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My experiences with trying to obtain decent pvp gear..

Discussion in 'Old Threads' started by asphyxiate, Nov 9, 2010.

  1. asphyxiate

    asphyxiate New Member

    Nov 9, 2010
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    I feel like this server really caters to those who either donate or vote. I mean no disrespect by saying that, but I feel that as a player whom has been playing for 3 months that it's been nearly impossible to achieve the gear that is somewhat decent for pvping. It's a never ending circle of frusteration.

    1. ABG gear is only obtainable through donations, and the total cost to get an entire set including a weapon, and accessories your looking at 300 dollars easy.

    My question is why would anyone in their right mind spend that type of money to donate to get this gear? I could go and spend that money on retail subscriptions and obtain that level of gear by farming which in the end would cost nothing other than the 15 dollars per month. 300 dollars could be almost 2 years worth of retail subscriptions. So this server is not free afterall? I have retail but choose not to play on it, because I can't be bothered to get stuck into paying monthly subscriptions again like I did with WOW for 2 years.

    2. Okay so I dealt with the fact that ABG was only obtainable through donations, and voting. So I decided I would save up the kinah to buy an EAT set from someone.. and by the time I saved up enough kinah for that. There is an update, and now the EAT gear can't be traded. Wow, are you serious?

    So basically instead of improving the ability to obtain half decent gear to pvp in you then take away any chances any new player has in buying this gear. ABG is one thing, but EAT gear? I mean really?

    3. The pvp gear that is sold in abyss vendors can be traded in for abyss points, and medals. Abyss points are one thing.. they are fairly easy to get.. but the medals? Aren't they hard to get? What's the point of even having this gear in these vendors when the medal amount is far too large for the amount that is rewarded in game. Which in my experiences I've only seen one medal drop. ONE. Maybe I am not going to the right places...

    Okay so lets say that there is always anuhart or the level 55 non pvp gear. Okay, so I run around abyss or any pvp area, and get stomped on by any player who's wearing an eat or abg set. The fact that they have around 20% pvp reduction, and 10% pvp attack minimum.. They are really sitting at a higher advantage.. You can be the worst pvper, and still go up against someone with anuhart gear, and come out with a win easy while wearing ABG gear. The stats are far to high to lose against anyone with non pvp gear. Where is the balance in that?

    I had figured that perhaps it would be fixed with the 2.0 update. Instead this issue has been made far worse with the new changes to eat and abg gear changing to non tradable.. and it really screws over the new comers to this server.. Do you not see that?

    There should be a huge red flag before you start on this server to let the new comers know that a) You'll never get good gear without giving us money b) You'll never be able to farm any pvp gear without spending a life time trying to obtain medals. c) We cater completely to the older people on this server who were either given gear from the beginning or could actually buy the gear for cheap and trade it too one another.

    If I had known this from the beginning before I leveled up 6 different level 55's. I would have never stepped foot on this server.

    It's a serious issue, and needs to be addressed.. but I highly doubt it will because money will be at stake if the best gear can be obtained through farming rather than donations.
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2010
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  2. Kashei

    Kashei Proficient

    Aug 21, 2010
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    You wan't ABG and Anuhart be the same?
  3. doughboy

    doughboy New Member

    Oct 12, 2010
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    1.) ABG is not unobtainable by voting...But i do think the amt of credits you get for donating should be upped a bit...$300 a set is ridiculous.
    2.)kinda agree with you on that one...but it was done to prevent duping and multiple-account voting.
    3.)to get medals you must capture forts, and there are lots of medals out there because of dupers.
  4. Xtlin

    Xtlin Proficient

    Aug 13, 2010
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    i have won several times against ppl using abg gear while im using anuhart +10 and i dont feel special :/
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  5. doughboy

    doughboy New Member

    Oct 12, 2010
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    yeah...i'm able to pvp just fine in anuhart as well
  6. asphyxiate

    asphyxiate New Member

    Nov 9, 2010
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    Well it's not that I am not able to pvp in the gear that I have, but I do notice quite a difference between fighting against someone with anuhart gear, and those who have ABG gear. The stats abg has over anuhart is huge.

    I guess that's why it's the best gear in the game.. and should be higher obviously. I never said that I wanted abg gear and anuhart to be the same.. but it would be nice to give new players a chance to be able to obtain this gear without forking over 300 dollars.

