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Thanks to the staff

Discussion in 'Black Desert Discussion' started by DivineEpiphany, Oct 19, 2017.

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  1. DivineEpiphany

    DivineEpiphany Getting there Forum Legend

    May 17, 2017
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    I have been a tester on this server since April, and reported many bugs and issues and suggestions to forum and to staff directly. I served on staff as a MOD for months, helping players get connected and answering questions daily, as well as testing the game and any bugs reported to me as well. I also advertised this server for months via my stream and raved about all the cool features and things the server had to offer during beta and things to look forward to after beta. Now I just noticed that a thread I made here was deleted that had a video where I talk about the GamezBD launch and alot of the issues that came with it, including new problems as well as existing ones that were still unresolved. I will admit this was a pretty negative review, but it was truthful and contained alot of complaints and issues that myself and much of the community agreed on. I dont really care who removed it, but I would like to see my GamezBD Launch Review thread restored, because there was no reason to censor it. Upon restoration of the mentioned thread feel free to delete this one. Delete this one without restoring the previous thread, and I will know that my time and dedication to this server was not appreciated.
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2017
  2. Mae

    Mae Maeow 。^・ェ・^。

    Dec 19, 2014
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    Your signature is too big. Should be 500x200
    moonic13 likes this.
  3. wolfik332

    wolfik332 Expert

    Jul 1, 2013
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    Nové Zámky, Slovakia
    Welcome to Gamez
  4. DrinkingNinja

    DrinkingNinja New Member

    May 26, 2017
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    This is true he has helped me multiple times with multiple issues, he has been the only person who has helped me when i have had an issue as a mod and after he quit. its a shame to see someone who has been so helpful feel this way about the server. he's done nothing but help the server and it feels like its all being thrown in his face
    DivineEpiphany likes this.
  5. Nueve

    Nueve DØ THË BŪRST Forum Legend

    Oct 10, 2015
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    This is why, most of the staff members nowadays had to quit because of unbalanced treatment to people. I mean, there should be something to work on and talk about but it seems that they are afraid or maybe ashamed. And to be honest, there would be no one to quit on something that is worth their time as well as if the environment around someone is pretty well. Maybe, there should be something that carl or all the admins need to do or correct.

    I'm sorry about this, but am just saying the truth.

    @Mae right.

    I would love to but maybe not this time since am on phone and I also need to rest for tomorrow's work. I'll shoot a pm when I have time. :>

    At least some will have the chance to read my reply mae mae
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2017
    Renaro, Mae and moonic13 like this.
  6. Noyah

    Noyah - Staff Member Admin

    May 30, 2015
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    Epi, as you already know, I enjoyed working with you and I very much appreciate the efficient and excellent work you have done here, it's not taken for granted.
    As for GamezBD Launch Review, @Carl has already answered with the following message:
    "I have seen zero appreciation in your video, it doesn't seem like a "review" since it goes on only about your negative sides of the server without stating anything good we've done. Remember this is a free private server, not a paid subscription service and still we give you pearls for free but you aren't satisfied right? Everyone knew the beta rates were increased on many occasions especially in the last days as spoils because it's only a beta version of gamezbd. Having the same beta rates at release where people can get full pen in 1-2 weeks isn't going to happen here. We both know the pearl bag was exploited during beta, so we fixed the bug and gave you free weight to match the server drop rates from the value pack giveaway rewards but again it's not enough you want more.
    You have been here long enough to see the development progress, we implemented quite a few features and fixed many issues over the past months, things may get unexpectedly broken in the process of development and if you believe the issues appear as easy fixes I'm telling you it's not, it takes time and effort. We acknowledge the community dislikes, it's been mentioned many times that we're working to improve the server as best as we can."

    Off-topics comments will be deleted.
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2017
    micro likes this.
  7. Nueve

    Nueve DØ THË BŪRST Forum Legend

    Oct 10, 2015
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    Just please. At least let's talk about something. Just for a day maybe.

