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Memoirs of a Gamer, A Special GamezAion 11th Anniversary Event

Discussion in 'Events Archive' started by Fendi, Feb 2, 2021.

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  1. Fendi

    Fendi ♔ (っ◔◡◔)っ Forum Legend

    Oct 20, 2012
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    Greetings Daevas!

    GamezAion is celebrating its 11th anniversary.
    To celebrate this milestone, we decided to do a storytelling theme for this year's forum anniversary event.

    Help us celebrate by writing a story about a certain event
    that was so memorable for you during your adventures in GamezAion.
    It can be about anything like finding your first friend, winning a fight,
    finding your true love, your first heartbreak, your worst enemy, your favorite map, etc.

    [​IMG]Focus on one topic to write about.
    [​IMG]Describe what you've experienced in detail.

    [​IMG]You can only join once per account.
    [​IMG]Everyone is welcome to join excluding staff members.
    [​IMG] Your story has to be written properly, divided into paragraphs.
    [​IMG] Maximum of 6-10 paragraphs allowed. No more than that.
    [​IMG] You can write your story in any language you are comfortable with.


    can be claimed whenever

    [​IMG] Admiral's Uniform
    [​IMG] Admiral's Drape
    [​IMG] Golden Wing Feather of Allure

    can be claimed whenever

    [​IMG] Cavalry Uniform
    [​IMG] Cavalry Hat

    I started to love computer games when I was in grade 5 in elementary school. until I went to high school and found an internet cafe somewhat closer to our school. There I met and became close to the owner of the shop and I was with him to research new games that can be played and can be popular with the players in that cafe, for the purpose of making more money for the cafe. There, we discovered the Divine AIon, which unfortunately did not do well because there weren't enough people playing in that server until a month later and other versions of the game suddenly caught our eye and playful imagination which is another version of Aion which is none other than GamezAion.

    Since then, we have tried to become familiar with the game, we ended up skipping classes just to play games and grind EXP / Items.
    My friends' dream was super small then, that we would all become elyos 1 star army by killing the other faction, and since we are not so pro, we created an account in both races and took turns killing to boost our Abyss Points however, we thought that, it was like cheating and it felt like there was no thrill, so what we did was we MAX level first, then grind gear in Dark Poeta where we always picked on Tahabata and at that time there was a Bug because sometimes that particular boss would respawn inexplicably. At that time, I was already so content and happy even if I only had a blue anuhart cleric set (with set effect).

    At one point we started gear hunting in DP (Dark Poeta), we were so excited, but when we got to the location of the DP gate (Kishar Observation Post in Heiron), all of a sudden we saw a bunch of what it seemed like red diamond icons in our radar (ASMODIANS) just right after we landed from the flight, all of us ran whichever way we could get away and escape death.

    During those times it was so full of excitement and thrill because we found something that we were looking for in a game, more PVP, It was apparent that I was so nervous because my body was shaking because we were surrounded by so many enemies that were chasing after me to kill me. Fortunately the Asmos disappeared because they were chasing some group of elyos away from Kishar that's how we were able to get inside DP but an unfortunate event happened between my friends and I, the allotted hours ended on our rented computer at the cafe and our daily money allowance ran out for the day, so we didn't get to continue our gear hunting. We were disappointed because of what happened, but we were still happy because we got to experience PVP even if the fight was 1 sided (because our items were weak and we weren't exactly used to playing our classes yet)

    Days, weeks, months and years have passed, we were able to familiarize ourselves with the class we were playing, not too many died from our gear hunting because I got somewhat better at healing, and killing the boss was somewhat faster than it used to be because we were able to utilize our skills properly and we all seem to have improved in the classes we played.

    At some point my friends and I had misunderstandings and some of us were jealous of our friends who had extra money, they were able to donate and buy ABG gears and they were able to achieve the Elyos general rank we decided to come together and help each other out to so that no one would feel jealous anymore or get left behind, we talked to the owner of the shop to donate for us and buy us something even if it's just ABG weapon, and we told him we would pay him as soon as we were able to save up some money. Fortunately he agreed.

