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May the 4th be with you!

Discussion in 'Events Archive' started by Dimitra, Apr 26, 2016.

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  1. Astriella

    Astriella The Magpie

    Mar 19, 2016
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    Palmcrest Village
    IGN: Astriella

    Server: Lumiel

    Choose your side (Sith/Jedi)
    : Jedi

    1 item from the database + explanation
    [​IMG] Tombstone of Revival - When the tide of battle is turning against them, a Jedi may use this item to call the spirits of Jedis past to their aid in the fight against the Dark Side. The Tombstone summons the spirits of Jedi warriors close to the user, particularly his or her Jedi Master. However if the force is exceptionally strong in an individual, they will be able to summon multiple phantoms and so a great force of spirit warriors will rain light down upon the Dark Forces. Use of the Tombstone of Revival is not to be undertaken lightly as it comes at great physical and mental cost to a Jedi and requires much recuperation after it's use.

    1 non-Aion related item + explanation
    [​IMG] Onderonian Waybread - This chewy bread is in short supply as it is made from rare ingredients gathered far and wide across the galaxy. The user of the bread must be strong in the ways of the Force so as to not be overcome by the extra information that will become available. This, and it's rarity mean it is only entrusted to the strongest Jedi Masters. When consumed in battle this bread improves the user's connection to the midichlorians and the ways of the Force and allows a flash of insight into the enemies movements, or the ability to control more individuals with the Jedi Mind Trick. The effects are relatively short-lived, but, used at an opportune moment, it can grant special intelligence or cause enemy troops to be incorrectly positioned and therefore turn the tide of battle.
    Dimitra and Alex like this.
  2. artjay

    artjay Won'レイ

    Feb 6, 2013
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    <IU> 이 지은 세상 <IU>
    IGN: Wonrei
    Server: Siel
    Choose your side (Sith/Jedi): Jedi

    1 item from the database + explanation:
    Elemental Stone of Resurrection: A precious jewel of jedi that contains the power of light. This stone can resurrect all the dead ally in an instant continously, but it cant resurrect the owner. It has a twin jewel that sith held the tombstone of revival. This one can only resurrect its owner imortally but cant resurrect its ally. Ancient people created this mythical jewels to balance both race, But only the chossen one's can handled this mythical jewels.

    1 Non-Aion Related item + explanation:
    Ancient Crystal Water: Only the jedi people can obtain this ancient water. Just one drop of this ancient water all the wounds of my ally will be healed. It also have a counter part and only sith can obtain it. Its ancient darken water, This one use too curse its enemy by pouring just one drop to its body. Only those spiritual minded can handle this sacred bottled water.
    Last edited: May 3, 2016
    Dimitra likes this.
  3. Sougo

    Sougo Katte ni my soul . . .

    Mar 14, 2013
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    Meteor City
    IGN: Lordfrozen
    Server: Siel
    Choose your side (Sith/Jedi):
    1 item from the database + explanation:
    Honorable Flame Ring of Conquest
    : yes that is! The crematorium of souls it is where Jedi's Force spirit being killed encased unto it.Extracting them only to feed and to
    avoid my Force spirit aswell as my Physical Form being consumed by the darkside . And the howling of their soul makes me aroused , strengthens, and focus on every war.
    With the help of my saber reaping a few amount of their force spirit guiding its way to the ring leaving them fragile to the next attack or take it all to them when they successfully defeated. Can be used also against the sith.

    1 Non-Aion Related item + explanation:

    Gauntlet of the Force appetence: Upon seeking more of the power of the darker path which I failed. Molding it by pouring all my malice and craving for the force.
    And Only it has no pair yet it is consuming too much my existence.
    It enhance all my force power and taking Jedi's Force energy thats why I created the ring by that it is easy for me to defeat every of them including the daring siths who wants duel. How dare them..
    Last edited: May 3, 2016
    Dimitra likes this.
  4. Dimitra

    Dimitra 安心。 Forum Legend

    Oct 22, 2010
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    Happy Star Wars day, young Padawans and apprentices!
    I'd like to remind you that the event closes TOMORROW so if you still have corrections to do or if you still haven't joined please do it asap before it's too late!

    *proceeds to spend the whole day listening to these two magnificent songs on repeat*

    Tuan, Astriella and Malicious like this.
  5. Disitastlito

    Disitastlito Getting there

    Oct 30, 2015
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    IGN: Sheleft
    Server: Siel
    Choose Your Side Sith/Jedi: Sith
    1 item From the database + explanation:
    Tempering solution

    The ancestral warriors from the dark side have taken this powerful elixir since houndred of years to increase all their abilitys in combat, focusing in the best skill for each different master Sith, improving its speed, knowlege,strength,healthy, and luring the force with them, all the enemys on the batte field know that everything is loosed when the siths come whit this power.

