..... Then, darkness, i had joined my family, i had joined my whole town.

    I am telling you this story from where ever I am in hope that someone is able to hear me, and warn others of what happened, this thing devours people, whole towns, you won't even know it's hunting you till it's too late. Please, don't step into the shadows, don't try to confront it, once it sees you, you're dead.

    Signed M.J.D
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 15, 2015
    Lautaro and Illusions like this.
  5. Puddles

    Puddles Tͮh͌̀ͩe̅̋̔̓ͣ̎͟ ̔ͫ̈́̾ͩG͗́̓o͐̍d̊̊̄d͑̔̎͑ ̋̾͏e ̏̏ͬ͌s̶s͛ Forum Legend

    Dec 29, 2010
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    Behind You
    Title: Thoughts
    Char: ---------- (I don't tell my legits ^.^)
    Server: Lumiel
    Word Count: 1200
    Sensation. Just what is it about that word? Sometimes I wonder why we choose to say the things we say. Or maybe it is because some things are better off left unsaid. Either way when someone decides to talk about a sensation they are only talking about feelings. Those which can be amazing, the same about those that are horrible. Why do you feel this way? Is it because of this or that. No of course it is not. This and that do not even exist. They are only there in your mind a bothersome worry construed from the depths of your sane thoughts. Can I perhaps take a look into your sane mind? Hmmm. The skulking terrors. The uplifting beat of a brain as it atrophies.

    Yes this is the reality in which we... YOU live. Mindless, insipid, droning through your everyday. Just until a spark. The light at the end of the tunnel. For once in your life you happen to see. To have a sensation of something. Groaning in agony. The pain so unbearable it forces contractions. Extruding a days meals from with in the bowels. This is how you live now. With in the desolate rays of a sanguine star. Just why. How did your world turn to this wasteland frothing at the mouth?

    Years have passed. Sanity on the verge of collapse. Society a scant glimmer of formerly pronounced social construction. Ah! Hope it mounds and compounds itself in your eyes. Toiling away the hours of days, months and decades. Perhaps this was not all in vain? No, of course it is. This is such a pathetic drop of rain in a much unfilled ocean of tears. However if but by chance sitting there by candle and oil lamps a sudden twitch of limp expression upon brows so sunken. Hope. Yes, hope. That darkness to be lifted. Hope. For an existence outside the boundaries of what is known.

    Common goals are being met. A world with out compassion, love, caring. This place once teaming with dreams of grandeur. Now a place set in ruin by faux stations. Posturing for greatness only bringing dissatisfaction. A question to you my dear. How can you continue knowing this is all your fault? Every last little piece of the puzzle falls. Broken on the brink of shattering the glass house which you built? Can you? Can you hear me? Are you still able to utter those words? Simple things that carry more weight than the world itself? "I love you." Yes. Of course. I know. For I too. "Love you." After the play has finished, once the curtain strings are pulled to close. "I love you."

    Now the first time in my life. I realize what the words you said meant. As I have said they are simple. Bear meaning and as a term of endearment. One can never truly know what a word means until actions are laid. Side by side prints, walking a common path. Not one, but two. A pair. This is how life is to be no? Together? Showing our love. Showing how much we care. The sensation of belonging. That feeling of having a 'loved one'. Just what was it? Is it? Could it be that you and I were meant to follow this path? I wonder now. As I had in the past. You. Me. This world. It is falling apart. I can feel it crumbling. Each echo of my voice trailing into to obscurity, choking off.

    The gluttony in which you live. The way you walk the street. Even the simple peak of lips curling into a smile now. I love...I-I..crave it. Slowly as we watch the world turn black. Spattering itself with colour. The brightness and warmth of our sun turning cold. As if winter itself had decided to take hold over all creation. I cannot deny I am in love. Such a drastic state of mind. This cacophony of emotion. Decaying, creeping through all my thoughts. I love you. Even now I say those words as they choke in my throat. Knowing what they mean. Knowing how they feel.

    They are sharp. Like spikes. Soft like petals of a flower. Devious as if a snake personified. Yet, as trustworthy as the ox pulling the plough. Say it. Please. One more time just this once. Say them. Say "I love you" to me once more. I know what you are thinking. You. The one who here now is at the end of sanity. Much as myself. Remember always. I. Love. You. I will always love you. No matter the recourse to be given for my choice. No. This is no choice. This is something more primal. It is in the very fabric of my being that I love you. A thing that I cannot deny. That will fight against all notion of remorse. You too have a similar disposition do you not? For, You. Love. Me.

    Slowly draining the colours. Pooling at our feet, roaring to the grated hole underneath. Washing away all of what we had been. Of who I had been. Years ago I was nothing more than a sniveling creature. Void of any sense. Reason. Of course now once again that void has returned festering in your mind. Dreaming ludicrous scenario as if in a motion picture. Torn fabric strewn around this empty hole. A constant pale white dripping at the edge.

    Staggering about in a sublime melancholy. To be with-out me. To know what was done can never be undone. This rancid anguish tearing at us from the depths. You seem lighter. Laughter? Is that true? "I loved you." Loved? But no. You do love me still. Even as you stitch together things to make your world right. Mine, is shattered. A moment of pensive delusions. I see now. You still love me. This. This is for me is it not? You would never do something to harm us. You love me and I love you. The urge to embrace you again. Yes, to feel you close. Even while this world turns dark if only to touch you once more.

    I feel as if there is a train. Loud and capricious running away from the tracks. Yes that has to be it. "I hate you". No, "You love me" you will always love me. I know what you say is just a momentary slip. A passing glance to a world where you and I were never to be. I love that about you. The twisted satire inside. Even while tears etch my cheeks. Silence. Remittance but in a form much different than expectations would surmise.

