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Merge the servers back

Discussion in 'Black Desert Discussion' started by bored803, Dec 15, 2021.


Should we merge the servers again?

  1. Yes absolutely!

  2. No!

  3. I would leave the server if we merged

  1. bored803

    bored803 New Member

    Dec 15, 2021
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    As someone who has play Gamez for a very long time and remember the merged server, I remember initially thinking that the separation was a good thing.
    We all thought that it would fix lag issues - it would make things more balanced in terms of pvp as well as it would create a better environment for the servers to be with their region.
    As the server has died in popularity going from the old 7k to now barely reaching 3k combined on each server, lag still being an issue no matter what, and pvp feeling earnestly really dead, I think a merge back to NA and EU being together would benefit the servers life entirely and should be done.

    I messaged Kolka talking about this and he brought a few arguments to the table:
    Cons of his
    - Server are on 2 physical computers with different id's and databases for the servers
    - Half of the population wouldnt be able to play well due to ping issues
    - Lag on the server due to it being conjoined

    Kolka has also said that a merge would reduce the server population where a wipe would be better for the server by bringing in 3-4k players (for some reason?...)

    I wanted to leave it to the forums to discuss this to hopefully bring light to the situation and hopefully get Kolkas attention.
    Merging the servers would make the server actually feel alive again
    Pros of mine
    - Active server with a higher population (more guilds more players and more marketplace activity, better pvp and sieges as well as a more active community to interact with)
    - Would bring in more of a population due to having a more active community - more people playing together = more words being spread around
    - Lag happens either way - put the server in one location and have everyone connect to that location and pay for a better server since you arent having to pay for two separate servers.

    What about x?
    - What about characters and gear and stuff on the marketplace?
    * We did a separation so why cant we do a merge? We were able to take EU population and place them on their own server from NA so why can't that be recreated on a larger scale? Items would have to be forced off the MP and all characters copied at the time moved onto the new server.
    - Where would the server be located?
    * The server could either be located at a more middle ground location to compensate ping for everyone, or we could locate the server to the highest populated region for Gamez.
    - What about the ping issue for the unlucky region?
    * I am from NA bu play on the EU server, it feels no different fighting people than it did when I played on NA - the server and people lag no matter what, with higher priced and better server that the game would be ran on it would compensate for the amount of people on it and run just as normal.
    - What about the people who don't do pvp and are trying to get gear or just playing the game for fun?
    * The merge will still benefit them, most casual players are playing with a community, the merge would bring a bigger community to play with as well as a better marketplace for them to work with.

    Please vote on this as I think a merge for the server would do a lot for this server.
    Feel free to leave any concerns as well on this post if needed.
    Edster85 likes this.
  2. BlackGehnna

    BlackGehnna New Member

    Oct 12, 2017
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    I don't think merging servers is a nice idea.
    Some people still have a mindset that server location will affect their gameplay, no matter what you say server location will introduce latency that can't be avoided, but can be reduced to a minimum.\
    I play mostly on EU servers for Latency issues although I would love to play on NA since the people there are much better, I have around 60~90ms on EU servers mostly but around 180~280ms on NA servers.
    You can't say for sure 1000% that people wouldn't notice lag, because I noticed it, not to mention there are some actions in-game that will be delayed since it needs responses from the server and it will feel awful.

    However I do agree that the server population is too low and something should be done to fix this, the market is mostly dead since 90% of the player base is full geared already not to mention people with a lot of silver can make actual silver in-game they just wait for the enhancement event and buy premium and get some huge profits.
    So basically Grinding, PVP, and the Marketplace is almost dead.

    The only solution to these problems would be getting new players which is kinda hard, not to mention the late updates we keep waiting for and asking kolka about it.
    AhalaiMahalai likes this.
  3. VorrtaX

    VorrtaX New Member

    Apr 14, 2021
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    How overflown do you want good grind spots to be?
    That's my only counterargument.
    loboram and Corvyn like this.
  4. Creepiepie

    Creepiepie New Member

    Mar 25, 2018
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    I wouldnt mind merging NA/EU, but also having all the additional channels available.
  5. KoroFish

    KoroFish New Member

    Jan 8, 2018
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    The people who cried for an EU server to escape FML/competitive guilds from NA back in the day are likely no longer playing.
    As for FML itself, it has long dissolved after the EU servers were introduced so people don't really have to worry about FML / NA guilds stomping them. The game was at its peak when it was just one server. Splitting it into two regions made the siege scene not as fun and people really did not want to contest FML at all so they starved them of content (never siege against them even if GameZBD Cash was offered interestingly enough) until they quit. Merging it into one server would help out a bunch. Of course, EU would disagree and hide under the excuse of latency issues and having to fight everyday for grind spots.

