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Random poll

Discussion in 'Hot Spam' started by Smartik1, Oct 26, 2016.


Will you ever want kids?

  1. 1. Male - Yes

    32 vote(s)
  2. 1. Male - No

    5 vote(s)
  3. 1. Female - Yes

    12 vote(s)
  4. 1. Female - No

    3 vote(s)
  5. 2. Disagreement on this subject would be a deal breaker

    6 vote(s)
  6. 2. I would adapt based on partner's preference

    15 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. Smartik1

    Smartik1 Walking F.A.Q. Forum Legend

    Aug 1, 2010
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    Some countries have a budget from insurance contributions to allow people to do that without having to pay ridiculous sums. It is actually about to become a serious problems in some countries due to this:
    People who CAN reproduce, but can't find anybody can now do it too while previously it was just people who wanted kids but couldn't.
  2. Dementa

    Dementa Providence Forum Legend

    Apr 21, 2010
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    New York
    Very interesting, infertility I can see as a disability however I don't know if its covered by any insurance here in the U.S. And sometimes it's also more optional than necessary and we tend to cover mostly necessary needs that pose an immediate health risk that the insurance is paying for. Not being able to have kids is not a risk to anyone's health. My opinion would be that there has to be a very certain circumstance to have insurance pay for this
  3. Smartik1

    Smartik1 Walking F.A.Q. Forum Legend

    Aug 1, 2010
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    UK has a national insurance program that everyone pays into. We all know how effective government organizations are at spending money :) And yea, this opens up opportunities for a whole lot more people that are biologically fully capable of having kids, just can't find someone to have them with.
  4. Dementa

    Dementa Providence Forum Legend

    Apr 21, 2010
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    New York
    Of course every week a (very small) portion of my paycheck goes to Medicaid and insurance stuff too but that doesn't grant me the benefit unfortunately
  5. rodrigoazlima

    rodrigoazlima New Member

    Sep 5, 2014
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    Just adot a pet.
    Its cheap and even use buffs.
  6. Smartik1

    Smartik1 Walking F.A.Q. Forum Legend

    Aug 1, 2010
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    Instant happiness buff? Probably combined with drool +5
    rodrigoazlima likes this.
  7. Uehara

    Uehara イシ-サマ。(´ε` ) Forum Legend

    Feb 15, 2011
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    221B Baker St.
    I chose the last. I speak for the now but I am married for 7 years this year and I still don't want to have yet. I'm just not ready. I fear the process and the bigger responsibilities later on. And it is good that my husband and I agree on this and both want to keep our marriage about just between the two of us. But if someday it comes to a point that we'll have to discuss it more seriously, we will have to agree on something so any disagreements won't have to cost us something as huge as our marriage.
    rodrigoazlima and Malicious like this.
  8. Smartik1

    Smartik1 Walking F.A.Q. Forum Legend

    Aug 1, 2010
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    I like the rational approach here. The worst scenario is when 1 of them knows they will want kids from the very beginning while the other knows they won't. Eventually it comes down to 1 of 2 things:
    1. An ultimatum, either agree or break up
    2. "Accidentally" getting pregnant that causes a whole lot of issues for both
    I think it is easier to agree not to have any as it doesn't really lead to any massive life style change (just get a pet or something). I don't think I could agree to having one just because I can see all the consequences that follow and how it will affect every single day of my life for the next 18 years minimum. Some people just have an urge or feeling of the moment and then eventually regret it.
    rodrigoazlima and Uehara like this.
  9. Uehara

    Uehara イシ-サマ。(´ε` ) Forum Legend

    Feb 15, 2011
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    221B Baker St.
    Yeah. Because I think it's just too selfish to impose what we want on our partner without fully understanding where they are coming from. There is always a reason behind the opposition or the complete rejection of the idea. It means they know it to themselves that they are not ready, or simply don't want to because they have understood how life would be so much different when a kid is involved. They don't want any changes yet. They don't fantasize the 'awesomeness' of having kids. Just like me who have always been wondering what is so good about it when all I hear from parents are mostly complaints. And will tell me 'It's worth it!'. Comes down to being willing to suffer fully and be rewarded afterwards? That's how I see it. And that terrifies me!