    Soon. So soon. I will always love you. Even now. Watching you droning about the day. Can you still feel the sensation of my hand on your cheek? You twitch, wake in a cold sweat. Lips pursed and gasping for breath. Can you tell? Yes of course you always could. I am watching you. I will always watch you. I love you. Why did you do this? Why. You said you love me. But no, you lied. You did this. You never loved me did you? Ever since that day.
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2015
    Lautaro, Patatas, Nero and 5 others like this.
  6. Alex

    Alex Expert

    Aug 20, 2014
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    Forum Name:Alex
    Word Count: 473

    John get up at one horroristic time!

    One night our guy Johnny get up at 3 o'clock.He hear some whispers and packing from he's working room.He wanna check it but first he turn on the television because he need lights. No broadcast on television..so he hear "tsssk tsssssk". He get one knife to look better stats. He open realy realy slowly the working door's room.He already open it and the sounds are gone.Then he have to go back to bed room.He turn off the televizion.He gonna back to bed but saw that the clock still write 3 o'clock.
    -"What the hell?"-he do not know say anything only this.Then he go back to bed faster.He can sleep only one hour and again he hear the sounds.He turn on the television again.He go again to the working room.And open the door fast.
    One little girl voice say to him:"Are you scarred Johnny??"
    -"No No No No!"-yelling John
    -"Can you play whit me?"
    -"What??? NO!"-The working room's window chrash..one teddy bear chrashed it.
    -"And now??"
    -"NOOO!!!!"-shouts John..At that moment he said it.Some unkown force wall points.John feel much pain but do not say anything for this.He wanna shouts for some help but do not know make it.Like from scared he frozed.The girl show her horroristic body but like he dead on car accident.She's face it was covered on blood and she got evil smile.She wanna tell to Johnny he die now only see he's face whitout make anything.Johnny more frightened from this.She released John a bit.-"I always want one good friend"-say the girl.
    -"But im a real guy i have my obligations, i have work i dont know always play whit you!"When she hear this, she again force John to wall and say to him whit a nervous tone: "I can kill you later we know play together!"
    "NO PLEASE Dont kill me!"-Said John. The girl gets more nervous. -"Too easy to pleads for your life,why you dont want speak whit me if you live???"John very scared.His heart was beating as if to fall.The girl grabbed John's hair and pulled through in the corridor.
    -"I wanna show you something.".Say the girl and go to basement.At that moment as they reached John see the sign of the evil.
    -"What is this?"-Said John. He wanna like run as roadrunner or faster but the girl still restrained him.The girl build fires and started say something in Latin.It appeared some spell or curse.John learn about this he found its one curse.The fire has become increasingly.And overlaid Johnny's body.John died by unknown fire.The police found him in his bed..
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 15, 2015
    Lautaro likes this.
  7. Kessie

    Kessie alis volat propriis Forum Legend

    Mar 31, 2012
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    Ignorance of the rules will not be accepted at all as an excuse for this event, moreover, people caught stealing others' work or any form of cheating will lead to serious consequences.
    And this includes reusing last year's entries as well.

    Therefore, a friendly reminder to everyone for the future:

    Make an effort!
    It's only Day 1, tons of time has been given to you by the host for a very good reason.

    Good luck to all!
    Illusions and Louy like this.
  8. Louy

    Louy ʍѳɴʂ†ɛʀ Forum Legend

    Jul 9, 2012
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    IGN: Santanna
    Forum Name: Louy
    Word Count: 1014
    Title: Hotel

    - Dear, don't be afraid, you must face this as a beginning, not as an end.
    - (crying) Nooo, please, don't do this to me, i beg you...
    - It's late for you, all you have done with your body, there's no turning back.
    - (crying) I promise i'll change. - It's funny don't you think? This is not what everybody says when is about to die? Yeah, i was one of those people, and i was about to die. I'll tell you guys a story, my story, the story of my death.

    This story begins long time ago, at 1976, i was young, 18 years old, a shitty man born in the california, created by my lovely mother and my drunk father.

