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What's the point of playing this server anymore?

Discussion in 'Black Desert Discussion' started by Pan94, Nov 18, 2018.

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  1. Pan94

    Pan94 New Member

    Nov 18, 2018
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    Quick information about my situation. Used to be softcap player in retail, I started to play this server because it has an "easy" way to get cap without spending much time. But last month this server experienced some changes that IMO is about to kill it completly.

    • SD: Special deals was the best way to play the game and not feel alone. You could go here and there and grind with your friend and actually have fun. (They nerfed it)
    • Easyer enhancment was great and refreshing. No longer stressfull enhancing sesions like in retail (they nerfed it smh and right now is worse than retail)

    So now that we have lost couple of the most interesting things that was making unique this server, what left? I'd say what. You have horrible lagging server, bunch of buggs, worse enhancing (no caphras, no valks cry, lower ratios of enhancing), and easy leveling and skillpoints? Who gives a fuck... In retail literally in 2 days you can be 61. Honestly why should I bother playing this server anymore? Free pearls? For what?

    If you don't belive me that rigth now enhancing in this server is bullshit in comparisson of retail, let me tell you that I have upgraded around 100+items to past TRI and I never had such a bad luck. BTW still have both of my weapons on PRI. Enjoy this server while it last. I will wait a week if they doesnt change anything i will just go back to retail, where I have more content, less lagg and basically same dificulty.

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  2. Jylin

    Jylin New Member

    Oct 8, 2018
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    So wait, you managed to get full PEN on retail in 2 weeks?
    RevelationsOn likes this.
  3. RevelationsOn

    RevelationsOn Proficient

    Feb 2, 2018
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    Same thoughts lol.
    He must be outdated not knowing that PRI to TRI are pain here while TET to PEN are way easier specially w/ premium membersship lmao
  4. BDlydNa

    BDlydNa Getting there

    Aug 2, 2018
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    This is just not true. I try for one Week to get PEN Griffon, failed 9 times and currently stuck with 102 FS on my Main. Never ever needed so many before. Indeed DUO-TRI is a Pain and after the Nerf a good Reason to Quit, but TET-PEN is for sure not easier.
  5. RevelationsOn

    RevelationsOn Proficient

    Feb 2, 2018
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    Nah, you prolly are not on premium subscription. I never had problems on TET and PEN as long as I have around 20-50FS with premium membership on.
  6. BDlydNa

    BDlydNa Getting there

    Aug 2, 2018
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    Sadly i made the mistake and used to be Premium since Day One. Still 20 Days left but wont happen again for sure ;)
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  7. RevelationsOn

    RevelationsOn Proficient

    Feb 2, 2018
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    Too bad for you, I'm on premium since last year, I created this account Feb 2018 for the sake of asking questions/suggestions etc but never did I failed on my Enhancements.
    Maybe your unlucky :) I feel bad for you, old players who played for a year would know enhancing TET and PEN is way easier compared to PRI to TRI :p
  8. Xarkat

    Xarkat New Member

    Nov 21, 2018
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    After the second SD nerf and other hidden nerfs, there is no point in playing. The main goal of this server was easier progress compared to retail. Unfortunately after recent events server starts to resemble retail. I played 2 months on NA and a month+ on EU I always enhance my gear during enhance weekend + premium, I couldn’t get even 1 PEN. Enhance rate are very odd. For example I tried DUO to TRI from 19fs to 59fs failed, then I tried TRI to TET from 38fs to 65fs failed. Before I quit, I tried one more time PRI to DUO, starting from 10fs to 50fs, also failed. I understand some RNG but I try enhance different gear, always fail no matter if I had a lot or few fs. Unfortunately I can not spend 6+ hours/day of active play and therefore I stopped playing here. From what I see on the discord BOT also the majority of people resigned. Few weeks ago EU 6k+ active people now 2.8k…
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  9. pa3ck

    pa3ck New Member

    Sep 30, 2018
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    SD nerf:
    It was not nerfed, it was adjusted. Couple of weeks ago, there was no such thing as auto-buy every X hours. On maintenance, the SD was sold for as much as their value were at the time... almost always the prices were down to the minimum. People then asked to implement an auto-buy that will buy everything at midnight, which they did but they never thought about the percentages, if you went grinding 1 or 2 hours before the reset, you would have gotten 80-90% of the price, which was not intended in the first place.

    Enchantment changes:
    I'm so glad they did it.. why? It's so easy to get 30+ failstacks going DUO on boss gear, I know it doesn't sound good, but one of the bottlenecks in this game is the failstacks you have, it is almost impossible to get 15 fs on reblath, let alone 40 fs for a tri-tet try... TET and PEN is the same rate, maybe even easier? I just got 2 PENs in the last few days with 38fs and 54fs...
    loboram likes this.
  10. loboram

    loboram Respected Member Forum Legend

    Jan 29, 2018
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    Look it is ALWAYS easy to throw stones at the people who you actually want HELP from, if it really makes you personally so miserable that you no longer want to play here then why on Earth make this post/thread?