    Maybe carl could get ideas on players opinion and start to rebuild/fix/correct things.
  8. justnick001

    justnick001 TwinDad Forum Legend

    Jun 28, 2010
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    this is not just about GamezBD, too bad GamezBD is new but they are experiencing the same with GamezAion, that's the reason why people play here in Gamez because of this awesome features, we compliment on good things, but we hate most on the bug issues that already take years and not even fixed, we know its not easy to fix things but taking it too long is unacceptable, somewhat it say's "you just gotta live with it".
    and even our simple rights now being violated, saying truths then it will be deleted and closed.
    We tell the bad things because it is somewhat a motivation, a motivation for them to work hard not to take them for granted.
    If things was all good, we wont say anything bad. We even invite people to play here because its nice. but i don't know what happen now i guess everybody is evolving, transforming lol...oh its right nothing is constant in this world!.
    its really misleading if you only just feature all the good things about a thing.
    DivineEpiphany and Ayvel like this.
  9. Noyah

    Noyah - Staff Member Admin

    May 30, 2015
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    This thread is about GamezBD, yes. If you wish to create new Aion related thread and discuss about bugs and stuff, do it in the right section.
  10. justnick001

    justnick001 TwinDad Forum Legend

    Jun 28, 2010
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    yeah i know this thread is gamezbd im just stating facts.
    Mae and Ayvel like this.
  11. vantooth

    vantooth Guest

    The risks are exponentially increasing in potency. Everyday that you miss fixing each problems, the more risky it gets. You can delete as much as messages as you can but you can't stop a person complaining because you're preventing it :)

    Gamez right now needs a one time cure not thousands of lies trying to prevent truths from leaking out. I can already smell the death of Aion, and the slow decay of BDO because of anomalies they hear from Aion.
  12. Noyah

    Noyah - Staff Member Admin

    May 30, 2015
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    Off topic and irrelevant messages will be deleted. Toxic behavior will eventually lead to account termination.
    No one is stopping you from complaining about things you find incorrect, on the contrary, your opinions and suggestions are important to us, just do it in under the right section to avoid the inconvenience.
    Patatas and crystalize like this.
  13. DrinkingNinja

    DrinkingNinja New Member

    May 26, 2017
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    i mean tbh his video if anything should of alerted carl about the issues that are going on in the server instead of being buthurt by the video how about prove him wrong and fix the stuff that isnt working/broken. deleting his posts and stuff just enforces his points more. i think the gamezbd staff need to listen to their playerbase more. i actually heard the other day that someone that was hacking and was proved to be hacking was banned for 15 mins then unbanned and told to change his name so people didnt know it was him i mean what kinda bullshit is that hacking should be a permaban no matter who they are.
    Ayvel, DivineEpiphany and Mae like this.
  14. xMovingTarget

    xMovingTarget MadKing

    Jun 4, 2017
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    Addicted Headquarters
    Being there right with Epi. Not as staff, but contributing in many other ways. Carl/Kolka/Anzo know what I talk about. We have reported many many things. Most of these things have been worked on and got fixed completely or partially. Some of those issues reappear, looking at you CC System. But those issues will always get looked at again.
    I would have loved to have seen end beta rates after launch. Not the crazy ones. But right before they got increased for end beta fun. Sadly we wont have that. Pearl inventory was awesome for convenience. This got already fixed and caused a big uproar in the community and the "bug" got put back into the game. It was sad to see this bug gone after launch. But after playing now, it feels okay. We got weight from other sources which make up for it. Even though I would see a little bit more weight. 2500is as we have right now maxed out without loyalty weight is still somewhat tedious in certain places. But its workable.

    My major concerns are former hackers still playing on the server. At the time the antihack wasnt detecting it. It now does thanks to the devs efforts. We reported some of those hackers back in the first week after launch with perfect evidence. Some didnt get banned and now have a big advantage over legit players.
    We are fairly certain that there are still exploits around and some players are using and heavily profiting from those without reporting them. We found one Bigger exploit that I personally reported. AS I am aware this got already fixed. Please if you reader find anything you feel is an exploit or abusable bug, report this directly to any GM/Dev. You can find em easy on discord. Also report players with evidence that you think are playing it unfair.