    At 14 years old i killed my father in front of my Mom after he hits my mother's head against the glass window, the pieces of glass were in the kitchen floor, i was watching freezed in the other side of the kitchen, and i saw my father's hand under the knife, i couldn't think about anything, so, without any regret, i get a piece of glass from the floor and i cut his throat off.
    I felt the blood streaming thru my hands, my mom screaming and my father was already dead, i felt happy, i knew that was necessary, after my drunk father hits my mom countless times without any reason, i couldn't accept that anymore, i couldn't watch that anymore without do anything.
    My mom assumed the guilt of the murder, went to the jail for 3 years, she got free for good behavior, during this time, i was supposed to stay with my grandmother, but she was very old, she couldn't control me, and something changed.
    I was not the same as before, something changed after that incident.
    I left my studies, i was never at home, got new friends, started using drugs and drink, yeah, i was becoming my father, and i can't even explain why.
    When my mom finally went out of the jail, i was 17, she came at me but i couldn't face her, i wasn't the same, i had become what my father was.
    Of course she ignores that, she loved me, and she was, to be honest, grateful for what i did, i knew she was too good to do that with my father, that's why i did for her.
    I wasn't living with my grandmother anymore, i was living a weird life, doing some jobs for criminal factions, wasting my time in parties, wasting my life and my (dirty) money with drugs, alcohol and prostitutes.
    That was my life. We used to stay in a big hotel in the city, me, some prostitutes, some of my bosses, a lot of alcohol and drugs, my mom found me there, i tried to keep her out of that, but she get a job in that hotel.
    She used to watch me and follow me everywhere, just to keep me safe, and i was so "out of me", that i couldn't even see that she was just trying to protect me.
    The hotel was from one of my bosses, but i didn't even know him, to be honest, nobody knows him, the hotel was surrounded of horror stories, o lot of things happened there in my time, and we never saw the police, the cops was afraid of that place, some people also said the hotel were haunted.
    How my mother got the job there, it's a mystery, i have no clue.
    After a year living that life, one day, i saw my mom crying behind the balcony, i don't know why, i didn't even talk with her for so long, but i came at her, and asked what happened, she said to me:
    - There's no salvation for you my son, not anymore, please, run, run from this place and never come back.
    I thought it was just one of her sermons about my life style, of course i ignored her.
    I left the Hotel with a mission, i was going to receive a money from someone who stoled from my higher boss, the owner of the hotel. One of His messengers came to the hotel saying he was about to return the money, and make peace between the factions, and i was chosen to get the money.
    When i arrived in the place combined, it was an ambush, and i was alone, it was 5 armed mens against me, they tortured me and gave me 9 shots in non lethal parts of my body, they put me into a car to let me in front of the hotel, as a message that they'll not return the money, and if someone tried to do something, they were prepared.
    When they left me almost dead in front of the hotel, my mom came at me and bring me to inside of the hotel. She was crying and terrified about what they did to me, so, she took me to the last floor, i never been there, but everybody knows that was the boss's house. She drag my body into the room, it was very dark, she gave me a kiss, said that she loved me, and let me there, to die.
    I didn't understand, what was happening, so, i saw a women wearing a long white dress, she was so beautiful, with those big and blue eyes, walking to me, slowly, she stopped in front of me, bent down, and opened his mouth toward my neck.
    I started scream and try to get away from her, but she held me, she was so strong, and i felt my life leaving me.
    Now, we returned to the beginning of my story, remember me? begging for my life? Yeah.

    - Dear, don't be afraid, you must face this as a beginning, not as an end.
    - (crying) Nooo, please, don't do this to me, i beg you...
    - It's late for you, all you have done with your body, there's no turning back.
    - (crying) I promise i'll change.
    - Yes, you will!

    Lucas Schneider :p

    My inspiration to this story came from the TV show American Horror Story, season 5: Hotel, episode 1, i can provide a short story of the first episode, but it will not make too much sense, only if you watch the first episode you will see a little resemblance between my story and the episode.
    Two Swedish tourists check into the Hotel Cortez. They are attacked by a disfigured creature who was inside the mattress of their room. Iris (Kathy Bates) moves them to Room 64 where one of them falls asleep, and wakes up to find her friend being eaten by ghostly children. John Lowe (Wes Bentley) receives a strange call telling him to go to the Hotel where he also falls asleep and wakes up with a vision of his missing son Holden (Lennon Henry). Gabriel (Max Greenfield) checks in and is violently sodomized by a horrifying, disfigured creature; before Gabriel dies, Sally (Sarah Paulson) appears and asks him to tell her that he loves her. Elizabeth (Lady Gaga) and Donovan (Matt Bomer) have a foursome with a couple they met. During sex, they slit the couple's throats and relish in the blood. Will Drake (Cheyenne Jackson), the new hotel owner, arrives with his son Lachlan (Lyric Lennon). In 1994, Sally and Donovan check in to the Cortez, when Iris knocks on the door and argues with Sally for drugging him. When Sally leaves disoriented, Iris shoves her out a window to her death below. Iris returns to the room to see Elizabeth admiring Donovan and asks for her identity. In the current Room 64, John arrives with his luggage.

    You can find more about AHS: Hotel clicking "here"

    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 15, 2015
    Lautaro, Gravity, Wangfei and 5 others like this.

    XxDEATHxXGM Getting there

    Aug 24, 2015
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    IGN: Mssassy
    Forum Name: XxDEATHxXGM
    Word Count: 113

    Here's my Horror Story .. Sunday Night at 11:00 PM. i walk at South Woods Street near at Laguna... then i see a girl wearing a white t-shirt i feel so nervous in that time.. cause i never see her before .. then she look at me and im shock on what i see .. so very ugly face with long black hair and fully mark of blood in her face.. i run and run and run.. as far as i can .. after that night i never try to go home at mid night. cause im really scare .. :( i don't wanna see her i don't know what im gonna do if i see her again :(
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 15, 2015
  10. Neilkhulet

    Neilkhulet New Member

    Mar 21, 2014
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    IGN: Commissar
    Forum Name: Neilkhulet
    Word Count : 337
    Entry: Here's my real horror story, you may not believe this... but.. this is true.
    As i was sleeping, i had a dream.. i go out of my house at evening like 12pm.. i saw a centaur flying "a horse body/human head" then i threw a stone at it.. then the centaur that i am talking transformed into a cat then the centaur ran away..then i saw my neighbor talking that she also saw that thing.. so i enter her house.. then we talked in a min. ..then as i want to go out her house.. i woke up in my dream .. i was shaking, its still around 2-3am ..
    then going back to sleep.. then i continued my dream... im in her house and i want to go out.. then as i open the door, i saw the face of the fucking centaur in front of me..staring w/ its red eyes..so the centaur grabbed my hand ..so i wake up again.. im shaking, breathing heavily.. then i sit at my bed.. so as i watch at the window.. i saw a fucking man.. that really freaks me out .. its like a red eyed something bitch.. that's staring at me .. i dont know why ( i think he's insecured at my handsome face/just kidding ) i dont think thats the centaur because it stands like a man. END ( also have other )
    The next one is when i was in my high school days..
    i was left at the outside of our house, like 11pm at the evening.. because the key is inside our house..my parents are at somewhere..
    then that time.. i dont know that time why i had goosebumps (my fur in my skin stands)
    so i was frightened that time.. you know guys what i saw ?
    at our neighbors house..not so far.. i only saw a floating feet and with its white gown or something white.. because the upper part is hiddened because of the trees.
    then i cried that time. END
    Hope you enjoyed laughing at me cry. Lol :D
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 15, 2015
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  11. Mae

    Mae Maeow 。^・ェ・^。

    Dec 19, 2014
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    IGname: Icemint
    Forum name: Lunaah
    Title: Last halloween vacation
    Word Count: 1067

    October 28 2014
    "Hey! Let's go out of town!" Kean said.
    "Hmm. OK! I'll ask our other friends if they want to join, I think it's not fun to go out of town without friends."Mig said (Kean's boyfriend)
    "Ok! I'll ask Bon and Sofie too perhaps its Holloween i think they're going to have a break from work."

