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Doctor Love!

Discussion in 'Events Archive' started by Kessie, Feb 10, 2017.

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  1. Kessie

    Kessie alis volat propriis Forum Legend

    Mar 31, 2012
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    Hello everyone!

    As Valentine's Day is heavily approaching, we at GamezNetwork thought it would be a fun activity
    to get you in the spirit of the holiday by asking you to create us a special kind of love story using some of your Aion imagination!

    Unlike in previous writing contests, in this event we challenge you to write a short love story based on the pictures of our own choice.
    You are tasked to come up with your own heartwarming, funny, romantic, or touching story of any of the two options that we provided you below.
    You can find the pictures in spoilers under 'Images to use'.
    Please make sure to read all the rules carefully as well!

    Everyone is welcome to submit an entry, excluding Staffies.
    Your entry must consist of a short love story written based on one of the two groups of images provided below. Open the spoilers and pick between the two options!
    There is no restriction on what order the pictures should be used. The more creative it is, the better!
    One entry per person.
    Your story should be related to love and Aion!
    The length of the story must be between 300-600 words long. This site can help you out with counting.
    Do not edit the pictures! You must copy the images and type your own short passages/scenes below each picture one by one.
    You can modify your entry to make changes or corrections on it as long as the event is open.
    Plagiarism will not be tolerated! I am aware of that there can be similarities in the plot between participants, but any direct form of stealing others' ideas will result in a disqualification with a black strike.
    These are the pictures your love story must be based on! You must use up all 4 pictures to make up a story of them!
    What you should do first is choose between Option 1 & 2. And don't forget, you can use up the screenshots in any order!

    [​IMG] Credits to the original creator of these screenshots!

    [​IMG] Credits to the original creator of these screenshots!

    Option #:
    (1 or 2)
    Entry: (between 300-600 words)

    1st place: [​IMG] Provenance Weapon of choice + [​IMG] 5 pcs Manastone +10
    2nd place: [​IMG] Bodyguard who loved the princess + [​IMG] 3 pcs Manastone +10
    3rd place: [​IMG] Truelove Outfit /[​IMG] Proud Single's Outfit + [​IMG] 2 pcs Manastone +10
    Participation prize: [​IMG] Vital Recovery Serum x200

    Only valid entries will receive a participation prize.

    Last day: February 24th, 6:00 PM
    Time zone used: EST – Server time

    Looking forward to reading your stories!
    Kessie ~

  2. Smartik1

    Smartik1 Walking F.A.Q. Forum Legend

    Aug 1, 2010
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    IGN: Smartik
    Option #:
    Entry: 300 words exactly :)

    Doctor: Oh nurse, I have something to confess. I've fallen in love with your colleague. She is the most wonderful being I have seen in my entire life. I can't think straight when she is near, but I don't know whether she feels the same. Could you perhaps speak with her and ask her if she would be willing to go on a date with me?
    Nurse: It would seem that our doctor can't get you out of his head. You sure are lucky to have someone like him interested in you. He is a great guy. He is too shy to confess his feelings directly, so he wanted me to let you know how he feels and find out if you feel the same.
    Shugo: Nyerk! Of course I do! Could you ask him to meet me near the woods at night? We could go on a romantic walk and if things go well, I'll invite him here :)
    Nurse: Sure thing, I will get him ready. I will sleep elsewhere tonight, just in case :p
    Nurse: If things go well, our doctor is going to need a couple of injections. Vitamins, immunity boosters and hmm...let's slip some Viagra in the last one just for fun :). This will be a night he will never forget.
    Nurse: Great news doctor! My colleague eagerly accepted your proposal! She would like to go on a date with you tonight. Meet her by the forest after sundown, she will be waiting for you.
    Doctor: Oh that is wonderful. What should I do to get ready?
    Nurse: Don't worry, I've taken care of all the preparations. Go on your date and don't overthink it. Let your feelings take over and enjoy yourselves :p. I guarantee you will have the time of your life!
    Touichero, Thyroid, Aniline and 8 others like this.
  3. Smartik1

