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GameZBD is on the decline, we need these changes!

Discussion in 'Black Desert Discussion' started by Pansy, Jul 17, 2018.

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  1. Pansy

    Pansy New Member

    Jun 5, 2018
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    Fellow gamers,

    I'm making this thread to bring attention to standing issues with this server, the population is dwindling and changes need to happen. Soon. These suggestions will bring players who quit, back into the game and steal more players from retail. Especially 1, 2 and 3. It will make a world of difference.

    Things I would like to highlight are as follows:
    1) Enhancement rates
    2) Drop rates
    3) RBF rewards
    4) Bug fixes
    5) Accuracy/Evasion

    1) Enhancement rates:
    Enhancing in retail was cancer. Worse than cancer. No one can deny that. That's what drive a ton of people away from there and brought them here. While it is easier, accessories are still cancer. If you have a player mindlessly grind for a month bashing accessories together, it burns them out. Eventually they quit, I've seen many high geared guildmates yolo accessories and quit. It's ridiculous. Let the players enjoy the game as it was meant to be played. So what if more people get to the end-game gearscore? More power to them, more chances of fair fights.

    Increase enhancement rates for accessories. Like double them. AT LEAST.

    2) Drop rates:
    When I first started playing GamezBD, I had no problem grinding sheeps for hards/sharps for 2-3 hours a day. I had a good return and I was happy putting in the time for the reward. Right now I see a lot of people complaining about gathering rates. I myself have tried it and feels worse than it was.

    Also for accessories and stuff. Like 4-6 crescents an hour should easily be the standard. This is a private server after all.

    Increase it? Let people get rewarded for the valuable time they put in.

    3) RBF rewards:
    I feel RBF is dying. If we make the RBF double rewards event permanent, it will definitely bring life into RBF on the weekdays. Of course the activity of players will definitely be bolstered by 1 and 2, this will make it even better.

    Make the double RBF event permanent! Add ADDITIONAL rewards on weekends, like exp or PEN reblaths for the kek.

    4) Bugs ( MUSA & KUNO ):
    It's no secret that Projection and Delightful Blast are broken. I was a Musa but rerolled out of it because it was really stupid and I didn't like the playstyle.
    Musa has buffs incoming as we've seen on retail. Now would be a good time to fix Projection and Kuno... It's really really stupid. For those of you who don't know, let me explain the situation with Projection. Projection is supposed to be a knockback or knockdown but instead it has a pull effect combined with it. You can react and try to dash out of it, but if you're caught you're stuck in the whole animation. Not to mention it does a ridiculous amount of damage.

    5) Accuracy / Evasion:
    Accuracy and evasion is iffy on this server. Can one of the staff please elaborate on how it works here?? From our perspective it's not working as intended. If a skill has x8, that means the damage registers 8 separate times. But it seems as though if the 1st misses all the subsequent hits miss? Can we get some clarification on this?

    @Everyone: if you have anything you want me to add to this list, please message down below. These changes will make the game better everyone. It'll bring in more players and retain the existing ones better. 1 - 3 especially are no brainers. Let me know what ya'll think.

    @Staff: Plis?

    Last edited: Jul 17, 2018
  2. axtranti

    axtranti New Member

    Aug 8, 2014
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    bdo is a progression game where progression means almost everything, once having full pen and the pvp scene being this dead there is literally else nothing to do but reroll and world boss fight people. Making enhancing easier, shards/hards will just make people quit faster due what previously stated. I know it's a pserver and is meant to be easier, which it is. But making it so easy to the point is too easy will just make the game worst.
  3. Pansy

    Pansy New Member

    Jun 5, 2018
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    You know what's worst? The fact people who started earlier could enhance easier and make cash easier. Mem frags used to be double what they are right now. So why should new players be punished for starting later? Starting from scratch should be enough.
    djinner likes this.
  4. HydraGoPC

    HydraGoPC Proficient

    Jun 27, 2018
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    I agree with some of the statements you made, but making it easier will make people stop playing earlier. I fully agree with Axtranti on this. Enhancement is fine in my opinion. Easy to get hards/ sharps and memory fragments. And above all that, free Artisan Memories :)

    The only thing in this game at the moment that are annoying for me is that the Elite-bosses from scrolls, Ogres, Gahaz, etc are bugged. You get hit from behind. They seem to be somewhere else then on my screen.
  5. ncplay91

    ncplay91 Getting there

    Feb 16, 2018
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    6. Costumes.. Idk how to spend my pearls and it's getting boring to see the same costumes over and over again.
    PotatoBrandon likes this.
  6. Nanum

    Nanum Getting there

    Jun 24, 2018
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    started playing about 2 weeks ago.

    For erverything you always have to be in mind, this is a private Server. Most people play here, to get stuff more easy.

    But in comparision to my official server experience there are some problems here.

    Enhancement isn´t more easy. I´ve failed about 100 Silver Embroidered Cook's Clothes to get one +1. Thats much worse than official server. But this only for example.

    In general there is no really "p server feeling" on my side. Yes, I get more drops. But enhancement in general feels exactly like official server, partly even worse.