    October 29 2014
    "Babe, Angie, Jet and Venice are going, did you already ask the couple?"
    "Yes, they're going to join. So where will we be going tomorrow?"
    "Hmm. My late grandmother owned a mansion in our province, what do u think?"
    "Ok. that's a great idea !"

    October 30 2014
    In a dark forest the group is still finding where is Mig's Grandma's house.
    "Hey Mig! We've been exploring this place for about 4 hours! do you really still remember your grandma's house?!Its already late! "Angie said
    "I only been there once when my grandma died. That's why i forgot sorry!"
    "Why dont you call your aunt?"
    "There's no signal in this place."
    "Oh, well. I'm not felling well, I need to rest." Angie said
    "Are you ok? Do you want to go to the hospital?" Mig said.
    "No, its okay, I hope we can find you're house immediately so i can take a rest."

    8:00 pm
    "At last, we're here!!!!!!!" Mig shouts.
    "No offense, But it looks scary." Sofie said.
    "Don't worry i'll never leave your side." Bon said

    An old lady wearing white came out of the door and smile.
    "Hi auntie!" Mig greets his aunt.
    "Hi nice to meet you aunt!" Everybody said.
    Aunt just smile.
    "Oh mom! the visitors just came by now would u like to greet them?"
    The group was shocked.
    "Mom? I thought ur grandmother already died?" Jet said
    "Sorry my aunt had some traumatic experience when my grandma died, she loves her mother so much."
    "Can't you see my mother?" aunt said.
    "No ma'am." Jet said.
    "She's right behind that girl" *points at Venice*
    Venice jumped and hid behind Kean's back.
    "Never mind, Me and mom already cooked for dinner let's go inside and eat."

    Everybody finished their dinner and planned to play hide and seek
    Aunt finished all the chores with the help of the girls, And reminded them to keep quiet because her mother was going to sleep.
    "I want my mom to have a sweet dream so don't be too noisy, understand?"
    "Yes!" Everyone said.
    "Okay, enjoy the night" *grins*

    Then, they decided to start the game.
    Mig was decided to be the seeker.
    "Hey! dont try to find me first or i'll kill u. "Kean said
    "Don't worry babe."

    Mig start counting...
    "Are you ready guys?
    I'll start finding now!"

    Mig was on the living room, and decided to go to the restroom first.
    Nothing has found.
    "Hey hon dont be too nervous this is just a game, dont shake like you're going to die." Bon said
    "Im scared!" Sofie said.
    They hid under the dining table, while hiding they saw someone's walking they thought it was mig.
    But when they looked at those feet those are not from male.
    "Wait here hon I'll look whos that walking maybe someone's pranking us. "Bon said
    "No! Dont leave me here!"
    "Just wait."
    When he looked at the owner of those feet, bon was shocked.
    she stabbed bon by a knife.
    Bon fell dead on the floor.
    Sofie screamed.
    She decided to run but it was too late the woman was already on her back and stabbed her.

    Mig heard Sofie scream so he decided to go there.
    He was shocked when he saw the couple lifeless on the floor
    He panicked and decided to find Kean immediately.

    Jet decided to hide on the second floor's bathroom
    he was hiding inside the bathtub.
    He was shocked when he saw a shadow recflect because of the moonlight
    thats not his own shadow.
    but a woman's shadow.
    when he looked at the back the faucet of the bathtub turns on so he decided to look that way again
    when he turned, someone stabbed him on his back
    he was soaked on the bathtub and drowned.
    the woman smiled.

    On the other room beside the bathroom on the second floor Venice and Angie was hiding under the bed.
    They was shocked when they noticed they're not only 2 under the bed.
    when they looked on the other girl.
    they got relieved when they saw its Kean.
    "Are you doing good guys? do u know where is mig by now?" Kean said.
    "Maybe he's downstairs."
    "Oh okay I'll go ahead so he won't be able find us."

    After a few seconds they noticed again that there's a woman beside Venice
    When they looked at the woman,
    The woman stabbed them.
    The girls died.

    Kean hid inside Mig's grandma's bedroom.

    Mig was still finding his friends.
    He went upstairs then decided to go to the bathroom.
    He saw Jet's dead body drowned in bathtub.

    Then he decided to go to the near guest room.
    He was shocked when he saw the two girls got stabbed.
    Venice was stabbed on the head and his highschool crush Angie was stabbed on its beautiful face.
    He was crying out of scare
    He was worried about his girlfriend Kean and his aunt.