    We decided to join the Legion called Olympianz (Im not sure if the legion name ended with the letter z or s) we met Kapeds and Marlz and other players that were on the ranking list. I though to myself this just might be the happiest part of my Gaming Life, because we were able to meet a new friend, an ally and someone who helped us to get stronger.

    Again, time had passed us by,so fast that we grew up, some of our friends had families of their own, until I found myself playing GameAion all by myself. My friends that were with me before were no longer playing. I also graduated from high school and it became even more harder to go to the internet cafe where I play because it was so hard to find transportation in our province and another thing is, the internet cafe is too far from our house that's why, I wasn't able to play anymore.

    In Sept 2020, I was able to buy a cheap laptop and I tried to download the game again. Even though I already have kids and a wife I am still very much into the game. I managed to download it and was able to play again but the memories of the past were gone because our characters/items/gears/equipments or whatever you call it were wiped out. So I decided to start over, met a new friend and made a new enemy on this game until now I continue to play and continue to wait for the NEW PATCH that's coming.
    "Sometimes, memories are bound to be forgotten so that you can focus on future events that can be much better than what you had before"
    can be claimed whenever

    [​IMG] Pristine Sky Admiral Uniform

    @NickTheChanter (Biden)
    @cornbits (Royal Pain)
    @AbyssWalker (Vaaran)


    *The winners of this event will be chosen by a vote from all GamezAion staff.
    *In the event of an update/downgrade, all winners can expect the same rewards to be mailed to them.

    February 15, 2021

    February 22, 2021

    Many thanks to @Noyah, @Carl, @Primez, @Floette, @Koro, and @Dementa for your help.
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2021
    AbyssWalker, Ayvel, Floette and 6 others like this.
  2. Fendi

    Fendi ♔ (っ◔◡◔)っ Forum Legend

    Oct 20, 2012
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    Hello guys!

    This event is officially open. Please read the rules carefully. Good luck to all of you! :kitty:
    Takuro and Floette like this.
  3. NickTheChanter

    NickTheChanter New Member

    Apr 13, 2020
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    Pleasure of 7.0​

    My adventures with Gamez 7.0 was a wonderful and pleasurable experience! I met a lot of great players but there was only one robot that caught my eye. Roo was his name and his power was immeasurable, I just knew he would make a great rival and a strong partner. He kept me on my toes and he knew actually how to bring me joy and pleasure especially when we double team and dominate the rest of the players into submission. I already had no problems handling my prey alone but with Roo I knew anything was possible. I never shy away from a battle and I enjoy the pleasure knowing I can get anyone I desire to submit or do I?

    There is a sin that I enjoy giving this hard and capable staff too. He is Trueno and this sin is no slacker but his 1 inch daggers can not penetrate through my defenses. He is not easily to submit to my advances for battle but eventually he does fall to his hands and knees with his wings wide open. Perhaps my damage and penetration was too much but with frustration and determination to dominate he later turns into the "Viagra Sin", which increases his 1 inch dagger's damage significantly which is enough for him to be a challenge in the game we love. Even with his blue pills my stun and stumble lock keeps him at bay long enough to receive all of my blessings as he slowly returns back to base awaiting more pain and possibly pleasure. Knowingly seeing that he may need help handling my immense damage and forceful penetration he falls under his first true lover Badmanner.

    The gladiator I previously mentioned is no original and I enjoy going 1v1 with him. He is a fighter on and off the battleground and he knows how to make you work for it. Badmanner is a very bad boy and doesn't go down so easily, his defenses is like no other glad and the way I bring him to his hands and knees is through a lot of sweat, concentration and endless hard damage. Eventually he does fall again like Trueno with his wings wide open and ready to submit. Neither like to handle me alone and understand that my hard but ready Ultimate Cruel Sovereign Staff is too much for the both of them. But needless to say when it's all over they both enjoy when I whisper to them in Spanish, " es asi como te gusta perra(blowskiss)." This brings them much joy and encouragement to go another round with me but even those two don't like leaving out their baby daddy Klou

