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The biggest problem on GameZBD

Discussion in 'Black Desert Discussion' started by TheGuy, Jun 26, 2019.

  1. Synx

    Synx New Member

    Jun 26, 2019
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    Will not increase pvp making it difficult for new players to progress
    loboram likes this.
  2. Sylpheii

    Sylpheii New Member

    Jul 20, 2012
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    PvP is dead, nw is dead, siege is dead. Accept it as it is, we won't have PvP anytime soon, and tbfh, nobody cares anymore, even the devs
    DardanusT and Sef like this.
  3. Sef

    Sef New Member

    Jan 6, 2019
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    This is so many times true. I myself feel like when ever we got Remastered version everything went from nice fun game play to totally "We don't care anymore".

    I normally don't say this, but devs really tried to balance some things out as economy went sideways after Remastered version, but in the end entire thing was in ruins. To the point that now days weekly etc hidden nerfs happen all the time. It really feels like they gave up, raised the hands up and were like "what ever".

    I need to add this fact, but PVP is not just dead, entire servers are dead. I was guild leader myself for one of the largest guild in EU and the amount of people joining the game and leaving the game were just stupid. I think we had around 20-30 people every 3 weeks who needed purge, because they just stopped playing. And it wasn't just in my guild. Everywhere, people just were not able to stick around, who got tired of no PVP content, who got tired of nerfs happening all the time etc.

    I think the best course of action how to fix everything is to just reset all. Start over, economy is in ruins and I agree that there is just too much silver around. And those who don't do horse training, get hurt too much. And even if the horse training gets nerfed hard, then there is still too much silver left. Damage is already done and it will never get fixed and goes worse and worse by the weeks and months. Rather have new start (adjust everything back to right), than see servers soon die out fully.
    Jsa and allister22 like this.
  4. Ashkelan

    Ashkelan New Member

    Mar 31, 2018
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    1/ cut T7 and T8 courser price by anywhere from 33 to 50%
    2/ disable gifting of pearl horse consumables (skill change, breeding resets)
    3/ give back double proc of black stones with loot scroll (unrelated to horses I know but very much related to the empty marketplace)

    3 small changes that would help a fair bit imo.
    And yes, point 2, because if you didn't realize (nobody seems to ever bring that stuff up), one of the most stupid and broken things with the AFK horse money printing press is how it particularly benefits multi accounters over the average normal player, with feeding their main account pearl consumables, buying a courser from their main at full price instead of only the imperial price, etc etc.
    allister22 likes this.
  5. TheGuy

    TheGuy New Member

    Jun 26, 2019
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    nice idea,make fresh start and let people who do horse breeding start making more silver because people start buying horse and not need sell to imperial delivery ,best idea (clap)
  6. Synx

    Synx New Member

    Jun 26, 2019
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    I agree, restart the server, so all players have to progress with the current SD :)
  7. Sylpheii

    Sylpheii New Member

    Jul 20, 2012
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    i can confirm you that 70% of the server is gonna leave if they restart it
    loboram and vagabond13 like this.
  8. Fanboy

    Fanboy New Member

    Oct 6, 2018
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    For the PvP part, what kill the game is not only the wagons but those guilds who would gather all the players with the highest gears. Gathering a zerg of 580s is literally killing the server. Yes i'm talking about sneeky in EU.
    loboram likes this.
  9. allister22

    allister22 Getting there

    Jun 27, 2018
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    For starters - what also killed pvp is billions, small irrelevant so-called PVP guilds.
    DardanusT likes this.
  10. teddy25

    teddy25 New Member

    Dec 2, 2018
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    Been here a player since middle November last year and maybe u didnt notice it (bc u already had full PEN/saved up money from SD before it was nerfed) but there was a BIG enchancing nerf around january this year.
    I have never bought any of the materials on the MP, farmed all by myself and it was possible to PEN gear within the week (I was not able to play more then 2 hours a day).
    Nowdays it takes me at least 3 weeks of farm to get even motivated to try and then mostly dont get anything, bc of the rates.

    -I for myself came to the server bc of the then mentioned "increased enchancing rates" and went back to retail in May bc I had there more succsess.
    -AFK money income was always BDOs endgame. PvP is for the ppl who got their gear done and then start learning their classes.