    He decided to go to his grandma's room
    He saw a woman wearing white looking straight at him
    It was dark so he cant see her face.
    "You cheated on me!"
    "Kean?Why have u done this?"*Crying*
    "Did u saw what I've done to Angie's face, this holloween vacation was fun right? our last vacation together."*Laughing*
    "Why did you do that?"
    "You love her right, she was pregnant and ur the father? And all of our friends knows it! You all betrayed me!"
    "Im sorry if i cheated on you."
    "Wheres my aunt?"
    "You said she loves your grandma so i sent her away to see her mother, so now ill send u away to be together with Angie and ur child!." *Laughs hard*
    Kean gets her knife
    Mig Grabs it
    They both fell on the floor and the knife accidentally stabbed at Mig's heart.
    "Im sorry Mig but this is was it supposed to be lets be together in hell."
    Kean stabbed herself.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 15, 2015
    Lautaro likes this.
  12. Illusions

    Illusions ß̫͒̃ڻᶇٴᶇٴŷ̪ Ķ̫͌ńĭģĥŧ̝̜᷈ Forum Legend

    Dec 28, 2013
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    Small update for the event:
    As of 15/10/2015
    -Word Limit was decreased to 300-2000
    -Added requirement for entry : Word Count shown
    -For all previous entries, I will add the word count on for you myself. If the count is below 300, you will not be eligible for the event. You have until the 25th of October to change your entries.

    The mentioned users are currently not eligible for the event as they are below the necessary limit. Please change your entries. @spoiled1124 @zheno @XxDEATHxXGM
    Please also note that we aren't responsible if you do not meet the criteria. It is up to you to make sure your entries are up to the standard required. Please note that you can get disqualified at any time and that most of the plagiarism checks will be happening after the event closed in order to keep things neater. That doesn't mean that casual checks aren't happening meanwhile. If you are found submitting a plagiarised entry, even if it was deleted, you will be disqualified for attempting to cheat in the event.
    Thank you.
    Last edited: Oct 15, 2015
    Puddles and Louy like this.
  13. Rozwell

    Rozwell Jesus loves you

    Mar 10, 2014
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    Kingdom of Heaven
    Forum Name: Zheno
    entry :
    The Legend of the Evil House - Haunted

    Legend has it that at the end of the street in a country town, there was a house where the owner was killed cruelly by a bunch of thieves. Attracted by a story that the old man had a compound treasure of gold and precious stones hidden somewhere in the house marginal invaded the place and tortured for him to reveal where the treasure was. But the old man was stubborn and hard bread, so refused to do so. Marginal the dismembered and threw what was left in the fireplace.
    Since then every year, half birthday day night of his death, the old ghost appears piece by piece in the fireplace, down the chimney. They say that if you wait long enough the body of the old will be reintegrated and the ghost will tell you where the treasure is. It turns out that no one has enough courage to watch the supernatural scene to the end.

    The date of the anniversary of the death of the old two boys called John and Tonic were in school when they heard the legend mansion haunted by the old owner. They said they did not believe in ghosts and his friends made fun of them challenging for to prove its prowess. The challenge was that they passed the night on site.
    So darkened the other boys followed the two brave to place, afraid were waiting in front of the house as they watched John and Tonic jump out the window and disappear into the darkness.

    Inside the house the strange, cold atmosphere, ghostly shadows were projected on the wall by the light of lanterns boys. It seemed that no one had gone to the place for years, since the dust and cobwebs covered everything. Courageous both settled their sleeping bags near the old fireplace when John looked at his watch and found it was midnight sharp.

    Immediately they heard a strange noise, as if something had fallen down the chimney of the fireplace. Getting closer saw that it was a severed leg. Tonic cried out in terror as something else falls through the chimney, almost falling over them. They realized that it was the other leg cut.
    Paralyzed by terror and feeling your legs tremble saw that other members came rolling down the chimney until a dark head fell on the remains. Like crawling worms members joined to form a ghostly corpse. Moving eyes and watching the children the old man pointed toward them.

    The other children, who were outside, they heard supernatural screams coming from inside the house. Frightened were outside until dawn of the day. Even afraid they approached the window and saw a large wooden chest in front of the fireplace. Excited they ran into the house and found that the ark was full of other gems and coins. Until one of them retreated terrified, below the chest was bloody legs. Then they pulled the box that found the crushed bodies of John and Tonic. The treasure chest had fallen upon them .

    Last edited: Oct 16, 2015
  14. Alvin

    Alvin Proficient

    Jun 11, 2015
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    IGN: Ode
    Forum Name: Darkkakado
    Lost Soul Roaming Around the HOUSE! (Title)
    when i was young, i was always watching scary movies and sometimes we just replicate how to find ghosts. When i was seven years old, after my grandfather's burial evening,while i was sleeping i feel a cold touch. I woke up and i'd like to or suicide because of what i saw and I also wanted to cry but i got on the stairs i saw a white object at first i ignored him because he might just made up her my eye. So i crumpled sawdust in my eye but i was surprised by the rapid climb our stairs that form white woman with veil in the head, I cant move where I'm standing. While pointing it at me only penetrate my body.
    Not only was the first time she showed me. The second time when i was twelve years old is a visit to my grandmother and niece at home. I was forced to sit with my little nephew in the other room because we did not accustomed to the dark room. I fell asleep and did not immediately i looked out of our window because it was close. You can see how you light out for that full moon. The second time i saw again the woman in veil, and like the first one i do not really see his face as if he was watching me. I stopped my breath and went back to bed. The fourth three times and finally passed him while i was cooking in our kitchen. Our kitchen is outdoors so i saw him penetrate the walls of our house. I want to find out who he is but if he lived in our home had better let me just.
    I believe that the souls are there around us and watched us.
    Word Count: 307 Words
    Lautaro likes this.
  15. nerf

    nerf Proficient

    Jun 10, 2015
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    IGN: Azej
    Forum Name: nerf
    Word Count: 1279
    Title: "The Retreat"
    This horror story I’m gonna tell happened just March this year and it’s about our retreat. In my whole life I don’t believe much on ghosts or any scary beings that other people tell and what I see on the internet or TV. But one time the university that I am studying required us to join a 1day-1night retreat or recollection. The retreat house was just located inside the university.

