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Favourite Class?

Discussion in 'Old Threads' started by Bootysweat, Sep 12, 2010.

  1. RoyaleBK

    RoyaleBK Well-Known Member

    Mar 23, 2010
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    Dumaguete City
    i love advance hide, stun lock, fast attack!
  2. Minaki

    Minaki Minahime~

    Aug 9, 2010
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    mirror room
    1st vote for sorcerer, highest dmg dealer, master of the 4 elements. I also like sor's gears, look very cute on Ely female char.:)
  3. Peinx3

    Peinx3 Expert

    Aug 11, 2010
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    Assassin of course D= .
  4. Chantix&Assantix

    Chantix&Assantix Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2010
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    Gladiator if UD Works xo
    Ranger if UD isn't working ..
  5. Nhuktala

    Nhuktala Expert

    Aug 13, 2010
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    Glad and Sorc...
  6. Aethelfaed

    Aethelfaed Proficient

    Aug 6, 2010
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    This post just gives peoples personal opinions about which class they like to play but nobody really outlined the benefits and negatives of each class so I guess here goes, flame on if you like but I am just keeping this brief

    Ranger - Long range, High DPS, capable of outrunning all classes with buffs and skills used to escape death, stealth and ability to see stealthed. Negatives are that you rely alot on getting first hits in with some classes otherwise could result in fast death, also your abilty to make use of traps in Abyss is non-existent, but this is one of the best aerial combat classes in terms of most access to skills.

    Assasin- High burst damage with the capability to pick and choose your kills through the use of stealth and with DP food you can go back into stealth to avoid Death *providing not ranger/sin opponent*, good stun lock rotation and evasion makes you have nice survivability vs melee but your and easy target once out of stealth for rangers and sorcerer if you cannot get in range and stun fast *skills to charge enemy do work in aerial combat making this possible to recover*, negative being that this is a very solo class in terms of group dynamic not being very good as you will be targeted and killed very easily when enemy are pushing forward since you don't have the same defense as plate (easily overwhelmed with not as much survivability vs large groups). SM's can own you pretty easily if they are good also

    Gladiator- High defense and good all round damage make this a popular class in PVP also with both range and melee skills allowing you to get kills on retreating enemies or lower an enemies hp before they reach you. Heals and the use of pots and scrolls make this a good all round pvp class, negatives being that as melee you can get targeted and killed on the front lines alot easier than temps as your dodge parry ratio will be lower, also aerial combat does not allow for some of the very good gladiator skills that are designed for ground combat to be utilized.

    Those are the three most popular pvp classes, all the other classes have benefits and negatives to them also, and of course

    Clerics and Chanters are a great benefit for buffs and healing to a group aso removal of debuffs etc.

    SM can fear and shutdown enemies ability to do as much damage allowing your party to get more kills and recieve less damage, they can be a great support class with ground combat being their ideal situation *due to the use of summons, which often will go out of range and drop in Abyss*, but this does not make them any the less usefull due to their large range of dots and of course fear/silence/slow skills

    Templar can provide a good distraction and essential frontline class, pulling enemies within range shutting down skills and generally being a nuiscance, played well they are very good dps also for someone who is good at weapon swapping and utilizing their full aray of skills.

    Sorcerer is of course like any mmo, a squishy who will die fast but played well as a back liner can inflict huge damage to enemies and provide sleeps silences and disable enemies allowing for party to get easier kills, solo they also have the ability to take on several enemies disabling them with skills and high dps quick kills.

    PVE or Farming

    Well all classes have benefits and negatives here, sins rangers and sorc can nuke down enemies fast when farming allowing for a better time ratio/item collected.

    Sins - ground

    Rangers -ground and aerial

    are the best gathering class with speed boosts (skills as well as the ability to use Worg2 increasing your speed by 30%). Ranger as well have increased flight time skill higher than any other class allowing you to aerial farm for longer period with less downtime on the ground.

    In general PVE instancing it all depends how you want to play, heal dps or tank...your ability to play well will determine how easy your group can clear things, also other peoples ability to play well in party really equates to wether everyone gets fed up and leaves or you breeze through instances.

    Templar of course are a better tank than gladiator, they were designed for it and have more taunts both solo targeting and AOE targeting than any other class. Gladiator tanks even spamming taunt are not as capable of holding agro and should you have some idiots in your group using AOE have little ability to pick up multiple targets other than their aoe skills.

    Clerics are the best group healers with several skills allowing them to do party healing where chanters are the better buffer allowing for quicker kills through regeneration for other classes while still being able to heal consistently, they will run into more trouble than clerics if there is alot of group damage.

    DPS pick and choose whatever class you want here all are capable of doing good damge on bosses.

    Hope this helps anyone curious and of course like I said this is breif just to give an idea I know all the negatives and positives of the classes in Aion and on this server but we all know that is to many to list so while you may think many other things please feel free to add them positive or negative.

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