    Even if it would take months to do so.. I mean I played wow for two years, and it took me months even a year or more to get the best gear in game.. But atleast it was obtainable through farming, and raiding my butt off.
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2010
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  7. Tankster

    Tankster Expert

    Oct 7, 2010
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    Agreed with the others who are happy with Anuhart. I've +15'd all 5 pieces and voted my way towards the ABG accessories and I've won countless duel's with it.

    In my honest opinion, ABG armor isn't worth it. If anything, go for the Mastarius set, which is what I'm doing.
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  8. bangout

    bangout Proficient

    Jul 28, 2010
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    True. This is another stab in the ass for newcomers. As you can't trade pvp sets anymore and donating takes way too much time, donations are too expensive ( and some ppl will never ever pay for some pixels no matter what's the price). I actually don't get this server, really everything goes against new people, there was even thread about that newcommers should be prohibited from joining Siel. For the first time I saw that kind of BS. And I have played MMO games for quite some time -_-
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  9. Tankster

    Tankster Expert

    Oct 7, 2010
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    Comparing Gamez to retail, it's still FAR easier to obtain high-level gear than it is on the real game, or any other private server I've tried, and I've tried nearly all of them.
  10. bangout

    bangout Proficient

    Jul 28, 2010
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    never compare high rate custom private servers to retail. :andy: Furthermore old players have advantage already as they were able to trade ABG earlier and get that stuff much faster, the gap between players is bigger and it's impossible to catch up now. Basically you can't farm for top gear in this game, which is absolute nonsense.
  11. FadetoBlack

    FadetoBlack Veni, vidi, vici, reliqui

    Jun 6, 2010
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    Somewhere along the path of the beam

    Lol, oh shit, someone I know very dearly has posted about this, except it was arooound 2 months ago, I'd quote him on it, but he IS rather close to me, and I wouldn't want to get my ass banned would I? Besides, I just hate quoting myself.
  12. Volt

    Volt Proficient

    Jul 7, 2010
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    New York City
    Firstly, let me say I agree with everything you've said.

    I agree that the donation credit to USD ratio is insanely low -->1 USD for 100 credits. 20 USD for 1 piece of ABG. And like you pointed out even retail ain't this expensive.

    Now I'd like to just comment on something from a different perspective, maybe even a little out of topic.

    When I first played private server (it was RO), I felt that they exist because simply people do not want to pay for retail. Over the years gaming trends have changed, retails have gone free-to-play. Private server now just serve to provide a different experience. Perhaps higher rates, easier ways to obtain items and etc.

    It all depends on the general direction the Admin gave to the server. (High rates? PvP server? Low rates? Fully retail like or customized?) You need to realize something: Players (or consumers, generally speaking) want to play this game. And they want to play however ways they wish to, and they're willing to invest cash to do it. Many adults, or young adults, do not have a lot of time on gaming. Retail servers are not an option because they cant never devote their time to raiding, grinding and etc.

    Clearly, from what I've observed across many different games and servers, people with the ability and willingness to pay dollars to get instant gratification (instant, I say, and it's never possible on any retail) come in large numbers. More than what I usually expected. So nowadays you get all these private servers armed with cash shops and paypal accounts.

    Of course, high rates usually correlates to a shorter server life span. People get gratified too fast, sometimes it's not a good thing. Without working and putting in efforts for the rewards, the rewards don't taste as good. So players get bored fast and quit the server. Good thing for Aion, you still have plenty to do to kill time.

    For a non-donator or a casual gamer who does not pay dollars or have no ability/willingless to pay USD, of course Gamez still provided them with a way to survive. Voting for credits. If it has taken you a year in retail to get good gears, I'm pretty sure u need less than a year to vote and get your ABG set. Voting rates are kept lower so that the server have a long life span. (same reasoning as above, shorter life span if you get everything too easily or too quickly)

    Then again, for a casual gamer who came to a private server, he/she probably want some instant gratifications too? So Idk. Good thing for Gamez is that we have a huge population so balance is not greatly destroyed.

    On that topic I'd say a perfectly balanced server shouldn't have any PVP gears sold for donation. It upsets the balance. On the other hand, things being use for aesthetic purposes, such as Dyes, Costumes, Popular Remodels can be sold for donations. (and I'm sure people are willing to pay for them)
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  13. asphyxiate

    asphyxiate New Member

    Nov 9, 2010
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    I agree! Where is the challenge in that? I level up to 55, and find myself bored.. So I've been farming to sell stuff in the marketplace to make kinah. But even then kinah is worthless on this server.. considering the duping in the past. So basically those who duped and those who abused the game benefit in the end because they have now just screwed half of the player base from gaining any decent gear while they have duplicates of everything.