    So yes the day of the retreat has finally come, the way itself to the retreat house gave us chill because we couldn’t see any other buildings or any establishment as we go nearer to the retreat house. The place is so isolated we thought we’re already far from the city, what we only saw were trees and an unfinished and rocky road. So we arrived at the retreat house around 8 A.M. So as some of you may know retreat houses are supposed to be relaxing where we can reflect and be solemn and yes that retreat house is a relaxing place too relaxing that you’ll have goosebumps as soon as we entered the place but I didn’t mind it maybe it was just my imagination. So there are series of activities prepared for us for the retreat. The retreat will last for 1 day so we had to sleep in that retreat house. After the first activity we were assigned to a room which can accommodate 6 persons. The room was fine but looks old and had some cobwebs and has a dull look. Back to the activities some of my classmates who’s 2nd time going to that retreat house we’re talking about how haunted the that place is and that someone died in that house. I didn’t believe them because man it’s already the 21st century. So break time after each activities, I went to our room to get something from my bag and as I went in I felt weird because the closet where I put my bag was open knowing that I’m the first person to enter after the first activity and that we closed the closet after we leave for the first activity. But I just didn’t mind it, so I got what I need and close the closet and I was just about to leave the closet started to open in a slow motion(doors or closet sound when opened or closed), I slowly turned my head and suddenly it rapidly closed and slams then I run outside our room. There was no way a wind could blow that closet because the room is air-conditioned and air-sealed. Then I went to my classmate who had past experience with the retreat house and asked them about the person that died in there. They said that there were three persons who died in that house, the mother and her son were killed by cutting them into pieces by their father and the father committed suicide. Then they told be just to roll with it and I was like what?! So yeah I tried to just roll with it and I tried to just enjoy the experience of a retreat but the feeling of someone is just near you but you can’t see that someone is still there. The next scary experience was when I went to the bathroom and I saw my friend who went in there first. Then we heard a crying sound of a girl in one of the cubicles and as for us we are concerned citizens so we tried to approach that cubicle and took a peak beneath the door which is inside the cubicle, we saw lower part of a long white dress and feet of a girl without any shoes or slippers . The crying continues so we knocked the door and asked what’s the problem but the girl keeps crying. After series of knocking the crying stops and we asked what happened still no one answered. We took a peak again but this time we didn’t see the dress and the feet of the girl then we heard the toilet flushed and as we were about to get up the door of that cubicle started to open slowly and as the door was fully opened we don’t see anyone inside that cubicle. We ran outside the bathroom with our hearts beating very fast. I was getting a little paranoid about these sightings so I decided to stay on a group of friends for most of the time. Then we’re down to the last activity of the night and after that we’re free to do anything before we go to sleep. So we’re just chatting and we took pictures inside our room. As we looked at our pictures, we felt chills in our spines when we saw a little boy beside us. So we decided to talk outside and as we go out my roommate turned off the lights because that’s the rule we should turn off the light if we leave the room, he turned on the light again and called our attention with a scary and pale face telling us that he saw something. Then he turned off the lights and we viewed it together, what we saw was a silhouette of a little boy. Though the room is sealed and dark there’s a little light that’s coming from the moon through the glass windows. As he turned on and off the lights the boy keeps getting close to us. Then the last one he turned off the lights the boy disappeared the door to our room suddenly slammed and closed and for some reason the lights won’t turn on again but luckily the door wasn’t locked so we ran away with pale faces. We told about that experience to our classmates and like they said just roll with it, wew. So the scary experiences continue but we tried not to mind it. So thank goodness we took rest with a little fear in our hearts but yes we managed to sleep. This time, I woke up and checked my phone and it was 2:39 A.M. in the midnight. Our beds are double-decked and I sleep at the bottom one and all of a sudden I saw two pair of legs hanging above the deck of my bed. One pair of leg is the one me and my friend saw in the bathroom earlier with white dress and the other pair of leg is from a small boy. The scariest part is that they talked and the little boy asked “Mom who are these people?”. The mother answered “I don’t know who are these visitors”. The boy asked the mother again “Mom can I play with them especially the one under this deck?”. I got goosebumps all over my body and chills in my spine because the little boy was referring to me. The mom answered the boy “Yes you can but first you asked them if they want to play. Go asked the one under this deck because he’s still awake” then the boy said “Ok I’ll go asked him”. I was covering in blanket and shivering and tried to close my eyes and but someone’s inside my blanket and whispering me saying “Hey wake up let’s play!”. Then the voice stopped and I took a peak with one eye open then saw the bloody face of a little boy inside my blanket. Then suddenly I woke up sweaty, tensed, paranoid and thank goodness it was just a dream. As I was about to get back to sleep I take a look at my phone only to find out that it’s 2:38 A.M. in the midnight.

    Last edited: Oct 21, 2015
    Lautaro likes this.
  16. Illusions

    Illusions ß̫͒̃ڻᶇٴᶇٴŷ̪ Ķ̫͌ńĭģĥŧ̝̜᷈ Forum Legend

    Dec 28, 2013
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    Ghostly bump.
    Alex likes this.
  17. Muamon

    Muamon - Myśtîçãł

    Apr 28, 2012
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    IGN: Liyie
    Forum Name: Muamon
    Word Count: 1423

    I woke up, in an unknown place, I tried to recall last nights events, but my head was exploding, I couldn't recall anything doesn't matter how hard I tried.. But while trying to recall what happened, I didn't even notice that I'm locked... There was a paper on the floor in the corner and a lit candle... I managed to stand up, holding onto the cold wall, I moved closer... Then suddenly I hit something, something red spilled on the paper! The paper was blank, wrinkled and old, but when I looked closer there was liquid...
    I immediatly, backed away, the blood was being drained inside the paper, some letters were appearing... I tried to read it...

