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About influence points

Discussion in 'Black Desert Discussion' started by ii1, Apr 15, 2024.

  1. ii1

    ii1 New Member

    Jun 26, 2021
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    I have a question for GamezBD. Is it possible to increase the maximum number of influence points? I have reached the maximum of 1000 points. This allows you to send workers to almost all nodes (except for meaningless ones like collecting calendula or mushrooms) and take almost all barracks for workers in all cities. And connect all the cities together. But I planned to take all the barracks and all the nodes. It seems that this game has no goals, but this is at least some kind of goal. It just turned out that it is not feasible, after 1000 influence points are no longer gained. Let them gain twice as slowly after 1000 points, but they should still gain.

    У меня вопрос к GamezBD. Нельзя ли увеличить максимальное число очков влияния? Я дошёл до максимума - 1000 очков. Это позволяет почти на все узлы (кроме бессмысленных вроде сбора календулы или грибов) послать рабочих и почти все бараки для рабочих взять во всех городах. И связать между собой все города. Но я планировал все бараки и все узлы взять. Вроде целей у этой игры никаких нет, а это хоть какая-то цель. Только оказалось, она неисполнима, после 1000 очки влияния более не набираются. Пусть после 1000 они далее в два раза медленнее станут набираться, но всё же они должны набираться.

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  2. loboram

    loboram Respected Member Forum Legend

    Jan 29, 2018
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    Wow, I must say, to me this just seems like someone who exploited an in-game bug, in order to gain so many "Contribution Points", but in fairness I cannot imagine Anyone spending every day, more than 10 hours a day, playing a game either, so it might indeed be true (not going to challenge the validity of this claim as the Developers can clearly see how you did it).

    The reason I am answering this post/topic, is because the whole game is structured around Management;
    Management of Energy,
    Management of game-play time,
    Management of Inventory,
    Management of Enhancing,
    Management of Central Market,
    Management of Life-Skills,
    Management of Workers,
    Management of Contribution Points.

    So it stands to reason that; despite being at the very top (at 1000 CP which is incredible by the way), you'd still need to invest them "wisely" or uniquely to your own liking. It doesn't sound like this game is meant for players "to have it all" right?
  3. ii1

    ii1 New Member

    Jun 26, 2021
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    Since they tripled the reward for collecting seeds from vegetable gardens and made three come out at once instead of one mole, there is no problem to score 1000 points, 4 influence points are gained per day only from vegetable gardens (if you have 10 of them). I practically don't play, I don't have time, but the game is constantly running in a collapsed form, it doesn't bother me in any way, and once every 4 hours I can harvest. So I scored 1000 points, almost without playing. The problem with maximizing influence points is that many tasks are rewarded with influence experience. It became pointless for me to do many tasks. Well, there are several nodes I would like to activate, and that's all. When you have 1000 points, they are enough for everything, there is no need to invest wisely, therefore there is no special point in limiting this for the game, well, I will have 150 workers, not 140 working on nodes, is that a big difference? I have 229 workers now, there are enough of them for everything, and to send them to vegetable gardens, and to produce something, and for nodes. Additional ones are needed only for optimization, in order to send work to nodes from the nearest cities.
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  4. loboram

    loboram Respected Member Forum Legend

    Jan 29, 2018
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    I do understand, unfortunately, that there are far too many gamers who play according to some notion of "one-way-to-play", which is really sad since they are missing out on actually playing a game, instead of just literally copying what someone else did and uploaded in a video/stream :(
    However it also stands to reason that rationally thinking people, can play their own game for their own purposes, and even if it "doesn't give me anything" (except rewards that aren't just Contribution Points) you can still enjoy a game for what it hands you to do, such as questlines and life-skills.
    I am a bit confused here, your overall suggestion is to Increase the Maximum amount of Contribution Points you can get in a Family, right? So why do you then say; "...they are enough for everything..."? If having 1000 CP is enough "for everything", then why increase the maximum amount?

    I am with you though, I would love to have higher maximum rates on all the Family based stats, however they should become Retail-like hard to get in the end, don't you agree?
  5. ii1

