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Guide Leveling Up from 10-65

Discussion in 'PvE Guides' started by Olivia, Jan 27, 2022.

  1. Olivia

    Olivia diamonds are forever Forum Legend

    Jul 5, 2014
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    How to level up fast from Level 10 upto Level 65. (Applicable on both races, Elyos or Asmodian)
    1. When you reach Level 10, kill mobs until Level 16 for you to be eligible to enter Haramel (16+). This will make your character up to Level 25.
    2. When you get to Level 25, you must take the Abyss Entry Quest in Reshanta so that you can go inside the Nochsana Training Camp (NTC - 25+). Once finished, expect that you'll be around Level 32. By then, you have to take the quest in Morheim/Eltnen so you can go inside the Fire Temple (27+). Finishing the Fire Temple, expect to reach Level 35.
    3. When you reach Level 35, proceed to Beluslan and enter Alquimia Research Center (35+). For elyos, proceed to Azoturan Fortress (35+).
    4. When you reach Level 46, proceed to Brusthonin/Theobomos and enter Theobomos Lab (46+). Expect you'll be reaching Level 53.
    5. By reaching Level 53, you are eligible to enter Beshmundir Temple (53+) and expect to reach Level 64 or 65.
    Note: The quest experience are now increased but this method is still applicable to everyone.

    • Level up faster by entering instances alone and ask a friend or someone to hold a group for you while you're inside the instance.
    • Beshmundir Temple (BT) is the only instance that you will need a pair to enter. It must be PAIR so that the experiences you gain won't be reduced a lot.
    • Use 100% Berdin's Amulet only inside the Beshmundir Temple and 50% for the rest of instances for higher experience gain.
    • While leveling up, don't forget to take the quest given by the npc buffer (Asmo: Edandos, Elyos: Nebrith), the ones with pink blip above them to get consumables and extra 50% Berdin's Amulet.
    • When you're already level 60 and you're reentering Beshmundir Temple, never forget to use the 100% Amulet because it's only limited to level 60. Level 61 beyond will get the Amulet unusable.
    Additional Information (Asmodian Abyss Entry Quest):
    1. In the first phase of the Abyss Attunement quest chain, you will be working on the quest "Honing Your Skills". Go to the Asmodian capital city, Pandemonium and talk to Balder, located in the Great Temple of Pandemonium. He will redirect you to Therf, at the Triniel Coliseum. Continue the quest and return to Balder. As you complete "Honing Your Skills", you will receive a reward of 10k XP and 250 AP.
    2. Accept "Abyss General Knowledge" from Balder. He will send you to the Temple of Knowledge to meet 3 other NPCs, Phosphor, Moreinen and Kushar. Each NPC will ask you 3 questions and for each question you will be given a list of 3 very obvious answers. After finishing with the 3 quiz tests, you will be sent to the National Assembly Building to speak to Kvasir and complete the mission "Abyss General Knowledge".​
    3. The 3rd part of the quest chain is "Following Through". You will need to speak with Aegir, located in Morheim Ice Fortress and with Garm, within the Triniel Coliseum in Pandemonium. You will be given 3 quests, and as the Aion strategy guides have instructed me, the one that requires to kill creatures of Morheim is the easiest to complete, so choose that one. For this step, you must kill 3 Guzzlin Kurin and 3 Dark Lake Spirits at Salintus Desert, and also 3 Klaw Lookers found in Musphel Gate. Then return to Aegir and finish the quest. You will receive a reward of 10k Kinah, a nice Manastone and 250K AP.​
    4. The last part of the Abyss access chain quest is "The Last Checkpoint". You accept this quest from Aegir after finishing "Following Through" and you will be sent to speak to Yornduf at Morheim Ice Fortress. Yornduf will give you 1:40 minutes to fly through 6 portals, which is pretty easy. To finish this quest, speak again with Yornduf, report back to Aegir. Congrats! You can now enter the Abyss.​

    Note: For more information regarding the added one below, please refer to this link.

    Special thanks to @Dimples for creating this wonderful guide.

    Happy leveling everyone!

    Last edited: Jan 28, 2022
    Takuro, Kulasmith, Fendi and 3 others like this.
  2. yorvin

    yorvin Getting there

    Sep 19, 2014
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    It would be better to increase the exp of the quest, so that it is not so boring
    Kasikagi and Silvercat like this.
  3. LindaXunee

    LindaXunee New Member

    Jan 11, 2021
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    Wouldn't the fastest be buy the 20% flask ? If money didn't matter. Just click those till 65 lol
    Last edited: Apr 14, 2022
  4. Galaaxy

    Galaaxy O_O/

    Feb 27, 2013
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    My advice regarding what he said is to keep the 100% exp charm for BT in the meantime only use the charms if you are inside an instance worth the 50% exp... luck it's not that complicated
    Olivia likes this.
  5. Olivia

    Olivia diamonds are forever Forum Legend

    Jul 5, 2014
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    Edited the use of Berdin's Amulet for instances with priority regarding the level and experience gain.
    Edit: Added Abyss Entry Quest for Asmodian. Also edited the note regarding the recent changes with quest experience.
    Last edited: Jan 27, 2022
  6. Dimples

    Dimples New Member

    Sep 30, 2020
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    Yayyy thanks for this bb @ethereal
    Olivia likes this.
  7. Player1996

    Player1996 Getting there

    Feb 2, 2022
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    glad cant handle mobs is BT so we have to dark poeta

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