    -So exciting! Someone finally was stupid enough to spill my blood on the paper! I'd say, you my friend have gotten yourself in a little trouble! You are somewhere in the Mountain of Mists, but that doesn't mean you can escape it that easily, now am I not right? I'll give you three tasks. In order for you to survive and maybe be free is to complete them. I do believe you understand what will happen, if the task won't be completed.. DEATH. There's no need for you to know who I am, and where I am, all you need to know is that you have awakened the demon of this mountain by spilling the blood... Now... Why don't you look around?....
    [Paper END]

    "What... What's going on?!" Were my thoughts... I felt confused and scared, I felt a lot, but nothing could be done.. " look around... " there's nothing around, only walls and.. I saw something shiny, when I approached it, it was a key.. I wondered from what. I tried searching for a keyhole, but with no luck. I felt so sleepy, that I decided to sleep it off...
    Of course this is just a dream, tomorrow I'll wake up and...

    [Next day]
    I opened my eyes, there was a dim light, I could barely see... I picked up the candle, it was all burnt out..

    -Damn it..
    I continued looking for a keyhole when I finally discovered something that looks like one, I inserted the key inside *click*, " It opened! " I left the cage and then I remembered the task I have been told to do... " look around ", I guess I should try checking this place out...
    I've been walking for about 1 hour, but I found nothing, there are turns and long corridors everywhere, it's dark, cold and scary... I want to leave this place! Then suddenly I heard something behind me fall...

    -Hmm, a dagger? It might be useful..
    When I stood up and turned around, I saw something move in the end of the corridor, it freaked me out.. But that's the only way to go somewhere else... I got no other choice.. This is a dead end. I walked closer, and looked the way I saw movement. It's...
    -A statue?
    It was a simple knight statue, rusty, didn't have it's right hand... I wondered where it was... I continued investigating this place until I discovered a room. I opened and stepped inside.
    -It's empty?
    I walked closer to the wall thinking I might see something, when I stepped on something... I looked down.
    -The knight statues right hand...
    I picked it up, it was holding something that looked like a paper.. I took it, but I couldn't read it, it's too dark... I went to search for a flashlight or candles... A little further from the cage, there was a shelf, with books, I moved them around trying to find something useful... I found a flashlight,
    -Please work.. Don't disappoint me now.. *light flashed*
    -YES! Finally!

    I took out the paper.

    -Watch out, everyone here is looking for friends. I'd advice you not to make friends, better avoid them.
    [Paper END]

    -Friends? You have got to be kidding me...
    I moved on, it was getting darker and darker, I felt safest only in the cage, since I could lock it.. I decided to take a rest.

    A human form, but... Not a human?.. What is this?...
    -WAKE UP!!
    [Dream END]


    [Middle of the night]
    -Huh?! What's going on?!!

    I stood up, I saw the fence of cage broken...
    -What? Who did this?! Do not make friends... They are the ones doing so!!
    Uh.. I lost the only place I could feel safer, I don't know what I will do, nor where I'll go, what I do know, is that I can't stay here... I barely slept, I'm tired, this is the worst.. I thought a little about the second task... " Don't make friends "..
    -How the hell am I supposed to complete it?! If there are unknown beings here with me... Maybe.. This task can be completed if I kill them, or if I avoid them until the third one is done...
    While I was thinking up my plan, I heard footsteps..
    -No no no... I don't wanna be your friend... *quietly*
    -Mmm, blood...
    - ?!?!

    I'm frightened.
    -She's not here... Lets go.
    -I do smell something, it's so good...

    I heard the footsteps coming closer and closer, I quietly moved behind a barrel, it was opened, I found some kind of oil inside, I immediately took some and dropped it all over me and I hid.
    -Hmm, It's gone..
    -I told you she's not here.. You're wasting our time. MOVE IT!

    They left... I was so scared to move, that I just stayed in one spot for a while.. I dozed off..


    I woke up and I heard someone talking not too far away..
    -Come now, we checked everywhere and we couldn't find her..
    -Got to try harder then, boss wants her alive, so it's either we do so, or those monsters will.
    -You're right, lets go.
    " those monsters " ?
    -Who are they...

    I felt confused, I couldn't stay in hiding anymore, had to move, I picked a different direction from where they went. After walking a little, I was shocked seeing a trail of...
    -O-organs?!.. From.. Who?..
    Then suddenly I heard someone running in the corridor behind me, I followed the track, and entered the room..
    -For the love of God...
    I saw a human, hanging, with a rope on his neck, with a cut through body, and a lot of blood. I was terrified, my feet were glued to the floor, I couldn't move, the footsteps were getting closer and closer.. I closed my eyes. *stab*
    -What? * eyes instantly opened *
    -Hello there missy, we have finally found you. Aren't you a gorgous one...
    -Don't touch me, stay away!
    -Hey, We're here not to hurt you, we want to help you with the tasks, but if you're going to be like this, we'll just have you for breakfast.
    -Uh... Who are you?...
    -Simple, we're demons, we work for the Great Demon, the one who gave you these tasks. But don't think we'll do something for you, we'll just lead you to the third task.
    -Please do so! I want to leave this place..
    -To find out the third task, you need to kill me or my colleague, and rip our organs out. You should find a key inside somewhere.. The choice is yours. We'll leave so you could decide.

    -No way I can do that.. It's not something I can do, it's too much for me.... What am I supposed to do?!
    While I was stressing all over it, someone entered the room, a tall man with horns on forehead...
    -A demon?
    -Splendid! You do know who I am. Now, I will let you know, if you fail to complete the third task, you die right here, right now, but I wouldn't want such a lady to die, I mean.. Who would?

