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Random nerfs, unknown nerfs and the damage they deal to the trustworthiness of the server.

Discussion in 'Black Desert Discussion' started by asd321asd, Feb 9, 2019.

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  1. RevelationsOn

    RevelationsOn Proficient

    Feb 2, 2018
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    There are people who knows how to be content on what the server brings and there are oppositions that hates certain changes and can't adapt the change.
    Not sure on your work environment if you do already work but change is inevitable.
    Learning to adapt to the change is hard as to learning how not to hate a game that you love.
    While it may have not been answered officially here in the forums............ @Noyah @Kolka have explained that the changes are for balance.
    We may not all agree, it was damn hard for me to accept the fact that horse wagon training was nerfed as well but at the end of the day....
    This is a private server, they are deemed on what they want to change, nerf or buff.
    Even if you donated a million USD or Euros, it won't change the fact that this owned by @Carl and not by a company.

    How many private servers have you guys played? How much money did you spent in retail just to get pearls and buy that awesome costume/outfit, pets etc?
    This is why people can't get along... There are who knows how to be content and there are people who can't stand changes.
    Same logic applies for republican vs democratic in the US gov.....
    One will be an opposition, while the other will be a pro-gov.
    Going back to the topic, why why why all the nerf and changes? It's found in the discord patch notes. You want an elaboration of that one? Go ask Kolka, GM Noyah or perhaps directly Carl if it bothers you that much.
    Toenail, dziku and insanqta like this.
  2. insanqta

    insanqta New Member

    Jan 23, 2019
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    The thing is.. changes are always welcome if they are good and not breaking the already working system. As long as there are people like you who JUST DEFEND everything MASTERS are doing.. changes are not for good.. but just CHANGES whatever they are. I am in the server after actual nerfs happened.. so i am not adapting to anything.. I see that reducing people progression when half the server is on the endgame is totally BAD for the server. You can call me whatever you want.. i'm slowly progressing but this doesn't mean that the nerfs are the RIGHT thing that they are doing! And as long as you defend and PRETEND everything is fine.. they will continue. If you want to be the only geared people in the server okay.. just say it! The more people got 580++ GS the better.. then you will have much more fun in this server when you don't have to pray on server chat on people to enter RBF.. Then also will be much more guilds participating in NWs.. if this is not good for you then.. you are just happy to have the upper hand on newbies. And please! Stop acting like you are their lawyer! As i said few posts earlier.. feedback should be welcome! NOT INSULTED! You instead of discussing it.. just trashtalk to people and call them crying babies.. making jokes on them about silver platters and so on.. If you think that admins and owners of the server have the need to be defended and flattered, keep going! But i believe that the feedback could make the server better! Also owners could be rewarded when server becomes better and better right?
  3. Toenail

    Toenail Proficient

    Mar 29, 2018
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    I agree that there's no need for trash talk when people want to provide opinion as feedback. There comes a point though that opinion can belabour the point and become spam.
    I don't think RevelationsOn is acting like a lawyer, I think he/she is responding to this thread quite reasonably and I mostly agree with her/his opinions.
    @insanqta, you dislike the jokes made about your concerns, but you also act very opinionated about your concerns and don't hold back in pouring scorn on any opinions that differ from yours (e.g. quoting you, "... people like you who JUST DEFEND everything MASTERS are doing").
    As far as communicating on forums it's a two way street. I may have used the "game served on a platter" context but if I recall correctly in recent discussions (which appear to have been deleted) certain people didn't hold back attempting to insult me during these debates, calling me a *coward* and a *lapdog* among other things ... but "water off a duck's back" is the best policy here I think, and we shouldn't let these things get us down lol.
    In the end, this is a forum where everyone can see or respond to opinions, and while you feel strongly about yours vis-a-vis the way GameZ balances BD gameplay on this pserver, there are people who don't agree with your point of view and that's all ok too.
    I happen to like the mechanics on this server. If ever I should find myself disagreeing I will probably voice it and then if no change happens I may move on, much like I've moved on from retail.
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2019
    dziku and RevelationsOn like this.
  4. insanqta

    insanqta New Member

    Jan 23, 2019
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    The difference is that i defend my opinion with facts.. why these changes are bad for the server. And you defend yours by insulting us. THEN i have to defend MYSELF. Btw.. still don't see your arguments on the topic? What is the positive side of these nerfs.. other than just making geared people even more unreachable? If you spent your time explaining what these nerfs are balancing actually (since im seeing em as a big disbalance) instead of trying to be COOL..
    And when you have nothing to say you escape with Kolka and Carl. Yes we all know the server is their property.. If these threads were more mature and not flamewars as you are making them this could be taken into account! But nah right? You have to be the masters puppy and flatter them instead of bringing TRUE feedback (as long as you can make jokes on me i could also do on you right?) STILL do not see a single explanation of this balance?
    All your answers are jokes.. telling me to leave or bringing Kolka and Carl.. when you want THEM to answer this why are you even discussing this? To show them how loyal you are? WE ALL appreciate their work and that's why we are here and playing (and donating) to their project!
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2019
    wensn likes this.
  5. Toenail