    So what I think? PvP is dead, cause PEN or very high equippt players, which play much longer than me are just one hitting me.

    Drop rates on Boss Armor are ridiculous. Im on p Server cause i don´t wanna kill dim tree 10000 times to get something.

    But I think there won´t be any change in the future. So we have to take the situation like it is now. GamezBD is just the best pServer on BDO on market.
  7. OwnageFTW

    OwnageFTW New Member

    Aug 16, 2010
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    I agree, enhancing rate mainly on profession clothes is cancer here. I've been trying to get a +2 cook clothes since I had 25 FS, now im at 37 and still dont have one. Not to mention that you cant +1 them by smashing like retail, it looks like it has a 0% success chance (Wasted around 30 trying that). Should definitely be better than current rates.
    Dracken and Nanum like this.
  8. SpunkyPunky

    SpunkyPunky New Member

    Apr 28, 2018
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    Make the drop filter a standard thing and not a premium perk...premium already has many buff perks, but the amount of stuff like green items that drop and ruin peoples ability to grind certain spots is something you can not turn off due to the increased drop rates. You may not think something like that affects the player base, but it does...I know a few players who went back to retail due to not wanting to have to stop grinding every couple minutes to throw stuff out of their inventory and on retail, they just didn't have to do it. I also know people who just do things afk instead of grinding for the same reasons. Now you may also be thinking, these players aren't supporting the server financially, so we aren't as concerned if they are not playing because they don't have the drop filter...well just because they don't buy premium all the time, it doesn't mean they aren't going to buy it in the future and they make the world more populated, making other players that may spend money on premium feel like the world is more alive and in turn, those players may be more willing to buy premium and play the game more, instead of having them feeling like the server is not active and going to play another game.
  9. DarknessBDO

    DarknessBDO New Member

    May 27, 2018
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    No one is going to talk about accuracy or evasion because its a ninja/sorc thing. They come from retail and think those classes are "carried" and "op" but here they are shit, so people that wanted to gear up here to experience there classes can not, they have to go striker because of the accuracy missing and evasion bugging. On a ninja/kuno stacking evasion does nothing here with pen Muskans/Heve/Tadd etc. They do nothing even with people only having 300 max accuracy because of the AP monkey meta.
    Strikers on the other hand mainly Redblood (a guldie of mine) is able to stack evasion and dr like Layven on BDO RETAIL and tank min 3 people in rbf. (hes a striker) but for other classes they suffer from the accuracy being busted.

    Im going to rant a bit because we never wanted this in the first place but: Renown score is cucking us all. We never wanted it here but we still got it and people that still play here and started earlier with full pen can be gear carried/class. With people under then like 20-45 gs lower are unable to kill them when there ap build because of the added dr.

    For an example with accuracy missing on skills such as the known bug on ninjas: Serpent Ascension.
    Serpent Ascension
    its a x3 and x5 hit skill and requires float for damage but even when it will float the way this server is coded it will miss every other hit on high gs targets even low targets such as 125 dp isn't one shooted by 250-270ap because of this bug, its rng pvp.

    We need the CC Changes for double grabs because we all know that 180ap on some classes are = to 296ap for full DP build such as a striker for example double grab at 190 AP vs full pen (315dp) is still one combed but if its reverse on say a Sorc or ranger its not the same and does a 1/4th -1/2 of the health.
    djinner likes this.
  10. Owari

    Owari New Member

    May 27, 2018
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    -I agree pretty much with everything you said lmao, and even while enhancing shouldn't be too easy I agree it should be significantly less bad. Like why do I need a hundred of an accessory to get it tri, hello? Blow up 20 serap's in a row starting at 30fs? Fucking stupid. Also I failed tet dande so many times it took until 85fs to succeed one of the Tets and 86fs on Pen lmfao, feels like retail honestly. Sure as fuck didn't deal with getting any accessory past Tri (and I wanted to get it pen before I quit, didn't care about fs)
    -The drops, eh, it feels like they keep nerfing them, it used to not be a problem but yeah you still have to grind a lot, which wouldn't be a problem if either you could actually succeed your enhancements, or if getting to pen was actually worth it lmfao, musa projection/kuno thot spin/accuracy+evasion have been broken from the beginning of this server, Carl doesn't actually do anything. GamezAion was the same way, he did a little bit of work, pushed the rest onto his other devs, adds these "paid enhancement boost" shit and sits back and lets the money roll in. Same as Kakao, just expedited. You should at least work for your income, am I not correct?
    -People don't want to do rbf (as much) because the pvp is so bad. Obviously retail bdo and the complete ineptitude of Pearl Abyss is responsible for destroying the game but accuracy being this fucked up is ruining p-server as well. You can still pvp but at 520gs you still get deleted, even full tri players do enough damage and if you get hit once you're generally stuck in their entire combo. Though increasing the rewards would probably help.
    -Yeah, accuracy and the bugs man. I'm not the most geared of course but being full Tet armors with pen dande and tri accs should be enough to do Hystria/Gyfins/Manshaums/every PvE area in the game but you still get killed in 2 hits because there's no chance of evading attacks. Plus it's not even worth to farm those areas because you make more at Nagas, so they honestly should buff high-gs PvE areas as a motivation to keep playing the damn game. I also did a bit of testing on a few characters (like with evasion and DR builds) and my conclusion is mob attacks also work like "percent damage x hits", and since the damage is so high evading at least 2 (of however many hits the attack is) on average cuts out a good 400 damage per attack at around 310dp. Additionally you start to feel a point of diminishing returns once you pass 280 dp so that's like another incentive to not care, not that we need more reasons.