    If you want to leave then leave, there is no reason at all to throw shaite at the staff of GamezBD BEFORE you leave.
  11. ramos117

    ramos117 New Member

    Oct 28, 2018
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    It's called feedback, for when they see the playerbase dropping from 2k to 1k they'll have answers here on the forums. Hell EU went from 5k to 3k and NA from 3.6k to like 2.2k

    Oh and most of those people are afk online for free pearls, god forgive they do that and lose their whole playerbase.
    Mycca likes this.
  12. Vixious

    Vixious New Member

    Oct 7, 2018
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    You have a habit of posting aggressively without adding anything to the thread while also sucking the toes of gamez staff. Feedback is important, and I agree with the poster. I joined and things seemed fine because of being a new player and all the hype surrounding free pearls and whatnot here... but there are issues on this server in terms of balancing the economy and enhancing. Like I failed duo up to 35+ fs several times which is very odd. Only seems to ever go if rng decides to give me a pass on a tri stack-- not every single time but *most* times. If you want to call people miserable/terrible and tell them to quit on every thread, maybe you should stop posting. Go dm the staff directly to swoon and leave the forums alone; they are for feedback like this in case you weren't aware.

    I stopped being online even for the free pearls because a lot of the seasonal outfits are holed up in their donate shop even when the appropriate seasons rolls around. Many people play mmos like this for the aesthetics. I know I do. This server is not far off from a mini kakao/PA of their own caliber with stuff like this: the 'Pay or too bad' mentality. Premium imo should be the only thing they make you do this for but I guess where there is money to be made some people cannot pass up an opportunity. The game isn't even theirs to begin with so it kinda makes me chuckle that some players defend the devs here for putting a mandatory price tag on stolen goods.

    Anyway, unpopular opinion, I know. My friends here still want me to play so I try to log in sometimes but the server is becoming more and more like retail and I don't see that as a good thing.

    edit: also something else the devs here should look into is rebalancing the world bosses... especially the ones that die within 20 seconds (which is most of them), leaving everyone with only 2-3% damage dealt just to wait another 2-4 hours to try again.
    Last edited: Nov 21, 2018
    ramos117 and Mycca like this.
  13. itseuropa

    itseuropa Morningstar

    Oct 2, 2017
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    When you're tired and done with the game then just quit or go on hiatus...lmfao
    loboram likes this.
  14. sergio909

    sergio909 Proficient

    Nov 25, 2010
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    How many failstacks do you use? To enchant to PRI or TRI? It requires few more IQ than number of your total posts on this forum to find out ther is different failstack formula than on retail. Its harder to get past PRI-TRI but much easier to get TET-PEN. Honestly nobody cares. Go to global and enjoy this p2w cashgrab and leave us alone ;)

    OMEGAWLH New Member

    Nov 8, 2018
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    Don't expect to get pen without premium this server is more p2w than retail imo. .new player here
  16. loboram

    loboram Respected Member Forum Legend

    Jan 29, 2018
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    It is fine that you have a reason for the thread, I suppose that having a bunch of spoiled individuals crying and whinning about the game being too easy, then it is too hard, then this, then that; is in essence feedback of some kind, however as anyone can read something and add their own take on it (usually saying that they read it as if...) my opinion on this specific subject is the same as it has always been: Stop complaining and make your own server if this one is so horrible to you.

    Hello again @Vixious, we have had our differences in the past however I do not attack you personally or even insinuate bad things about you so I would just like to ask you why do you do that against me so often?
    "You have a habit of posting aggressively without adding anything to the thread while also sucking the toes of gamez staff."

    Also you have a very bad habit of reading whatever you want into the post I have posted.
    "If you want to call people miserable/terrible and tell them to quit on every thread, maybe you should stop posting."

    At no point have I called anyone anything, you took that completely out of context and immediately made it into a weapon against me, I specifically said: "...if it really makes you personally so miserable that you no longer want to play here...".

    So once again; Hello again @Vixious why are you constantly being so aggressive towards me as well as saying worrying things like the quote; "Go dm the staff directly to swoon and leave the forums alone; they are for feedback like this in case you weren't aware."
    Seriously what is "dm"?
    Do you have a personal problem against me perhaps is that why this is always your way of answering my posts?
  17. Villain

    Villain Proficient

    Sep 3, 2017
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    Dang, I didn't know you can go full pen in a month on retail.
    Mycca likes this.
  18. Akrel

    Akrel Proficient

    Feb 14, 2014
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    How did SD get nerfed ? ( i'm new here )
  19. BDlydNa

    BDlydNa Getting there

    Aug 2, 2018
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    With Full PEN you mean PEN Boss Gear right? Cause for sure you wont get Full PEN on Gamez within a month. Also try getting Full PEN right now without P2W Premium and after the unnecessary Enchant Nerf. I stuck on 108 FS after failing PEN Griffon 11 times.
    Special Deals income has been Cut down so hard that you have to play half Day now to make it worth.
  20. kazen1

    kazen1 New Member

    Sep 30, 2012
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    That's a lie though, you can make 300-600mil in about two hours with SD, and the part with less PEN rates is wrong as well, it's just you being unlucky.
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