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[Crystal] Broken Skills/effects

Discussion in 'Old Threads' started by Daisuko, Jul 20, 2010.

  1. Daisuko

    Daisuko Banned

    Jun 5, 2010
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    This is a copy of a thread I have going in the staff section. Please list anything I missed to be added there.

    All --
    Remove Shock I

    (Doesn't work while under listed effects, sometimes works directly after the effect ends)

    Warrior --

    Shield Defense I
    (resist doesn't function, doesn't disable jump, isn't removed on skill use)

    Charge I
    (Doesn't increase speed while flying)

    Templar --

    Chastisement of Darkness I ++
    (Does not reflect damage)

    Holy shield I ++
    (Does not reflect damage)

    Steel Wall Defense I
    (resists don't function, doesn't disable jump, isn't
    removed on skill use)

    Barricade of Steel I
    (resists don't function, does not reflect damage,
    doesn't disable jump, isn't removed on skill use)

    Gladiator --

    Improved Stamina I
    (Healing effect is applied before health increase, should be applied after)

    Seismic Wave I ++
    (Should be free-use, bugs out if there are too many
    targets/allies nearby and often cannot be used again
    until relog)

    Seething Explosion I ++
    (Is supposed to never miss, and always stumble, but
    acts the same as Wrathful Strike)

    Explosion of Rage I ++
    (Is supposed to never miss, and always stumble, but
    acts the same as Wrathful Strike)

    Ankle Snare I
    (Isn't supposed to break on damage, but does.)

    Boost Knockdown I
    (Unknown if this passive effect is functioning, testing
    suggests it is not)

    Unwavering Devotion I
    (Resists don't function)

    Wrathful Wave I
    (Doesn't stumble 100% of the time, Should be free-use, bugs out if there are too many targets/allies nearby and often cannot be used again until relog)

    Determination I
    (Is never applied when you drop below 10% health)

    Earthquake Wave I ++
    (Should be free-use, bugs out if there are too many
    targets/allies nearby and often cannot be used again
    until relog)

    Severe Precision Cut I
    (Bugs out if there are too many targets/allies nearby
    and often cannot be used again until relog)

    Boost Critical Hit Chance I
    (Does nothing)

    Final Strike I
    (Works on either stumble OR aether, instead of requiring both)

    Strengthen Wings I
    (Does not prevent flight time draining, nor does it prevent immobilize/slowdown while in effect, though it does remove it on cast)

    Wall of Steel I
    (Doesn't work properly. Stays on for 30s, does not seem to grant 100% block for first 12 hits)

    Piercing Wave I
    (Can hit targets even while blinded, isn't supposed to)

    Ranger --

    Mau Form I
    (Cannot glide while in this form, cannot fly if not
    already flying in this form.)

    Poisoning Trap I
    (Does not poison)

    Poison Arrow I
    (Does not poison)

    Retreating Slash I
    (Does not move back)

    Aether Arrow I
    (does not do MP damage)

    Hunter's Might I
    (Does not give critical hits as intended)

    Assassin --

    Killer's Eye I
    (Doesn't work)

    Eye of Wrath I
    (Doesn't work)

    Blood Rune I
    (Does not apply heal)

    Darkness Rune I
    (Does not apply heal)

    Divine Strike I
    (Does not apply heal)

    Mage --

    Root I
    (Sometimes does not break on damage, but should break on all damage --EXCEPT-- DoT's applied before Rooting.)

    Sorceror --

    Sleep I
    (If used on a target who is CC'd by another ability,
    such as Tree, the target will be immune to the sleep

    Blind Leap I
    (Does nothing)

    Delayed Blast I
    (Does not delay properly)

    Curse of Roots I
    (If used on a target who is in a form, or is a spirit,
    they keep tree form forever)

    Illusion Gate I
    (Does nothing)

    Boon of Iron-Clad I
    (Resists do not work)

    Curse of Weakness I
    (Does nothing)

    Gain Mana I
    (Heals your HP as well as MP, is only supposed to add

    Big Magma Eruption I
    (Does not delay)

    Lava Tempest I
    (Does not delay)

    Magma Eruption I
    (Does not Delay)

    Lava Tsunami I
    (Does not Delay)

    Spiritmaster --

    Replenish Element I
    (Does not damage the Spiritmaster)

    Enmity Swap I
    (Does nothing)

    Ignite Aether I
    (Does not remove buffs)

    Summon Group Member I
    (Does nothing)

    Disenchant I
    (Seems to only remove Blessing of health/rock/stone)

    Summoning Alacrity I
    (Does nothing)

    Spirit Absorption I
    (Does nothing)

    Spirit Wall of Protection I
    (Does nothing)

    Weaken Spirit I
    (Does not make check if target is a spirit to increase
    damage dealt, should trigger on feared targets as well)

    Fear Shriek I
    (Should be free-use)

    Blessing of Fire I ++
    (Does not appear to add damage)

    Cloaking Word I
    (Only effects yourself)

    Contract of Resistance I
    (Does not resist the next spell)

    Cursecloud I ++
    (Does not inflict secondary effect, damage on magical
    skill targetting the spiritmaster)

    Magic Implosion I
    (Does not remove buffs)

    Wing Root I
    (Does nothing)

    Spirit Wind Flow IV
    (Does nothing)

    Spirit Wind Impact IV
    (Does nothing)

    Spirit Substitution I
    (Does nothing)

    Spirit Burn-to-Ashes I
    (Does nothing)

    Spirit Explosion I
    (Does nothing)

    Chanter --

    Healing Conduit I
    (Does nothing)

    Rage I
    (Does not reduce casting speed)

    Enhancement Mantra I
    (Resist doesn't work)

    Swiftwing I
    (Does not increase speed correctly.)

