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Bye gamezbd, it was a long tough run. Bully's ruining the game

Discussion in 'Black Desert Discussion' started by booterbotter, May 3, 2018.

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  1. Proto

    Proto New Member

    Feb 27, 2018
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    How did you know what I was doing just now? o_O
  2. onedrkzero

    onedrkzero New Member

    Nov 15, 2015
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    We always know what you are doing Proto
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  3. FuRiouS

    FuRiouS Legendary Member

    Jun 27, 2010
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    True or false?
    n0tl0c and Proto like this.
  4. n0tl0c

    n0tl0c New Member

    Feb 26, 2018
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    BDO isn't a PvE game. The mobs here arent in anyway good content. The content in PvE here is fighting over the resource thought PvP. BDO is a PvP game with shity PvE thrown in to have a reason to PvP over something.

    Adding a pve channel would just make a large portion of the games content mute as people move there and start greifing each other.

    Im my experience the most toxic player is the carebear that goes around karmabombing people shit talking them then hiding behind guild protection. If i cant punish the player for grieifing me since he doesn't care about dieing or getting content denied about Im going after his guildmates Im my attempt to police the server as they are harboring a greifier. The greifier in your guild is the one causing you trouble, either take them off protection or kick them dont disband a guild cus of it.

    Im from Owren the least toxic retail server and we were 10x more toxic then this. Karmaboming greifing guilds would get perma deced by several same teir guilds and denied content for having greifers in their guilds as the server had a very strong sense of policing ourselves to get rid of greifers. I haven't seen many greifers in owren till the merge even though it was the RP server.

    You cant just sit their and say that bulling is all one oneside 9/10 times its punishment for a couple of your members greifing and not give a fuck about the consequences, there times it suicidal picking on another guild and getting punished by guilds like instinct fro being POS.

    protection is there to stop lower gear weak players from getting destroyed in GvGs not to shit talk and karmabomb other players. And certainty not the cast PA adn heals from a protected witch.

    If we had a way to go after the individuals causing the issues we wouldn't have to dec on guilds and have perma decs all the time to counter one players greifing.
    The karma system is much better here but still broken dying players suffer no penalties and in certain locations you cant get your karma back fast enough.
    Theres also the problem with pearl ressers that keep ressing wasting your grind time along if they are on a OP class such as mystic, stroker, musa or kuno they can jsut res 10 times and get a lucky hit off killing you. after you kill them you cant deflag fast enough to exit combat before they pearl ress also.

    So even if you can kill the dude hes just gonna pearl ress till you have to leave to get karma or just go red or if in a guild war just waste your grind time.

    Now the desert is also a grief fest as you cant even PvP. if you kill one person all they have to do is get lucky once and then you are in jail, if defeats the purpose of pvp in the desert which the desert was supposed to be a PvP area

    If there was a way to go after the individual griefer then you would have a lot less issues with guilds getting perma deced cus one dude wanted to grief since we arent trying to kill a guild just get rid of the griefing in game.

    I'm sorry if you just wanna PvE but BDO isnt a good PvE game at all in any way and thats a resource we need to progress in PvP so we are gonna fight over it to compete for the spot as along time ago in retail you would lose exp if you died in PvP and that's how the game was. you die you get punished you either came back and risked exp lost again or you left it to the winner. The game was designed around fighting for spots.
    Glatruis, Noyah and Veresk like this.
  5. RevelationsOn

    RevelationsOn Proficient

    Feb 2, 2018
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    I agree with GM Noyah, lets stay on topic instead of the personal hatred. While I myself, some friends who quit already and guildmates hate FML for being what they are well any game out there have people like them. I think the topic starter is pointing out on perma declaring on guilds who don't even give a d@mn about PVP or so and so due to that they leave guilds, go solo or eventually quit.

    In the end, you can still see where the problem is. Like my good old friend said, you can't please everyone and people quitting on a good game like gamezbd is sad.
    The other private servers sucks bigtime and gamezbd has better content, stable events etc and connection as I have tried almost all of them and still keep on coming back here.
    Going back on the topic about bullying, then I guess its all depends on the action that gamezbd staff will do.

    @Carl @Noyah @Lareldal @Kolka
    Breast and Noyah like this.
  6. busted4u

    busted4u New Member

    May 6, 2013
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    wat does BDO FML stands for? im just curious

    i like this thoughts. aside pve and pvp with other race guild war is also the best way to settle different play styles and etc
    Last edited by a moderator: May 6, 2018
  7. MusitaX

    MusitaX Proficient

    Jun 7, 2016
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    Puerto Varas, Chile.
    Cyber Bully exist if you want it to, if you allow it to. That simple. How can somebody negatively affect you with words you're reading tru a monitor wtf...
  8. RevelationsOn

    RevelationsOn Proficient

    Feb 2, 2018
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    I don't think you know how FML bully people in the server/game itself seeing your sig your an AION player. :)
    NO offense, if you don't know whats going on the server then better to share your sentiments on the proper forum and not here.
    Even gamezbd staff already knows whats going on and are on the "action" plan and everyone is just waiting for their decision.
  9. Rot1337

    Rot1337 New Member

    Mar 29, 2018
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    They had a shit rep on retail only makes sense that they are getting a shit rep here too. Only thing ever hear about them is drama, drama and drama.
    RevelationsOn likes this.
  10. Ellz

    Ellz New Member

    Apr 9, 2018
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    There's no bullying going on at all, 99% of the wars are because people chat garbage or want to take over a spot or keep a grinding spot and then refuse to concede after they are PK'd a few times.
    I've never seen someone say "lets war with the weak guilds just for the sake of it"

    At the end of the day people only enjoy one shotting people when those people have big mouths or plugged ears.