    It bothers me quite often too when people keep asking me if I have kids after learning that I am married. And whenever I say no, a question 'Why?' always follows. Like, it's frustrating how some don't know the limit of their boundaries. It is none of their business, first of. But they always so feel entitled to ask 'Why' and if I tell them 'I just don't want yet.' will begin lecturing me of how 'good' it is to have children. If they so badly want to then they can make one more and leave me out of it LOL!! And there were quite the times too that they asked me 'Was it because your husband doesn't want yet?', 'You or your husband got problems?', 'Who's infertile?', 'Ahh, you just want to keep having fun?' and I was like, 'No. I just don't want yet.' and they always looked so surprised like, 'How can she not want kids!!???' and it was really annoying!!

    Married people that are together for a long time without kids are viewed 'different' and 'unusual' and they often relate the situation to problems like infertility, differences, etc.. And I'm tired of this norm!! Stop relating all women to kids, like every women wants to have one. And not all married couple should have kids or at least not instantly.
    Last edited: Oct 28, 2016
    Dementa, Haziel and rodrigoazlima like this.
  10. Georgie

    Georgie Ḏɪ̭̜͓̜ͅs̪ᴛ̩̪͓ᴜ̬̖̗̬ʀ̻͚̖͎ʙ͉̜͓̖͙̼͖̳ᴇ̖̞̻ᴅ̻̞̫̘̫ͅ Forum Legend

    May 28, 2010
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    I think any family should have a heir, one way or another.

    Me personally I want to have kids, 1 or 2 but I want them planned not just randomly have my girlfriend poop out kids just because we bored. I want to have a few things planned, I always like to think and plan ahead. So I wanna make sure me and her have a pretty decent career and a few other things accomplished first.

    She keep bothering me about it even tho she knows she's not ready, but deep down inside I know we somehow both on the same page.

    This world is so full of s*it now, people can't understand each other anymore.
    Just greed and envy everywhere.
    Last edited: Oct 28, 2016
  11. Smartik1

    Smartik1 Walking F.A.Q. Forum Legend

    Aug 1, 2010
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    I would pretty much lump this kind of bullshit together with religious fanatics constantly shoving their religion, political fanatics constantly shoving their candidate and vegetarians/vegans constantly preaching their way is the right way. I had parents who always believed they are right regardless of how retarded the shit coming out of their mouth was, to the point I was wondering whether they are just trying to manipulate or are actually THAT stupid.
    Uehara likes this.
  12. BeastiesDecoyAccount

    BeastiesDecoyAccount Chillin likea guy who chills

    Jul 6, 2012
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    Cut off their manhood, and feed it to the goats
    I want kids and my wife wants kids and we've both said that the other not wanting kids would be a deal breaker. She wants a kid to raise and teach about life and stuff and I want to have a son so when he's born I can cut the unbilical cord with one of my swords and then hold him up and then say "Behold my son, He is the prince that was promised, and his is the song of ice and fire"

    And then he and any other kids can take care of me when I'm really old and unable to kill monsters and stuff. I consider kids to be an investment. I'll take care of them and make sure they learn good lessons like how to properly fight with shanks(slash, don't stab) and how to use a sword, and enroll them in good schools and have them go to a good college and get good jobs. And then when I'm old I can go to their nice houses for extended visits until they get tired of me tearing up the place and send me to a fancy old farts home where I'll stay until they kick me out of there and I'll go back to live with my adult kids again.

    So yeah, kids all the way.
    Mae, Dementa and Haziel like this.
  13. KhalifaDoggz

    KhalifaDoggz New Member

    Nov 5, 2016
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    I have 1 baby boy...my cutie Baby
  14. Haziel

    Haziel ✿ Hard scientist ✿ Forum Legend

    Jun 24, 2015
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    I agree with this. (clap)
    Dementa likes this.

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