    Smartik1 Walking F.A.Q. Forum Legend

    Aug 1, 2010
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    Here is the 2nd version, just for fun :)

    Asmo: (to himself) Damn that Elyos bastard! I guess chasing down a random guy named Cupid was not the brightest idea. Those names really shouldn't be allowed. Instead of an arrow of love to help me find a girlfriend, I ended up with an arrow between my ribs. Pretty sure my Nyerk medical insurance does not cover this...
    Nurse: Oh you poor man, come here, let's take a good look at you. You should be more careful and have some patience, otherwise you will only end up with a broken heart. No really, that arrow was freaking close to it.
    Asmo: Thank you nurse, what would I do without you! Well OK I'd be bleeding all over your floor, I didn't mean it literally.
    Nurse: You are a witty one. Nothing to worry about, I've done my fair share of bleeding on the floor every month, not wearing anything under this dress you know, it gets pretty hot here :) Now, let's see if your nervous system is still functioning. I will touch different parts of your body and you tell me what you feel alright? Here we go!
    Asmo: Um nurse, I feel like my body is heating up, is this normal? I might have a fever, my wounds are probably infected, what is going on o.o
    Nurse: You've never been touched by a woman have you? Oh, you poor inexperienced boy. Don't worry, this is perfectly normal. Oh by the way, this treatment is not covered by your medical insurance.
    Asmo: Oh no! How am I going to pay for all this!
    Nurse: I am sure I can think of something :p
    Nurse: Time to collect my fees. Go lie down on the bed my dear, I will be right with you. I really love my job :)
    Touichero, Thyroid, Aniline and 7 others like this.
  4. justnick001

    justnick001 TwinDad Forum Legend

    Jun 28, 2010
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    hahahaha...naughty story!
    dalaoyansherwin likes this.
  5. Iknowright

    Iknowright NO MERCY

    Jul 29, 2016
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    Asmodian:Oh,I got shoot by an arrow someone could pls help me and take me to the near clinic to get this arrow on my body how that ranger target me with only 1 shot he could be a shooter.
    Asmodian:Thanks you've been here young nurse i thought i will die because of that arrow you save my life my princess.
    Nurse: Don't worry i will be take care of you at this moment are you hurt throughly?
    Asmodian:Not so much because you help me to get the arrow of my body and heal my wounds.
    Nurse:Anything problem with your wounded part of your body just tell me coz im here to help
    Asmodian:Thank you for helping me young nurse without you i might die early at this moment.
    Nurse:No,worries just takecare of your self always coz its not safe when you go alone by yourself.
    Asmodian:How long it will take to heal my wounded body?
    Nurse:It will take over 2-3 weeks
    Asmodian:Ahm,do i need take some antibiotcs to prevent the infection?
    Nurse:Yes,i will give you antibiotics later on
    Asmodian:Okay thanks.
    Asmodian:Your a lovely woman young nurse i hope we can get in touch and get to know each other you are so kind and helpful to others.
    Nurse:That's my job to help other's and heal those people get wounded :) If you don't mind may i know your name?
    Asmodian:I am Romeo
    Nurse:Oh,this must be destiny
    Nurse:Coz my name is juliet :)
    Asmodian:Wooooah,this could be
    Nurse:I have something to confess to you romeo :)
    Asmodian:What is it?
    Nurse:I fell inlove with you because you are a brave and kind person.
    Nurse:Now,that i tell you that i love you romeo
    Asmodian:Wow!this must be my luckiest day of my life i love you too juliet :)
    Nurse & Asmodian: (slowly kiss each other)
    Asmodian:Young Nurse your my princess
    Nurse:You have a soft lips romeo(nurse get blooming)
    Asmodian:Thank's for the compliment young nurse
    Nurse:What do you feel now?
    Asmodian:Im feeling okay now because you are here and you takecare of me.
    Nurse:That's Good romeo you making progress with your wounds
    Asmodian:Your such a beautiful nurse i ever seen young nurse
    Asmodian:Can we make a call sign ?
    Asmodian:I call you babe
    Nurse:Oh,that's great hi babe hehe
    Asmodian:I love you babe
    Nurse:I love you too babe
    Asmodian:For now,we seperate ill go home now babe
    Nurse:Okay babe
    Nurse:I hope we could meet again Romeo my Babe bye. ( kiss each other)
    Nurse:That young asmodian get my heart i could never forget his face a lovely face that get my heart fell with him even his an asmodian i would still love him no matter what happens oh romeo my love.
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2017
    Xyncthia and Kessie like this.
  6. Kessie

