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The biggest problem on GameZBD

Discussion in 'Black Desert Discussion' started by TheGuy, Jun 26, 2019.

  1. TheGuy

    TheGuy New Member

    Jun 26, 2019
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    Hello players of GamezBD

    With the new patch we got a big problem with the GameZ economy. The players have too much silver and this is hurting the marketplace. In the past, most people would be earning their money by grinding, gathering or lifeskilling in some way. Earning 200-400 mil an hour was seen as a good amount, this would benefit the market place for other people by giving them things to purchase, like: accessories, black stones, memory fragments, etc.

    With this latest big patch, horse training and horse breeding has lead to people earning up to 2 bil a day from absolutely no effort on their part, ending up with a lot of players that have a lot of liquid silver and the marketplace drying up. It has become inefficient to help the market, to sell the hards, sharps, black stones and accessories. This is the same situation that retail had when sea monster hunting was extremely overpowered. Everyone had liquid silver and competing with higher and higher preorders, sometimes we saw preorders for sharps being at almost 10 mil+ at the lowest.

    Another major side effect of this epidemic is the lack of PvP.
    No fights start out in the open World because everyone is in Velia/Heidel going around in circles on their Wagon.
    Guilds are dying because of the lack of community and teamwork needed in the existing endgame.

    Save the game. Save GameZ. Help us nerf horse training.
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2019
  2. allister22

    allister22 Getting there

    Jun 27, 2018
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    Agree 100%
    Whzap and edowardo like this.
  3. edowardo

    edowardo New Member

    Oct 24, 2018
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    My only sources of income has always been Horse training, but even I say it needs a drastic nerf.

    Grinding should always be the number 1# income in any bdo server, it's what the game was build around most.
    Gathering needs to either get buffed or find another way for players to get caphras that's not as cancer as it is now.
    Chunn likes this.
  4. Chunn

    Chunn New Member

    Oct 10, 2018
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    Grinding will always be what makes a server alive. Cuz with grinding comes pvp, and with pvp players start to get competitive and motivated again. Im not saying grinding should be the only source of income, but the biggest one for sure.
  5. Synx

    Synx New Member

    Jun 26, 2019
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    Let's nerf the only way for new players to make money, and force them to make 100kk/h and go pvp against full pen people while old players made 400kk/h and now they're full pen dominating the best spots? First before some nerf there should be some buff on the grinding so that it may be worth grinding and not just taking hk from old players.
    ArchDevil, Goldwirth and vagabond13 like this.
  6. TheGuy

    TheGuy New Member

    Jun 26, 2019
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    what are you talking? you want start from 0 and get same amount of silver like people with 300 ap? if you start on retail you not get even 5-10 mil for 1h ,if you start on retail you not be think about silver in first two weeks because u do quests and try get energy,just learn game there is so much ways to get a lot silver.
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2019
  7. Chunn

    Chunn New Member

    Oct 10, 2018
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    Yep I asked for grinding buff in other topic, I also think that nerfing horses without buff grinding will make the situation even worst. All spota need buffs and some spots need huge buffs, so that all spots are viable and 400-500 gs players dont need to compete with 600+ players.
  8. Synx

    Synx New Member

    Jun 26, 2019
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    Here is not retail, do you suggest taking the only way to make money fast nowadays, while it used to be much easier? This will work very well
  9. Synx

    Synx New Member

    Jun 26, 2019
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    Exactly ! You should first buff up before nerfing.
  10. TheGuy

    TheGuy New Member

    Jun 26, 2019
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    Isn't it's same game? but just with higher rates? You can grind 30 lvl mobs and get more than 100 mil per hour only if sell black stones
  11. Synx

    Synx New Member

    Jun 26, 2019
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    100kk compared to 400kk, little difference right? You want to make it difficult for new players while formerly you could get full pen boss in 2 weeks.
  12. TheGuy

    TheGuy New Member

    Jun 26, 2019
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    you need 300 ap to kills 30 lvl mobs? what are u talking ,even for me who know everything about how make silver on this server full pen boss from fresh start in 2 week is impossible. And i told 100m for newbie with low ap it's not bad , you get silver = upgrade your gear = upgrade your amount of silver per hour ,it's not my problem if you can't turn on your brain and make witch or ranger and grind hexe on lvl49 on horse.
  13. Synx

    Synx New Member

    Jun 26, 2019
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    To efficiently grind in hexe you need premium ZzZzZz
  14. TheGuy

