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5.0 Manastones, Stats & Diminishing Return

Discussion in 'GamezAION General Discussion' started by Stark, Oct 31, 2016.


Do you want this mechanic to be fixed and implemented ?

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  2. No, I don't.

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  1. Stark

    Stark ᴘ ʀ ɪ ᴍ ᴇ ʀ ᴀ Forum Legend

    Aug 19, 2011
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    Been waiting for someone to make a discussion about this topic but it's been awhile since the 5.0 update and we still don't have one. Either no one knows about the diminishing return mechanics for the new 5.0 manastones and the stats they give or just no one cares enough to make a thread despite its importance. I've discussed a bit about it with @Luff in game and I heard someone has also informed @Lautaro about it but until now we haven't heard anything about the issue still so I thought its about time someone makes a thread about it so players would have at least a little bit of knowledge about it which could transition into helping provide proofs or info to fix the issue if the people running the server has any plan to fix it.

    Diminishing return to put it simply is that you get less stats from the manastone the more of the same manastone you put into your gear. Just for example's sake, lets say that a Power +10 manastone gives 50 attack. The first time you put this manastone in your gear, you get 50 attack but after putting certain amount, you would get lesser and lesser attack from it as you put more of this same manastone into your gear.

    Why does it matter and why is it important? I've been told by an AM that there are already a lot of players running around with the new manastones on their gear, some even have 42 of them in their gear. We all know the outrageous price of these new manastones at 750 credits for 1 stone that doesn't even have 100% success rate and with no means to get by playing the game outside of buying it with credits or trade from other players who bought it. Let it sink in as well that this used to be one of the most basic part of the game but is now twice more expensive the the best gear in the game. This means that if you're someone who has spent his credits to get 42 of this, you've already spent 31, 500 credits at very least because we still have to consider that adding this manastone on your gear has chance to fail.

    What's the problem? Most if not all of the people who did and spent this much because they thought how things are at the moment is how it's suppose to be and that's how it is intended to work which is wrong. In retail servers the diminishing return mechanic works. If the diminishing return is going to be fixed and going to be implemented here then you as someone who have spent huge amount of credits to buy these stones would be disappointed to know that you will get lesser stats than what you thought you paid for.

    What do we need as player? We need a word from the administration whether it is going to be fixed and implemented soon or not at all because those who knows about this info are probably stuck at their gear progression because under normal circumstances and if you know what you're doing and what you're suppose to do, you won't buy 42 or more of these stones because of the diminishing return factor which makes mixing dual stat manastones together with the new 5.0 manastones yield a better overall stats compared to going 42x of just the new manastones.

    As for the exact numbers and more specific info, I don't have a retail account with level 75 character to provide more information so as much as I want to help gather info to help fix it, I just don't have the means to do so and besides as the people who runs this server, the responsibility to do these things falls under you.

    @Carl @Lautaro Hope to hear from you guys so we can proceed with the gear progression accordingly depending if this mechanic is going to be fixed and implemented or not at all.
    Last edited: Oct 31, 2016
    Ollo, Stopitsme, Wayfarer and 11 others like this.
  2. japinoy

    japinoy New Member

    Dec 3, 2012
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    (y) agree actually playing templar needs 54 pcs .. 750 x 54 = Omeged xd
    Nueve and kevinken like this.
  3. dungies

    dungies Orlha

    Aug 26, 2015
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    I agree with this, I have a two set on the gladiator, one is Arbiter and the other is Boundless plate, now the Arbiter plate has composite stone (atk/acc/crit) and boundless has all power+10. ofc with boundless access, and offensive stat overall on the abriter and boundless only differ by ~150 more or less. on other note, is the physical defense stat work? I feel like 7K physical defense might as well be 2K, given that both set take similar damage.
  4. kokala

    kokala Proficient

    Mar 10, 2011
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    You do realize that even if u have 50 000 defence it will not work at pvp at all only the % pvp def works in pvp and flat defence is only for pve.
    and about the manastones ... well lets see what other people have to say , because i doubt any of those donators will agree with you :) (after all they spend alot of real $$ or... free votes to get those manastones.
  5. trollerofheaven

    trollerofheaven Proficient

    Aug 1, 2013
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    wow I thought it was just my imagination when I started using those manastones... and I saw less stats hmm
  6. Purell