    The devs are working to get bugs fixed with alot of effort. Black Desert is a huge game. Its a big construction site with many many places to put work into. Gamez does not have a huge amount of developers. There are many bugs and only so few people to fix those. Everyone needs to remember this.

    Do I get frustrated about things as a player? Hell yes. I literally entered ragemode earlier when some striker CC abused me to death multiple times. But after that I went ahead and reported this again. And I know this is getting looked at. So yea. Big game, small team. There will always be issues on the game/server. But they are working to get as many of those issues sorted as they can. Aight. My little input on this.

    Just try to be constructive instead of putting negativity all over the place. I understand frustration though.
  15. DivineEpiphany

    DivineEpiphany Getting there Forum Legend

    May 17, 2017
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    Deleting my thread just hides the info I stated that needs to be addressed. I listed alot more in that video than just weight or shared pearl bag. I even offered suggestions in the replies of that thread as did other players. Noyah and Carl have both tuned into my stream secretly and both know I raved about GamezBD more times than not, so when I gather a list of issues that need to be addressed it shouldnt be seen as complaining but rather constructive feedback from a player as well as someone who had alot of contact with the playerbase. Trust me, my review of the launch is mild in comparison to the views I have heard and read, and I am not the only player here with a social media platform. Bring GamezBD back to the special game it was becoming, fix the real issues and dont focus so hard on monetizing, happy players will drop money in your lap so dont try to force it. Lastly, bring my thread back, theres alot of info there that the admins and devs need to hear and read, so they know the right path forward to make GamezBD great again. For reference I will post my "notes" from when I made that video, I apologize in advance for them not being very neat...

    Lowered pearl rates when staff promised no change (now increased only for premium only)
    Removal of shared pearl bag (horse whistle, artisan memories, elions, exp scrolls, and other things besides just LT increases)
    Weight, the grinding limiter (increased for VP and for premium, but doesnt 5-10x the weight of retail make more sense with drop rates supposed to be 10x)
    "Fix" of the perma harvest trees and rocks (this made life skilling more fun and left you more time for other activities)
    Stackable scrolls removal (ok maybe it was a bug, but it was a loved feature, stackable scrolls and no expiration that we could do at our leisure)
    Enchantment rates worse than retail (rates during beta were fine, crons and drop rates afforded chances we wouldnt usually take, increased rate for premium is p2w)
    Lowered drops and exp rates not the advertised 10x (I played at 10x and this is much lower)

    CC & resists, Accuracy, Evasion, DP scaling
    Some gathering nodes cant be revealed/used
    Desert changes adjusting exp and drops for desert never implemented
    Tier 8 still not breedable (havent tested new patch yet)
    Magic crystals breaking and losing exp when PKed by a red player (supposedly fixed)
    Beta tester rewards are bullshit, leaving us with issues of starting out grind and farming (was it really that hard to give us a pearl stash to get the items of our choice)
    Value Pack doesnt have effect on alt character slots (supposedly fixed)
    Boss/Relic scrolls bugged after 1-2 scrolls (havent tested boss scrolls, but I know kama quest boss scroll still not working)
    World bosses bugging semi-regular causing lots of frustration
    Hackers not being banned with video proof, and posts on forum being removed from player reports (and bans being removed on discord for blatent violations)
    Monster CC still pushing ppl underground at bosses and grind spots
    Horse spawns not respawning and still walking through cliffs and rocks (respawn works now)
    Alot of ppl dont get boss drops from world bosses, and some are getting 2-5 boxes at once (fixed?)
    Pets still cant be put on Agile, Average, or Cautious (maybe fixed now, will have to see)
    Alot of skills not working as they are supposed to (ie Cartian Protection 100% and Blade of Darkness and the iframes of Shadow Leap and Storming Crow)
    DrinkingNinja and Renaro like this.
  16. xMovingTarget

    xMovingTarget MadKing

    Jun 4, 2017
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    Addicted Headquarters
    expand the quote ;)
    loboram likes this.
  17. DivineEpiphany

