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Make GameZ BDO great again !

Discussion in 'Black Desert Discussion' started by eminescu83, Nov 18, 2018.

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  1. Rah97

    Rah97 New Member

    Oct 3, 2018
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    Its funny that you're bashing all of those methods of making money, but I've made a couple bil a week from alchemy, and I know people who make just as much doing those other methods. But hey, if you refuse to actually look for a way to make money in a sandbox mmo and expect it to just be delivered to you by the devs in a similar fashion as breaking and exploiting SD's, have fun playing the game and best of luck.
    loboram and Toenail like this.
  2. Toenail

    Toenail Proficient

    Mar 29, 2018
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    I have another theory. Some complaints may be getting louder to get people to go to the competition? Looking around the Internet, there definitely seems to be a concerted effort from some quarters to do this (it ain't half bloomin' obvious actually lol).
    loboram likes this.
  3. LilithValentine

    LilithValentine New Member

    Nov 7, 2018
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    about pvp pk ...
    there is a possibility
    to create only pve server?
    for people who just want to enjoy the game without worrying about dying every moment?
    desertkatze, LucyCelles and JenaOne like this.
  4. JenaOne

    JenaOne New Member

    Oct 29, 2018
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    I would like that too, or a day or 2 on one channel that was pve only. That would help so much. I just hate being pk'd. Even if I can beat them, I hate getting hit from the back for no reason. I tend to not grind because I am not up to worrying about it. Other times I love the pvp part of the game, but not always. So I would like a time to be totally safe when grinding.
    desertkatze and LilithValentine like this.
  5. paulieuk

    paulieuk New Member

    Nov 1, 2018
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    To be Honest the economy is so messed up here i CAN NOT afford to buy boss gear never mind upgrade it, having to rely on SD's is not the answer as there are huge gaps in gear score i can't tackle the stuff others are at my lvl. I am lvl 60 with gear the same as lvl 50
    desertkatze likes this.
  6. loboram

    loboram Respected Member Forum Legend

    Jan 29, 2018
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    First off I would like to thank @Rah97 because -as always <3- you said more or less exactly what I wanted to say. I did take the time to read the entire thread though and it does seem like what @Toenail said is more and more true. These "new" players coming out of the woodworks yelling loudly while proclaiming this server and community to be unplayable (according to which standard I have no idea) telling people to just stop playing here because of this and that.

    @eminescu83 I do like that you took the time to voice your opinion however this is the 6th (just a wild guess) thread -or more- about the exact same thing, if you go to those other posts they basically all say the same thing over and over again. Now I get that if you are mainstream oriented you will never question anything the media tells you and can therefore easily fall for these cowardly tactics to undermine our community and serverbase. If you however are an intelligent adult that can think for themselves then you can question the validity of these claims that this server is now unplayable.
    Even I made a thread about the concerns I had with the new EU server but I did not start the same rant that so many post have about the same thing being wrong with this server.

    So in all fairness GamezBD is a project in development and as such it will continually change, sometimes it will be something you like, sometimes it will be something you do not like, very much in tune with the gamecore of Black Desert Online namely; RNG (Random Number Generator).
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2018
    Toenail, paulieuk and RevelationsOn like this.
  7. RevelationsOn

    RevelationsOn Proficient

    Feb 2, 2018
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    This won't end hehe. Those "new" players will just post and post the same thing all over again.
    Toenail likes this.
  8. piotrkefas

    piotrkefas New Member

    Jun 30, 2013
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    I was off for few months. Bringing trade up is very good improvement. But i agree with OP. Kama mobs are still not fixed. They are like 3x times stronger than on retail. Hard/Sharp rates are still to low ( especially sharp rate is like 1x per 15 hards, should be 1/3 or 1/5). Making money from enchanting boss gear is to slow to be competetive to other $ methtods.

    Proper game should have all money making methods giving similar profits at base lvl and more rewarding if you progress futher in chosen direction.

    GamezBD looks now like Diablo III where among dozens of items there is only one TOP most reliable set and ladderboards looks like 990 out of 1000 people play exacly same build.

    But in Diablo III this problem will be fixed in next patch which gives very positive feeling. All sets and builds will be adjusted to be equally fair for end game so me and many other people will be able to use builds ,which before was only "for fun" on lower tiers, for highest G rift tiers aka end game.