    Kessie alis volat propriis Forum Legend

    Mar 31, 2012
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    The length of your story must be between 300-600 words. Use this site to see how many more you're still missing.
    One more thing to note. Just because the very first entry was written in form of a dialogue, it does not necessarily mean you have to write it the same way. Just putting this out there before everyone else starts thinking that's the only way to write a story.

    Good luck! ~
    Iknowright likes this.
  7. Marvel

    Marvel Staff Member Senior Aion Master

    Jan 2, 2016
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    IGN: Lillia
    Server: Siel
    Option: #1

    Once there was a hundred year war in a shattered world called, Atreia. A war between the sun-kissed Elyos and the shadow-dwelling Asmodians. Never ending battles day by day.

    In the heart of Pandemonium, there lived two Asmodian children named Eliza and Nathaniel, they grew happily together, playing all day and fooling around with the Pandemonium guards. However, in each day they wake up, they see families crying and mourning for their lost sons, daughters, husbands and wives.

    Standing confidently, "I want to help them" Nathaniel said. Eliza on the other hand was shocked on what Nathaniel said.

    "What do you mean!?" Eliza exclaimed.

    But as Eliza looked at his face, he saw a resolve in Nathaniel's eyes that was burning like fire.

    "I will join you" with a smile on her face, she showed no fear.

    "Then let's do this together" shouted Nathaniel.


    The two of them grew into fine Daevas, but unlike any other Daeva, they chose not to participate in war, but instead gave their dedication to the medical corps. A few years later, Nathaniel went up on being the Head of the medical corps, while Eliza was her nurse. Countless lives were saved by their hands even those in the brink of death survived. As they grew together, their hearts grew even closer.


    A few months later, the Asmodians Patrol team of Norsvold were ambushed by the Elysian Assassins sent by Kaisinel, the Lord of Illusions. The Asmodians weren't able to fend of the attack. Fire covered the forests of Azurelight, the Elyos kept on pushing them back, it was total chaos.

    "Don't go!" Eliza shouted. "They infiltrated Azphel's Sanctuary! Can't you see?! There is nothing we can do!".

    "No!" Nathaniel contradicting Eliza. "There are Daevas there who are defending the Sanctuary! They're dying there! Someone has to help!".

    As Eliza looked into Nathaniel's eyes, she saw the same resolve on his face years ago.

    "Okay, but I'll go with you..." Eliza said. "No it's too dangerous" Nathaniel exclaimed. "No! I'm coming with you whether you like it or not!".

    As Eliza was about to walk out of the tent, Nathaniel stopped her and gave her a strong sleeping pill. Eliza struggled but could not fight the medicine, and she was fast a sleep.

    "I'm sorry, Eliza. I love you" Nathaniel whispered.


    After, two days, Eliza woke up in the infirmary in Pandemonium.

    "Where Am I?" asked Eliza.

    "You're at Pandemonium Infirmary, nyerk!".

    "The war! I have to go!" Eliza quickly stood up, but felt fatigue in her body.

    "Hold it my dear! You can't just leave, you're not well yet! "What happened? Where are all the members of the Norsvold Medical Corps?".

    As the Shugo nurse looked into Eliza, tears went down on her furry face when she mentioned the Medical Corps.