    This painter Klou obviously needs no introduction but we know that he likes to get the job done by any means. He truly enjoys painting his players by putting them in a unavoidable paralyzation that forces them without consent to take what is coming. With his famous rainbow rain drops covering your entire body on top of his hot and burning STD lasers, how can anyone avoid such an advance? Together with all three pouncing at me without a chance to recover my rock hard staff begins to softens knowing there is not a chance. Through hard challenges and awaiting whats to come next of me I know there is only one hero I can always count on! The robot I once mentioned is the man that can compliment my powers and enhance my dominate abilities to put even the capable of warriors in their rightful place. Together with my stun and stumble lock keeping our prey down and ready, my partner immensely charges up his strongest and most unwavering absolute attack finishing them with no hope of comprehending the unmeasurable level of ultimate penetration and submission.

    In conclusion, my time learning new abilities and meeting new friends and acquittances has really made my adventures here at Gamez Aion that much enjoyable. I await the new victims I hope to encounter and applaud anyone who wish to entertain me and help me advance my new found and undiscovered powers when we transfer over to the new patch. Understanding that not too many players comprehend or maybe even enjoy my type of play, know that with my staff grows and throbs that much harder believing that I'm going to make you submit that much harder, and I hope in the future I assemble an even stronger alliance with warriors who hold my visions. Any and everyone deserve Chantultra's ultimate, unparalleled, inmitable and unsurpassable power! Fly high deavas I await you and my new stories!
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2021
    Fendi likes this.
  4. DarkT

    DarkT New Member

    Feb 15, 2021
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    IGN: DarkTemptation

    A new adventure of 7.0
    I was going to wait for the upcoming new patch for Gamez, however, I was bored so instead, I downloaded Gamez 7.0 patch. I started playing Gamez 7.0 for about a week or two so my experience is a little bit short compare to others. during those weeks I've experienced how frustrating it is not to have the damage output to do against the enemy and how some of the people on this server show their kindness towards a new player like me. they didn't hesitate to help me out with things like getting AP and giving me cubes and other stuff without expecting anything in return. the one person that I'd mostly play with and help me with stuff is Namikaze he was the first person to reach out to help me get some of the daevanion skills and AP.

    After we've settled with farming ap and daevanion skills we went straight to pvping, I had a lot of fun playing with him even though the other faction mostly one-shotted us well mostly me but I still had fun. and eventually, I was able to get my gear +15 because of this event that gives us tempering and omega once we logged in, as well as farming some elite mobs in lakrum. Day by day I pvp and met new people and had more fun, I sometimes don't get one-shotted but two-shotted instead and I have noticed that I was able to do some damage now to the enemies well not all but some because of enchanted gear/weapon. But hey at least I can be annoying to them even though I don't do damage to them I'll leave that part to my team.

    In conclusion, starting anew can be frustrating and it'll take a while to get where you wanted to be, but don't give up that easily because there are some people that are willing to help you to start out without getting anything in return. It can also lead to forming new friendships or even finding new friends and having a lot of fun along the way.
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2021
    Floette and Fendi like this.
  5. cornbits

    cornbits Getting there

    Dec 24, 2017
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    IGN: Royalpain

    The golden age of gamezaion
    Kishar outpost was desolate and barren, balaurs scattered around the terrain guarding the odium factory. we were waiting for our cleric but he is a no show. It has been an hour and the whole party was getting ready to raid dark poeta. Lone daevas are sitting around waiting for a raid group.

    After hitting level 50, it's about time to gear up for the upcoming battles. Everyone was tense because there were enemy Asmodians lurking around pouncing on the unweary Elyos and they know that we were sitting ducks around the dungeon portal. "Incoming!!" cried by an Assassin running out of Kishar outpost. Suddenly, a horde of asmodians came running after him and we had no choice but to stand our ground. Under geared and without much pvp experience combined with the lack of coordination, we were wiped to the last man by a Sprit Master unleashing his Daevic Power.

    We asked for help and some Daevas came rushing to our aid. After fending off the remaing Asmodians, a friendly Cleric aided us on our quest. Farming for equipment was tiresome but it was rewarding after getting all the equipment we need.

