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Finished [Event] Bugatti Collaboration

Discussion in 'Black Desert Events' started by Jujuba, Sep 27, 2021.

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  1. Jujuba

    Jujuba Legendary Member Forum Legend

    Aug 5, 2019
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    Event Period: After Maintenance ~ November 1st, 2021​


    A collaboration that is comparable to none!
    During this special collaboration event, the Mythical Arduanatt will be appearing in the world. This is your chance to witness the legendary horse and aim your sights at the Breath of Krogdalo itself!

    Event Period
    - After Maintenance – November 1st, 2021.

    Event Details
    During the event, the Mythical Arduanatt will make appearances in the world.
    - Note: The Mythical Arduanatt will not appear in the Valencia region.
    ▲ The Mythical Arduanatt!

    Interact with the Mythical Arduanatt, and you’ll be able to obtain the [Event] Breath of Krogdalo.
    - The Mythical Arduanatt will disappear one hour after it is activated.
    - If not activated, the Mythical Arduanatt will disappear one hour after it first appeared.
    * Please note that the selection button will not appear if you have 3 or more [Event] Breath of Krogdalo items in your inventory!
    * The [Event] Breath of Krogdalo is a character bound item, and it cannot be moved to your Storage.

    You can use the [Event] Breath of Krogdalo to complete the quests below.
    [Daily Quest]
    - Availability Period: after maintenance – November 1st, 2021
    - You must have the [Event] Breath of Krogdalo to accept and complete this quest.
    * This quest can only be completed once a day per Family.
    * If you accept the quest before the end of the event, you can still complete the quest after the end of the event.
    * This quest does not count towards Rulupee’s Travel Log.
    * You can no longer accept this quest after the end of the availability period.

    [Weekly Quest]
    - Availability Period: after maintenance – November 1st, 2021
    - You must have the [Event] Breath of Krogdalo and completed the [Event] One Step Closer quest to accept and complete this quest.
    * This quest can only be completed once a week per Family.
    * If you accept the quest before the end of the event, you can still complete the quest after the end of the event.
    * This quest does not count towards Rulupee’s Travel Log.
    * You can no longer accept this quest after the end of the availability period.

    Collect twenty [Event] Spirit's Tear as quest rewards and bring them to the NPC Erfianso at Atanis Pond!
    [Once per Family]
    - You must have the [Event] Spirit's Tear to accept and complete this quest.
    * This quest can only be completed once per Family.
    * As long as you have the [Event] Spirit’s Tear item, you can still complete the quest even after the end of the event.
    * Once the event ends, you will no longer be able to obtain the [Event] Dancing Elephant interior item. Please note that you will still be able to obtain Krogdalo's Feather as same as before.

    The [Event] Dancing Elephant and Krogadalo's Feather have the following effects.

    Event Notices
    - GameZ reserves the right to change, adjust or cancel the event depending on mitigating circumstances. If any changes occur, they will be found on this event page.
    - There may be restrictions on trading/selling event items, and they may have usage expiration dates and different binding settings. These items cannot be transferred or restored due to this reason.
    - Please refer to the in-game item description for details regarding the item’s is bound setting.
    - Items that were sent or used as intended cannot be recovered or restored.
    - Participating in the event using inappropriate methods may result in cancellation/retrieval of any rewards and restrictions from the game.
    - If you have any questions about this event, please comment on this thread.
    - Content not listed on this page follows the [GameZ Forum/Game/Event Rules].
  2. Xyio

    Xyio New Member

    Dec 13, 2020
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    I've been searching for a few hours for the Mythical Arduanatt in towns and on roads even in some combat zones. Where can it spawn, which locations? And is it instanced as in can I only see it or can other players as well see it?
  3. Jujuba

    Jujuba Legendary Member Forum Legend

    Aug 5, 2019
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    The whole world, but Valencia.
    Yes, it's a NPC, so everyone can see and interact with it, just as the Kyve and the Goblin.
    Xyio likes this.
  4. Xyio