    DivineEpiphany Getting there Forum Legend

    May 17, 2017
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    Sad to say but some of the things you say are fixed arent. acc/eva not working correctly means its still broken, and ap scaling seems fine aside from a few class based skills, its dp scaling which is causing alot of the issues in PvP and PvE. Magic crystal breaking might not be breaking all of them, but just a couple days ago I lost both crystals in my helm with 1 death. Boss scrolls are still bugging, and kama quest boss scroll still doesnt work. CC fixed has been in patch notes numerous times, lets see if it actually is this time. Ppl who arent geared are still not getting boss drops, making it very frustrating for them to go and get nothing all the time while the geared players are getting all the loot and making silver hand over fist selling it. The different pet states are for different reasons, for instance cautious is used for slower pick up rates but longer durability of stamina (good for overnight fishing with penguin) and agile gives faster pickups which is good for farming but also makes the pet burn stamina faster leading to easier leveling of the pets when your actively playing. And many of the class bugs have been reported in detail and either havent been attended to or been declined, but I do agree if the issues arent posted then ppl who know the issue and how its supposed to be need to get it reported.

    I mean I love seeing stuff get fixed, I used to rave all the time when new patch notes came out and testing what changed and loving the game overall. The server was progressing at such a great pace it literally pulled me away from other games because I was having so much fun it had to be my main game. GamezBD has loads of potential, but the fixes need to come that the players need, yeah its Carl's server and he can do what he wants with it but for the game to be successful the players have to love it, they have to believe in the project and want to invest in it. The beta rewards I think pearls to start so we could get what we wanted was a better option but yeah its subjective, and the desert changes was a collection of ideas from the player base, to not only make the server unique and have a diff place where high end players wanted to grind but also to avoid the high ends PKing lowbies for farming spots, it was a multi-use suggestion that would be a great thing if done and would be really well received by the community, but noone said it was going to happen. Yeah recently my views have been a bit negative though its not my intention, but it stems from months of falling in love with GamezBD and its team, and then seeing so many things go wrong (unfixed issues, unmade changes, p2w enhancing for premiums... for example) its heartbreaking. I just want to see GamezBD return to the awesome game we fell in love with and continue down the great path it was on.
    loboram and DrinkingNinja like this.
  18. mousekiller

    mousekiller ̶̶G̶̶L̶̶A̶̶D̶̶I̶̶A̶̶̶̶T̶̶O̶̶R̶̶̻̻̻̻̻̻̻̲̲̲̲̲

    Dec 12, 2011
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    Behind The Shadow̶̶̻̻̻̻̻̻̻̲̲̲̲̲
    sir @Carl please listen your beloved player's and our suggestion, we love your server, we will stay in your server as long as we have a time even if we have a work or families. This server i loved most even if they have bug or etc. Please fix it so we can enjoy more on your server. I think sir @Carl are online now he use hide his status. Again please listen your player's.
    DivineEpiphany likes this.
  19. Villain

    Villain Proficient

    Sep 3, 2017
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    Only thing that makes me not to play is the hackers at world bosses. Please empower individuals with powers to teleport to suspected hackers and watch them while being invisible, or remove the name hide effect from gullie costumes. I haven't logged in because of this hackers that make it so unfair to those that play the game normally.
    DivineEpiphany likes this.
  20. Lorskie

    Lorskie WTB>"QQ Section" in the forum

    Oct 13, 2017
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    I'm not really into the drama or whatever it is that happened but... wouldn't you want to get your nude pictures deleted off of the internet if they got leaked by a hacker? Just a simple analogy, I guess.
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