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Open Facebook Cover Photo Contest (April)!

Discussion in 'Aion Events' started by Marvel, Yesterday at 8:14 PM.

  1. Marvel

    Marvel Staff Member Senior Aion Master

    Jan 2, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Trophy Points:

    Theme: Easter

    Grab your best Easter-themed costumes and find a background and capture a wonderful photo!
    The staff team will choose the best cover photo, so make sure to put some originality and creativity!
    Everyone, except for Staff members, is allowed to join.
    Your task is to create a Facebook cover picture under the theme of 'Easter' for April.
    Image size must be 851x315 pixels. Image format: JPG/JPEG/PNG.
    Do not use attachments!
    I added some links below, in case you do not know how to submit your entry properly.
    All photos should be uploaded in Imgur.
    The logo (without the text, 'Community Forum') or simply the text 'Gamez Network' must be included in your entry. You can download the logo here.
    You can submit one entry only. You can edit your post as long as the event is open.
    Your proof – which is supposed to be a picture taken while editing or the original photo – must be included in a spoiler.
    Your proof should contain two screenshots, your editing proof, and your in-game screenshot with a time stamp (/time)
    You can use any photo-editing software that you like but try to rely on your opportunities of the game as well (outfits, mounts, cute emotes).
    No plagiarism! Anyone caught plagiarizing others' works will be disqualified instantly.
    If your entry's style resembles too much to another participant's entry (and you both play from the same place), I will ask both of you to change your entry.
    If you're not joining, please don't spam this thread.

    How to Upload a Photo using Imgur: Click
    How to Create a Spoiler: Click

    Sample Entry:

    IGN: Marvel
    1st place
    [​IMG] Sky Warden's Wing Feather + [​IMG] All-Powerful Enchantment Stones x 100
    2nd Place
    [​IMG] Moon Rabbit Ears + [​IMG] Moon Rabbit Costume
    3rd Place
    [​IMG] Skill Skin of Choice x 1

    Participants :grin:
    We'll share the participants' rewards after the event is over.

    Participant rewards will only go to valid entries.
    If your post in the thread doesn't receive a 'Like' from @Marvel by the end of this contest,
    your entry didn't meet the requirement, thus you will not receive any prize.
    The event will end on April 12 at 10:00 PM UTC-4
    Winners will be announced on April 13 - 14
    Koro, Ronin, Slithice and 1 other person like this.
  2. Marvel

    Marvel Staff Member Senior Aion Master

    Jan 2, 2016
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    Nice entry! But just a few things to consider:
    Here's some help:
  3. iammrcane123

    iammrcane123 Diablo

    Feb 12, 2025
    Likes Received:
    Trophy Points:
    IGN: Diablo

    Marvel likes this.

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