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New Stigma System?

Discussion in 'Old Threads' started by Skylite, Jul 2, 2010.


How do you want the stigma System?

  1. I like it the way it is.

    38 vote(s)
  2. I want it Fixed.(Stigma equips)

    50 vote(s)
  3. I hate you.

    15 vote(s)
  1. Rg9400

    Rg9400 Banned

    Jun 11, 2010
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    Gladis will be able to resist chanter's stun lock, but will not be able to do the huge bursts of damage necessary. Thus, it becomes a battle in which both sides have to run around (1 for cds, the other to wait for UD to go down) and use pure skill to kill the other.

    Also, if 1.9 is implemented (which could be soon) on this server, and stigmas are not fixed then (which they should be) or before then, this server will die in a matter of hours. 1.9 brings so many stigma skills that will make PVP so unbalanced that it is not even funny to suggest that this was a good idea. Fix them now so people are used to dueling with skill and not button mashing.
  2. Thebeard

    Thebeard Expert

    Jun 23, 2010
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    + 1 for rg and + 1 for stigma system so we have to get our own stigmas and not have all of them . RG is correct in his analysis. when NCSoft made this game they did not intend to let characters have all stigmas because having all stigmas inbalances the game. hence the stigma system where you have to choose which stigmas you want to or do not want to use
  3. Azer0

    Azer0 Getting there

    Jun 10, 2010
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    SPC isn't even that great unless your on the ground..

    which hardly anyone is unless they are dueling all day like noobs..
    I say leave the stigmas alone, I don't want to have to roll all kinds of characters just to be able to try everything out..
    or hunt forever in search of a stone who's loot table for all i know is broken or bugged..

    also killing free fly is great! leave it be!
  4. Rg9400

    Rg9400 Banned

    Jun 11, 2010
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    I can crit with SPC about 6k on a PC, and that is without my damage buffs. It has huge range also. When flying into primus or whorefrost, it is even more damaging. So yes, it is a good skill, and stigmas will make it less used. And we never said you have to search for stigmas. That will be the difference between low and high rate. Low rate you farm shards and stigmas. High rate you can just buy stigmas and shards and experiment and customize. And you can UNEQUIP stigmas so you do not need to keep rolling...
  5. Gift

    Gift Proficient

    Jun 4, 2010
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    dude,u have maxed out gear, its different for those who dont.

    and its not just 1 class that will gain alot of stigma skills,but every class.. who says chanters wont get skills to counter gladis?

    who says gladis wont get skills to counter templars?

    every class is getting skills, and every class will be able to use them.

    who knows,maybe chanters and clerics will be the OP class and everyone will reroll.

    this happens in every mmorpgs,and especially in every private servers, peoples will always reroll to the stronger class,and most offensive one for that matter. when i started, i saw a chanter whoop every class he came accross. he beat ALL classes... he also used his templar and still whooped ALL classes he came vs. then i came with my gladi,which he plvled me,and i beat him, after he moped the floor with some other gladi who had extremely better gear than me.

    its a matter of how u use ur skills instead of just being limited to using 7 skills...

    ---------- Post added at 02:40 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:39 PM ----------

    oh yea before i forget

    High rate = auto skill learn no stigma system

    Low rate = buy skills books and use stigmas
  6. Thebeard

    Thebeard Expert

    Jun 23, 2010
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    chanters don't get a skill that will improve us so greatly as to compete with a glad with full stigmas. i've looked through the skills and we wouldnt come close
  7. Rg9400

    Rg9400 Banned

    Jun 11, 2010
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    So you are saying that you like everyone being one class. And 1.9 brings so many devastating skills that pvp will be over in less than 1 second in some duels. Sure chanters learn COUNTER spells, but it will destroy the server. And stigmas bring about a much better balance in pvp versus the way it is. Proof? Other private servers are all balanced and there is a balanced amount of people playing each class. Here, 90% of people are now gladis.
  8. Gift

    Gift Proficient

    Jun 4, 2010
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    i have ALL classes.... i pvp'ed with ALL classes.. i won most matches and lost some.

    i even tried out a few skills which dont work.. what a drag...

    it wont destroy the server at all. it will just make fast paced lovers happy. thats all

    besides, u all already have a low rate server, how come ya still dissing the high rate server for? :sad:
  9. Chloe

    Chloe Expert

    May 17, 2010
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    I like it the way it is. Every class has an OP Stigma skill. Way I see it, it's pretty much balanced.