    I would like to see similar balance on GamezBD :)
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2018
    desertkatze likes this.
  9. RevelationsOn

    RevelationsOn Proficient

    Feb 2, 2018
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    the reason some monsters and world boss are OP here is because its easier to hit 550GS+ here compared to retail. That gives it more challenge, heck before there were no stocks at most of Tungrad accessories but now, people just flood the MP but of course people still flood pre ordering so its still hard to get but if you have the silvers and time, you can get them anytime. This is comparing the game today and last months months months.......ago. :)
  10. loboram

    loboram Respected Member Forum Legend

    Jan 29, 2018
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    Alright, I actually like this, not about the Diablo reference, but in general good feedback.
    In my opinion the Kamasylvia mobs were intentionally "Powered Up" because of the sheer lack of group play which the entire game is actually set up for. Remember that the "official" version is not the real version of the game in its entirety, the original game version was the one the Koreans made where the game had two specific paths to take the players through the game. One where the players sided with the blackspirit which lead to being "evil", the other one (which got lost) where the players ended up helping the secret guards and becoming "good". There were actual consequences for your violent actions and it took nearly forever to revert that as well as leveling and so on took forever, basically the entire game was MADE to keep people online and playing for years.

    If we look at the state of the game right now in the "official" version, they are now copying the private server leveling bonuses, they are still extremely pay-to-win oriented, and there is still a toxic-player-abusive-atmosphere.

    Here on this community we have the benefit of actually being able to converse with the developers, moderators, and administrators. We have no pay-to-win aspects (no matter how much you disagree), we all get free pearls at the same rate, we have an absolutely wonderful playerbase who generally respect the "PvP rules" (something I just made up); which state: "thou shall not kill unless forced to". The gameworld is BIG and to say that one player is messing up your rotation is just bullox, stop behaving like a spoiled kid and leave some space for other players.

    Now that all aside, of course there are ways to improve the state of this server and community, there is a need to confront the issues that are really problematic, for instance the game breaking exploits. But it is just a matter of time really, or so I hope, and then these things will be fixed.

    I know the game can be played in a myriad of ways, sadly -as you mentioned- people generally behave like herd animals by just following someone who shouts loudly enough about having the "easy" answer to all their problems. That is the biggest problem really, that people play the game thinking that there is a "perfect" way to play or that there is a way to win this game. Unfortunately most of these people will not really understand the basis of this particular game as it is rather unique, as such they will end up being bored or disappointed because it is not what expected. It gets even worse if you just blindly follow one person's view of how to play the game and meassure your progress.

    In any case I do want change to come to our server but NOT from those people who think that the game should be their own personal-sandbox-game, where they get everything right upfront and have to do nothing at all in-game but run around and killing other players.
    RevelationsOn likes this.
  11. Elyann

    Elyann Getting there

    Sep 11, 2018
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    I switched from retail to this server because of the better exp / money / drop / enchanting rates.....now if these get nerfed here too then what would be my reason to stay ?

    I like having Gamez be a rather casual friendly server ,
    I am not saying the players should do nothing and get everything right away but I am also taking in consideration the fact that many of us have school , jobs or simply just a normal human life to also deal with ; a game should be a game , something you play by the end of the day to chill with your friends , have fun and....why not ? Progress and get better stuff.
    I don't want this game or this server to throw back retail's "welcome to your second job" experience.
    I'd also like to remind to some people here that not everyone enjoys gathering and crafting and that these things shouldn't be forced down on everyone just cause to them "this is the way the game is meant to be played " because that's not true...every way to make money should reward you with somewhat similar profit, even grinding.

    I actually agree with OP's points here and I think Gamez is already a big improvement over the official servers , I've been playing on it for a couple of months ( almost three ) by now and I'm having fun nor I'm finding it too hard to reach TET ( and mayhap PEN relatively soon...) so far but there's still lots of room for improvement and polishing .
    Classes still need to be balanced ( some classes literally dominate in both pve and pvp while others keep being underdogs and by quite a lot ) , there's lots of bugs ( just look at Kutum tbh... ) , some grinding spots should be more viable ( Kama for example ) , battlegrounds should also be more balanced ( I'm not even facing the gear issue here cause it's somewhat mitigated by the TET and PEN enhancing rates and by the higher drop rates + money rates ) and so on...