    "They fought well, dear. Even my husband who was there for 20 years... He helped a lot of them, yes, Doctor Nathaniel and my husbands are heroes".

    The Shugo nurse walked away. With tears on her face, Eliza laid down trying to sleep, hoping that what she heard was all from a dream.


    The next day, Eliza showed up at the Pandemonium Infirmary. She went to her station and did all her daily tasks. As she was about to take a break, she went to Nathaniel's clinic. She remembered all the times they had. Seeing all of his medical equipment, she also remembered the lives they touched and saved, the lives that they, together, saved! Eliza saw a note on his journal, curious she was she read it.

    " Saving you was worth it"
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2017
    Patatas, Thyroid, Wangfei and 5 others like this.
  8. Iknowright

    Iknowright NO MERCY

    Jul 29, 2016
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    I already edit my post ser 492 words
  9. Baozi

    Baozi Saranghae <3

    May 22, 2016
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    IGN: Vonkaii
    Server: Siel
    Option #:
    Doctor : Hello Nurse , Good day can i talk with you just a moment ? I have something important to tell you .
    Nurse : Hey doctor , whats the matter ? whats that important things you want to say to me ?
    Doctor: Who's that one doctor just arrive this morning in the camp ?
    Nurse : Oh she ! she my friend from other camp . she just appoint here for some reasons .
    Doctor : Can i serenade her ? if its okay with you ?
    Nurse : Why don't you ask her ?
    Nurse : Hey shugo , seems our doctor fells in love with his co-doctor .
    Shugo : Then what's the matter ? you should be happy to our doctor , since he came in camp his always busy for his patient .
    Nurse : Yeah i know , but its been i long time i keep this one sided love to him .
    Shugo : There's nothing i can do with it . all i have to say is just don't let your broke just because of that one sided love .
    Nurse : You're right shugo i should lend myself from my work and focus on everything.
    Nurse : Maybe this is the right time to focus on my work and continue pursuing my dreams , this is the only thing i can move on my feelings to him . I promise to myself i will became the best nurse here in asmodae . I promise that someday he can say that , such a waste that he left me behind.
    Doctor : Hello Nurse , i have good news for you .
    Nurse : What is that doctor ?
    Doctor : Me and Doctor ( with cap glasses) we're on relationship now.
    Nurse : Good to hear that doctor , congratulation and i hope your relationship well works .
    Doctor : If this is not because , i have no guts to court her , i'm so very thankful to you . You're really a good friend ...
    Nurse: It's my pleasure doctor to help you , and promise me you won't hurt her

    Last edited: Feb 12, 2017
    kylamarie143 and Kessie like this.
  10. xramnel0909

    xramnel0909 Leizhinze

    Feb 13, 2011
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    4 Barkly Cres Forrest ACT 2603 Australia
    IGN: Zyvil
    Server: Siel
    Option #: 2
    Entry: An Arrow (Sad Story)

    During the time of chaos between Elysian, Asmodian and Balaureans, Cyrus was one of the greatest Asmodian Assassin . He won all the battles he fought in. He conquered every land he wanted to conquer. But Goddesses of Fate sometime plays on everyone, One of his great fights with the Balaureans unfortunately lose, and most of his men died in the battle. He was hit by an arrow on his left chest near to his heart and he needs help as fast immediately. He was losing more blood as he stride going back to his camp. As he rode his mount to his camp , he passed by a small camp owned by an Elysian race. He was so desperate to ask for help. He stealth in using his last energy . His skill faded as his energy loses bit by bit... and he landed at the medics door very weak and almost fainted.
    Yzvil, an Elysian nurse who was on duty that time was shocked on what she saw.An Asmodian in the camp! Almost ready to asked for help, she glanced at Cyrus, He's bathing with blood, pale and white as snow as he loses more blood. And she examined him, she found him handsome and without any explanation she falls in love with him, a sort of magical twist. She don't know what to do, she's an elysian and he's an asmodian, It is against the Empyrean law to help him. But love really conquers all, she helped him. She washed his wounds, treated them and secure that he will get cured. She hide him to everyone as he was in healing process. She does everything that no one would discover his presence in the camp or he'll get executed..