    Toenail Proficient

    Mar 29, 2018
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    I tried to decipher your rant, however I think it's really a waste of time. Chill out! :)
    dziku and insanqta like this.
  6. insanqta

    insanqta New Member

    Jan 23, 2019
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    Ofc.. when all the jokes finished and have actually nothing to say, better not. All of your answers are offtopic and just trying to be COOL.
  7. Owari

    Owari New Member

    May 27, 2018
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    I can see both sides of the argument, and they have made a good point, being able to accept change is important, and you shouldn't attack them either lol. It's not good to say they're making the discussions into a flame war as you flame them, no offense of course.

    On another note, I wonder if the devs even read the forums or see the server chat. Player happiness should be important to them shouldn't it? The more and the happier the players, the more money they make off premium and the webshop. I ain't even saying revert nerfs but like why not just increase the trashloot so I could make some money just vendoring shit if they do want to keep nerfing drop rates, but they won't even do that. I'll go out on a limb and say the unhappy players right now are the majority. Don't even revert anything just stop nerfing, but they won't even do that either.

    There's so many terrible private servers (Crimson is a meme lol, Black Avalanche was trash, TSRBDO was ultimate garbage, the dev of Voidless desert isn't even working on the server) and retail is a joke so if you want to play BDO at all, you're stuck here. The devs know this and use it to do whatever they want because no matter what, the players have to stay here or quit entirely. This is why I even continue bothering to talk about anything, because I don't want to quit, but I also don't want them to "balance" the server until we're down to (or below) Crimson's rates.
    Toenail, RevelationsOn and insanqta like this.
  8. insanqta

    insanqta New Member

    Jan 23, 2019
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    @Owari you've read just few posts here.. but look at other threads and you will understand who actually started this flaming.. These 2-3 guys are making fun of everyone who points out that the nerfs are negative. And you are right.. devs don't actually care that most ppl are not happy with these changes since we have not much of a choice.. we could play here or in retail where we need fat wallets. Or.. delete this game entirely. It's a real waste of time to even bother with forums actually..
  9. ShadoweCZ

    ShadoweCZ Loner by choice

    Nov 24, 2018
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    I want to add .... After remastered was added and capras stones are dropping many of my gatherers friends says that the rate of sharps/hards was significantly nerfed (with loot scroll they now get the same ammount as before without loot scroll, at least thats what i heard) and its not documented anywhere ....the problem of bad communication was always here but this intransparency makes players even more angry
    Please admins and developers, be more communicative and transparent in what you do to the game. It will cost you almost nothink and you will ONLY gain this way
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2019
    asd321asd likes this.
  10. sergio909

    sergio909 Proficient

    Nov 25, 2010
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    I can confirm that. After 20 gathering sessions ( 1 hour scroll each ) i can see that there is 30-40% less loot than there was before updates.
    wensn likes this.
  11. Kamara

    Kamara New Member

    May 21, 2018
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    I've played many private servers and I've tossed around an absurd amount of cash at different mmo's over the years..In gamer years I'm yoda and remember when atari was the hot new thing lol. When I first started playing this server I loved it. It was like they had taken all the tedium out of the game. I personally feel the things I enjoyed about the server have evaporated. *Shrugs* That is my opinion and it now reflects in my game play because its become my afk game. I'm not happy about it because like everyone else I liked what I had seen and began to invest my time and dollars. I know games make changes along the way. been there, done that, rinse repeat. Some changes can be good while others just bleed the enthusiasm out of you. At this point I'm not really sure what I'm going to do but I find myself drifting away...it is what it is and I voiced my opinion rather anyone wants to hear it or not.
    dziku and Toenail like this.
  12. Toenail

    Toenail Proficient

    Mar 29, 2018
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    Actually I do think that critique and feedback are important. I do think that it misses the point when individuals resort to an hysterical rant; which happens far too often on forums.
    @Kamara, I'm a relative newcomer to GamezBD and playing on this server has felt like a breath of fresh air after the stultifying monetising barriers on retail, and yes, it feels as if the tedium has been taken out of the game.
    @ to the rest of the discussion ...
    Finally I feel l can relax and play the game as I think it should be played (very subjective opinion), but this is still a grinding MMO, so my assumption is that grinding over time is integral to how BD is supposed to be played? Of course other people might think differently, but this is the way I think and it's been the basis for most of my replies on this topic.
    I want to be able to afford a PEN armour/wpn set just like the next fellow, however I'm not sure I would want it at the expense of an artificially inflated silver making mechanic in gamez because that tends to make the game's economy unbalanced (imo). E.g SMH on retail really stuffed the economy imo ... and the rest of the game suffers cascading consequences.

