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A real solution to the economy

Discussion in 'Old Threads' started by Xaedien, Nov 18, 2010.

  1. Xaedien

    Xaedien New Member

    Oct 29, 2010
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    You know, I think I've read my fair share of the this and that of economy solution, and what we really need is a RADICAL solution.

    *The people: "A RADICAL SOLUTION YOU SAY!??!?"
    Indeed! A radical solution ;/

    *Random guy: "What do you mean by radical solution?"
    stfu man I was getting to that.

    Taking into account the current chaos of the system, the vote point system, that fact that half the NPCs that would make shit more easily obtainable are completely gone or don't sell shit, and the fact that all you people want to QQ because of an item, wipe, I've began to think about everything.
    There are solutions involving a Kinah wipe.
    Oh sure, like that will REALLY do anything, people will eventually gain back all that money, and then the chaos will ensue once more.
    There are solutions involving an item wipe.
    OH! But that'd piss off the donators, we never wanna hurt them, do we? Oh, and people have worked for their items. Right, right. It's really that hard to obtain a damned Anuhart set and get it to +15. It really is, not saying it isn't. I put a good 2 weeks into getting a set, and enchanting ONE ITEM +10, then constantly failing on it. THEN I took the time to farm something GOOD enough to sell, and got 20 billion for it. From that point I bought greater supplements, which helped me quite a bit. Now greater supplements are no longer available, which truly means that it really is harder now unless you're a donator (Obvious advantage there.) Or you're ****ing loaded in game. (Once again, obvious disadvantage.)

    YOU KNOW. Neither of those are radical enough ;/

    *The people: "NOT RADICAL ENOUGH?!?!?!"
    No, not radical enough ;/

    *Randomg guy: "Well what do you MEAN by radical?"
    STFU MAN!!! I'm getting there e.e;;!

    Well, the simple fact is, everyone has to start somewhere. It's true, everyone does. If you're new on this server, you come in with no money what so ever. The campaign quests that give a large amount of money in later levels? They don't work for shit, so it's not worth it to do them at level 55. THEY WORK!! But they don't give you Kinah, which is something the admins probably thought of. Not very smart if you ask me. But you know, people want THIS fixed, and THAT fixed. They want a stable ****ing economy, they want everything to be just-****ing-peachy.
    Alente went on and made some things more retail like, as if it's going to solve anything at all. It's not solving anything, nothing at all.

    MY solution? Complete and total wipe.


    *The people: "QQ I worked hard for my items!"
    stfu ;/ Everyone works hard for their shit, you can work hard again ;/

    *Random guy: "You're a dumb ass that won't work, people will just dupe again."
    No sir, you're a dumb ass ;/ Seriously, get it through your head. Duping is fixed.

    YOU may ask why a complete and total wipe. BUT I'm not done with the entire solution. YEAH! A complete and total wipe. Everything gone. But how does that solve anything at all?

    Well considering there is special shit for donators, and there is this, that, these, and those, that don't ****ing work what ever reason ;/ YOU NEED TO PUT SHIT INTO THE ****ING GAME AND MAKE IT OBTAINABLE. If you wanna be more retail like, stick to that. Make the aether shops work, fix the ****ing crafts, make the ****ing campaign quests give kinah, AND STOP PUTING ABG SHIT AND MASTARIUS INTO THE VOTE SHOP! Retail doesn't have a vote shop nor a damned item mall that's selling dumb shit like armor for PvP. This is a PvP GAME and you're making people vote and donate for the armor that should easily be obtainable in game if everyone would bother to work together and not only think about themselves.

    SO! Here is a list of things that should happen.
    1. Make the vote shop what it should be.

    Make it so it's not giving shit out that isn't obtainable in the game. AS FAR AS I KNOW you can't get things like the mastarius shit and the ABG set in game, whether it's not incorporated into an NPC or something else, it's in the vote shop, where it shouldn't be. In a game like this, you need to make the stuff that is meant to be obtainable in the game. Whether it be high priced or not, it needs to be IN THE GAME, NOT IN A VOTE SHOP DAMMIT!
    In retail, there is indeed a cash shop. The cash shop sells luxury items, such as special costumes for your weapons and armor, gender change scrolls, and maybe something like a large stack of potions. THESE are some understandable things that should go into a vote shop for a game you USUALLY have to pay for. These things are luxury items, they're not completely needed. Dyes and other things? Not needed. YES They are nice, but they're not needed.