    Why not let everybody get PEN and increase the drop-/enchancing-rates? Ah yes, needs to survive "donations". The more, the better for them and not for us.
    vagabond13 and Synx like this.
  11. LordXenon

    LordXenon Proficient

    Feb 24, 2018
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    Before horse buff, there wasn't any lifeskill mastery. People didn't need black crystals or condensed black crystals since they didn't exist, so they weren't eating up black stones. There was a lot of boss gear on the market because the drop rates for boss gear were much higher. When players used to go to Kzarka, almost everyone present would get a weapon box. Channel cooldown nerf could play a part in lack of attendance, but I doubt it's significant enough to stop players from going to bosses. Field bosses just don't drop enough loot to be worthwhile, while world bosses have belongings of an adventurer now, which can drop tet accessories. Life skills aren't even nerfed. They removed an exploit, as you're not supposed to be able to use a loot scroll for rare gathering mats. I'm pretty sure it's not even supposed to affect gathering at all, which it doesn't now. Life skill mastery took its place, and actually makes life skills more profitable than they were before once it's high enough.

    Pen DP accessories have never sold well on this server. Pen AP accessories have always been sold out. Things like pen crescents, pen ogres, etc, never sat on the market and you know that.

    Horse training doesn't get me xp, it doesn't get me skill points, it doesn't get me black stones, sharps, hards, black crystals, condensed black crystals, rare accessories, etc, unless I buy them with the imperial horse training money. I would make more money SD grinding for the time it takes to train my horses, which is why you don't do it during your active game time. It also does have a cost to afk horse train: you run your power bill up. So you have to spend real life money for what time you aren't actually playing.

    As for how dead pvp is, it's always been dead. When I joined the server in March of 2018, nobody could contest FML or Instinct. RBF was more active, but back then, nobody died in two hits unless they got hit with projection or delighted blast. When I joined instinct a month or two later, there still wasn't anybody who could contest us at all. You can snipe nodes easily here because there's so many of them, and there's not enough people or guilds to compete over all of them. People snipe nodes on retail, and the population is anywhere from 20-100x bigger. You also gotta realize that the typical attitude of the player here is that being killed in pvp means they're being bullied. Just read around the forum. There was so much rampant complaining that FML was bullying everybody.

    Until big guilds stop forming and taking up all of the actual decent pvp population, you won't see any sort of surge in pvp. If those big guilds split into smaller guilds and compete with each other, they might have some fun for once.

    Game was on a downward spiral before remaster. The game temporarily has a surge in popularity because bdo youtubers took notice of it and started advertising for it.
    Restarting the game won't solve anything, nor will nerfing horse training. It'll piss off the playerbase, make loads of them quit, and basically kill the game for everybody who isn't a chinese/russian hacker or botter here to sell accounts for money. You resetting everything will make the server die out fully. How do you plan to compensate people who paid for premium for the x months out of the last year and a half when you reset all of the progress they made? Or anything else they bought with real life money? You'd have another situation just like crimson desert/ogre fest. They basically reset everything and run with your money. That won't fly here.

    They could open fresh start servers, but it'd just be another archeage fiasco where older players would be forced to quit where they're at and go to the new servers to play with everybody else.

    No, if they want to fix things, they'd have to buff their rates to compensate for the nerfs and introduce the shakatu box event. The shakatu box event will drain silver out of everyone's pockets. You'll see a huge influx of base accessories, memory fragments, and shards funded by most of the crowd with a hundred billion in silver or more.

    Huh, who knew my point about "I'm bullied by pvpers" mindset would be proven so quickly? This is my point. People who aren't hardcore pvpers just whine about the ones who do.

    1. Why should they bother to listen to this suggestion when you can't even crunch numbers and determine an actual value to do it by? You're just pulling that range out of your ass because you feel like it'll satisfy what YOU want and not what would be healthy for the game.
    2. Let's take it a step further and just disable gifting altogether. No more multi-boxing for pearls, no more asking for pearl pre-gifts to list an item you'll never win off market.
    3. This won't change the marketplace issue. Everybody needs blackstones, sharps, hards, etc, because they're enhancing both gear for fighting/selling and lifeskill mastery gear. They would have to manually inject materials into the market to solve the lack of supplies.

    Only 2 is a small change. I agree with it since multi-boxers can profit way too much from this. Mainly from the influx of pearls, not the rest. Buying a courser with your alt is going to take too long and cut into your profits if you're giving your pearls to your main. You have to imperial 2 t8 coursers to afford 1 t8 courser from the market. If you have no pearls to buy resets with, your breeding stops cold and you won't be making most of your t8s into coursers. You won't make enough money to afford to buy that t8 courser from the market in a reasonable stretch of time.