    TheGuy New Member

    Jun 26, 2019
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    So it's my problem? If u can't pay to buy prem,just trade it for pearl(you get it for free) ,now tell me you can't left your pc work all day and i already answer you IS it my problem? just dont play mmo rpg then.
    You want play 1-2h in day and want have same like people who playing 10h in day,but it's not working like you thinking ,every time when you ask about buff grind or something,people who playing more than you start get a lot more,thats how it's work.
  15. Tharaiso

    Tharaiso New Member

    Jan 2, 2019
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    Agreed on this, people here are super lazy and just want easy money for doing absolutely nothing without contributing to the general economy of the server. You can notice as soon as horses got buffed, marketplace absolutely died. Everyone has money but nobody actually sells anything anymore. So overall preorders go stupidly high. How does that contribute to the new players? They are forced to stay more afk and wait way longer to get any piece of gear. Buff grinding so they can actually start doing something to progress faster than when they are afk and abuse horses/p2w hedgehog with macro and so on instead of not even playing the damn game and getting more money than if they were active. If you wanna be afk 24/7 just go retail, I dont get why 90% of this server life skills and does afk training when bdo combat is the best thing on this game.
    Goldwirth, Synx and TheGuy like this.
  16. Synx

    Synx New Member

    Jun 26, 2019
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    Yes, I would be very happy to grind with the silver rate it was before :)
  17. Synx

    Synx New Member

    Jun 26, 2019
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    You did not have to grind 10hrs a day to get to pvp, why should new players struggle all the time? You complain about the silver you can get with the imperial delivery, but in your time it was much easier to make silver, I'm not complaining about players with higher GS to win more silver but from old players who managed to make much more silver before the nerf sd , and who now want to nerf imperial delivery without buffing the SD.
  18. LordXenon

    LordXenon Proficient

    Feb 24, 2018
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    Okay, those of you who say horse training needs to be nerfed have no idea what they're talking about, and I'll prove it.

    1. I've been playing off and on since March of 2018. The market HAS ALWAYS been dry. Most of the population here doesn't care for crafting, or even know about it. The few that do are sucking up the rest of the resources to fund whatever they're doing: Making elixirs, alchemy stones, etc. Alchemy stones here also eat up a lot of mats because end-game players don't have much to really work towards anymore, so they're funneling what they can get into their alchemy stones until they get a Shiny stone. Combine this with people who are actively botting the market (see the recent pre-order nerf for some semblance of proof that this is going on), reduced drop rates, potentially nerfed enhancement rates, and your market will always be dry.

    2. Horse training isn't significantly better than grinding, if even at all. Couple of my guildmates were doing SD yesterday, and within an hour of doing it, they pulled in over 200m in silver. That doesn't include any rare accessory drops or anything. 8 hours of that is 1.6b. That's 1/3 of a day. 4.8bil possible per day. In your own words, horse training is 2bil per day. Sycraia is a lot more money than SD, Hysteria is more money than SD as well. Yes, horse training requires less effort, but for it to actually pay good money you need to invest in a +5 silver embroidered training outfit, which is NOT easy to get, as well as make a forest path wagon + its parts. It's a big time and money investment that most people won't make.

    3. If you just horse train all day, you're actually losing out on money and resources. Caphras, Shards, and memory fragments aren't easily obtained if you just make silver from horse training. Add in the above money-making methods such as Sycraia, and your efficiency actually goes way down. Horse training is also gated by rng. I've had days where I've made pitiful money because I didn't get a t8 out of my breeds.

    4. Horse training requires pearl investment on par with or greater than grinding. 4 horses is at least 22 training coupons, which is 5k pearls. 10 hours of grinding is 4500 pearls for the scrolls.

    5. The relative value of materials aside from accessories and gear, enhanced or not, is not even a drop in the bucket compared to said accessories and gear. In other words, if I were to go out and chop logs all day, then sell those logs, their value wouldn't compare to grinding out a few accessories or sd at profitable spots. I would be losing money doing so. So that's another reason you don't see a good portion of materials.

    6. The population of gamez is much smaller than retail. Retail boasts anywhere from 30k-200k concurrent players, while Gamez only has around 4k total between two regions. Even if we were to nerf all afk activities into the ground and make all of those 4k players active, there are not enough channels for all of them to grind or gather to supply your market. Retail has 36 channels, while we have 5. In the end, they would only quit because of the nerfs.

    7. There was an issue a long time ago where nobody was making meals. It just wasn't very profitable because it took too long, had too many steps, and just didn't generate the income that grinding did. It's still that way, but because of free cron meals from daily rewards, meals are easier to come by. More people came over from retail as well, so the production of such things became more commonplace.

