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Toxicity in "Server" (or any) chat its allowe here?

Discussion in 'Black Desert Discussion' started by Krew, Dec 5, 2019.

  1. Krew

    Krew New Member

    Nov 8, 2019
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    I'm asking this because i saw the same player many many times spaming insults and talking s#$t from other players. I already block im, but it suprised me that he doesnt get any punishment
    loboram likes this.
  2. Lareldal

    Lareldal Patience is a virtue <3 Forum Legend

    Jul 21, 2017
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    These are Gamez rules, which apply to all gamez outlets: http://forum.gameznetwork.com/threads/server-rules.87934/ If rules are being broken, such as racism for example, record or take full screen screenshots which include the entire screen with chat showing. All proofs provided must be unedited. Take the proofs you have and file a report under player reports. The appropriate actions will be taken, depending on the rule broken and severity.
  3. DNTK

    DNTK Getting there

    Apr 21, 2018
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    Talking shit is the only thing to do as end game on this boring ez server.
  4. Krew

    Krew New Member

    Nov 8, 2019
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    I read the rules, and as I see, this kind of things are allowed. Am I right?
  5. Wraithhunter

    Wraithhunter A Sloth who loves Lore

    Feb 26, 2019
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    Wandering the Lands with The Fox...
    Oof..I mean toxic players are always toxic and are always in any game possible, but this is crazy to see that in chat. Granted though I've seen worse Toxic players in other games like WOW, or Trove for example..they just let them run wild it seems with toxicity, even extreme toxic players. (even when you ask a simple question and you get trashed on..or being sent death threats..because apparently asking a simple question is really bad, at least with my experience with those 2 games.)

    And for those claiming Gamezbd is dead like that person in chat..well if that was me, I would answer asking them why they are continuing to play it if they think its "dead?" Though don't do that yourself..trust me, it will just get you into trouble or instigate it worse. I guess it goes for anything really, why are you continuing to play something that you hate, and continue to raag on it for being "dead" or crap in forums or in-game eh? Ye don't like it, fine, but then just leave the game simple as that lol. No one wants to hear the bitching of "DeAd gAmE!" all the time..like recently on Gamezbd's forums.
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2019
    loboram likes this.
  6. loboram

    loboram Respected Member Forum Legend

    Jan 29, 2018
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    I do understand that it is obvious to do as you say @Lareldal but the terrible truth is that most players NEVER report the offenders because they are used to having NOthing happen if they do, also mainstreamer attitude is to "just ignore/block" which is the worse way to deal with problems, it is basically saying "it is okay to do horrible crimes, as long as I do not have to look at it". This is the reason I am such a hardliner against these dumb options, because they solve nothing. So in all fairness WHEN someone is finally reported, it should go without saying that SOMEthing should be done as soon as it has been reviewed by a staffmember and NOT a couple of weeks or even months later, which unfortunately has happened quite a few times before...not so sure how things are running now though since I have basically given up on reporting players, because of the lack of actions against them.
    Hey @Krew I get it...I personally have made MANY posts about this in this forum, but the trouble is still that the staff of GamezBD have actual lives to live, so they are not capable to be online 24/7 just to make sure that players who are abusive and toxic get punished for it. Also before I go on, when you screenshot things here on GamezBD as proof, you HAVE to reveal the entire screenshot in order for it to be useful evidence.

    So it falls to the players who care about this community and server-project to report and screenshot what they think is too much, HOWEVER then it is up to the staffmember reviewing the reports to agree OR disagree with you about that specific screenshot, and this is where is gets REALLY tricky. Because what could be an incredible insult to you personally is not going to be that big a deal to someone else, so sometimes you reports will just get ignored depending on who is reviewing them.

    Which leads me to the terrible downwards spiral of toxicity, because most mainstreamers will just "ignore/block", while internet-trolls will just feed right into it making it worse, and then the few who care will eventually give up because it seems that they are in the minority simply because there are SO few who believe that caring or acting against toxicity will make any difference at all. That is how toxicity survives and thrives until it is a problem so big that acting against it will condemn the server in the eyes of the mainstreamers, as they will undoubtedly run to their mass-media outlet to rant, cry and whine about how unfair GamezBD is, that they are not allowed "freedom of speech" (the dumbest argument ever), and that they are getting censured because they were "just telling jokes" (second dumbest excuse to be abusive).

    So all in all I don't really know, I would love to be able to report directly in-game everytime someone crosses the rules of the GameZ-site, but unfortuantely the only thing that we have is a report button that did nothing before (not sure if it works now), and now a Sheriff Badge that can ONLY be used to report GOLD-Sellers (but the game currency is silver so not really a thing) and to abuse of that reporting system is to put your own account at risk according to the text of that function.

    Hopefully we will get enough reports against these arsehats to get them repeatedly booted off the server, in the hopes that they will eventually get the hint that they are not welcome here on GameZ, if they insist on behaving like little-spoiled-entitled-peabrained-brats.
    Wraithhunter and Krew like this.

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