    2. Fix the ****ing profession system.

    As far as I know, it's not completely working. I can't even get my alchemy to 500. IF I COULD, I still couldn't get the last few recipes. AS FAR AS I KNOW, they are unobtainable as well, because the NPC that sells those things doesn't exist in the game. I should be able to teleport to Gelk, glide down into a deep ****ing crevice, and find an NPC at 4AM in-game-time that spawns and sells recipes for all professions that are high level. I should, I really should. BUT I HAVEN'T BOTHERED because my profession can only be leveled up to 449. I'd like to see some people running about in the best armor that can be crafted. It's some pretty nice armor. BUT NO, It's not completely working.
    THIS IS UNDERSTANDABLE. By no means am I saying it's easy to code this into the game, but it should have been one of the first things done to make a stable economy of sorts. People should have been farming this, that, these, and those, and MAKING these things, and possibly selling them for a higher price. But they're not because I know it's probably hard to fix these things. Maybe it's not in the server files, maybe it's just not working at the moment, maybe Alente is fixing the things that need to be fixed right now, but it's not working. THIS would improve the economy because it'd give more things to sell at an okay price. THIS is something I might sell for maybe 50m on a completely retail server depending on how retail's economy really is. PROBABLY MORE considering the materials for it are high priced, and aside from BUYING those materials, you still have to buy the recipe and this and that, the total cost of ALL the material just to make that item (Not including the Master Noble Darkwater Orb) is 14,931,300.

    3. The donators and their stuff. Yeah, it's understandable that they would be mad that they're getting their stuff wiped too after having donated their hard earned REAL money for their items. I say keep a log of who's donated and give them something UBER special, like a full ABG set, or mastarius, what ever you really wanna give them, it doesn't much matter, they donated, they deserve that. THIS WOULD PUT SOME PEOPLE AT A DISADVANTAGE OF COURSE, but it wouldn't make things too hard, it's not like everyone's donated enough to have a full ABG set. With the ABG set obtainable in game, that would make the economy better due to the fact that people would have to work for it, or since the economy would be reset, if you keep the ability to trade items, then you could sell those. With a complete wipe it would eliminate the massive amount of Kinah in circulation currently, thus forcing people to sell it for less. It would of course take time to make a list of people who have donated, and what they've donated, but I know it's in the system somewhere assuming you keep logs of these things, so you could just skim through that list and make a new list of how much was purchased and what was bought. On the flip side, if you take away the ability to trade untradable items, or items of such value that they would be sold for TOO much, then the economy would probably improve because then people can't over price something like that.

    Now with all this being said, the next few steps are a little fuzzy, yes the economy might one day end up in a state of total chaos once more, but if you think about how you can fix that then everything might be just fine. It's not that hard to start over, and if everyone stopped thinking about themselves and what they've done to get where they are, then it'd probably be for the better. Yeah, I can understand that you've worked hard, but it's a high rate server and it's not that hard to start over. All things considered, even if I donated, which I won't 'cause I don't pay money for in game items, I'd rather have a complete wipe and then get some of my items back than to continue on with such a bad economy where newer players are at such a massive disadvantage. This is just how I think it should be.

    Now you may wonder why I think a complete wipe would be the logical answer, but if you sat down and really analyzed everything, then you'd probably figure it out yourself. Take into consideration how things start over eventually, if everything is reset, then everything would be just fine as long as everyone gets what they paid for. Now you can flame, or say it's the worst idea, or that it wouldn't work. It really would work, as long as all the people who donated got what they paid for.

    In closing, you people are gonna say it's dumb, and you're going to state things that may seem a little obvious. Flame, troll, do what ever you want, but if you actually thought about it for more than a a few hours then you're realize this is a better solution than a kinah wipe. If you start everyone out on the same level, then you essentially make it so that everyone has to work together to obtain their goals, which is how a game like this should be. A group effort is always needed, it's just up to the people to lay aside their habit of only giving a shit about themselves to actually accept that this would work better than most other options. I haven't completely finished this solution, I'm still working on some parts in my head, but it'd certainly help quite a bit.