    Anybody who complains about horse training doesn't actually understand the underlying problems going on gamez. It's just a finger-pointing game, where you guys are just trying to blame all your problems on one thing. It's not horse training that's at fault here. It's everything but horse training and afk activities. It's multiple issues at once, such as what I listed above. Ultimately, Gamez's identity lies in the relative ease of gearing up and getting into pvp. In order to make your market come back to life, they'd have to nerf so much stuff into the ground that it'd ultimately just kill the game. They'd need more players lifeskilling and crafting, grinding spots would have to be less profitable than meal and elixir crafting, materials would have to be worth way more silver. It'd just be a huge mess.
  19. vagabond13

    vagabond13 New Member

    Dec 10, 2018
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    I agree with LordXenon, without being an expert in the game, for me it is obvious that there are other things much more important to fix, just opinions here, with all respect.

    Not everyone has 10h a day to play, many of us are adults, we have families, jobs, obligations, etc ... and even if I had them, I would not spend them doing SD or grinding, it is the freedom that each one has to do multiple things in this game, without despising the other players.

    It bothers me the fact that 80% of the time I change character, I go under the stage, falling, sometimes with death included, or getting stuck on stage
    something as simple as changing character, or having the feeling that the staff does not care much about most players.

    If I leave the game afk, many times it disconnects and does not reconnect again, absurd to have the pc burning 24h, not counting the energy expenditure, the game loses the connection, it is not synchronized, lag, etc.. maybe better to mining bitcoins

    Still have the game in Korean, it was not an update, it was copying almost one client on top of the other. I am also aware of the nerfs, many are needed i guess, and others, you have to think that this is a business, playing for free is a lie like a cathedral, if you have something for free it is because someone else is paying for it, it is a rule in life.

    At the end of the day I have 2 real hours to play, if I train horses, it's why I work almost all day, and it's better than fishing afk, with money I do not do anything, the market has been destroyed for a long time, it's not the horses' fault .

    In 6 months I'm not full PEN, using premium from the first day, I never cared about money, nor gear, the game rewards me doing anything. As if everyone was forced to obsess with "being the strongest", the game is immense to do many things, choose yours, and leave others alone, pvp is only part of how much there is in the game.

    I failed 13 times to have the pegasus, even with premium, and the stones at 2kk, I do not know if it will be true, that many have obtained it at the 1st or 3rd, without a premium, at the end of the day it's always about the RNG, i don't expect a formula to success 100%

    Maybe many do not care about the pvp, i remember being killed in one fell swoop many times just putting one foot, and if I had not left, I would have killed 15 times more, respawn included, this is pvp? it is not surprising that many players go from entering this dynamic, one thing is pvp and the other harass other players, because you feel like a bored god.

    Half of my clan has left the game, many were donors and they were 24x7 on, it has not been for those who train horses, rather they are bored, fed up with bugs, nerfs and the usual routine of events, to see that the months pass and everything is the same or worse and all this influences, rather than training horses or the lack of pvp.
    loboram, teddy25 and Synx like this.
  20. Tharaiso

    Tharaiso New Member

    Jan 2, 2019
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    Sure market been dry of things you actually gotta craft, but remember accesories even at pen used to sit at mp so everyone could buy them, same went for boss armor and hell even +0 boss weapons. With the channel cooldown nerf people stopped going bosses and if you look at mp, there is barely any boss gear. Before horse buff, things like blackstones ALWAYS used to sit at mp, hards and shards got sold instanty but you didnt need 10mil preorder on each to get them unlike now with all these lazy people just afk training and making money out of it. Grinding at high end spots is still decent ofc, tho its way more of an effort and also you usually sell most of the things you obtain. Unlike horse training where you gain for yourself and sell nothing for the rest. Only thing I would agree with you now is that enhancing and sd nerf made it way harder for new players. Back then it wasnt such a pain to get any pen item whatsoever compare to now. And about the lack of channels, if they nerfed life skills and made grinding way better, is it really that hard to add more channels? Like we used to have 5 channels + arsha some time ago but it was removed since it wasnt needed at all. End game of bdo is purely pvp, lets be real, then why do I see only 2 pvp guilds on EU scene with rest of them doing life skills and being afk? How fucking sad that is. You can see all these turkish and russian guilds stacked with geared people doing absolutely nothing. I honestly cant understand that. PvP scene without Sneeky and Imagine is just non existant on here. And trust me when I say its super boring to just fight each others every week because there is nobody else for it.
    Sylpheii and TheGuy like this.

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