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+7 to +2 with 90 enchantment stones

Discussion in 'Contact Us' started by Smokingguns, Apr 21, 2016.

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  1. Smokingguns

    Smokingguns Getting there

    Mar 6, 2016
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    Around Germany
    I tried enchanting a Spritmaster's PvE Mythical Hyperion gloves. I used around 12 omegas to get it to +7.

    Now, After asking the AM called Zanna , Epsilon enchantment stones supposedly can be used to enchant mythical PvE items as they read 'Enhances the basic attributes of armor or weapons.For use on Level 65 Mythic class equipment. Activate by double-clicking and selecting an item to enchant.' I tried her strategy, started using Epsilon enchantment stones, they started failing so much that after a point, I decided to take a screenshot and post the enchanting process.



    (in case the above links dont work)

    As you notice, even if you do the math of success rate against failure just by the screenshot on screen, the gloves end up at +0

    I ended up at +2 after 90 stones.
    I don't want to rage but it would be good if someone brings this to the attention of admins.
    This is supposed to be a high rate pay-to-win private server not a harder-than-ever-grind your back 24x7 either pay or FO type of server. (If I am not wrong)

    The whole purpose of playing a private server is to acquire stuff easier than the originals.
    Acquiring is easy (for some armors and weapons. not all) but the other part?

    Its like giving a free ferrari and charging $10,000 for a gallon of fuel.

    Last edited: Apr 21, 2016
    Malicious, Hyun_Soo and Huf like this.
  2. cocosul

    cocosul Guest

    use suplements! end of story! they help a lot form me! i better waste 100 mil than 100 stones. and 1 more advice , dont waste your stones on pve items, do more toons/more IS runs and get a custodian set.
  3. jeffell24

    jeffell24 Proficient

    Aug 25, 2013
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    well we have to admit enchantment success rate now is sucks!!!
  4. cocosul

    cocosul Guest

    yeah but is not gamez, it s ncsoft rate i think. the omega at last will have better succes rate on 4.9
  5. Daze

    Daze D. Vampire

    Dec 31, 2013
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    farm BM > extract BM weaps > Epsilsons

    it's better to stack more Epsilons before enchanting stuff :3
  6. nofeara

    nofeara icxc

    Oct 31, 2015
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  7. Huf

    Huf à la folie

    Apr 26, 2012
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    The chances of this happening is astronomical, I have experienced this myself but it happens to be that I've also tried a no fail enchantment.
  8. Senryu

    Senryu Getting there

    Feb 23, 2016
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    Under your bed
    Dont waste your omega stones on PvE items! Instead stock some BM (Blood Marks) then buy weapons in Levinshor and extract them for epsilons for you to use,and one thing when you enchant try using supplements.
    Danieru and Slithice like this.
  9. Hyun_Soo

    Hyun_Soo あなたをずっと待っています

    Nov 2, 2010
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    It is not on the GA side... as what cocosul have said... accept the fact that enchantment system is fcking low....
    and in my opinion, it is worth to enchant the PVP item than PVEs.... and for me I am never tried to waste my OMEGAS since it can only be use in enchanting +16 and above... however, the best way to use is the Epsilon Enchantment stone...

    How can I get those??
    Well, you should start from here :)
    Read the quoted response below...
    As what ser Muamon said
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2016
  10. Zikel

    Zikel The Dragon Lord Conqueror Forum Legend

    Apr 2, 2015
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    Under your panties
    for everything, always use epsilon from 0-12. then use omega from 12- 13. better chance to get it at +15
  11. Smokingguns

    Smokingguns Getting there

    Mar 6, 2016
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    Around Germany
    I am sure you guys are trying to help me.

    @cocosul > Not sure if you will be able to understand the following as you dont seem too bright. But I will give it a try.

    See the other mythical armor pieces in my inventory? They are called 'Elite Overlord Divine'. No offence to your IQ but with a level like yours,it makes sense to assume I never got even a custodian set.

    I have tried supplements. They dont work. Its the same. Ofcourse it is Gamez. I also play Official servers. Do you actually think with 90 epsilon stones I still wouldn't get beyond +2? Dont think you play official servers. I play Gamez to test out stuff. Gamez Admins can always modify the success rate. Remembers why your manastones never fail? Success rate was way much better in 4.5.

