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Regarding further game updates

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Dimples, Mar 6, 2022.

  1. Dimples

    Dimples New Member

    Sep 30, 2020
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    I don't understand why everyone is so pressed with the GP reset update. I think it's a very good update considering that there are good players still at the bottom and are having a hard time going up since most of these players have been farming GP since the first week of GamezAion has been released.

    It's a good idea because it gives everyone a winning chance, and eradicate monopoly within legions. Let me just define simply what monopoly is so that everyone will understand.

    • Monopoly - the exclusive possession or control of the supply of or trade in a commodity or service.

    As a business graduate, monopoly isn't good. Competition drives motivation. Compete if you have what it thinks to reach again to the top.

    Your main reasons as to why you don't want to have the reset is your gear progression and the efforts you put into it. It won't go away but it would just be unwearable due to the current rank that you are in. So what should you do to wear that again? Rank up, farm gp, it's that simple actually. Some of you even threatened the admins that you would stop playing if admins push through with this plan, just shows how selfish and unprofessional some players are in this community.

    Also, it was a good idea to update the rewards in other fortresses so that players would be motivated to participate in sieges. I have said this the last time and i shall say it again, update the rewards from Inggi to Gelka and Tiamaranta fortresses so that PVP will be back on those maps.

    I don't want to speak otherwise because its going to be conflict of interest on my end, but you guys should remember that some of you reach 65 quite early than the rest and you started farming for GP within the first week already while most of the population were busy leveling up. You should remember that the reason why you have all those gears was the team advantage and not with the effort.
    Gon1337, gorgeouschick and Olivia like this.
  2. Olivia

    Olivia diamonds are forever Forum Legend

    Jul 5, 2014
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    Also, imo, Ranking Reset applies to all, it gives equal opportunity to everyone who wants to obtain the highest gear possible ingame, which is the Arbiter Gears which are only equipped by two highest ranked officials on both races. The rest would be under the Shepherd/Eclipse, Resplendent/Custodian gears (which is not that hard to farm GP to reuse the gears).

    I would also like to add (this topic has been mentioned on a different thread) - Ceramium Medals and Glory Points modification as prizes for conquering a fortress.

    As far as I am concerned and I'm going to say this again, there is NO imbalances between races since some elyos are capable on farming stuffs (bm, instances, maybe even EB), you only lack TEAMWORK which is a bit hard to imply to people which is an essential need for everyone to gear up better than the current BM gears. Elyos may be lacking in population but having a group effort with a mindset of one is a start to get their race have improvements.

    PS: If there is only one thing that would solve the inequality of population, that would be race transfers. Transferring 5-10 people wouldn't hurt a race, isn't it?
  3. Dimples

    Dimples New Member

    Sep 30, 2020
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    Yah Ely lack coordination, some don't even want to engage in PVP or the similar tasks in game even if someone is trying to lead the team.
  4. Pox

    Pox New Member

    Jan 25, 2022
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    You know Dimples, Aion was meant to be played by thousands of players, not a few hundreds, the maps are to say the least too big, too many and the playerbase of Gamez is really, really small, and as you are complaining about elyos, I can complain about not finding an asmodian in hours unless its on Garren Forest being RvR, and Open World or Tia Eye sometimes every couple hours, and I'm not in love precisely with being zerged on Silona/Pradeth/Sillus.

    I agree that changing some outdated fortresses is necessary, Tia Eye, Inggison/Gelk rewards aren't very useful at all, although it wont have that big of an impact as the 'damage' done by 10x ratio on EB compared to fortress rewards is already done.

    Regarding Monopoly that is a really bad term to describe the toxic GP and XFORM skills system, monopoly on most MMORPGs is usually the hoarding of World Bosses or Timegated Events by being the strongest group and no one being able to compete agaisnt you, which in this situation is only the asmodians, as they have all UA/Katalam/Danaria fortresses, getting extra ceramium medals daily besides of EB, but the elyos are the culprits of this.

    GP Rank was probably one of the worst implemented system on Aion history. AP on the other hand was one of the best, as there is a cap on the amount of AP you can get per killing the same player over and over again, although in this server with these ratios and mobs giving more AP per kill than killing a player which doesn't make any sense. Makes this system unfeasible in its current state, and tbh stuff like Idians, Army Food, Pots, should be sold in kinah by NPCs if your rank is high enough, as most of those items are untradeable.

    It wasn't a threat just a normal course of action, to get GP you need to grind, one way or another, it isn't fun, it isn't interactive, it's just meaningless grind, to maintain a rank in which the highest reward is the superior gear because of your efforts, and I'm personally using just normal Blood Mark, even as a Commander, as great general gear on this patch is garbage compared to 2-Star, but it must suck for both elyos and asmodian governor who are making a great effort to maintain that rank to be suddenly taken away.

    Selfish? Maybe.
    Unprofessional? It's a game, it's supposed to be fun and not a second job isn't it?

    Sorry for the long post anyways, probably one of my last posts, discussing most of this is pointless as administration does whatever they want without asking their community, a lot of problems haven't been solved in 1-2 months, most suggestions are taken and never heard about ever again, in-game events that are easily programmable are non-existent , some stuff promised on server release isn't there yet, so I don't really have any more expectations, if they want to reset, so be it, just a rant, it was fun while it lasted.
    Zeroce likes this.
  5. Dimples

    Dimples New Member

    Sep 30, 2020
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    Your first statement clearly means you misunderstood my point. "As you are complaining about elyos" Commenting on how poorly coordinated your faction is, this is not a complain rather its a constructive criticism. Some players in your faction do not care about all the necessary things you guys need to accomplish in the game. I'm part of Asmo and all I could say is that we've been trying to achieve so many milestones since the start of this classic server.

    We participated in Tiamaranta Siege and on the first try we failed doing it because we lacked people and gears. But you never heard us complain, rather we had great players who instructs people online to take part of the Siege and get rewards. That's what I meant when I said "lack coordination" it didn't mean to offend anyone.

    You stated it yourself, Asmodians are monopolizing the game, this is what I meant when I said monopoly, and you start pointing it to the Ely calling your faction the culprit. No one is at fault and no one should be blamed.

    The only thing constant here will the season changes, your gear will not suddenly be taken away it will be unwearable until you become Governor or any position again. For sure these players would go back and farm for Glory Points, it will drive them to become proactive as well. Also it opens up doors for those people who couldn't reach the ranks because they have so much to catch up. Like what I said, it gives everyone a winning chance, don't you like that? A chance for you to reach the top?

    The admins didn't thought of this overnight. For sure they went into a collaborative agreement which resulted to this decision which is POSTPONED by the way. Maybe it will help retain players because there is something to look forward to every season.
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2022
  6. Dubist

    Dubist Qnett=σeA(T42−T41) Q

    Aug 1, 2021
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    Very bad idea the rank reset. Imagine that u invested everything to use your current gear, then after reset, you are naked :(. There's nothing unfair, who ever is on top, is there for his work. Ppls will always complain that x person is governor and it's not fair, but, if you give them a chance.. They will be the same weak players, again
  7. Olivia

    Olivia diamonds are forever Forum Legend

    Jul 5, 2014
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