    Since I know the devs (neither Pearl Abyss nor Gamez staff) don't give a damn, I haven't even logged in lmao all the shit to do in the world and they expect players to sit by and tolerate their tight asses being fingerpopped constantly? I'll pass. Closers is a hella fun game.
    Nanum likes this.
  11. ollie1221

    ollie1221 New Member

    Jun 9, 2018
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    The lag/desyc and some EU servers would be sweet ;)
  12. Kolka

    Kolka <Prison Officer> Staff Member Super Moderator

    Dec 11, 2011
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    Criminal Camp
    1) We have statistics, newcommers can have top equip in 2-3 month of play, so this will not changed.
    2) Same here, stats show our x10 rates is enough, players have enough items in world also u can see it by marketplace, its full of items, and enchanted items also.
    3) We have weekend reward and if make it permanent it will not add interest to it, cuz players will knonw it will be always, on weekend its also hyped cyz its time to get more rewards.

    4) Agree, this need rework and we will do.
    5) Same here, this mechanic will be reworked when we done new formula.
    Lareldal likes this.
  13. ollie1221

    ollie1221 New Member

    Jun 9, 2018
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    Could there be any chance of moving nodewars back by a few hours? Im gutted that i cant attend as it finishes at about 2am for me.
  14. Haiboku

    Haiboku New Member

    Jul 19, 2018
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    1) Enhancement rates
    I disagree with that. For me (and the ppl I know) the enhancement rates are fine. You already get like 10 times more ressources or accessoire. So you have more tries. It is still a mmorpg and this one is not an ultra high rate server. We want to play some months (or weeks) before being full pen. Rng is still a *****.

    2) Drop rates
    As mentioned above we already get enough.

    3) RBF rewards
    I can understand both sides and have to agree with the mods. On the other side ppl just wait for the weekend and do not have any interest to do rbf in the week due to 50% ressources.


    Like ollie1221 said it would be a good thing to move the nodewar back (1-4 hours if possible). For people from Europe it is not that easy to participate at Nodewars. It starts at 24:00 or something like that and ends at 02:00. Maybe it will help to get more people to play pvp then.
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2018
  15. Nanum

    Nanum Getting there

    Jun 24, 2018
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    this is partly wrong. How i mentioned is the enhancement rate auf the Silver Embroidered Cook's Clothes and any other working clothes broken and noboidy cares. It should be 30% on +1, but it is like 2.5-5% ...

    Proof for 30% on +1: https://bdocodex.com/us/item/14019/?sl=1#1
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2018
  16. kuroi andrelet

    kuroi andrelet Getting there

    Jun 21, 2010
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    the economy of the server is a shity for a p.server i see so much items stuck and the price of market is too high for the amount of the items, i don't see never a change in the top or low prices and that is a problem
  17. Haiboku

    Haiboku New Member

    Jul 19, 2018
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    It may be true that those are bugged. But i never said it is not like that, didn't I? I just disagreed with the guy who opened this thread.
    Nanum likes this.
  18. Pansy

    Pansy New Member

    Jun 5, 2018
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    1) While I understand it's possible with 2-3 months of grind to hit that even with the bad rates - I've personally seen multiple players, who btw spend a decent amount of $$ on the game, quit because of it. Why not give it a bit of boost and retain more players? It's known that mem frags used to sell for 1.5m each. Now it's half the price. Players who played earlier made a ton more money than new players now, which made it easier to hit that full pen accessory mark. Please reconsider it, it would be much more beneficial to the server as a whole if we retain these potentially active players. A lot of people run from retail to avoid the cancer of accessories. Even if someone has full pen accessories, that won't be the end, they would start enhancing more stuff after for build diversity. Like DP accessories. It would help the economy for those less favorable accessories like Cadry Rings/ Centaur Belts.

    2) Same point as before, it was easier now it was nerfed. While there is a small supply of items like crescent rings, it's the amount of tri's, tet and pen sold are 6, 3, 3 respectively. At least the rates for Hards & Sharps?

    3) I understand, it can go both ways. But it's ridiculously dead during the weekdays. I'll leave that judgement to you.
  19. PotatoBrandon

    PotatoBrandon New Member

    Jun 8, 2018
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    Give this guy more attention please! I, myself, also tired of seeing the same costumes every single day.
  20. One

    One Be so good they can’t ignore you.

    Mar 26, 2018
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    All you people crying about how new players can’t do this or that need to stfu. Stop crying and get grinding. If you actually knew what you were doing you could have full boss gear at tet in a month or less. Plan your enhancing around the weekend enhancing event. Grind out hards, sharps, mem frags and boss gear/weapons in between events.
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