    Later on, Cyrus was cured and well, He could stand and walk to travel back to his camp. He doesn't know how to thank Yzvil for her unconditional help. They can't talk and understand each other for there was a language barrier between races. There is no translation to decipher each word. He decided to leave Elysian camp before everyone noticed him and to save Yzvil from persecution by her race. He should leave! But how can he say thank you to her and tell her that he falls in love with her too? There's no way! but he need to leave to save her, his love.To show his love and gratitude to her, He vowed his head and kisses her hands. They looked in each others eyes as he uses hide to sneaked out the camp. Cyrus was fading on Yzvil's eyes as her tears rolled down to her cheeks

    Still chaos and wars continues. Yzvil slowly hugging the reality that Cyrus and her wont be with each other forever.She hears how Asmodians won or loses at the battles and hearing that Cyrus was still fine and alive. This makes her happy. Everytime she misses him, she just opened her box took the one object she kept for a long time that reminds him to her.... An Arrow, the one that almost took his life, the one that was taken near his heart... and the one reason why they met and why they fall in love with each other. She held the arrow near to heart, closed her eyes and reminiscing the days he came and left.. as the tears chasing to fall from her eyes...
    ....Love doesn't know difference between races, religion, appearance and colors. Love won't get tired of waiting, hoping and dreaming . Love never recognizes distance, time and space. Love is magical, undefinable and infinite.
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2017
    Natsuki, Patatas, justnick001 and 6 others like this.
  11. Kessie

    Kessie alis volat propriis Forum Legend

    Mar 31, 2012
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    That's one kind of a touching story with a beautiful conclusion. Don't forget though, your story cannot exceed more than 600 words. Use this site to count your words. Good luck once again! ~
  12. xramnel0909

    xramnel0909 Leizhinze

    Feb 13, 2011
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    4 Barkly Cres Forrest ACT 2603 Australia
    oppps sorry.... can i edit it?
  13. Kessie

    Kessie alis volat propriis Forum Legend

    Mar 31, 2012
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    You are more than welcome to!
  14. xramnel0909

    xramnel0909 Leizhinze

    Feb 13, 2011
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    4 Barkly Cres Forrest ACT 2603 Australia
    done mam...596 words.... Thank you so much!!
  15. Kizumii

    Kizumii Indomitable. Forum Legend

    Jan 24, 2017
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    IGN: Kizumii
    Server: Lumiel
    Option #: 1

    Once upon a time, in the dark part of the Atreia, in Asmodae's Pandaemonium, a beautiful nurse, who's name was Anna was talking with her best friend Davinuninerk, who was a Shugo. She told him, that she don't want to spend whole life alone, without second piece of her heart.
    "What have I become? Everyone I love goes away in the end. I loved someone long time ago, but beneath the stains of time the feelings disappear." - she thought.
    Davinuninerk knew, that his friend hurts, he was happy with his wife and kids, he has everything he ever wanted and he can't look how sad is his friend, he couldn't let Anna get in the feeling of lonely. He decided to tell her about a doctor, who works with her, that he looks at her not like a work mate, but a man, who loves. He knew that, because doctor is his friend too.
    She couldn't believe, that Adam can feel something to her, that he can have the same feeling as she.


    Few days later, in the Morheim - snowing city, where the war still continues, and war drums can be heared, when doctors and nurses had moment to rest, Anna decided to ask Adam, if he has a girlfriend. He didn't know what to say, so he answered her, that he loves someone. She didn't let him finish and she ran away from the camp. Adam felt sad, because she is the one, who he beloved. He just couldn't stop thinking about her red lips, smell, sexy body, lovely eyes and charming voice. She is everything, what he wants.


