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Game Suggestions

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Dimples, Feb 2, 2022.

  1. Dimples

    Dimples New Member

    Sep 30, 2020
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    It has been a week since GamezAion Classic was released and I want to congratulate everyone for making this a possibility. But aside from all of it there are still a couple of suggestions that the community would like to express. I should start with the most basic necessity in the game.
    • Increase drop rates of kinah inside instances (it is currently around 20k - 70k)
    • Add kinah as rewards for the players who capture fortresses in Reshanta, Gelkmaros, Inggison and Tiamaranta (since these fortresses are from older versions, we currently do not need most of their medals already). Maybe you could also add Bloodmarks?
    • This will also encourage PVP in these areas too
    • If it would be possible to bring back Online time exchange. That was really useful as well.
    Crafting Materials
    • Increase the number of materials to gather. (Example: diamonds are quite rare and could only be gathered at a designated area in Beluslan, maybe spread it across the map if that would be possible)
    Fortresses and Sieges
    • Like what was mentioned above, kinah could be a good reward for capturing fortresses but both races still lacked gears and players, I suggest decreasing a little bit of hp from all these bosses.
    • Since we are still in the early game were players are gearing up their starter PVP gear, would it be nice to make it a little faster. The whole BM weekly camps would only reach 380 BMs per run, and to get to full gear we need around 3k BMs.

    This is what I observed overtime. Most level 65 players, sometimes including myself, would do nothing and stay AFK since we already finished our tasks within the week. I hope some of this ideas would be used or spiced up, it still depends on you guys. Xoxo
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2022
    Rubyah, abednator2 and sethehee like this.
  2. Tylkys

    Tylkys Expert

    Jul 13, 2017
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    God's kingdom
    or put Box in the pvp area, with potions, Scrolls, food, candy etc
  3. Rubyah

    Rubyah The Celestial Nostrum

    Dec 19, 2012
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    @Dimples good job pointing out these things, I hope it will be noticed.

    But sometimes, we need to be resourcefull and explore possibilities within of what is available. All we need to do for now is to utilize the resources we have. There are lots of things to cope up and I know admins are doing their best including these suggestions of yours. Let us give them time. A salute for these legends who are working tirelessly. Kudos!
  4. Dimples

    Dimples New Member

    Sep 30, 2020
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    I wasn't a fan of those boxes ever since I played 7.0 because it was so limited and people had to fight for it. Why fight for a necessity?

    I have to agree with you on this as well @Rubyah, I'm even starting selling scrolls to earn kinah XD
    Rubyah likes this.
  5. Rubyah

    Rubyah The Celestial Nostrum

    Dec 19, 2012
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    This is a brilliant idea. ;)
    Dimples likes this.
  6. Dimples

    Dimples New Member

    Sep 30, 2020
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    Yas girl, as it should. My toon is sooo poor.
  7. Ayvel

    Ayvel Guest

    The game is set to reward legions that capture fortresses not individual players. Individual players who excel during sieges take rewards like ap and medals.
    There might be changes soon about that.
    I believe there are other locations too, I will update my message with them later.
    I sometimes feel like, you people, would like to play a completely different game because you literally want EVERYTHING changed! :hilarious:
    This is the real Aion, free of bugs, and all you have to do is get deeper knowledge of all its aspects and features. Yes, it takes some time to max everything but that's also part of the game! Why play an mmorpg game if you don't want to do anything and want to have everything set to max by default?
    Noyah and Astriella like this.
  8. Dimples

    Dimples New Member

    Sep 30, 2020
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    Point taken Ayvel, but what I meant is that the older fortresses like Vorgaltem Citadel, Temple of Scales etc etc etc, are useless already since the rewards are too outdated. My idea was why don't you guys also include kinah, bloodmarks or even GP to motivate these players to participate in sieges so that all the maps will be good to use. Because we'll only go to Gelka to enter Silentera for Beshmundir, other than that... We do not have businesses there anymore.

    In regards to the HP request, I wrote that down because on the third or fourth day after the launch, we tried taking the hearts of Tiamaranta with two groups, sadly... we didn't even got the chance to finish one of the hearts because it was too strong or too "godly". Again we also tried to take one of the fortresses in Gelka, but was told that it was already useless. I don't know if times have changed at this point since more and more players are getting their gears already.

    Apologies if I sound demanding. Decision still lies on you guys, Love you :oops:
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2022
  9. Kioji

    Kioji Broken Dreams

    Sep 30, 2015
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    This is actually a good suggestion. Let us have a reward too as an early bird players :D
    Dimples likes this.
  10. sethehee

    sethehee New Member

    May 31, 2019
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    How about giving something to those who are in top 50 or 20 in ranking so that a lot of people would like to engage in pvp.
  11. Ayvel

    Ayvel Guest

    Below the item info about Diamond, there are the exact locations where you can find it. As you can see they are more than enough! :p
    It would be too irresponsible to make this kind of adjustments, because in a week that everone will be better geared we would have to rearrange everything. You also need to keep in mind that the more you change things the higher the chances are to break the balance in something and this is exactly what we want to avoid. Also, you need to be patient and wander around a bit because the answer to everything is somewhere in the game! Like with diamonds! :)
    This made me giggle... :joyful: Spread the love! :happy:
    Do you need more rewards than pure adrenaline in order to be motivated to PvP?! :wideeyed: And doesn't the game already reward people for PvPing? :pompus:
  12. Dimples

    Dimples New Member

    Sep 30, 2020
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    This is understood, thanks a lot @Ayvel for enlightening us. Spread the love!

    Thank you guys @Carl @Noyah and @Ayvel. Also to the amazing AMs
    Ayvel and Olivia like this.
  13. gorgeouschick

    gorgeouschick Formless

    May 5, 2017
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    We can give you around of applause, some pats in the shoulder, and saying "congratulations".

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