    You WANT the challenge of fighting for your spot every day. It's just how it is on retail BDO. Having an uncontested spot for months and months would utterly get boring for you and won't drive you to become better at your class.
    Edster85 likes this.
  6. Valonreijk

    Valonreijk New Member

    Dec 10, 2021
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    As a EU player, I never had a issue with population of server or not finding particular item in market place( i dont think market place dead). I think the main issue is the guild vs guild and node wars and problem is that most player dont interest or have any clue about guild wars and their benefit(if it has some ), i know 90% server dont even join any war. As for the challange of grind spot just decrease the channel numbers instead of merge but I dont suggest it. Over all, merging server doesnt solve anything in long term only will force more player like me to abond game due to high ping. But i can accept to merge if all NA player come to EU region ;)
    loboram, Keeper0fElder and Sefras like this.
  7. Rili

    Rili New Member

    Jun 16, 2018
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    As mentioned before, Ping will be the biggest issue, and the servers already struggle with desync from time to time. So the side that is closest to the server would flat out dominate the counterparts.
    loboram likes this.
  8. Edster85

    Edster85 Miragent Holy Templay!

    Jun 9, 2010
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    I remember those good old days, with all the lag on the high rate server, it was never dull from the day to day activity. if the servers merge back, i can accept the lag issues, a yes vote from me!
  9. loboram

    loboram Respected Member Forum Legend

    Jan 29, 2018
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    I am pretty sure, that the management, as well as Staff of GamezBD, have said MANY times now, that the server transfer, nor the server merger, will EVER be a reality.

    The fact that you have lag issues, isn't something that should force ALL other players, on the GameZ-network, to have their game servers moved or changed in any way, since it isn't a GameZ-network problem; But a Pearl Abyss BDO-programming problem.

    I do not understand why, you do not take this up with the creators of the game instead?

    You want a solution to the lag-desync problems, which by the way are inherent to ALL online multiplayer real-time games, all over the world, then it should be created by the people who made the game to begin with, right?

    IF GamezBD raised the amounts of money, that the Pearl Abyss BDO does, then I am sure that the current server problems, would be a thing of the past. The very high pricetag that the "premium" server farms have, is out of reach for GamezBD right now. Also, I do not think it would solve the real problem, which is usually about the individual player's connection speeds and stability.

    The only thing I can think of, is to review your connection, and try out some different VPNs, as it might work better than what you have now. But remember that ALL games with real-time multiplayer, suffer from this problem.
    XCI likes this.
  10. Empire

    Empire New Member

    Apr 18, 2022
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    Addicted(EU Guild) farmed NA back in the day so wtf are you talking about lol FML wasn't even a thing.
  11. Corvyn

    Corvyn New Member

    May 26, 2022
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    i for one like that there's slightly less people in each server now, my fps no longer gets halved whenever i'm in a town and since i've grown out of my pvp phase i can enjoy playing the game far more. I've also felt that a good portion of needlessly toxic and sweaty pvp'ers have left which leaves the more friendly pve'er folks around, at least from my experience so far and i really like that.

    as for the marketplace i wonder if they could implement a script to maybe auto fill the items that may have been gone out of stock for too long once in a while at random, the price should be random too not to always undercut overprice or undersell the item, just my humble suggestion.
    Of course the rarer items that are hard to get and maybe even harder to level should be low priority on this, so to keep player retention and actual motivation to grind something and sell it for fat stacks of silver.
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2022
  12. Hamingways

    Hamingways New Member

    May 19, 2021
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    Server merge will most likely happen eventually, as a last resort attempt to revive the server when it gets to a no-return point in population decline. EU has been in a very dire state as of recently. Hardly anyone grinding elvia areas and hardly any PvP guild left. I've been thinking about writing yet another one of those forum posts that would compile all the problems the server has, especially when it comes to communication, general handling of the server and the game's content by the staff, but writing on the forums doesnt seem to be the way we get people aware, even the staff.
  13. loboram

    loboram Respected Member Forum Legend

    Jan 29, 2018
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    Well compilation posts rarely get the attention, because each topic should have it's own post. Also it seems like a bunch of complaints as usual, instead of some constructive suggestions that might be helpful?
    Continually saying; "GamezBD is dead, PvP is dead, Market is dead, Trade is dead, servers are dead"...don't any of those players feel stupid at some point?
    I mean it is Absolutely Clear, from the fact that there are players online and playing the game, from the fact that there are still PvP tournaments, because there are still Central Market trade, and so on and so on...I mean what the heck are these poor fools even talking about?