    The nurse felt badly, how she could think that anyone can feel something to her. She wanted to hide away from the world and took up her duties. Preparing various types of injections, medication, to help the suffering Deava's, she though of that, she will be alone to end of her life, maybe it will be better, there's a war and she needs to be in a ward. Her hope flew away...
    She felt so lonely, nothing could stop these tears from falling.


    Next day Anna went to work, like always helped poor Deavas, who were fighting for better world for Asmodian. She prayed to Aion and Empyrean Lords: "Dear Aion and Empyrean Lords, please, don't let our people die or get hurted. We need clear, peaceful and good world, where we can build new houses, have a big loving family with many children, with smiles on their young faces. Where people won't fight, but respect each other. We don't need a war. We want to love, we want to be loved... can't spend all our lifes in a war... please, don't let us die alone."
    When she finished her pray, Adam came to her and without any word hugged her, kissed and told, that she is the one he ever wanted, and won't let her go anywhere.
    "You are my angel, you are the one i love the most. You didn't let me finish few days ago, I wanted to catch you, but new patient came, so I couldn't." - he said.
    She was crying, but this time these were happy tears.


    Don't give up, when you love someone, tell your beloved person about your feelings. Don't be scared. Love can hurts sometimes, but will never let you down.

    wolfik332, Thyroid and Kessie like this.
  16. Sweetine

    Sweetine Banned

    Feb 12, 2017
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    IGN: Sweetine
    Server: Siel
    Option: # 2



    In a world where chaos lurks in every corner, Atreia has suffered for many years. The war between the Elyos and Asmodians was eternal in Atreia, whilst the Balaur dominate the Abyss. Showing no weakness against Aion's Archdaevas, they purge those who take foot on their territory.

    The Balaur, even after the cataclysm, was known to be feared by many. However, there is one who made a different impression. Drakon, an elite balaurean assassin, was given a task by Beritra, to annihilate the Lord of Fate, Marchutan. When Drakon arrived at Enshar, he annihilated Marchutan's Protectors and was able to infiltrate his sanctuary. But being one of the Empyrean Lords, Marchutan would not daunted by the presence of a mere assassin. Showing his power, Marchutan cast his Guardian Stone on Drakon. Feeling pain in his mind and body, Drakon shouts in pain. Telling Drakon, Marchutan reminded him that he was the Empyrean Lord of Fate


    A few days later, Drakon in a small farm somewhere in Ishalgen. Strange he felt, he stood up and went to the lake. While drinking water, he noticed something strange. While waiting for the water's ripple to stop, he saw a young man in the water. Thinking it was an illusion, he suddenly realized it was him. Shocked by his appearance he ran with fear. While running around he bumped into one of Pandemonium Reinforcement Sentries. The enforcers pushed him aside. With anger inside him he attacked the sentry, but realized he lost his power. He was knocked around, but was able to give one blow on the sentry archers. Angry the sentry was, he shot Drakon for injuring a sentry guard. He found a small camp nearby, he hid himself inside one of the crates. Fortunately, the sentries passed by the camp. Seeing the bleeding on his chest, he needed help.


    Entering with humility, he asked for help. In his good fortune, he was assisted by a maiden named Alliana. She was the head nurse of the camp and was known for her skills of healing. Shocked with what she saw, she hurriedly helped the poor assassin.

    With her compelling powers, she healed Drakon with ease. Alliana healed Drakon, but Alliana was interested in Drakon, she sees in his eyes, a storm within, anger, rage, and chaos with in.

    With an innocent heart she asked Drakon of his origin, but did not reply. Alliana told him that he may leave once he has fully rested, but with something beating inside him, he told Alliana that he would help her in her tasks in the camp. With questions in his mind, he was confused on why he volunteered to help. With gladness, Alliana accepted him. They went to the nearest market to buy supplies, climbed mountains for rare herbs, and assisted sickly people. Drakon was with Alliana for more than a year already, with each passing day something magical was made with the two. Alliana was happy to have Drakon, but with every passing minute, Drakon feels a sudden change in him. He now questions himself. Seeing confusion in his face, Alliana talked to Drakon. Drakon told his tale to Alliana. With a calm face, she showed no fear upon him. Without hesitation she gave him a hug, and gave him reassurance that her feelings would never change. Tears ran down on the Assassins face. He found something that even worlds can never tear apart. He live his last days as a Daeva.