    ii1 New Member

    Jun 26, 2021
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    Я воспользовался двумя переводчиками («yandex» и «google») чтобы понять, что вы написали. И результат нулевой. Я не смог понять. Вы выражаетесь слишком образно, и эти образы лично мне ни о чём не говорят. Я лишь очень приблизительно могу попытаться извлечь главную мысль из ваших образов – есть рационально мыслящие люди, и есть нет, и видимо я, по-вашему, отношусь ко второй категории, раз чего-то там не понимаю по поводу, как правильно наслаждаться игрой. Ну, я бы сказал, рационально мыслящий человек не станет играть в такие игры, потому что это совершенно нерациональная трата своего времени. Мне некогда играть, я запускаю игру и сворачиваю, и она играет сама, копит мне ресурсы, а я думаю, вот когда-нибудь освобожусь от дел, и тогда сколько-то дней и поиграю. Но проходят месяцы, и ничего не меняется, времени у меня нет. И из-за того, что я в игру всё равно вхожу каждый день, времени у меня нет ещё сильнее. Всё же я прихожу к мысли, что пора мне заканчивать заходить в неё, я вроде всего в ней достиг, чего хотел, мне ничего не надо. Может только лошади T10 нет, но зачем она мне, получить её и закончить играть? Это глупо. В общем, пожалуй я созрел, чтобы закончить играть. Так что всем удачи, а я покидаю ваше славное сообщество геймеров GameZBD.

    1000 очков реально хватает на всё, я просто вложил их в том числе в такие узлы, какие мне по сути не нужны, я бы мог забрать их оттуда и вложить в 10 оставшихся желаемых. Но мне лень этим заниматься, только из-за лени мне лишние очки влияния не помешали бы. Я бы мог потратить те 90 очков, которые у меня ещё остались неистраченными, но мне не хочется, я привык иметь резерв очков на всякий случай, хотя он и не нужен. Я бы мог убрать огороды, какие мне уже не нужны, и получить ещё 80 свободных очков. Наверное так и сделал бы. Но я уже ухожу из игры, всё это уже не актуально. Но если бы лимита очков в игре не было, может бы ещё не ушёл, мне реально было бы интересно активировать вообще все узлы в игре, связать все их вообще – когда очки есть и их не на что тратить, почему бы и нет. Больше очков это больше свободы от каких-то излишних действий, а свобода это хорошо, неужели это не понятно?
  6. loboram

    loboram Respected Member Forum Legend

    Jan 29, 2018
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    @ii1 Hello again, I do feel that you are making a mountain of a molehill here. That is in fact the only "English imagery/metaphor", that I have used in this entire exchange by the way.

    My translation of your Russian text, seems to have worked without any doubt, making pretty much Everything you wrote apparent. What isn't apparent at all, is how you came to this conclusion? "...apparently, in your opinion, I belong to the second category, since I don’t understand something about how to properly enjoy the game." At no point in time, do I say that you are a mainstream gamer, or that you do not know how to enjoy playing a game just for the fun of it.

    Although saying that, and then taking your next statement as read; "...I would say that a rational person would not play such games, because it is a completely irrational waste of his time...But months pass and nothing changes, I don’t have time...Still, I come to the conclusion that it’s time for me to stop going into it, I seem to have achieved everything I wanted in it, I don’t need anything. Maybe there is only no T10 horse, but why do I need it, get it and finish playing? This is silly. In general, I think I'm ready to stop playing." Which speaks directly to how to "enjoy playing a game", and that it surely seems -by your own words- that you aren't playing the game, nor enjoying the time that you do spend in it.

    So my question would indeed be very valid; Why "play a game", that you hardly spend any active time on, so not really actually playing the game at all, then tell me that I am being rude towards you, and that that is the only reason you are quitting?
    When you actually say outright that "you have no real reason to play the game now"?

    You cannot start by saying that I am calling you something bad, even though I haven't done that at all, what I said was quite clearly; "Some people"/"mainstreamers"/"just literally copying". I don't know you at all, and have no clue about how you play a game, or how you enjoy gaming at all. So how could I have been right about, saying those things as a general term for "Some gamers", and that just happens to be you? No, that's just a coincidence, also...If you were going to play the game, just to show off your accomplishments, then yeah you would indeed just be a mainstream-gamer that mainly plays for "the reward of praise", and not actually the whole point of playing a game; which is to actually enjoy the time you spend on it, thank you very much.

    So please stop blaming other people for your lack of interest in this particular game, which is outstandingly clear since it seems as if you've never actually played it, and just tell the truth which seems to be that you only did this, to show off what could be done on this server, as well as how many items and points you have gotten. I commend you for your patience and devotion to the game, even though it hasn't been much at all, as you put it yourself; "I only run the game minimized...never really have time to play the game". But all in all, don't blame me for pointing out something extremely obvious about your suggestion; Why increase the maximum amount of Contribution Points, when your maximum (you said so yourself) is enough to cover all you want to spend them on?

    I actually agreed with your suggestion, and then you "throw this curve-ball" -oh sorry another one of those metaphors- where you want to "throw me under the bus" -oops and another one- just to justify stopping from playing the game here on GamezBD. Seems really far fetched ii1, and you could just have quit and no one would have noticed at all, since as you have stated; "You Don't Play the Actual Game At All" :p

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