    Thanks for your priceless tip. Now I know why you have over 2,000 posts. by replying through useless messages I presume.

    @Daze I farmed 5k BM over 3 weeks. Extracted BM weapons and Got the epsilons.

    How else do you think I got 160+ epsilons?

    @Senryu The headline reads '90 stones'. I obviously stacked. what do you think the screenshot is about?

    @Zikel Epsilon success rate doesnt event get me through +5 and you are telling me to use it till +12.

    To all, Kindly don't tell me how to farm or enchant. I know how to farm epsilon or use supplements. I didn't want tips on that. As you already see that I can get them.

    Point is even after trying various techniques, the success rate is really 'f'in bad.

    So this post was for the Admins to increase the rate. Which they can do. Considering this is a private server with a +20 Elite Arbiter (which almost made me think 'which desperate idiot would spend 200 quid a pc. whatever') and all.

    I am sure the Asians here (most of the filipino population) dont have a problem with grinding for 8 hours a day. I read a post where a guy didnt sleep for hours and ended up re-modelling his Extent to Shadewing. Thats proof enough of your addiction.

    This post is for people like me, who cant spend that kind of time, rather spread it out over a month and make sure its a sure shot. If I wanted to Grind in ANY forsaken MAP, I could do it on retail and still end up with a better success rate.

    Now there will be AMs/Others who would say I wouldnt do any better than this anywhere else, Get me 90 epsilon and a hyperion part 'anywhere else'. Watch me enchant it.

    Otherwise like I said,

    whats the point of playing a private server if you have to be Grinding or blaming the game developers or RNG or Aliens or GOD?

    I can do the same on NCSoft endorsed servers too.
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2016
  12. Atayris

    Atayris Proficient

    Dec 11, 2014
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    Im always using omega stones (peek)
    95% chances to enchant (on retail)(boo)
    PS; Zanna is male (sh)
  13. Smokingguns

    Smokingguns Getting there

    Mar 6, 2016
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    Around Germany
    @Atayris I am not saying your reply is horseshit but it is useless nevertheless. Here's why,
    1. what do you mean "95% chances to enchant (on retail)". Be clear and precise.
    2. How is Zanna's Gender related to this post? Does Zanna being a male or female or somewhere in between, somehow increase my chances of enchantment? No. So another useless piece of information.
  14. Atayris

    Atayris Proficient

    Dec 11, 2014
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    Just telling you, that its waste of time and nerves to enchant your gear with epsilons, and its better to do it with omegas.
    Admins won't increse rate of enchanting, it would be to easy to enchant gear, lets be clear, if you can easly get the epsilons, by going to MIXfight and after 30 min u got like 70 epsilons, so what do u expect? Easy gaining epsilons, easy failing with them.
    If you created this thread only to tell admins that rate is to low and to convince them that they HAVE to change it, then im telling you, here were posted thousents of threads like yours and rate have never been changed because of them.
    As far as I play retail and GameZ, I can tell you, its still much easier to get omegas here then epsilon on retail.
    Told you that Zanna is male because I know him, and i think that he wouldn't be delighted that you call him female.
    I wont get involved in this thread anymore, i wanted to help you, and u blame to me that my post
    I wanted to help you, show you reality of playing on this server.
  15. cocosul

    cocosul Guest

    if u want to be a dick, feel free. i did all my sets with ep stones till 13/14 and about 10 weapons. so i think i know better that supplements helps. omega or ep is the same thing as far i noticed they all fail bad, just omega are expensive compared with ep...about the "Elite Overlord Divine" i dont care, u show us a ss with incensed item, so is not my fault.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 22, 2016
  16. Louy