    Our small band of friends formed a Legion and after helping new Daevas, we recruited at least 90 members and now ready for an all out war against Asmodae.
    Floette and Fendi like this.
  6. AbyssWalker

    AbyssWalker New Member

    Feb 3, 2021
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    My adventures(80 percent of it)
    IGN: Vaaran

    (sorry in advance for the grammar and stuff)

    , also referred to as The Abyss, was Aion's trademark PvPvE region for much of the game's history. It was a full free-flight zone composed of three layers: Lower, Upper, and the Core, with each layer containing its own instances, fortresses, and other challenges.

    And before we went to Reshanta. Me, my brother, and his 10 friends went to some instances and dungeons to grind levels, then there was an event portal at Sanctum and we went inside, there we saw a huge dragon and fought it like a madman. Then my friends backed off for some reason leaving me with the boss, I had a hard time fighting it because it has so much health, luckily there were clerics who supported me from the back, and finally, when the boss has almost been defeated my friends charged in and took the last hit, they took all of the items and never gave anything to me, I was crying and mad at the same time.

    When we were done we the boss event we went to grind levels again and then when my friend saw an asmodian player, He went to attack it and then we didn't notice that there are at least 26 asmodian players, we were quickly surrounded by them, luckily 80 percent of them were just low-leveled players and 20 percent of them were on par with us. We fought them bravely and won.

    After many hours, days, weeks, and months of grinding, we finally reached max level (65 on 4.6 and 4.8 I think), Everyone was excited, and then we were sorting out our items and stuff, we were finally ready to go to Reshanta, there we found and fought some asmodians and creatures, we found some asmodian territories and found even lots of asmodian players, there we were fighting while flying, it was so hard as hell because I'm not used to fighting while flying.

    We found some other Elyos players and allied with them, they invited us to their alliance and fought many asmodians while travelling, The fight was so intense that my heart was beating so fast that made me spam my keyboard, luckily it didn't break.

    There I was being chased by 2 assassins, 1 gladiator, and 1 spiritmaster and got separated from my allies, I shouted: "HELP ME GUYS IM BEING CHASED BY SOME ASMODIANS".
    My friends and my Brother heard my cry and shouted: "protect Vaaran my brother" and went to me. My brother and his friends killed the ones chasing me and charged in the asmodians' fortress, then a horde of asmodians came at us, we had no choice but to stand our ground.

    And when we finally defeated the asmodians and won, players that we had asked for help, invited us to their Legion (can't say the name) and went on an adventure together.
    As time passed little by little, the members of the legion disappeared without knowing the reason why including my brother's friends, and finally, me and my brother were left in the legion, he quit the game without telling me the reason why. (but I think he was just bored or something)

    And on that day my brother told me to find some allies I can trust. He gave me all of his stuff, and the legion to me. And I continued on playing. 'till to this day.

    cornbits and Fendi like this.
  7. Snowinkle

    Snowinkle ❥ мαℓℓσωѕ ❥ Forum Legend

    Apr 29, 2013
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    Somewhere over the rainbow ❥
    IGN: Healarybuff

    ~❤︎ Take me Back to Sanctum ❤︎ ~
    Every people has its own definition of what love is. They said Love is blind, Love Conquers all, Love is patient and Love is unmeasurable. Hmmmmm.. I don’t believe this, maybe it’s just a joke or they just trying to make people believe that true love really exists. “oh C’mon!” Love…. Love… Where are you?!” Dating, Kissing, Hugging! Oh my God! Am I human?! Hellooooo?! Let me feel love, A true love!

    “Whooop!” Wheeep!” I got ya! See?! I’m the best healer in Atreia! You owe me guys! Haha!

    “I said while holding my mouse and playing GamezAion. My teammates were really happy because I saved them! I saved the day! Everyone loves me because I’m Cleric, I can cleans and heal! But nobody loves me as me…. They just love me because of my skills, they just admire Healarybuff, not me.

    How can I give my own definition of love if nobody cares to me anyways?

    Well, what I know is that someone out there for me also, the right man will come. When? Then I met this Songweaver in game. With just one meeting I had slipped, stumbled and fallen over heels in love with him! He was everything in a man that I wanted and much, much more.