    What's the point of playing on a game that very much revolves around pvp more so than pve.. while wearing pve gear? I don't get it. I've never ran into this issue before.. and I as well have played MMO's and various other online games for years. This game isn't like world of warcraft where you can just piss off and go raid if you don't have the pvp gear to be "bad ass" at pvping.. You have options there... but here everything revolves around PVPing, and the raiding part on aion well... sucks tbh.

    Sorry I don't mean to compare it to wow, but it's hard not too when the game and this server are lacking in providing us players the ability to work for something after level 55 other than a silly title like "governer".

    ---------- Post added at 07:27 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:12 PM ----------

    True, I agree that it would take the same length of time.. however where is the gratification in logging into a website every 12 hours to vote? It's not rewarding IMO, and I much rather prefer spending countless hours killing mobs, or pvping against players to obtain rewards than that of clicking a button and voting.

    Also within that year there was many peices of gear I was rewarded with, even though it wasn't top end gear until the end where I decided to quit because I was bored... it was still rewarding tho for that time spent in the game while raiding, or what not. So there's a difference there as well..
  14. Lawlyss

    Lawlyss New Member

    Oct 24, 2010
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    uh. it's cold so gimme a blacket
    dunno man, my bf started playing this last friday and had the lvl 30 gold set by sunday. Now he's planning on just slowly working up from there.
  15. asphyxiate

    asphyxiate New Member

    Nov 9, 2010
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    Well this forum post wasn't to bash anyone, and if it came off that way then my apologies.. It's more so an issue I see within the server, and obviously by the responses, and you yourself saying that your friend complained. Then it's an issue for a lot of people.

    So, basically I am stating my opinion on the matter.. and if I am banned for speaking my mind.. then I will know then that the issue at hand was intended to be there, and intended to stay permanently without debate or discussion on it.
  16. FadetoBlack

    FadetoBlack Veni, vidi, vici, reliqui

    Jun 6, 2010
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    Somewhere along the path of the beam
    My impression is that although you may have played a while, you're a real newcomer to the forums. This is fine, but the thing is that things around here don't change much, whether you like it or not. If you want to state your opinion thats perfectly fine, but don't expect replies from higher ups or even an ounce of recognition :/.
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  17. asphyxiate

    asphyxiate New Member

    Nov 9, 2010
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    Your probably right, but you can always have hope that eventually with enough complaints on the issue that perhaps they will see that it is a problem, and create ways for us new comers to be able to experience the same things as those who've been around for a while. I don't want gear given to me, but I'd like to be able to be given a challenge within the game to progress and be able to obtain the same quality of gear as those who donate. Something to work towards other than a pve set.

    I am also new to the forums because I never found an issue or a topic to post here until now.
  18. Shenra

    Shenra New Member

    Nov 6, 2010
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    ur wall is great but the conclusion was ur a noob ^_^ too many ppl gank ABG users with anuha if u dont know theres three aspects that control any pvp

    1-player skills

    not just gears determine the outcome of battle :smile:
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  19. UltimateGladiator

    UltimateGladiator Banned

    Nov 7, 2010
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    Honestly, if I didn't get my full ABG set before item trading was removed, no way I'd still be on this server.

    Just being honest. It isn't worth it to stay here otherwise.

    ---------- Post added at 09:00 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:59 PM ----------

    Doesn't matter how skilled you are, a player rocking full ABG now will tank your attacks (even if its just a squishy ass sorc) and then demolish you.
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  20. asphyxiate

    asphyxiate New Member

    Nov 9, 2010
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    Right, and I was waiting until someone would post something such as this. I am not a bad pvper.. and I do fairly well, actually. But if I were given the opportunity to obtain the same quality of gear as those who donate it would be even that much better IMO. Those stats do make a difference whether various other things come into play like player skills, ping, and what not. I guess for me it's the stats I am seeking, and the opportunity to be able to progress to gain such gear as that. It's really a bore when you feel you have nothing to accomplish in the game.. that nothing is left for you to work towards. That your stuck in one place, and all you can do for yourself is gain abyss points. That is the overall problem.
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2010

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