    "Intertwining your fates will change your lives, remember I am the Lord of Fate" - Marchutan, Lord of Fate

    Kessie, Patatas and Thyroid like this.
  17. Ruicho

    Ruicho New Member

    Nov 7, 2016
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    IGN: Escalady
    Server: Siel
    Option: # 2
    Entry: 410 words

    This is a story of a women(the nurse)who is in love with her childhood friend the Assasin(asmodian).

    ASMODIAN(ASSASIN): My friend (NURSE THE CLERIC) please help me i have a shoot in my stomach. I think i gonna die today because so much blood lost to me while im walking going to your house.
    NURSE(ASMODIAN CLERIC): Who did this to you my friend?
    NURSE(ASMODIAN CLERIC): Come first in,so that i can heal your wounds.
    ASMODIAN(ASSASIN): I saw my girlfriend with another ASMODIAN(RANGER) with whom so I went to her and talked to her to come with me. Then the asmodian(ranger) sent me duel challenge, I accept the challenge but i lost to that asmodian(ranger) because im weak(ungeared):sorry::sorry:.

    Why did you run to me? she can heal you with her skills.

    After i fight that pro asmodian(ranger),I did not expect why she did it in front of me.(chills)(chills)(chills)

    What happen?

    She just left me lying on the ground with an arrow in my stomach(cry)(cry)(cry)(cry). While she used her healing skills to asmodian(ranger).

    what !! She did that to you? WTF!! Wretch girlfriend.(furious)(furious)(furious)

    I can not tolerate the pain as I look he used his healing power on my opponent(cry)(cry), I got up slowly and walked alone while enduring the pain. I do not know where I'm heading. (cry)(cry)

    How did you decide to go to my house?

    because,your the only friend i have. A friend that only care for me..

    Why do you still love him? You love her because she have a beautiful body and she is a pro cleric?(arhhh)(arhhh)

    NO! not like that, we have been together since 2.0, Why did this happen, I gave everything to her and still she switched me to another asmodian(ranger).
    Until now you still love her even though she switched you. (arhhh)(arhhh)(arhhh)

    ASMODIAN(ASSASIN): Yes, i really love her, I do not know what to do when she lost me. I want to talk to him first and try to convince him to be with me forever.
    " maybe i should rest and recovery then I will speak to him. thank you nurse for the heal..i'll go to sleep.(zzz)(zzz)(zzz)(zzz)


    ok take a rest and recovery your self im always here for you..
    NURSE(ASMODIAN CLERIC): (The Nurse talking to herself) Why do you still love her even though she only intend to hurt you.Why assasin?
    why did you chose that Girl instead of me.I love you enough to fight for you,compromise for you and sacrifice myself for you if need be.Enough to miss you incredibly when we are young,no matter what length of time it is for and regardless of long friendship.to stand by it through the worst of time, to have faith in our strength as a friendship.I am always be Here for you assasin...:]:]:]:]:]:]:]:]:]
    Kessie likes this.
  18. jumich

    jumich New Member

    Feb 7, 2014
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    hahaha! Spotted xD
  19. android09

    android09 Getting there

    Sep 22, 2012
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    IGN: Zely
    Server: Siel
    Option #: 2
    Entry: 318 words


    Ophelia was a well-revered chanter "nurse" in the whole of Asmodae along with her cleric lover, "doctor" Cedric. One day, Cedric was conscripted by the Asmodian army to be their main healer in their war against the Balaur. But when the army had no use of him anymore, they left him to die in the hands of the Balaur, so that they can escape. Once she got wind of the news, Ophelia went mad. She left her home in Pandemonium, away from the Asmodians she now loathed. She decided to set up a makeshift clinic in a mountain, far away from the battlefields.