    We first started in Sanctum. I think this is the magical place ever, a place that I can start writing my own definition of Love. , and in this place… yes this place… I have met the love of my life. Meeting him brought so many emotions I never believed I could feel. My heart opened up, the Ice around it melted. “oh nooo… What’s happening? Is this real?

    Days… Months… Years passes by. Yes! We’re still friends, we are really good friends. Every day we go here in Sanctum doing such silly things together. Planning to hunt Asmodians, playing with our pets, hunting remodels and even taking a lot pictures around the world of Atreia.

    Sounds sweet right? Well, that’s what friends are for, and it’s just a game… I’m just Healarybuff. A Support, a healer… a friend, and a secret admirer maybe. I just realized that I found love and friendship in him. The Longer we play, the more I fall for him. How I felt about him in the beginning has become worse now. It’s fun to think that I can feel it in someone I have never met. I’m just really Happy. I’m just glad I’ve met him in this game and I found in him the meaning of the love I was looking for.

    Surprisingly, everything in GamezAion came true.A Cleric and a Songweaver who created a story not only in this game but also in real life. Sanctum was the witness of how our love started, how we fought, how we became best friends, and how we developed our love. In this place, I felt that I’m in the right place with the right person. I thought it would only be seen in movie but it really happens to us, In real world. We are Happy to continue what we have started and to make our make own family. We love each other not as characters in this game but we love each other as a person. It just hurt to think that we’re in a Long distance relationship right now.He may be far away ,but I know the day will come that he will be with me. I’m praying that time will come for the two of us to feel the love together. Thanks for this game, Thank you Carl! Thanks Aion….I Learned to be happy and free to tell the world my meaning of Love. I learned to open my mind that love is like a game, sometimes we have to be brave and sacrifice a lot of things to win.

    So, for the rest of my life I will be proud of my unique meaning of LOVE. The love I felt when we first met in Sanctum. Happy Ending? I still don’t know… All I know is just We’re happy and contented of what we have now.

    So what do I mean by love? It’s simple… It’s just US and Sanctum.

    To my love, My Songweaver…

    Can you take me back to Sanctum again and again? ❤︎​
    Kizumii and Fendi like this.
  8. Lanuvel

    Lanuvel Getting there

    Oct 4, 2014
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    Nagsimula akong nahilig sa computer games noong grade 5 palang ako sa elementary school. hanggang sa nag high school ako at makatagpo ng internet cafe na mejo malapit sa school namin. Doon nakilala ko at naging ka close ang may-ari ng shop at nakasama ko siyang magsaliksik ng mga bagong games sa pwedeng laruin at maaring maging patok sa mga manlalaro sa cafe na iyon, higit sa lahat maging dahilan pra lalo itong kumita . Doon, Na-diskubre namin ang Divine AIon , na sa kasamaang palang ay hindi naging mabenta sa manlalaro sa dahilang kakaunti lamang ang mga players nito, hanggang sa makalipas ang isang buwan at biglang pumukaw sa aming paningin at malikot na imahinasyon ang ibang bersion ng larong Aion na walang iba kundi ang GamezAion.

    Mula noon, sinubukan naming maging pamilyar sa laro, nakukuha pa namit mag cutting classes pra lang makapag-laro at grind ng EXP/Items.
    Super liit ng pangarap naming noon ng mga kaibigay ko, na sana maging elyos 1 star army kami lahat sa pamamagitan ng pagpatay ng kabilang faction, at dahil kami ay hindi pa ganon ka pro, gumawa kami account sa magkabilang race at magsalitan sa pagpatay upang tumaas ang aming Abyss Points subalit , naicp naming na, pandaraya ito at prang walang thrill, so ang ginawa naming ay nagpa-MAX level muna kami, pagkatapos ay mag grind ng gear sa Dark Poeta kung saan lagi naming kinakawawa si Tahabata at nagkarron pa noon ng Bug dahil hindi minsan nagrerespawn ang naturing na boss sa di maipaliwanag na dahilan. Magkaroon lamang ako ng isang blue anuhart cleric set (with set effect) ay sobrang saya ko na.