    This all started when chanter stuns got nerfed with the UD update. I bet all these people are chanters.

    And lol about 90% of server population being gladies.
  10. Deathdolly

    Deathdolly Proficient

    Jun 25, 2010
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    erm... go lowratre if u want boringness?...
    pfft pls dont crack our highrate serevr.. its good as it is now !!!
    ohh and in ur signature you called it a FIX wich its not... this is called Autolearn..
    Last edited: Jul 2, 2010
  11. Rg9400

    Rg9400 Banned

    Jun 11, 2010
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    I am a gladi, and trust me, about 70-90% of people you can see now are gladis. I simply feel pvp is boring here. And I love your "balanced" comment since it is in no way balanced at all. And I am playing on low rate now, just saying that you guys truly do not understand the grave you are digging for this particular server.
  12. Azer0

    Azer0 Getting there

    Jun 10, 2010
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    It's also very slow.. and when theres like 5 elyos (4 is my max ^^;)raping you.. slow tends to be bad.. I agree it is pretty awesome to land it with a crit and totally destroy somebody..

    so your suggesting that all the stigmas be available for purchase but only able to equip the retail amount?
  13. Rg9400

    Rg9400 Banned

    Jun 11, 2010
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    On high rate yes, Low rate make them farmable. Makes sense no? And it will blanace PVP while adding a whole new level of fun to it. Customization is the key to success in a mmorpg. To me, the people who bash this idea do not understand how fun customization and "builds" can be because they have not experienced it. Imagine WoW without a skill tree...that is what you have done here.
  14. ichimaru

    ichimaru New Member

    Jun 24, 2010
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    LMAO, Gift you are an idiot, i just woke up and still find this LOW RATE server, rofl dude why are you keeping saying low rate server? Btw whats up with the fonts? are you angry? Hahaha chill man, trust me it is only a game.

    Ughh if you guys try to read more why is Stigma Skills need to be implemented back .... we will have a better world.

    Rg9400, i agree wif you buddy, we are having a hard time to explain to them because the truth is they dont understand all. Lets just hope something comes enlighten them.

    Going to gym, c ya all and stop fighting lol
  15. Vespane

    Vespane Getting there

    Jun 16, 2010
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    I think a lot of people did not read ncsofts description of a lot of classes, For one Clerics and Chanters were referred to as party important players, thus they are not even designed for solo pvp, im nto saying they cant because they can, but i mean a party with a chanter is deadly, a chanter is a party player, its designed for healing and buffing not solo pvp against rangers and glads or assassins who are solo based players. Every character has specific uses when you look into it.

    Alot of people are angry because they cant kill every single races with their character, news flash get the hell used to it, the classes were designed for different playing styles to begin with, each class has its specific countering class. So end of discussion if you want to argue this post i suggest reading ncsoft official character class info guide................

    I played retail for months and had many characters stigmas were a flipping pain in the ass to find and get put in with the stigma shards, not to mention the total lack of skills in retail was just plain horrible and boring as hell, you wanna whine about being a chanter now? Put in the stigma system and you will hate life have fun giving something up you probably use right now in pvp....

    @ichimaru, your opinion is understandable but do not act above people because they differ on a subject by simply saying, "they dont understand".
    I understand greatly i've had to farm stigmas and stigma shards for hours and hours and hours. i came to this server because of that, to get away from the farming.

    Point being this is an unlocked all out high rate server thats what its for why are you trying to change it? to change the stigmas would mean you also need to change to name and definition of the server because it becomes no longer a high rate server.

    No matter what is done with the stigmas or classes you will always have this age old debate on what class is better or what class is stronger. There will always be one person creating a fire storm on the forums about how their class does not rape everything, and then resort to blaming someone or something already in place.

