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Could we please merge NA + EU?

Discussion in 'Black Desert Discussion' started by SacredEnslar, Oct 22, 2019.

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  1. Lareldal

    Lareldal Patience is a virtue <3 Forum Legend

    Jul 21, 2017
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    I'm not speaking against this request in any way, and it's not up to me whether it's taken into consideration. That being said, I really don't think they will do this due to the reason that they added the EU server in the first place. It was added so that people who had too high ping to play on NA were able to play on the EU server instead. Merging the servers would only bring that problem right back.
    Noyah and loboram like this.
  2. loboram

    loboram Respected Member Forum Legend

    Jan 29, 2018
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    Disculpame pero creo que estas en un "Post" equivocado, preguntas aqui qual "sv" se puede jugar...pero no entiendo que quires decir con "sv"?
  3. sergio909

    sergio909 Proficient

    Nov 25, 2010
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    As i mentioned earlier. Many EU people had problems with NA node war timers. That was another reason EU server was made.
    Many EU people has abandoned their fully geared characters to start from scratch with new region. Doing all t9'ers again, all account upgrades, countless number of hours grinding CP/EP etc etc. Merging servers will now be most likely like wasting all this time people spend to play with better PING.
    At this point it might be realy hard to achieve merge and there is still risk that something goes wrong, and end up like ogrefest did.
    loboram likes this.
  4. SacredEnslar

    SacredEnslar New Member

    May 28, 2019
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    NA server pretty much dead, EU idk, I never played on EU, but a friend of mine say its ok
  5. worstlahn

    worstlahn New Member

    Oct 31, 2019
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    Too many people on this server lag. Heard a few messages from endgame gear guildies where CC didn't register because a player would lag.
  6. loboram

    loboram Respected Member Forum Legend

    Jan 29, 2018
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    Look before anyone starts saying outrageous statements like: "The server is dead", you should REALLY actually know what you are talking about, and since you are Not part of the staff making an official statement, then I think (personally) that the least you can do is ammend the statement to explain Exactly what you mean, OR just delete the post which says nothing about the Thread Subject.

    It is STILL a problem, the combat resolution in general, whether it be PvE or PvP. However it is indeed a much bigger problem when it comes to PvP, since the connection speed is "king" when it comes to resolving PvP battles.

    I have on my part experienced a Great improvement in server communication speed lately, from around 150ms to now 40ms, so Thanks a bunch for that optimization GamezBD.

    BUT it does not matter much as players with a lot of lag (artificially created or not) will still have an advantage if they can figure out how to play without actually knowing where their character is and what it is doing, simply because -as you point out- the lag will sometimes make the player invincible towards CE (Combat Effects).

    Using CE instead of CC, since Crowd Control does not make ANY sense in a PvP duel between two players, but Combat Effects makes perfect sense in all situations :)

    SO all in all, PvP on our servers is still subject to the same rules as ANYwhere else in the world, connection and experience of the player in question. Which means that Not only does the gear-scores matter more than anything else, but when on par you still have connection to battle against. Basically few players will have a great PvP experience due to the problems imposed by the core-game system (Gearscore/connection), so what can I say about it all: "This is NOT a PvP-Game/sandbox".
    Learn to play the game as what it is instead of trying to make it something it is not :p
  7. SacredEnslar

    SacredEnslar New Member

    May 28, 2019
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    Log into NA server and try to find a PvP, u gonna find out what im talking about, or go to BA ARSHA and try to find people in there xD go to the citys and look how many AFK players u find, try it
  8. loboram

    loboram Respected Member Forum Legend

    Jan 29, 2018
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  9. sergio909

    sergio909 Proficient

    Nov 25, 2010
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    If you have problems with pvp on NA, you are free to make character on EU and start playing there.
  10. SacredEnslar

