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Caphras addition to retail and the p2w evolution

Discussion in 'Black Desert Discussion' started by iTex, Aug 29, 2018.

  1. iTex

    iTex New Member

    May 2, 2018
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    After caphras addition to retail NA today, and the explosion of new and insane p2w mechanics I find myself strongly considering a pserver again.

    What is the average GS here? I'm currently 540 renown in retail, and I only play a few hours a day or less in some cases. I will spend a little bit of money here and there if I enjoy my experience and lately in retail (last 4-5 months) i haven't spent a single dime. This server I have no doubt will probably get these mechanics at some point, however p2w mechanics in a pserver make me much less angry - as there are more ways to obtain these things usually.

    How is the RBF Scene?
    How is the node war scene?
    How is the grind for money/equipment?
    Is the market reasonable (can find what I need fairly easily/available or is the market mostly empty.)
    What are events like? (Ogre fest had a huge login bonus for your first 20 days that basically set you up with farm-able gear and a good chunk of money).

    I see in the discord there is roughly 5k players, and I messaged the bot and currently 1400 are logged in. Seems a little low, so IM curious what population is like at peak hours weekday nights, nodewar time, weekends.
    loboram likes this.
  2. dlcaiser

    dlcaiser New Member

    Aug 23, 2018
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    Well, this is the best pserver... and its really fun to play.
    1500 min players on.
    Grind is good, rng is rng.
    U can find almost everything on market so u can start, i started 3 days ago, and strongly recommend this sv!
    Toenail, loboram and iTex like this.
  3. kinderholmes

    kinderholmes New Member

    Jul 21, 2018
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    Pretty good server, RBF is full on weekends as there is a 2x event and both sides get items(you can't get many people to join it on weekdays), There are node wars however there are many unoccupied nodes so I haven't encountered lots of it(I was in a chill guild, we did not care as much). The market has many things you would need, but you may see that some items are lacking such as most meals/elixirs etc. This is because of different items being in demand. Every weekend there is an event and every week they are changed, the events are; golden bag drops, drop rate increase, enchant rate increase(in this order). Lastly, the grind for money and equipment is easy. I and a friend started at the same time and I geared up to 392 gear score in little over 6 days, my friend on the other hand blessed by rng and by actually enchanting(while I am just grinding to buy off the MP) has 4 boss gears of which he has made 3 tri's if I am not mistaken. Especially being able to constantly make alts that I can gear/level quickly, get fashion items on and buy all pearl shop items; makes me very pleased. If you choose to play the game, make sure you get tips from veteran players as there are couple of different aspects to this server. Hope this helped ! Discord/Family name: Volta < If you have any questions
    loboram likes this.
  4. Villain

    Villain Proficient

    Sep 3, 2017
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    RBF is fun if you're geared. I had plenty of fun participating in it, (you get shards, hards, cron stones, and memory fragments for being in it too!)
    As for node wars, I heard they can be very buggy, I've never done one before.
    You can grind for money, or you can just upgrade/buy your gear. There's plenty of PENs on the market.
    The market can sometimes be frustrating, but you can always grind stuff out.
    Every weekend the event varies from, Drop increase, double xp/sp, double rbf rewards, failstack weekend etc...
  5. RevelationsOn

    RevelationsOn Proficient

    Feb 2, 2018
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    only downside here is no trade life skill, that's all. node wars are there but not enough guilds who wants to participate for some reason. play during weekends 2x rewards for RBF and some random events as well.

    btw, the other p servers do not have even hundreds. lol
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 7, 2019
  6. Winning

    Winning GamezBD = Horse training online

    Apr 14, 2018
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    If you are European and cant stay up all night buggy node wars is out of the question, Not that you would get a fight more then once every decade anyhow, Open world pvp is not really a thing, class balance is much worse then retail, RBF is empty except on weekends.
    Just had to put it out there since fanbois tend to lure you in.
    And I almost forgot, Seiges are not out and will probably never be since they cant even get node wars to work properly or people to participate.
    Furu likes this.
  7. RevelationsOn

    RevelationsOn Proficient

    Feb 2, 2018
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    ah come on hater, just because you don't play here anymore makes you butt hurt and saying negative things about gamebzd numbawan.
    You have a life so stop trolling our forums, play your own game yourself and make a server far more better than gamebzd. Nothing is perfect.. Oh wait, check how many online recently and its 5000 plus players so yeah, hate it? People won't go back to your retail lol.
    loboram and Toenail like this.
  8. Zefirio

    Zefirio Getting there

    Nov 28, 2018
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    it s 18/01/2019 and ZBD is actually perfect i would say.
    Toenail and RevelationsOn like this.
  9. sbrodolino

    sbrodolino New Member

    Dec 31, 2018
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    lot of people whit pen gear ,actually enchant rate are low some server mechanics make u bored fast when u fail a tri 10+ time and tet never happen plus u cant get a decent accessory whit the current enchant percentage ..i have taked a break to the game cause get bored 2 d ago , bye .anyway the server is p2w untill u want to stop your grind to trow away useless stuff every 5 min cause special deal seem not to work very well.I mean every 1 minute*
    Last edited: Jan 19, 2019
    Furu likes this.
  10. loboram

    loboram Respected Member Forum Legend

    Jan 29, 2018
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    Just wanted to make sure that you understand that the Trade LifeSkill DOES work quite fine and has been working for the last month or more.