    I am quite faithful that Gamez GMs will be able to handle these issues and make the game get even better but for now , while I still love this server , I prefer to keep a bit of my scepticism at hand .
    desertkatze likes this.
  12. piotrkefas

    piotrkefas New Member

    Jun 30, 2013
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    I don't really understand why Kama mobs would be intentionally powered up because of lack of group play.Playing in group is generally much easier so it would be understable for Kama mobs to be powered up. Still I've played Kama with my guildmates, everyone 500gs+ and it was still way to hard, not to mention that Gyfin Rhasia Temple mobs 2 hit player even with 550gs.
    So if people play kama solo and they mostly do, mobs should stay same as retail, if there is of lack of group play because it'll be still harder solo than with party.
    I agree with rest of your post but there are many people with very little patience. I remember when EU server came up for GamezBD. Average amount of players online was 3000+ 24/5 and 4000+ during weekends both on EU and NA. Now it is merely around 2000 people online. So yeah it is best private server for Black Desert. Much better than official BDO server but many folks get discouraged when they won't find proper balance of ingame activities.

    Hey. I don't have any problem with world bosses. I also speak precisely about mobs in Kama. High spots in Valencia have same GS requirements like Kama yet there are still easier to farm than Kamasylvia which is rarely visited by players. I spent a lot of time in Kama on gathering and i see that grinding spots are empty while Valencia is full of people who compete for spots. So i highly doubt that intention of GamezBD Staff is to purposely nerf or make some places OP. I suppose that are just miscalculations in coding of Kama mobs and empty spots suggest that it's still not profitable even with 550gs. There is no damage boosting into infinite in Black Desert so it's weird idea that some mobs are boosted because it easier to get full PEN or so. If mobs are boosted up they will be still slower to deal with even with full PEN :p
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2018
    loboram likes this.
  13. loboram

    loboram Respected Member Forum Legend

    Jan 29, 2018
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    Look I like that you can voice your opinion without throwing a hissy fit, but there are some aspects that I do not think you know about, like the above quote; How would you know about the way the game is meant to be played? Did you work on the original game idea with the Koreans?

    Look I know that I sound like a prick right now and I am sorry, but seriously look at the BIG picture; the game is as the game was designed. NOT by GamezBD, NOT by Kakao, but by the team in Korea in the company Pearl Abyss. They have a completely different view on gaming than any of you in the NA or EU region, which means that they HAD to change many of the gamecore structures for the game to work at all in those regions. In the end it still all boils down to if an individual likes the game for what it is instead of what they think it is, or what they want it to be.

    Funny thing is that the only place you can find Black Desert Online in a form that some might enjoy more is on Private Servers, I personally like the game as it is and the only thing that is detracting from my overall gaming experience is the majority of wankers constantly whining about what they want, which seems to be their own private server. So please, once and for all, stop spreading your insane ideals about this game to the people who have not played it yet, this is a game for all and as such you cannot expect your every little whim to be instantly met with "of course sir as you wish".

    THIS IS BLAAAAAACK DEEEEESEEEEEERT...online... (300 style)
    RevelationsOn likes this.
  14. sergio909

    sergio909 Proficient

    Nov 25, 2010
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    All i see is that you cant read patch notes properly... Or you dont want to understand em...

    "- Implemented anti-afk system for low-level character on horse (if you afk grind on mount with 50 or less level you will lose drop rate bonuses)"
    Where did Carl mentioned its about AFK horse lvling?

    And also you dont seem to understand it. Do you see word "AFK"?? People were locking LMB with ranger and getting their horse stuck. What has let them farm skeletons ENTIRE NIGHT WHILE AFK. It doesnt affect your drop rate if you are not afk.
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2018
    RevelationsOn likes this.
  15. RevelationsOn

    RevelationsOn Proficient

    Feb 2, 2018
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    Even when lolhero already asked the endless same questions and kolka answered them, no one bothered watching/listening on the vids. :(

    Though this was also on the other threads. Don't believe the haters, just enjoy the game and if you don't or can't enjoy anymore you can freely move on. It's not like you spend 5000 USD like what you spent in retail on here right? lol
    As for us who enjoys the game, we will stay and support gamezbd just like how most of us supported gamezaion through the years. (Yeah my 9yo gamezaion is still alive lol)
    Toenail and loboram like this.
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