    I had a feeling I won't be able to do it.. I took out the dagger I have found yesterday, the Great Demon was looking at me with eyes full of excitement. I knew that If I won't do it, I'll die.. I fixed my position, took a deep breath... *stab*
    -She.. Stabbed herself?...
    - WHAT?! No, this ungrateful woman... If I wanted her dead, I would have killed her the day I captured her!!! So boring....
    -Sir, what should we do with the body? Looks like her heart has stopped..
    -She'll be my breakfast... Take her away, now I'll need to search for another victim for my thrilling games.. Hehe...

    Last edited: Oct 19, 2015
    Lautaro, Witch, Robina and 6 others like this.
  18. Saruayu

    Saruayu - Forum Legend

    May 22, 2014
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    IGN: Saruayu
    Forum Name: Saruayu
    Word Count: 1007
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    I’m laying in bed, with my body wrapped in warm blankets. But then! Shock! Instinctively I stand up. A sharp, pointed object ended up in my throat being stuck. Can not breathe... It needs to get out! Retching I bend over, putting my hand deep in my throat when I’m trying to grab the choking object. Thick dark blue and red saliva is dripping down my lips. Eventually the object is no longer stuck, it’s slipping through my mouth out again and falls clattering on the ground. Gasping with relief, with a jolting wheezing, I sit on the edge of my bed. My heart beats extremely fast and the vibrations make my whole body feel weak. In the minutes that follow, I try to stop panicking and I wonder what the hell has just happened. My gaze wanders off to the floor.

    Something vague is visible on the laminate, but the dark of the night does not reveal what the object is. Eventually my curiosity wins of my fear. I put my hand out and fish the perilous thing from a puddle of drool. My hands tremble when I see the object better. It is my pen. My hand instantly reaches toward the light switch. Absurd dream! My throat is still hurting very. Breathing deeply, I look around me. The pen is just on the shelf behind my pillow, where it belongs. Next to it my notebook; a writer must be ready in every situation to write down ideas! Speaking of ideas... I scribble a quick note of the dream on an empty page. Now it's time to continue sleeping.

    With a sigh, I let my head sink into the pillow and wrap the warm snuggly blanket around me. Closed eyes. Dozy, floating in a soft space. Relaxing. Sleeping well...

    The dream takes place again, now twice as fast. The shock, retching, the slime, the pen falling on the floor. And it starts again. Shock, gagging, slime, the pen that clatters on the ground. And again. From shock to clatter, clatter, clatter ... Until I know the story by heart, even worse, until I become crazy. Faster and faster. The images make me dizzy. Stop!
    The story stops. This time, the pen remains on the floor, but I remain as motionless bent down on the edge of the bed, trapped in the time I have frozen myself, unable to move. It's like someone has put the movie on pause. An uneventful eternity passes. Afar I hear the sound of a rumble.

    In extreme slow motion, the pen starts moving. The front of the pen is lifted, then the back side. Thick slime drops from the plastic while the pin is pulled back into the air, floating up like bubbles in a glass of water. I can not help but watch the tip approaching me slowly and menacingly. The dark blue and red slime comes off the floor and comes with reversed gravity back into my mouth. A bitter taste of ink on my tongue. The pen is only inches from my face removed. I squint my eyes. Help me! It’s a torture, while the pen glides past my lips inside my mouth and the dangerous tip drills though my palate. The taste of blood mixes with the ink. Because of the impact my head is tossed back and I fall down on the bed.

    With a convulsion and the feeling I get back into my body, I wake up from the dream. My heart is pounding like mad! I open my eyes wide and take a look at my notebook to ensure that I'm really awake. In a dream you can not read, or at least the letters will change when you glance at it, but now it does not. I'm really awake. Luckily. Now no dreams for me for a while. I decide to go watch some TV, but first I go to the bathroom to freshen myself a bit and drink some water. Gravity and my feet on the cold floor tile bring me back to earth and a look in the mirror reveals that there is indeed nothing wrong with me. The bathroom light shines around me. Sound of running water from the tap calms me. With big gulps I drink, water has never tasted this good. Upon closing the faucet there are still abundantly drips along my mouth and on my chin and I rub my palm over my face to dry it.

    A bitter taste - that I can still vaguely remember from a dream - seeps into my mouth! I turn my hand and look at the palm covered with a layer of saliva, blood and ink. I want to look in the mirror, but before I can do that I get a knock at my midriff and I slap doubled over in pain! From inside of me something comes in my throat, drilling through the flesh of my palate and remaining there now teasingly stabbing painful. My mouth fills up rapidly with thick slime and within seconds I'm choking. Gagging sound reverberates against the walls. Cold sweat breaks out. Blobs of red and blue drool flow down my body on the tiles. The pressure in my head increases. Pain in my chest! My body squeezes inside. Eventually the panic takes over. I wrap my hands around my throat and squeeze hard, I throw my head back and wring and turn, trap, walk against walls, bonk my head against the floor, fighting for a little air. Severe dizziness. My dream has taken me. It has taken me!

    With the last clear thought flashes that I have I get a hunch. The story of my dream. I still remember a movie that took place again and again and ever faster. The film stopped, then began to play again, but backwards. I calm down, I know it! I know what I must do. With my last strength I stumble back to bed and wrap myself in the cooled blankets. I will go to sleep, sleep peacefully...​

    - S.-

    Lautaro, Witch, Peach and 5 others like this.
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    Illusions ß̫͒̃ڻᶇٴᶇٴŷ̪ Ķ̫͌ńĭģĥŧ̝̜᷈ Forum Legend

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