    1 is a huge change, 3 would break the game even further. You really want most players with high mastery levels to pull in over 200 shards per hour? The devs removed gathering with a loot scroll for a reason. 1 and 3 are bad changes. Nerfing horse training into the ground means there's basically no reason to play this game afk anymore, and with so few channels and so few profittable grind spots, there's literally not enough room to support even the supposed 300-400 active players. In order to compensate, they would have to massively buff trading and fishing. You would end up complaining about those activities. You're better off giving up on asking to nerf horse training, and think of other ways to balance the economy out.
  12. DardanusT

    DardanusT New Member

    Jun 29, 2019
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    not sure if you just are dumb, or if you play dumb.

    but if they dont nerf horse trading, the market will sooner or later die out. meaning you will have big $$$ but nothing to spend on.
    how are you trying to argue about a problem when you dont even comprehend the most simple part of economics in game.

    furthermore are so many spots in this game that i guarantee you, as a person without full pen (which btw took me no time at all to get, cause getting gear is so filthy easy here) you will NEVER EVER have to compete with a person full pen. cause with full pen gear you will be grinding in maybe 2 spots that are still worth going to. and therefore all full pen ppl will be fighting eachother there, whilst you can gear up at spots that get nearly as much money anyway.
    if you then think, as a person without full pen; you should be there as well, then you clearly understand as much as you do about the economics ingame.

    EDIT: at the dude above me

    "allister22" didnt prove your point, he is literally one of the most skilled players this pserver has seen. he is QQing cause there are constantly shit guilds forming, trying to achieve anything, but they cant cause they are too few, or arent dedicated enough to contest any other guild anyway.
    he clearly meant to say "please stop forming small dogshit guilds and gather in 1 guild to actually compete with us at the top you braindead apes" (the latter part is obv. pure speculation, idk if he wouldve insulted anyone)
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2019
  13. SkyCrownguard

    SkyCrownguard New Member

    Sep 16, 2018
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    When people moves to a private server because they can't afford to spend such an abysmal amount of time for a game with the promise to progress faster but then the private server becomes like the retail people ran away from, the game is no longer fun and considering the little to no communication existing between staff and playerbase people is getting as time passes closer to retail.

    Yeah, you can level up faster, but as a player who started playing when EU server opened the money stream got worse. Unless they prove with actual patch logs that nothing was changed drop wise or enchant wise since October (when EU opened) people won't believe the typical "We didn't touch anything". No transparency means no loyalty and without loyalty from the playerbase the life of a private server has limited days.

    I'm ready to get bashed
    loboram, ArchDevil and Synx like this.
  14. DardanusT

    DardanusT New Member

    Jun 29, 2019
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    i agree with you that transparency is important and such

    but despite everyone QQing here about enhance rates, i made and make a fuckton of PEN items whenever i feel like making them, never did i have a period where i couldnt hit pen on either accs or gear.
    It might be harder (i cant tell from my PoV) but it certainly isnt comparable to retail. Then again, thats just my PoV which is not a real samplesize, so not of much value.
    The only problem i see is that we have patches that are just bad for the game in general; like caphra. why did they implement such a dumb mechanic?

    i dont get why there are so many dumb mechanics anyway, the game declined (retail) after mid 2017; idk why they keep doing such patches despite knowing it would fuck tons of ppl out of having fun.
    If i owned a pserver, id make a "vanilla bdo" TRI bossgear maximum, no ap scalings/brackets/caphra with old cc system (cc applying with every hit possible instead of RNG CC), etc.
    i know a ton of ppl from old retail guilds that would instantly join.
  15. DardanusT

    DardanusT New Member

    Jun 29, 2019
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    i take it you wouldnt want such a server? (boo)(sh)(peek)
  16. Synx

    Synx New Member

    Jun 26, 2019
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    People go out of retail because they no longer want to be forced to grind for hours and hours, progress fast so they can go PvP, because someone would want to play on a private server with a little faster progression?
  17. jeric

    jeric Yumilover / Rushitsu

    Sep 16, 2016
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    gathering is my main income in bdo, i can make 2 bil in a week by just gathering with 5 ingame character, im satisfied with it
    so i dont care if they nerf the horse training haha
  18. DardanusT

    DardanusT New Member

    Jun 29, 2019
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    this made so little sense i couldnt understand it.
  19. DNTK

    DNTK Getting there

    Apr 21, 2018
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    Ye, people usually come from retail to pserver, because they are 100% sure that they are getting trashed because of gear/rng/p2w. Then they face the truth of just being worthless garbage player here, so they join life skill guild and afk forever while making threads about nerfs, when this shitty server is actually getting easier every patch LMAO.

    btw reset this server and balance 2nd one properly instead of 1:1 copy from retail with x10 when
    DardanusT likes this.
  20. RevelationsOn

    RevelationsOn Proficient

    Feb 2, 2018
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    You have explained everything so no need to point out anything else.
    These new young bloods don't know how gamezbd has been since it's launched.
    No need to nerf horse training, they need to buff up everything particularly SD. The only rich people in game are old gamers / players though I have been here 1yr++ just 2yrs late from the beta launch, I can't say I'm rich in game lol. :p
    The server is alive but just full of AFK people who plays other games and don't tell me you don't do that because your a hypocrite if you say so. lol
    The game is great, just need more activity.
    loboram likes this.

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