    SacredEnslar New Member

    May 28, 2019
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    LOL! BDO not a pvp game, wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo im just ignoring u after this post, lol
    The guy is literally delirious0
    and just to let u know, im lvl 20 and full pen has been a quite good time LOL! Keep deliriousing kid xD u gonna get promoted in Gamez :eek: . wooooooooooooooooooooooowwwwwwww
    "learn to play" LFMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAO!!!!!!!! Im 715 GS kid, LOL. Get tired of nothing to do, thats all xD im not PvE at all but we all need it to get geared etc etc. I enjoy alchemy a bit I make a ton of elxirs to me, but all to improve pvp. Do not speak shit without knowing who u talking with boy. lol Now go type a long text that I wont even bother to read, so u can feel a little better cuz u think u right, and sure u're a BDO PRO player with urs 600 GS, lol ! byebye
    Last edited: Nov 20, 2019
  11. loboram

    loboram Respected Member Forum Legend

    Jan 29, 2018
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    Hey this is the EXACT type of behavior that I am speaking of invading our community here on GamezBD.
    Players aggro'ing for NO reason whatsoever! If this player had taken the time to actually read what I had written, instead of just interpreting whatever version they thought was the worse possible one, it would have been absolutely apparent that I at NO point wrote anything even close to what this player is reacting to.

    I wrote that this game is an action-mmo-RPG game, not a PvP-sandbox with some PvE thrown in as a second thought, and the players who are deluded into thinking that this is not true are playing this game the way they want, BUT that means that they are not contributing to the overall gaming experience for all the players who are actually playing the game as intended.

    The very reason that the Marketplace is now completely empty from all the Traces and Powders, it is the very reason most of the "good" players have left this community, it is the very reason SO many new players leave this community within a month or less depending on what they see on the server-chat and experience in-game, the very reason the entire playerbase is dwindling and leaving only the most toxic, bullying, disturbingly arrogant and ignorant players behind. This is NO incentive to come play on our -once upon a time wonderful- servers.

    So please @SacredEnslar learn to read, please do not use such abusive language on our forum, please do not make outlandish personal attacks motivated only by ignorance or whatever your excuse is. You are reacting to a perceived attack that did not happen at all, so please in the future, before you go all aggro on a forum for NO reason whatsoever, take a breath figure out what it is you are really upset about (other than a simple computer game forum). Instead of sitting down and immediately vomiting all your aggro into our forum, think about the previous message, does it REALLY say what you think it says or are you reading into it? There is NO way to listen to what the user is saying because it is written text, and I am no cowardly little spoiled brat, so I will not try to cover up my thought nor intentions, I say what I mean and mean what I say.
    Jujuba likes this.
  12. kid192

    kid192 New Member

    Aug 22, 2019
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    you guys are making this way to complicated. merging the servers does not have to mean getting rid of one server and combining it with another and now an entire region is at a ping disadvantage. it is possible to leave na on its server region while also leaving eu on its server and being able to combine them so players can move freely with their already made characters. Shitty CDO has this ability and it works fine. the only thing the devs would have to brain storm is how to keep both na and eu times for node/siege thats it.
  13. loboram

    loboram Respected Member Forum Legend

    Jan 29, 2018
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    Look this thread has been dead for quite a while now, no one is posting anything actually useful on it anymore and it has devolved into a mud-throwing contest.

    To answer your post in particular kid192, I wanted to ask you if you have EVER learned programing and internet-protocols in your entire life?

    If you are going to lie and say yes just be seem interesting then I suggest you come up with a viable solution and send it to the staff of GamezBD.

    If you on the other hand haven't had any experience with what you are talking about, then I suggest you take just the smallest online course in how to program in whatever coding language you can get nowadays for free. THEN come back and give us some proper input or suggestions, because seriously saying things like: "They can do it in X-game, then of course we can do it here" is not really meaningful input, but I guess you would need some experience before you would know what you are talking about.

    I am really not trying to put you down, just calling you out on what you are saying, which isn't much at all, just a meaningless comparison between two completely different games. So yeah I get that you think that it is a good idea, and who knows it might be, but it is not that feasible when the staff is limited as well as the list of things to do just keeps growing, also it is not an "easy thing to do" at all especially when there are only 2 developers working on this project, so please take the time to think things through...Dangit...Now I see it I am the one overreacting here :(

    So sorry Kid192, did not mean to drag your suggestion through the mud at all, your suggestion might be an idea, but I have just been fighting so much lately for the minimum semblance of some sort of redeemable community where the game-server won't be buried for lack of players and activity in general.