    FML don't pk people without 1.A warning 2.A reason 3.A resolution offered.
    A warning even if in the "PURGE INCOMING IN CHANNEL 2" is still a warning.
    A reason could be "you said something i disagree with" is still a reason.
    A resolution could be "apologise or engage in negotiations or even simply ask" at the very worst you disband but preferably create an alliance.
    Personally I haven't been in any position where I feel I've witnessed bullying. Just very very upset players which is understandable as 50% of this game is just a test of patience.
  11. Breast

    Breast Boobie Master

    Apr 21, 2018
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    I find it funny how FML are trying to defend themselves here by saying they can't be bullying anybody because they have "probable" or "reasonable" cause to declare on them.
    They called my mom fat? Well sorry bud but your whole guild is getting declared and camped.
    Have a bad opinion of my flawless guild? Well time to silence you with getting declared and camped for hours.
    Oh they disbanded their guild? Why would they do such a poor thing? Clearly not my fault, they must have another reason.
    But who am I to say anything. I'm not in FML so anything I say is just false information.
    It's like I have to go around screenshotting every little toxic thing they say in Server Chat or general chat.
    /shrug, can't exactly argue with a troll here. Just gotta see if Carl or the GM's here care about their community enough to even say anything.
    Wouldn't be surprised if Proto pays his way to be safe. Money does have a huge impact on these people afterall
    Just a opinion though, i'm a nobody hehe
    FoxVex, notVoided and RevelationsOn like this.
  12. RevelationsOn

    RevelationsOn Proficient

    Feb 2, 2018
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    You got a point lol
  13. Kris

    Kris New Member

    Mar 24, 2018
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    Last edited: May 7, 2018
    FoxVex and Breast like this.
  14. Coveria

    Coveria New Member

    Mar 18, 2018
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    fml doesnt own anything in any server. all you have to do if they focus on you, bring a geared level 49 alt to the so called "fml spot" and keep on grinding, maybe accumulating skill points or just collecting loot so you can reach the level of gear they dont want you to reach. dont fall into their game when you can safely ignore them.
    you want to harvest goat mountain? easy.
    level horses? be left alone and do your own thing?

    once you have enough gear to overcome their full tet - pen, lets see if they are brave enough to take you one on one.
    personally, i feel its a waste of time to argue with a tiny-handed bully. if they start calling you names or harassing you, just screenshot, post and move on. dont even look back.
  15. Ellz

    Ellz New Member

    Apr 9, 2018
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    This is the attitude people should have
    Proto likes this.
  16. Calestia

    Calestia Banned

    Jan 26, 2018
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    Yes, people should definitely limit character progression for the sake a guild that has Small Man Syndrome.
  17. Coveria

    Coveria New Member

    Mar 18, 2018
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    Grinding mob drops for money is a form of progression....as long as you dont let them stop you, you will be fine.
    Granted, they might slow you down a little, but they will never be able to stop you.
    And yes, Im sure many have wife/mommy issues and other short comings, but its up to you if you let them ruin your advancement.
  18. n0tl0c

    n0tl0c New Member

    Feb 26, 2018
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    If you don't want your guild to be disbanded don't constantly shit talk and grief the guild that's stomping you in to the ground. Most of the guilds here are weak willed AF while having too big of a ego to just quit being POS. If your guild has a perma war and is about to disband cus of it, its prob your fault for being toxic and griefing people.

    Step 1. don't karma bomb/grindspot grief
    Step 2. don't shit talk especially, after you grief'd
    Step 3. Ask for the dec to be removed and negotiate it out
    Step 4. If you are actually being bullied for little to no reason ask other guilds for help.

    You get what you give.
  19. Perverted

    Perverted New Member

    Oct 7, 2017
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    Lol. Idk....if you're going to play games like this, you need to understand the politics that go behind it. You can't just force your carebear outlook on things. I know I'm way late to the party but like dude.....stuff this is expected? You should anticipate these things. And if anything, just stay on guild's good sides. It's pretty simple. Can't beat'em? Join em. Or join their rivals. Understanding the concept of the pvp system is very important. So if you leave, I don't think anyone will really miss you. I use to be a scaredy two shoes. Now I'm comfortable with never ending wars. Not like anyone goes where I grind & stuff in the first place lol
  20. RevelationsOn

    RevelationsOn Proficient

    Feb 2, 2018
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    Your really missing out the point that FML was the issue that he was pointing out. Just like how FML is in retail and as always. Going back to the topic, another person above showed some proof that he helps the game but had to quit because of bullying. While I respect his decision joining another server, I don't think that is an actual solution to this issue since we already know what should be the solution and gamezbd staff are already in the works/meeting about it most likely. ;)
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