    Xyio New Member

    Dec 13, 2020
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    Thank you!
  5. s06827012

    s06827012 Proficient

    Dec 24, 2020
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    After many days, I have a little question.
    The event horse and the goblin next door seem to only spawn after each maintenance.
    Because it only exists for 1 hour. After 1 hour, I have almost never seen it until the next maintenance.
    Last edited: Oct 15, 2021
    Xyio likes this.
  6. Jujuba

    Jujuba Legendary Member Forum Legend

    Aug 5, 2019
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    Please, issue a Bug Report so @Kolka might take a look.
    Xyio likes this.
  7. aaronmatthew

    aaronmatthew Banned

    Sep 7, 2021
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    this event would have been cool and all but i have yet to see a single t10 from it and ive been looking. on retail, these things were everywhere and here they seem to be almost nonexistent. I'm starting to get worried that I'm not going to see one at all before the event ends.
    Xyio and Plata like this.
  8. Xyio

    Xyio New Member

    Dec 13, 2020
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    The event is bugged as myself and so many other can confirm, the only way to see them or the stupified goblins is as soon a maintenance finishes and the servers are live. You will have around 1 hour to find a t10, they are nearby roads in all territories so just find one near velia/heidel or wherever its closest to you and hop on your other characters to gather more because you can only have 3 of them on each character. I don't know if this bug has been reported, I hope it has because it's been almost a 23 days since these events are live and they have not been fixed.
  9. Jujuba

    Jujuba Legendary Member Forum Legend

    Aug 5, 2019
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    According to @Kolka these events has been fixed and it's now working as intended. When first launch the spawning rate was wrong.
    Xyio likes this.
  10. Xyio

    Xyio New Member

    Dec 13, 2020
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    Spent 2 hours just slowly auto-pathing on my horse, didn't see any t10s or stupified gobliins, I guess it is fixed but at least on my end and some others we still don't see them.
  11. Lkgmm

    Lkgmm New Member

    Jul 1, 2020
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    I only see them after server restart, after that never saw one, even the goblins event i only see after the server restart
    Xyio likes this.
  12. Xyio

    Xyio New Member

    Dec 13, 2020
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    Just today again after server maintenance occurred, I saw them as usual for 1 hour, after that they all despawned and spent another 2-3 hours just auto-pathing from Calpheon to Mediah region and didn't see any of them. @Chiclete sadly the issue doesn't seem to be fixed, what is even more sad is that this event has been going on for almost a month now and so many players haven't been able to participate in it. I hope we get an extension for it in order for others to be able to partake in it, knowing @Kolka though he will just randomly decided to stop the event out of nowhere before it's due date. Speaking of which Kolka should have informed everyone on Telegram or we should have got an email notification or something when the "New Challenger's have Appeared" Event due date was changed, it was originally supposed to go till November 1st but then it suddenly ended on the 15th of October which isn't bad, but no one got informed that is what I have an issue with. You can dictate how long events last and end them prematurely even though I disagree with that but I can't do anything about since it's your server, but do the bare minimum and inform players of these kinds of changes or give them a 1 or 2 days warning before u prematurely end an event before it's original due date.
  13. Jujuba

    Jujuba Legendary Member Forum Legend

    Aug 5, 2019
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    I do everything that's possible to forward concerns, suggestion or discontents regarding any GamezBD content that I'm involved, but I'm not the one who decides whether something will be changed or not. Every report about ongoing events has been forwarded and I came back as soon as I had an answer. That said, if @Kolka's answer was that something is working as intended, then I have nothing else to say. I can only suggest to the player that he/she issues a Bug Report or directly contact @Kolka.
    Xyio likes this.
  14. Xyio

    Xyio New Member

    Dec 13, 2020
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    I am aware of your role and understand it Chiclete, no worries and thank you on your end for everything you do for this community. That post was mostly directed to the developer team. I apologize If I came off too strong, it's just me and others feel a bit frustrated of how the events are being handled.
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