    I did not intend to take some of this frustration out on your idea, I was just typing away and did not realize what was happening until I read it through, but as you can see I am not editing it because I think it is just fine to realize you might be wrong about your reaction and apologize instead of pretending it never happened, mainly since no being is "perfect", especially since perfection is JUST a concept that doesn't actually exist in reality.
  14. kid192

    kid192 New Member

    Aug 22, 2019
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    again it can be real simple or not ( dont confuse the idea with execution), i have spent a long time on this server and i also spent a while on cdo. i am well aware of the programming capabilities on both sides. months ago i made comment after comment on this forum and in game on how the CM needs to be implemented and that if cdo can do it so can gamez because i knew the dev process on gamezbd is better then cdo which only has one dev them selfs. and what happened? after multiple people saying "thats a different game or to hard for kolka to hack" etc etc.... i was right as kolka himself said a long time ago that implementing the CM is easy. you can RP in your posts as much as you want but you just lack critical inside information mostly on the cdo side . gamezbd has a better dev team (plural), for the most part they are working on the same code. you can just tell from the healthy consistent patchs almost every week even if its minor changes gamezbd releases compared to cdo .

    yea your right for someone like me its not easy but for this dev team?lol if they wanted to do it they can, at this point its just a matter of is it worth it for them.
  15. loboram

    loboram Respected Member Forum Legend

    Jan 29, 2018
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    Fair enough Kid192, but I do have to put things right first up: Kolka has said many things, but I do know that he did say the GamezBD would be looking into implementing the Central Market if there was no fix for the Marketplace search bug, also that it would not be an easy task.
    Secondly what is this CDO? Also how do you know anything about how to develop if you have no knowledge about it, or how the staff works, or what can be done here on GamezBD or anywhere else if you are not working side by side with them?

    Look I get that YOU think it is easy, and that if something else can done so "easily" then so could GamezBD, but I was just trying to make it plain to you that all the ideas that have been suggested so far have been ideas to solve a problem created by the same "Elite"-players that first complained their arses off, then up and left this server once they got it, only some of the original "perps" remain on our server.

    I commend you for coming up with an idea and presenting it here, that is what the forums are for most of all, player feedback, but -like many of the things I have suggested- there are MANY constrictions to what the developers can and cannot work around or even fiddle with coding-wise, so while I like your enthusiasm; "Just make a server merge, that isn't really a server merge, and that will solve the problems with PvP", it is only a very small aspect of what is broken at the moment. The fact that our server runs without Evasion and a properly working combat system due to that, as well as many many bugged character skills and Over Powered Classes, make the notion of having more players gathering for PvP a very small compensation, since that is NOT really the problem, but keeping players happily playing on our servers IS.

    Hope once again that you do not take this personally, and just one more thing; What is this RP you mention in the reply above all about?
    Last edited: Nov 22, 2019
  16. Jujuba

    Jujuba Legendary Member Forum Legend

    Aug 5, 2019
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    WHAT? Are you sure? I'm here since October 2018 and I think I only saw 2/3 asian guilds announcing... NA is made my NA and SA players. That's all I see. Also... EU players should play EU server. Some say PvP scenario is better there. And... Isn't EU better for SEA/TW/TR+ players?