    Just a reminder Hamingways, this is your 12th post on the GamezBD Forum, I am of the opinion that you are unable to speak about what happens on the GamezBD Forum then :p
  14. Hamingways

    Hamingways New Member

    May 19, 2021
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    It's true that I don't post on the forums very often. I usually spend my free time playing the game.

    I do lurk here quite a bit, though. When I see an issue/bug i usually just contact Kolka directly, as I get answers in a matter of hours at most and we get to figure stuff out faster in a back-and-forth conversation.

    I've seen you talking in server chat and in the English group chat on EU as "Bloodhawks" a lot, but I've never seen you in the openworld. Just a reminder, not everyone enjoys the same aspects of the game you do, and they're not wrong for it. As a PvP player that's apart of the PvP community on the server (what's left of it, anyway), I think I have a decent grasp of what the PvP scene looks like, and it's not looking too good. I am also clueless as to what you mean when you say "PvP Tournaments".

    There might still be some Central market trading happening, but the prices for endgame accessories has nearly tripled recently, making gear progression harder for new players.
    loboram likes this.
  15. yagobacelar

    yagobacelar New Member

    Jul 18, 2017
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    Even before the opening of the new EU Server, the amount of players was already terrible, as well as the dead and non-existent pvp.
    a VERSION UPGRADE would be interesting, I remember a time, a populous and pvp infested GameZ on a specific map, portal events that open every 1 hour if I'm not mistaken, portal event 1v1 - 2v2 - 3v3 - 6- 6 , Chicken Run Event that gave site credits in return, and a SPECIFIC MAP FOR PVP. Miss GameZ 5.3
  16. loboram

    loboram Respected Member Forum Legend

    Jan 29, 2018
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    You might want to read the forum/server rules, check my Signature below, and refrain from spreading false rumours ;)

    However, about all the rest you are talking about, I think you might have mixed GamezBD up, with some other server or game, because I've been around since the a bit before the opening of the EU server. The things you have mentioned mean absolutely nothing to me. Also please don't start making advertizing for another BDO-private server, that's also part of the rules :p

    @Hamingways You are of course absoultely right, that I have Not been a part of the PvP-aspect of BDO just yet. Reasons are quite obvious though, and I have mentioned them on many occasions before.

    What I meant by PvP-tournaments was mainly the Arenas, guessing that there are like three types of PvP arenas by now?
    Also, there Must be some form of Node Wars as well as Castle Sieges going on, because frequently we see the ownership of various regions switched. Now if it is STILL the same dumbarsed region trading going on, then yeah I can also agree with you, that it is Beyond stupid having a bunch of players complaining about no PvP, if they're all just dodging it all the time.

    Just want to remind the PvP-players out there, that PvP actually comes from confronting other Guilds, and trying to take their captured regions. Also PvP is very much about Wanting it, instead of talking big, and then running away :D

    There are Many ways to boost the PvP portion of the game, but players just seem unwilling or ignorant of them. I have been in another thread (???), mentioning that in order to have good and more PvP, they just have to split up some of the largest guilds, into two or three guilds. IF it Truly is PvP they want, then it shouldn't Really matter whether they are fighting former guild members or not, right?
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2022
  17. yagobacelar

    yagobacelar New Member

    Jul 18, 2017
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    Spare me, this is my opinion, did not like sit and cry.
  18. loboram

    loboram Respected Member Forum Legend

    Jan 29, 2018
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    Let's not "hi-jack" this thread, and make it an argument between the two of us. Please just understand, that there are some rules, and I was asking you nicely to stop breaking them, okay?
  19. Slogenn

    Slogenn New Member

    May 26, 2019
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    thats the thing, literally 60% of NA are people not even from NA same thing with EU at this point its already mixed and they're both dying lmao might aswell give it a last shot
  20. Slogenn

    Slogenn New Member

    May 26, 2019
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    mp not dead? turo went 45b from 20b cause no one grinds it same with all other accessories lol

    devs let gamez get harder while even retail becomes easier and its mindblowing it's a private server yet it's only going backwards.

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