    1 Non-Aion Related item + explanation:
    Darth Vader Helm

    when you touch this helm, you can feel its power intantly ,you can use this ancestral equipment to increase your power over the force, and defeat the enemys whiout effort, maybe hanging them, throwing them against the wall,destroying his mind, well there is alot of evil uses when you dominate the force completely, this item will make you invincible.
    Dimitra likes this.
  6. Oyasumi

    Oyasumi Coғғee-Lσѵเɳɠ Elιтιѕт Wнore

    Oct 17, 2011
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    Fussa, Tokyo
    IGN: Oyasumii
    Server: Siel
    Choose Your Side Sith/Jedi: Sith

    [​IMG] Valkyrie's Anselm - A new invention by the Sith Order. It amplifies the power of The Dark Force, making Jedis a lot weaker as their minds are being oscillated with each step they make as they approach the wearer's vicinity.
    images.jpg Vader's Ring of Vanguard - A ring that utilizes The Force. It creates a barrier that protects the wearer. The barrier blocks Force-Related powers, thus making the user almost invulnerable in small skirmishes. This ring was invented during the times of Darth Vader, but he was unable to use this because it was still in the laboratory during the Battle of Endor.
    Kessie, Sheerio and Dimitra like this.
  7. Saruayu

    Saruayu - Forum Legend

    May 22, 2014
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    IGN: Saruayu
    Server: Siel
    Choose your side: Sith
    1 item from the database + explanation:

    [​IMG] Protection Mote; Said to be a fragment of the soul, the Protection Mote channels a skill in battle from a great Sith who vanished long ago. It will create a shield that blocks all damage on Sith received by Jedi's. The lightsaber is only one side of our life. It is a symbol. The Force is the other side and will be felt.
    1 non-Aion related item + explanation:
    [​IMG] Ancestral Shield of Darkness; It's a tool the Sith provided me, through it's power I can do what I think is right. This aura will help me take up the responsibility to lead a battalion assigned to me by my Order, to lead troops into battle. I'm a Sith that's on the Dark Side of the Force, blinded by my need of personal gain. But powerful & glorious, I shall be. Achieve much under my lead, troops can. Follow the strongest one in the pack, they shall, and so they will become stronger.
    Last edited: May 5, 2016
    Peach, Huf, Kessie and 3 others like this.
  8. Specbecannon

    Specbecannon New Member

    Dec 17, 2014
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    IGN: Crylind
    Server: Siel
    Choose your side (Sith/Jedi): Sith

    1 item from the database + explanation:

    images.jpg <Fine Bracing Water>
    In a galaxy far away. The sith found a "lost" world with strong creatures with dragons appearance. Dominating the region and manipulating the creatures developed through of substances this world a reddish liquid, which combined with the crystal of a lightsaber, created a kind of red light shield, able to protect those who are behind. The Sith have started using and enjoying in their battles and managed to protect their troops, so mastering several galaxies and leaving the republic increasingly tight.

    1 non-Aion related item + explanation:
    <Mind Trap>

    It works as a prison, leaving the body intact victim, but his psychic is in another dimension created by the mind trap. Inside, do not feel hungry or sleep, there is nothing and there is no contact with the real world. It is perfectly possible for the body of the victim to die, since the body can not live without the mind. Sith use it to torture their prisoners, or for fun, whatever. Sith show no mercy.
    Last edited: May 5, 2016
    omenetrix and Dimitra like this.
  9. xSugar

    xSugar Jesus loves you ♥ Forum Legend

    Mar 8, 2012
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    In His arms
    IGN: Beautyy
    Server: Siel
    Choose your side: Sith

    1 item form the database + explanation :

    [​IMG]Aetheric Power Crystal: Massive superweapons powered by giant kyber crystals were built with this. Now I will make my own, personal lightsaber out of it. I will use this mighty lightsaber to annihilate the entire Jedi army. Their puny lightsabers would be of no match against mine. Wielding this weapon together with the power of the force, I will erase the Jedi from the face of the universe.

    1 non-Aion related item + explanation:
    upload_2016-5-5_12-47-25.png Dark Force Flame:
    I will use this artifact to make my very own Sith army. An army so strong and battle-hardened that they would cause so much death in their wake. An unstoppable force that would make the immovable object hide behind a mountain. An army so strong that their march makes an entire planet shake. I will make them fearless, ready to die, ready to serve, ready to kill. Told never to stop until the enemy is dead. The army would be unstoppable. With I as their leader, we would reign supreme. No one would stand in our way.
    Last edited: May 5, 2016
    Guga, DOndee, Dimitra and 3 others like this.
  10. Dimitra

    Dimitra 安心。 Forum Legend

    Oct 22, 2010
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    The event is now over (with Dimi's usual delay cause she can never be here on time)!
    Winners will be decided soon and announced in 1-3 days.

    Good luck to all of you and may the force be with you ;)
    Senryu likes this.
  11. Dimitra

    Dimitra 安心。 Forum Legend

    Oct 22, 2010
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    Drum roll please..
    We have our results!

    3 winners (in alphabetical order):

    Jedi Master
    @Astriella! (entry)
    Sith Lord @Daze! (entry)

    Sith Lord @Senryu! (entry)

    Congratulations to all the 3 winners!

    All 3 of you brave fighters will receive [​IMG] Any costume of choice (1 piece, pre-4.9) for your service in one of the most destructive intergalactic battles!

    And now for our participants!

    All Jedis will receive:
    [​IMG] Emerald Aether Blade + [​IMG] [Title Card] 'Destiny Ascendant'

    All Siths will receive:
    [​IMG] Scarlet Aether Blade + [​IMG] [Title Card] 'Destiny Ascendant'

    If you still see your post in the thread, it means you will receive a participation reward as promised. If you do not see your post in the thread, it was deleted for being invalid. If you are unsure as to why you were deemed invalid, please send me a private message.
    Your rewards will be mailed tomorrow.

    At this point I would like to say that this was the toughest choice ever in these types of events to take it down to only three winners (trust me if I could have ten winners instead of 3 I would but that's a bit over the top :p).
    All of the entries were lovely, creative, and embodied the Star Wars universe even by users who have not seen the movies or know about it at all. Thank you all for your creativity and lovely entries and I hope to see more of those and less of the lazy and effortless ones we saw in the past. Great job with your picks!!

    Thank you all for joining and may the force be with you!
    Sougo, Tuan, Valenthine and 3 others like this.
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