    Anyway... Gamez has so much to lose doing this merge, so it won't happen. Sadly, I think.
  17. kid192

    kid192 New Member

    Aug 22, 2019
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    cdo is the other private server, they achieve what i proposed while working with the same code while having only one dev work on the game. i dont recall kolka ever saying the CM would be hard to crack and put in, we went from literally the current MP being broken to the only solution is to implement the CM and it will be put in all in about a month, i dont know about you but based on the patch history of every server i have been on 1 month to implement something that is such a big update and quality of life addition is really fast. again you can get a clue on how the staff works with just looking at how often updates are released and how bug free they are. this server has a retail like patching system where for the most part they update the server almost every week.

    you keep bringing up how i have no knowledge on programming but its irrelevant for the point im trying to make .again i know im to small brain to understand how coding works itself but gathering information on how a server develops week to week month to month and the quality of their patchs (where the remastered update seems to be the only one that caused major major issues) is very easy and comparing it to another private server who is working on the same code with a smaller team is even easier

    pvp is not the biggest problem on gamezbd, the ppl complaining about pvp are the small top geared vocal minority , u dont fix this server by just fixing pvp. a server merge or better "combining na and eu" will help with pvp yes but for the most part it will help in other aspects of the game where the other majority of the player base lives like pve, lifeskilling , a market that seems more alive which is a big one as im a believer that a game lives and dies on its combat and economy etc etc
    loboram likes this.
  18. loboram

    loboram Respected Member Forum Legend

    Jan 29, 2018
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    I like your reply, especially the last part of it. I do however want to point out that mentioning another BDO-Private server in our forum is quite rude and while it might not be direct advertizing it will still make many players go there and check it out, which is in fact against our server rules (well directly advertizing them is).

    So yeah I get that you may infer some information gleaned from what you can observe in the patch frequency as well as content, however I just wanted to point out the very tiring and sometimes hard work that the developers put into this project and are nearly never properly thanked for. In fact there are about 10000 to 1 posts about bugs and complaints against one mere post about thanking the entire staff of GamezBD, where I started one myself and saw another one but besides these two posts thanking GamezBD all the rest are pretty much the opposite aside from the questions and other such stuff.

    I do really hope that the developers can and will fix the MarketPlace, as well as fix the (in my opinion) biggest problems of this server; The Combat system, as well as ALL the Classes (Skills and all).

    Once again I do have to voice my opinion about changing the MarketPlace prices to reflect the actual reality on our community and in-game economics. Since this server has become more about getting gear quickly, avoiding any RPG elements as well as life-skills, the players that enjoy that part of the game have been left with a nearly completely empty MP (MarketPlace), as at the moment there are no Traces nor Powders whatsoever. The amount of time it takes to gather such items, or more likely using workers to get, is quite staggering when compared to how much silver you can make with a SD-party (Special-Deals-party), so when you take that into account, as well as the fact that there are SO few players left on our community that actually give a dang about the game in its entirety, then you will realize how under priced these items in particular are, and no matter how much the Pre-Order amount is for these items (I have seen 50.000 silver for a Powder type) I have never actually received such payment from the current MP despite being the only one selling it for that price; 500x50.000=25.000.000 (25Million). Yeah it is true that the 50.000 silver price could have been for a smaller amount of the items I put up for sale, BUT the amount of actual time invested on our servers right now to get 500 Powder (not including BlackStone) is staggeringly high when you compare it to how much it is actually worth (5200 silver) when it should be worth the amount of Real-Time invested, making it a viable product for ALL players to gather and sell what they do not use themselves.
    I suggest a price of 50.000 silver maximum and a 10.000 silver minimum, for all Traces and Powders, as well as an adjustment for MANY more MP-items that have simply stopped selling due to the actual amount of time versus selling MP-price.
  19. kid192

    kid192 New Member

    Aug 22, 2019
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    thats what great and why we have asked for the CM for a long time, it address's all those issues except for the availability of certain items but atleast if u have it you will be able to sel it for whats its actually worth in this economy
    loboram likes this.
  20. CrazyLamer

    CrazyLamer New Member

    May 10, 2019
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    Well i am personally opposed to this, because of the lag it will cause.
    I've personally played on but Asian and NA server in other games and while it is doable PvE i can't for the love of god consider it in PvP. I have been doing PvP with lag and it's horrendous and most players doesn't even PvP atleast not on EU so that also has to be considered. And if this is a thing to consider or think about, make a poll for EU server and see what they want, if the majoirty wants it there then so be it.
    But until then NA has nothing to say about a merge just because they want to pvp while eu has more pve last i checked but that is my opinion.
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