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GamezAION Name Reservation Period

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Carl, Oct 2, 2024.

  1. Carl

    Carl Administrator Admin

    Feb 22, 2010
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    Hello Daevas!

    The Pre-Character creation period has now began.
    You can reserve your names and complete your cosmetics.

    On Friday 4th of October 5PM Eastern Time you can enter the game.

    • Any prior active accounts from version 3.0 are given 7 days Premium membership.
    • All un-used credits are automatically transfered to the 4.8 official release version.

    Have fun and see you in-game!
    Alex, Kulasmith, crimsonfang and 4 others like this.
  2. DevineFury

    DevineFury New Member

    Feb 1, 2023
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    oh no :( another grind to get level up i just back in game a few days ago
    I'm an old player since 2010 and stop playing @ 2016
    i created new account because i forgot the old one
    then i try to get back in 2023 sadly theres few players Left
    i play almost a week try to get back in playing but then the server reset
    i got back after it was reset some get back and have a break playing again
    and now i try to get back and grind again and now i think the server reset again
    so mybe ill wait again ,, I really love this game this is my First online game and i miss the old days
  3. kittyleon01

    kittyleon01 New Member

    Jul 25, 2021
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    Hi guys, I just found my lvl60 tech was lost. What happend?

    Did the system delete my lvl60 char?
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2024
  4. crimsonfang

    crimsonfang Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2010
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    At the "Ridge of Hopes"
    Nice!!! :) Already Saved the names I want!!! ;)
    Ayvel and Bigtime like this.
  5. DevineFury

    DevineFury New Member

    Feb 1, 2023
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    Server Reset I Guess :)
  6. Ayvel

    Ayvel Guest

    First of all, hello to all! :happy:
    All you have to do is to give it a try. Maybe you will like it as much as the old times! :)
    Guys, when a new version of the game is launched it is not possible to keep old characters. It is like deciding to demolish a house but wanting to keep the posters on the walls.
    It is frustrating for everyone having to start all over again, but unfortunately previous versions didn't work as expected and that was one of the reasons the population was also low.
    So... are you telling me that you would have preferred keeping an inactive character in an empty server instead of having the chance to actually enjoy the game in a populated community? :joyful:
    Let's be positive for a change! Gamez has been suffering from negativity for a very long time and it brought us nowhere...
    I would love to see you all online!
    Kulasmith and Bigtime like this.
  7. DevineFury

    DevineFury New Member

    Feb 1, 2023
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    In my own Oppinion there is no way we could bring others back when they have thier own matters, I mean they are done for gaming, some have thier own family this game is old and some old players is between 30's to 40's at age now, you know what i mean, One thing why this game is failed to get back or bring new players is Gaming in PC is dying only few play PC and this Generation prefer to play on tab or on mobile LIke MOBA games, but MYbe if we create an Tribute Video on GamezAion form old version showing what this game is all about how fun it was before and post it here so we can grab the link and posted on our own social media flatform to attract new generation players and old players missing thier old days in GAmezAion and give it a try a again,,

    and please make this new version a final reset and lets work it out again, lets make simple adds that we can grab to share, and give a players a reward who get more players buy clicking thier links and play GAmezaion, if the game is always having trouble about failing to fill new player and make it reset again how about the current player trying to grind and giving a chance to enjoy the game,
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 3, 2024
  8. Ayvel

    Ayvel Guest

    I fully get your point and I agree. People who would spend hours on playing Aion now have families, jobs, etc! But there are still some of the old players who are hoping to have some of the old Gamez vibes with some fresh blood joining them!
    As an oldie myself... I don't have the same amount of spare time I used to, but it still feels nice to have a break from my daily routine to hang up with old friends and have some old Aion fun! I think that Aion is mostly about nostalgia, memories and coziness.
    Let's hope it will bring some old players back or, why not, many new ones who are curious to see how oldies used to spend their times...! :joyful:
    It nice to see that someone has such nice memories from Aion though... You are not the only one! We are many! :happy:
    We all hope this is the last time. We will also be constantly open to suggestions about improving the server and keeping the community happy and pleased.
    I personally truly appreciate your comments because they show that you care for Gamez and everything comes with good intentions.
    That's what I would like to see more in this community! :)
    Kulasmith and Bigtime like this.
  9. DevineFury

    DevineFury New Member

    Feb 1, 2023
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    Im a Loner:( i don't feel like talking to some one and my brother bring me to his gaming like DOTA and CrossFire but i have no interest i just open a pc for killing time watching video clips and srolling on facebook during that time it was 2010 at some Computer shop near our house in MAnila Philippines, and two couples set beside me , beacuse they use to play a game that time and it was GAmezaion, so im bored on what im doing and see them playing and hits me deferent i like the game so i ask them on how to play it, and its start playing AIon and it was my first game ever online and these game fill me with friends on others countrys, i feel attach to much to Aion and i fell excited every time i get online seing my friend playing PVE and Dungions and PVP:) it was very fun very exciting i never feel the time passing by I play it untill 2016 never get bored and always keep me excited to go online, but things come up we need to move to the province were there is no pc no internet so i work there and have some priorities but i keep thinking about this game and my friends sometimes i have a chance to make it online and check some of my friends some of them quit and few playing until them the province were improving and internet access is very easy so i i try to comeback at 2022 and 2023 but the server is dying,, untill it was empty and make the whole thing reset, and until now im still hoping it that we could make it again like some old days ;):)
  10. Ayvel

    Ayvel Guest

    Let's not hijack or spam the thread, since its purpose is different. Please check your inbox. :)
    DevineFury likes this.
  11. DevineFury

    DevineFury New Member

    Feb 1, 2023
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    im sorry i cant help it but to tell some story :D:D:D
    Ayvel likes this.
  12. Bigtime

    Bigtime Getting there

    Jan 18, 2012
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    Right on brother!(y) I got mine too :) See you in the hood;)
    Ayvel likes this.

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