    Louy ʍѳɴʂ†ɛʀ Forum Legend

    Jul 9, 2012
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    Ok then, everybody got the point of the thread, and the replies are going too far... let's everybody calm down please.
    Everybody knows the enchanting success rate on gamez isn't great.
    But we can see most of the players running around with their gears enchanted at least to +15, not to mention those who got their +20 SEAD / SEED / EOD / etc etc etc. I bet enchant their gears was not an easy task, but they did, some players spent more stones and time, some made without a single fail, it's a matter of lucky, and it's been like this for quite long.
    The members above tried to give you some tips, because most of them already experienced what you're passing thru, I did myself.
    My tip, if not mentioned above is, if you're having lag spikes, don't try to enchant, save your stones to a moment when you get no lag, empty maps with less players and less npcs may help even tho we can't assure anything, usually works for me, and for some players...
    If posting here you didn't wanted to start a discussion (because the thread is opened to the members comments), you should just had sent a private message to one of the Admins or HGMs...
    All you can do now is spend more time, farm stones and keep trying, we are all hoping to get better success rate when the server gets an update.
    Good Luck!
    Muamon likes this.
  17. Daze

    Daze D. Vampire

    Dec 31, 2013
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    I don't know man.... u need more luck ?

    I'm trying to be contented on the rate here in this server :)
    In retail, most of the enchantments don't go above +7 and +10 is like heaven for them.

    Everyone has a bad experience about enchanting (especially those ppl who enchant till +20)

    @cocosul ser gib supplements ser, supplements expensive ser :3
  18. Smokingguns

    Smokingguns Getting there

    Mar 6, 2016
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    Around Germany
    @Louy I posted this thread under 'contact us' and I have mentioned the exact words, 'Someone brings this to the attention of ADMINS'. Which means, that someone is 'Me' here and I am addressing it to the Admins. Not to the General community or I would have posted this under the thread of 'spam'.

    But since this happens to be an open thread, I am open to discussion. Not open to non-sense. When I saw I used 90 epsilon stones and the screenshot shows 60 something stones and 7B in kinah, I obviously know to to farm. I dont need 'Tips' on something that I OBVIOUSLY know.

    Thats like telling someone who knows how to build cars on how to hold a screw-driver. Its not helpful.

    People telling me how to farm epsilon, how to enchant etc is not discussion.

    'Its a matter of lucky' ? Maps with less players, Less NPC etc.

    Are you telling me I need to see the alignment of stars, see if the sun is in the right directon, if its a full-moon or half-moon , astronomy and feng-shui stuff, check if my neighbour is wearing a black or white bra before enchanting?

    But for people like you, kindly check the map. It was Brusthonin, 0 players in map. How many NPCs do you see around?. So I now have to check the sun, stars, my future, alignment of planets and my neighbour to make sure my 'Lucky' is really good.

    I saved 'my stones'. 160+ of them, ping was around 160 (normally 300) therefore no lag spikes.

    'Spend more time and farm more stones'? Yea, you are the right fit for AM. Just dont meet me in real life or I might hug you tight.

    Seriously, Carl , Lau / Puddles , Kindly, just Fix the enchanting success rate after you are done laughing at this post. At least for my characters. Sure the other geniuses here have it pretty easy.

    I like Gamez for its easy-to-do shit. Hard to do is just like banning my account.
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2016
  19. fadzliems

    fadzliems MAK KAU HIJAU.

    Jan 20, 2011
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    encantment rate 404 not found.
  20. Dimitra

    Dimitra 安心。 Forum Legend

    Oct 22, 2010
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    I understand your frustration, this matter is something many of us agree with you on, a private server is a private server indeed for its higher rates and easier ways of doing things. However there is no reason to take your frustration out on players who are simply trying to help or add to the conversation, they're not the ones that are responsible for the low enchantment rates now are they.

    The discussion about the low rates has been going on for a while, since we got 4.8 that the system changed. It is not the players' fault not the AM's and certainly not the AMT's fault it happened, and absolutely not their responsibility to change it, the only ones who can are the admins. I will bring up this discussion with them and see their thoughts on it because like I said, I do agree with you on the fact that if the enchantment rates are that low making it that hard to enchant then the point of Gamez being a private server is missing on that part.

    Until then. I don't want to see any more rude behavior, attitude or aggressiveness towards people who are trying to suggest things they have witnessed themselves to be working, or people who ask you to calm down. Nobody said they disagreed with you, but it's not up to them to change something like that.
    Hyun_Soo, Malicious and Louy like this.
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