    For the record, if I had the money, I'd donate 10000$
    Just so they WOULD do a complete wipe, and I'd ask for nothing in return myself. I'd just like to see people working together for once and not complaining about what they do and don't have. As for donations, if people REALLY want to see a server survive, then maybe they should think about the fact that donations are a service given to someone else without anything in return. Donations are meant to show good will, not to receive something in return. If people want to see the server survive, then they'll stay, if not, then they obviously never gave a flying **** about the server or the work that the staff put into it.
    Last edited: Nov 18, 2010
  2. xhampagne

    xhampagne Well-Known Member

    Aug 19, 2010
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    San Pedro, Laguna
    Complete and total wipe out huh,

    then all players will leave this server especially donators and pioneers who played since 1.5 .

    without donators there is no Gamezaion
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  3. Beastie

    Beastie Banned

    May 21, 2010
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    If everything gets wiped then everyone will probably get a nice new start and work hard to get all their items on another private server
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  4. Zee

    Zee Banned

    Sep 29, 2010
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    Was about to say the same ~
  5. cutetanks

    cutetanks Death's Secretary ♥ Forum Legend

    May 22, 2010
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    Ha....if they do this.. i want my money back srly...
  6. Exposed

    Exposed Expert

    Jul 14, 2010
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    Deep down hell
    Dumbest thing ever seen, do u have any idea how much money people have spent in this game? Imagine wiping all that out, im sure Carl would just be tracked by players to have him killed.
  7. Minaki

    Minaki Minahime~

    Aug 9, 2010
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    mirror room
    which is called totally a fresh restart....
    And then 2012 for gamez, yay...
  8. Beastie

    Beastie Banned

    May 21, 2010
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    Haha you're too slow :tongue:

    But seriously, a lot of people worked hard by voting, donating, and being smart and making good trades back when EAT and ABG was tradable(that's what I did) and I've said this before and Ill say it again. Doing this will be just like giving people the middle finger and saying **** you, you're hard work doesn't mean *** to us.

    And people already worked hard, and they're not going to want to have to repeat all that hard work just because some jackasses duped, cheated, and abused the system to get what they wanted.

    I can guarantee you that if this is done, then will be a lot of players saying "bye bye" for good.
  9. hynase

    hynase New Member

    Nov 11, 2010
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    how about lets wipe him out =D
  10. Nooblau

    Nooblau Proficient

    Sep 25, 2010
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    This is the best solution ever o___O" *facepalm*
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  11. Minaki

    Minaki Minahime~

    Aug 9, 2010
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    mirror room
    +1 for this
  12. Xaedien

    Xaedien New Member

    Oct 29, 2010
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    Shut the **** up I said don't post I'm not done yet for **** sakes! Qq! ****ing qq!!! Stop qqing
  13. Nooblau

    Nooblau Proficient

    Sep 25, 2010
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    You made him angry x_x"~~
  14. Zee

    Zee Banned

    Sep 29, 2010
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    Sum1 haz emotional probz :whistling:
  15. Blackstar

    Blackstar Proficient

    Sep 12, 2010
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    lets respect what is his/her idea...
  16. Exposed

    Exposed Expert

    Jul 14, 2010
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    Deep down hell
    I just spent $600+ in 1 week just on ABGs/Mast and im sure others spend a lot more
  17. J0k5

    J0k5 New Member

    Sep 21, 2010
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    A server is a server it needs electricity to run, and it costs, now i bet the only thing holding this server is the donators and gm part time jobs? How'z about some advertising in the site and forum jeez? if u didint notice atliest 500 ppl r reading the forums when the server is ofline, the wipe is ofc a nice solution, but it will be only apliend in atliest 6 more months (6 more months with donating disabled) so they could save some money after the wipe and spend it then.
  18. Beastie

    Beastie Banned

    May 21, 2010
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    Just to remind you people, that its possible to disagree without the flames and hate.
  19. dutchprincess

    dutchprincess New Member

    Nov 15, 2010
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    Well i play Here for less then 1 week.. from my exp with games in last couple of years

    Servers where items arent obtainable in game are just moneymakers
    I do not believe they care about the players or think about what hard work they did to obtain their items
    They will easly wipe, give donaters back their equipments and leaving others with nothing

    This happend to me before and after this so called wipe the server slowly died, with just donaters and a few left

    I dont think a wipe is a solution, when i just been playing hours to get some things, when this server wipe i will find another and start over there

    I do think you got a point about the items shouldnt be only from voteshop or donations, they should be obtainable in game

    Im sure there are other ways to make players donate for the server to pay the montly cost.
    Players who enjoy their server will help to keep their server open

    Just my 2 cents
  20. Bel

    Bel New Member

    Nov 7, 2010
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    Just want to say that the recipes are obtainable at least on Asmo side in Prim next to the general vendor. So I want to say there is one on the elyos side as well. Also crafting got messed up in the lastest update but I am sure Alente is working on a fix to get it past 449 and up to 500. Have a little patience :)

    As Beast said people have worked hard for that they have. Maybe and I mean a very slim maybe wipe the kinah or put it back to a manageable amount for everyone but a full wipe is a bit silly and overboard imho.

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