    You joined in December that is about a couple aof months ago, if you're attention span only makes it that far then yeah I get why you left. To adress the issues you mentioned:
    1. Enhance rates; this seems to baffle most players even when they are provided with a sheet of enhancement % and when they get successes this forum NEVER gets the wonderful positive messages, however ALL messages regarding enhancements have been about how bad it was to fail (basically whining)
    2. Pay-To-Win aspect; once again there are NEVER messages saying how nice it is that there is NO P2W on our servers, ALL of them are about how the premium option to auto-filter your loot is how to somehow "win" this game (which is undeniably idiotic since this game has no winning)

    To answer those two EXTREMELY repeated messages:
    1. I have had great "RNG luck" and extremely bad "RNG luck", which is EXACTLY how it should work.
    2. Premium I have never invested in simply because it is ridicules to think that you NEED the loot auto-filter due to limited bags inventory, using Processing Heat I have been able to do quite fine in the field and get tons of materials as well while grinding.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 7, 2019
    Toenail likes this.
  11. RevelationsOn

    RevelationsOn Proficient

    Feb 2, 2018
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    lol that comment I did was way back a year ago dude :)

    Aug 30, 2018 <-
    Toenail, loboram and Villain like this.
  12. loboram

    loboram Respected Member Forum Legend

    Jan 29, 2018
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    Yeah sorry had no idea that someone had pulled out such an old thread to post in it...I thought that most of the posts in it were from December 2018 and forwards :p
    Toenail likes this.
  13. Zefirio

    Zefirio Getting there

    Nov 28, 2018
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    the only things you know to do is SD and you' re madding because can t get a fuckin tet/tri on this server, u better to forget Black Desert Online, sei proprio il tipico ita hahahah
  14. insanqta

    insanqta New Member

    Jan 23, 2019
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    I'm here from about 3 weeks.. and by far this is the only viable pserver out there.. so you don't have much of a choice. Yes there are things which pisses me off.. also the "fanboyz" who don't give a fck about newcomers.. but.. since its the only option you can play here/retail or just delete the game :)

    Guess why? Cuz there are 4-5 guilds recruiting 550++ GS players.. and dominating.. But you all believe that its fair to reduce every income.. cuz you are bored of it. And who suffers? Newcomers who couldn't go to nodes (where is the fun to go with 400-500GS vs 580-600+GS geared ppl) and ALSO you veterans cuz you don't have people to play with PVP since they are busy just grinding and grinding and grinding on the "fixed" NERFED rates.
  15. drayken

    drayken New Member

    Jan 28, 2019
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    1. RBF is dead, sometimes you might pick up some matches on double reward weekends
    2. Node War is controlled by the same top 2/3 guilds (two of which are actually the same guild), the rest of the top 5 fight over less valuable nodes
    3. Grind is pretty meh, every single way of making silver or acquiring items got nerfed & most drops don't sell on market
    4. Any relevant materials are sold out 24/7, boss armor doesn't exist on MP unless it's PEN
    5. Events are a meme, rewards are trash and so are the rates
    sbrodolino and insanqta like this.
  16. Kadin

    Kadin New Member

    Feb 10, 2019
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    Well this server makes the game as it should have always been. I played in retail and I gave up feeling hopeless about how much I was supposed to be grinding. When i first started on retail everybody kept whinning about how p2w the game is , something I didnt want to believe. After I started playing here, i found out about how big of a lie ''pay for convinience'' is. On this server u get pretty much all the essential stuff for free, and that makes everybody equal. Pvp is about actual skill, not gear. And u wont end up getting constantly one shot by big fat, no lifer whales. It doesnt suck the life out of u and makes u actually enjoy that wonderfull game called BDO. Coz.. lets be honest: It doesnt takes skill to grind all day long ,it only requires of u to have no life and no friends (real life ppl, not computer ppl). I understand salty whales feeling the need to be hateful towards this server, i guess having invested so much money and precious time only to feel helpless to the idea that all of those cheering crouds of previous fans wont be living under their shadow anymore since they're now able to enjoy all of their past glory FOR FREEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! AKAKAAKAKAKAKAKAAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKA
    loboram, Toenail and RevelationsOn like this.
  17. RevelationsOn

    RevelationsOn Proficient

    Feb 2, 2018
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    I agree with most of what you stated, except for the PVP part.
    Well kinda, PVP = requires skills but if you are geared too much like 620+GS, you can 1 hit anyone.
    But other than that, you are right. A lot of haters, a lot of people who hates the server but have tons of time trolling in forums and stating the negativity.
    Retail/official will always be pay to win which having free pearls here; makes it a in a way better than retail/official.

    People saying in retail/official, everyone can be at least soft capped or geared enough to fight each other? LMAO
    Not form the retail I came from where swipe to win is always the way which is why a lot are already over 540GS which lol
    loboram, Toenail and Kadin like this.
  18. insanqta

    insanqta New Member

    Jan 23, 2019
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    You have free pearls and easier time than retail YES.. but this doesn't mean that this is not true...
    This SHOULD be improved in order to become the best server.

    And defending these nerfs when they bring negative expirience makes you FANBOY.. since you call us.. who state and POINT why they are negative to the server HATERS
  19. Toenail

    Toenail Proficient

    Mar 29, 2018
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    GameZ is the best BDO experience I've had by far. I'm able to experiment with different *convenience* mechanics which previously hit a paywall in retail.
    If anything, this pserver made me realise what a fantastic MMO BDO could have been had PA concentrated on more meaningful content rather than events.
    dziku, Villain and insanqta like this.
  20. sbrodolino

    sbrodolino New Member

    Dec 31, 2018
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    si il tipico ita che si e rotto le palle di un server incoerente che ha creato un muro tra vecchi e nuovi player, dove i vecchi se ne vanno perche non c'e' nessuno con cui fare pvp e i nuovi se ne vanno perche il drop rate รจ pessimo.

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