    Purell - Forum Legend

    Oct 31, 2011
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    You knowing that there's already a lot of players already running with the new stones ingame and still wants to implement this two months later. Should've been done at the start, but since tons already spent money on the new stones I would have to disagree. A thread of lowering the price on the stones would've been more reasonable.
  7. Grrr

    Grrr Highly Damaging Member Forum Legend

    Jun 12, 2011
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    It's not supposed to work that way, if it does then it's obviously bugged. Whenever a chanter casts elemental screen you can tell the obvious difference of 2k phys defence. It supposed to work in both modes.
  8. dungies

    dungies Orlha

    Aug 26, 2015
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    oh hehe I didn't know that phys def work like that, thank you for the info.
  9. Stark

    Stark ᴘ ʀ ɪ ᴍ ᴇ ʀ ᴀ Forum Legend

    Aug 19, 2011
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    Poll speaks for it self.
    Last edited: Oct 31, 2016
  10. Stopitsme

    Stopitsme Proficient

    Oct 31, 2014
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    Stark never said he wants this bug to be fixed so I think you need to read his informative post a bit more carefully. He even said that many people who socketed their gear will full archdaeva manastones would get the short end of the stick if this bug was fixed. He's not asking for it to be implemented.

    He said:
    We just need a decision from those in charge whether this bug will be fixed or not because it affects players who are currently figuring out how to socket their armor. If you guys don't want to fix this bug, then just say so and we can socket 42 of the same manastones and move on. If you do intend to fix this bug, then we should be more hesitant in socketing our gear now as the stats will change later.

    I also think it's strange that an AM tested this out first (of course because he has the ability to get 42 x 750 credit manastones for free to test, something regular players can't do without breaking the bank), and yet he chose not to report the issue. So let me just say it again, a staff member discovered this bug and decided to keep quiet about it and not do anything, and yet you are the one telling us:

    Yeah I agree, should have been done from the start so why wasn't it taken care of immediately? A staff member found the bug first and did nothing about it. That doesn't give players much confidence in that admins ask us to find bugs and report them but when admins discover a bug they don't fix it but take advantage of it. That's bug abuse you know? Stark and I really don't care whether this issue is fixed or not, we just want to know if it will be fixed. But I do find it sad that staff was aware of the problem and did nothing at all.
    japinoy likes this.
  11. Luff

    Luff - ᴛʜᴇ ғɪᴢᴢ - Forum Legend

    Dec 8, 2014
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    I am the only staff member that was made aware of the problem, and yes the issue was not brought up to the admins in full force because I was not around due to my illness, secondly I told @Stark just yesterday that I would bring it up when the admins were available. I'd have to test it myself I can't just present something and say well this is bugged without real proof and as well present a this is how it should be without doing the actual thing. I'm more than willing to assist in the fixing of this and every other bug, but it just doesn't happen over night and I was just made aware of this late week before last and without sufficient proof. Starck made it clear to me how it should be and I tested if it was indeed not working as intended, but to present a bug to the developers/admins not only do I have to present the bug, but proof of how it should work so they know what the issue is, if any.

    On top of that, no one is bug abusing, as it wasn't mentioned to anyone either by myself or anyone else who knows to the general public until now that how the manastone system works here on gamez is flawed and encourage them, 'Oh yeah, go ahead abuse it etc etc", so please refrain from thinking or implying that.

    You guys care if the issue will be fixed, it will after the staff/dev team has investigated it further, because even though explained by Starck how it works, we still need to know the definitive numbers of how much the stats are reduced by each time you socket a replica, for each stat that the manastone affects.

    I will say however that we're all humans here and yes as much as it is a problem that will clearly balance things out for most classes and players alike, we make mistakes nonetheless. I will not apologize that I did not bring it up to the admins, because I had all intention to, after I was well - simple as that. Needless to say, bringing it up proves nothing as I would still need to proof stuff and test it and that will take a little amount of time, as they were busy working on other things, etc.

    Anyways, That is my reply to this thread and that is all I have to say on this topic.
    Maximus, Koro and Puddles like this.
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