    Ophelia thought that she live out the rest of her life in peace, until one day an Asmodian warrior showed up. He was visibly wounded and in dire need of help. How he managed to end up here, she doesn't know. He also seems to have lost his memory; all he remembered is that a pack of Balaur ambushed his troop and he is the lone survivor.

    Though hesitant at first, she decided to tend to his wounds. But after he told her his story of how the Balaur attacked him, she suddenly remembered her Cedric. She remembered how the people Cedric himself helped, all left him to die at the hands of the Balaur. She remembered how her Cedric dedicated her service to the Asmodians, only to be betrayed in the end. Right then and there, she longed to avenge Cedric's death. And she decided to start her revenge with the wounded Asmodian warrior right in front of her.

    "I'll get you healed, but i won't let you reach Pandaemonium alive."
    "Once i have your trust, i'll feed you to the Balaur, just like what your kind did to my dear Cedric!", She said to herself, with a sly grin on her face.

    "This is all for you, my love. We will have our revenge."
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2017
    Krench and Kessie like this.
  20. yesyes

    yesyes Proficient

    Sep 12, 2011
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    IGN: Limbo
    Server: Siel
    Option #:
    Entry: 599

    The war between elysea and asmodae goes back in history of atreia, but only few archdaevas and even less daevas are aware of the truth that exists in shadows behind the greed of the rulers. I will tell you the story that might make you think about how we look at things in Elysea, how it's kind outside but its roots are rotting.

    Eyes full of tears, fear and terror, eyes that glowed red. Screams that shattered the soul and claws that made scratching sound on wooden floor. He arrived at the door, injured and what seemed like randomly thrown words coming out of his mouth.
    ''Outremus will find me'' ​
    ''Outremus will be my end''
    ''Don't let them take me back''
    Whole hospital froze, even air felt heavy. Every medic on duty stood there like soulless rocks. Only Eva ran and helped him. All those daevas knew that Asmodian was in front of them but not Eva, she knew something was not right, he was other, he felt other.
    Eva tried to help him and this creature agreed to follow her..
    While she was examining him she found that his heart was in the left side of the chest and that was perfectly normal, at least that was her first though,
    until she realized that Asmodians have heart on right side. Every medic knows asmodian anatomy is different from elyos, but this creature had everything just like ordinary elyos, although he had hair on back, claws on fingers and those eyes that were shining red and piercing through flesh and soul. This moment was when Eva knew she was stepping into something bigger.
    It was all just suspicion until she heard those words again:
    ''I'v served you well, why did you to do this to me''


    Eva stood there and only thing in her head now was rumor. Rumor about how elyos used to place experiments on their soldiers to make them
    better, stronger, faster..
    She felt bad. Her eyes became willow. her heart started trembling. her hands started shaking because she knew this creature was once an elyos.
    His brothers betrayed him, tortured him, made him go through all that pain to transform him into monster.
    Who knows how many hours he spent believing that someone will come to rescue...

    She saw the arrow, it was from special forces of Elyos army lead by Outremus himself and the tip of it was poisoned.
    And at this moment Eva broke down in tears realizing what he went through.

    Yes.. She fell in love..
    Even though he was no one for everyone else, he became the one for her..
    Maybe he had a wife that loved him more then anything, or children that waited for him at home, but he never returned from duty.
    He will never play with them anymore. His life ends here without anyone knowing his burden except Eva, young medic who felt love and care for him, who helped him even though she knew she would get punished for helping asmodian.
    he was bleeding and the poison was circulating in his body, Eva knew she had to do something...

    Next morning when soldier woke up and opened his eyes he saw 3 medics standing near his bed, he looked at them but none of them was Eva,
    He asked where that kind girl was and only thing he heard was this:
    ''Who do you think gave you the blood for transfusion to get rid of poison in your body?...''


    I wanted to believe this story had a happy ending, I guess this was it.

    Thyroid, riquha, Kizumii and 2 others like this.
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