    I hope the stigma system is not changed or i will leave, there are a lot of games coming out soon, i support the current server, if the current server is changed to such a degree as this post imposes, i will no longer support the server.

    Last edited: Jul 2, 2010
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  16. Xiderox

    Xiderox Proficient

    May 11, 2010
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    Low rate was put in place just for this debate wasn't it? If you want to be "customized" go play over there leave me be with my fun over here.

    I will never say yes to pain in the neck grinding. :whistling:
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  17. Aegis

    Aegis Guest

    Jun 23, 2010
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    I say I'd rather see 1.9 and other bug fixes before this, but this is something I would personally love to see implemented.

    Playing a cleric as my main character, I will be hindered by this (no doubt) but I like to see skill and planning... not everyone uses everything avaliable.

    Chanters would eat heavy shit with this. So many stigma's of theirs are vital skills lol.


    If this happens it will be 100x more balanced. All the more I vote I want it fixed.
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2010
  18. Navicat

    Navicat New Member

    Jul 2, 2010
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    It's kinda obvious that having all stigmas is retard. Just take WoW for example. I it would be total shit if you had the ability to have all talents and thats exactly how atm the current system feels-retarded. Theres easily no balancement in game mainly because classes have skills that they shouldn't have on. And that pretty much makes game no-brain skill spam, where there's no individuality involved (diffrent builds) or any kind of skill at pvp that requires some originality.

    My suggestion would be add all stigmas to an existing stigma sellers and make it to be sold for ap (most of the time you will find no place for it anyway) or for kinah. Obviously that would require some kind of poll to decide. And about shards... There are quite alot of ways to make it interesting: 1) For ap/kinah. 2) Make it farmable trough mobs, but increase the amount.(core or, if possible, add it to fortress guards.) 3) Add for low price at credit shop. This kind of step would definetly bring a fresh wind to servers economy by adding shards as another way of making good buck.

    Also it would end most chanter/glad/ranger/cleric insanly op pvp beast threads/posts by just taking away damage/support abilities from chanter/cleric (would force them to choose between offensive or support type of builds), balancing glad/ranger/assasin/sorc damage as they would be forced to choose between one way of damaging (assasin/glad/ranger) or cc/damage (sorc). For example lets take ranger: atm he has ability to pretty much burst down someone in 5s. But in normal conditions (retail) ranger would need to choose between having extra damaging skills (which allow here to burst some1 down in a blink) and power up skills ( that make it possible for ranger to hit 3k/4k per shot). Regular build would be http://www.aionarmory.com/stigmaCalc.aspx?id=8#695:639:684:783:633:641:646:642 because of obvious reasons, but here you have all those skills and it brings extreme disbalance. And this applies to all classes.

    Now you might be like "But all classes get all stigmas so its all balanced n shit, bro!". But obviously it's not. Some classes basically get huge advantage over other ones, because of broken restrictions that they should have on them.

    So to sum it up, if you want to have enjoyable and fun server, where balancement is something that is always top priority, and believe me high rate servers especially suffer by having balancement problems, you should definetly implent this amazing system.
  19. ozus

    ozus New Member

    Jul 1, 2010
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    It's pretty obvious that equipable stigmas would fix a lot of balance issues here. And not like its hard getting the stigmas u need.
  20. Deathdolly

    Deathdolly Proficient

    Jun 25, 2010
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    lol no ...

    well stigmas for ap ... pffft stigmas shard for ap ... pfffft

    well i leave server if they change stigma system.. im happy to not farm and search for stigmas... its booring as hellll..

    also AT THIS MOMENT there are idiots who sell Anuhard Sorcerer Gloves and Pants for 200million and 850million... thats why i stopped playing other classes....i simply dotn have that bot amoiunt of money...i have like 99 million atm.. how can i get that sorcer stuff?

    imagine that with stigmas.... the idiots would sell 1 stigma for 2 billion or somethign like that....

    imagine a Gladiator without all stigma...... -.-

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