    Minsan binalak naming na mag gear hunt sa DP (Dark Poeta) , at sobrang excited naming, ngunit pagdating namin sa location ng gate ng DP (Kishar Observation Post in Heiron) , biglang bumulagta ang napakaraming kulay red na diamond icon sa aming radar (ASMODIANS) at saktong paglapag naming mula sa flight ay kanya kanyang takbo na upang makatakas mula sa kamatayan.
    Puno ng galak, excitement at thrill ang mga panahong iyon dahil natagpuan naming ang hinahanap naming sa isang laro which is More on PvP , Nariyan pang mejo nanginginig ung katawan ko sa sobrang kaba dahil ang daming kalaban na humahabol upang mapatay ako. Fortunately nawala na ang mga asmo dahil meron silang hinabol na grupo ng elyos palayo sa Kishar kaya nakapasok kami sa DP pero sa malas naming magkakaibigan, natapos na palang bigla ang oras ng nirentahan naming computer at wala na kaming allowance pra sa araw na yun, so hindi rin na tuloy ang gear hunt namin. Dismayado man dahil sa nangyari, masaya parin kami sa na-experience naming PvP kahit alam naming 1 sided ang laban (mahina ang items namin at di namin kabisado ang class namin masyado)

    Lumipas ang mga araw, mga linggo , buwan at taon, nakuha naming masanay at ma-kabisado ang class na aming ginagalawan, wala nang masyadong namamtay sa gear hunt namin dahil mejo gumaling ako sa pagheal, mejo naging mabilis na rin anbg pag kill sa mga boss dahil sa skill utilization naming lahat na nag-improve.

    Nangyari rin noon na kami ay magkatampuhan at magkainggitan dahil may extrang allowance ang iba sa amin , kaya sila nakapag donate at makabili ng ABG gears at naka-angat hanggang sa elyos general rank kaya naman para maibsan ang tampo at inggit, ay nagtulungan kami , kinausap namin ang may-ari ng shop na magdonate at ibili kami ng kahit ABG weapon man lang, at saka na namin siya bayaran pag nakaipon. Pumayag naman ito.

    Sumali kami sa Legion ng Olympianz (Im not sure kung z ba ung last letter or s) nakilala namin sina Kapeds at Marlz at iba pang mga players na nasa rankings. ito na ata ang pinaka masayang parte ng Gaming Life ko , dahil nakakilala kami ng mga kaibigan, kakampi at katulong sa pagpapalkas.

    At muli, Lumipas ng napakabilis ang panahon , tumanda na kami, nagkapamilya na ang iba, hanggang sa natagpuan ko nalang ang sarili ko na nag-iisang nag-lalaro ng GameAion. Wala na ang mga kaibigan kong nakasama ko noon. Gumraduate narin ako ng high school at naging mahirap na pra sa akin ang magpunta sa Internet café na pinaglalaruan ko dahil mahirap ang transportation sa probinsiya namin at isa pa, malayo masyado ang shop mula sa Bahay ko kaya, hindi narin ako nakapag laro.

    Sept 2020, nakabili ako ng cheap na laptop at sinubukan ko I-download ang laro. May anak na ako at asawa pero solid parin ako sa larong ito. nakapasok naman, nakapaglaro ulit kaya lang wala na ang mga ala-ala na prang kapon lang dahil na-wiped out ang buong characters/items/gears/equipments or whatever you call it. Kaya nagsimula ng panibago, nakakilala ng mga bagong kaibigan at kaaway sa laro at hanggang ngayon patuloy na naglalaro at naghihintay sa NEW PATCH na paparating.

    "Sometimes, memories are bound to be forgotten so that you can focus on future events that can be much better than what you had before"

    IGN: Lanuv/Mcfloyd(elyos) Archangel(asmo)
    Old IGN Revengie/Cloudstrife (Elyos)
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2021
    Fendi likes this.
  9. Fendi

    Fendi ♔ (っ◔◡◔)っ Forum Legend

    Oct 20, 2012
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    Winners for this event have been announced!
    Please see the first post for the INFO.
    Congratulations to all winners and participants!
    Thank you all for participating in this event.​
    Lanuvel, Ayvel and Takuro like this.
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