    P.S. My pet theory is that if the underlying life-skilling component of this game becomes healthy, it will provide the natural fertile bio-environment for other activities such as PVP, Node Wars etc.
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2019
    asd321asd and dziku like this.
  13. Fly

    Fly New Member

    Oct 17, 2018
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    the question, why they dint put any change they did in patch note. if they nerf or buff they should put on patch note. they scare people run?
  14. asd321asd

    asd321asd New Member

    Feb 9, 2019
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    I think part of the problem here is that we feel a lack in communication of where they are going with the server. New players come here with an image of fast progression, which we do still have, I'll get to that later. But at the same time they are met by veterans who are spending their time Caphras enhancing the V gear they acquired much faster than we can now. Absolutely deleting new and intermediate players at any chance they get. I'm not saying all veterans wish for it to be this way, but I know at least one from each side of this discussion. Which brings it to the part where the new, intermediate and veteran players sit with the thought of: "Alright, things have been nerfed... Where will it stop? Will it stop? What's their goal? Should I invest my time in this server? What has been nerfed?!? Will this slowly kill off the server?"

    I'd also like to encourage discussion instead of the whole "Just go grind newbie, you'll see you progress fast!" Yes ofcourse, I've progressed hella fast imo, I have all boss pieces, a tri Cresc and a tri Narc at something like 2 weeks in on EU, I've hit for pen a couple of times with no luck, but that happens. So in my opinion its still fine, the nerfs haven't decreased the progression by substantial or insane amounts. It is fine! The problem comes with that we don't get told what gets nerfed, a very good example is this cupcake event it was hella fun, I even went and grinded sausans just to see what I could get from the boxes the first day. I think I racked in like 200 boxes the first day of the event, it was hella cool. The next day I'd be lucky to get 10-40(NOT ACCURATE; you get the point) boxes in the same amount of grinding. Why basically banish the grind event? I get that it might have needed a nerf, but please don't smash it or atleast offer an explanation.

    The whole "Veterans got free cash from methods that are now nerfed! Argh! Why do they give the vets an advantage!!!!" has an easy answer imo: That's just how any private server will always work. There is and will always be some situations that will be too much profit, even for a private server, that it would make sense. These situations will be used and its fair that they get nerfed. That's just how private servers work, and I don't think that'll ever change. It might not feel fair, but its as fair as it gets. The part that doesn't feel justified is where methods that were let go on for long time gets nerfed, like horse training, I mean... horse training were left untouched for ages, months, maybe more than a year on NA and then suddenly it gets nerfed. Which leaves a sour taste in my opinion. We still have good money making methods and higher rates than retail which leads to much faster progression. The topic people are aggravated by is the fact that older players have had much better opportunities for a long time period, not the SD panic in the beginning where SD could be upwards of 300-500 million an hour for a week before it got nerfed.

    All in all it seems very many agreed with my original post and I'd love to get more feedback on the case, for and against, but I think we all agreed on that we'd like to get notified or reasoned with about what's changing. I love that they already do the fixing patch notes, adding in what rate changes etc that's being done would be awesome as well. And if Kolka/Carl or any of the big shots could, a manifesto or just a short explanation of where they are going with the server would be Hella Awesome.

    Fam: Rageborn
    Pm me ingame if u wanna discuss this or anything else :)
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2019
    demishark, Toenail and insanqta like this.
  15. Toenail

    Toenail Proficient

    Mar 29, 2018
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    Informative; good insight. I agree that effective communication is key between a pserver and it's clients.
    I think there was a YouTube interview sometime ago but the information conveyed there must be out of date by now.
    I agree that patch notes are probably the most logical and immediate way to get information to the player-base.
  16. Kolka

    Kolka <Prison Officer> Staff Member Super Moderator

    Dec 11, 2011
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    When we do any changes we post it in patchnotes.
    RevelationsOn, dziku and Toenail like this.
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