    Blessing of Stone I
    (Should replace blessing of rock)

    Cleric --

    Boost Healing I
    (Does nothing)

    Blessing of Stone I
    (does not replace blessing of rock)

    Thorny Skin I
    (Does not reflect damage)

    Festering Wound I
    (Does not reduce healing)

    Word of Destruction I
    (Does not reduce healing)

    Blessed Shield I
    (Does not increase healing)

    Chain of Suffering I
    (Does not force resurrect at kisk/obelisk)

    Hand of Reincarnation I
    (Does nothing)

    Summon Healing Servant I
    (Does nothing)


    Broken Effects

    Concentration Does not work.

    Flight speed is not reduced by skills which slow movement speed.

    Moving slower than standard movement speed does not prevent gliding.

    Stun/Root/Tree/Fear/Etc do not make you drop wings while gliding.

    Resurrecting in the air makes you fall, you should already be flying when resurrected.

    Interrupting skills does not always work. Some skills (especially monster skills) will give their intended effect even after being interrupted.

    Healing Potions don't remove debuffs. (Lesser/greater/healing root)

    HP MAX is not lowered when any HP-increasing effect is removed.
    Example : Blessing of health is removed, maximum health isn't lowered until after you're healed.

    HP CURRENT is not updated along with HP MAX if you swap from one weapon set to a weapon set with higher HP bonus.

    Spiritmaster's Summon Energy/Servant skills do not work at all.

    Spiritmaster's Spirit is unresponsive until given their first command.

    Fear does not force you to move away from the one who feared you.

    1% / 2% damage Godstones don't trigger.

    Godstones never trigger off of auto-attacks, only skills. (Should work on auto-attacks as well.)

    Extendable weapons don't work properly.
    (2h Extendables and dual-wield extendables aren't working properly. Some combinations of weapons work, others don't)

    Gladiator's AoE skills are given extended range (10m instead of 7m) at all times instead of only while using an extendable weapon.

    Elemental Resist doesn't work, no matter what your values are you take the same damage. That, or Elemental Defense Reduction skills don't work. (Tested all spiritmaster/sorc elemental defense reduction skills, did exactly the same damage before and after)

    Stun/Stumble/Knockback Resist from Ancient Spirit's Accessory Set does nothing.

    Mantras are intended to be limited to 4 applied at a time.

    Mantras of lower levels can be stacked with higher level ones, but shouldn't be able to.

    Only 1 Promise effect (Chanter) should be on at a time.

    Only 1 Robe effect (Sorceror) should be on at a time.

    Critical hits should have a % chance to stumble if using a 2h melee weapon, and % chance to knock back if using a bow.

    Humanoid forms (Mau, Diety, Krall, Kobold, etc.)
    Should be able to glide and fly at will.

    Non-humanoid forms (Drakie, Worg, Oculazen, etc) Should drop wings on use, and be unable to fly/glide/use any skills, but still allow item use and auto-attacks.

    Casting speed increase % from weapons don't appear to change casting speed at all.

    The Random Number Generator (RNG) Doesn't appear to work properly.

    Examples of this... Crit, Magic resist, and Manastone Socketing.

    Crit and magic resist seem to be much lower than they should be. Crit resistance doesn't appear to be working at all, and if it is barely.
    See : http://forum.gamezaion.com/showthread.php?t=7255

    Inven.co.kr did an experiment of how it works, with 1000 hits on each stat.

    Critical resistance 0
    128 Crit : 13.5%
    200 Crit: 19.7%
    473 Crit: 46.5%
    604 Crit: 48.3%

    Critical resistance 130
    128 Crit : 0%
    200 Crit: 7.3%
    473 Crit: 33.8%
    604 Crit: 48.0%

    Basically, Critical Hit reaches a "soft cap" at 440, and Critical Resistance subtracts from Critical Hit before Critical Hit Chance is calculated.

    Magic resist is intended to work exactly like evasion/parry/block against all magical effects. Not only does it not appear to perform as well as it should, but certain abilities seem to be significantly harder to resist than others.

    Manastones Fail more frequently than it seems like they should

    Manastones appear to fail far more frequently than they used to. While socketing a single 4-slot item, I failed frequently enough to be unable to socket it completely using 40 manastones. I got as high as 7 fails in a row at one point.

    (This was with 4000 DP, which was rumored to increase success rate, but was never proven one way or another)

    Crafting items that Crit twice do not appear to be crafted ever.

    Example : http://www.aiondatabase.com/recipe/1...gh-leather-pad

    Crafts to white, Crits to green, Crits again to blue. The blue trigger never happens.

    Last edited: Jul 27, 2010
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  2. Sheytane

    Sheytane Well-Known Member

    May 26, 2010
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    Ambush is weird, you can't use any skills after using it for a short period of time.
    Killer's Eye doesn't work.
    Eye of Wrath doesn't work.
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  3. liniv

    liniv Proficient

    Jun 11, 2010
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    I have played on retail for about 9 months so i know stuff...

    1:Inescalbable judgement do deal damage and pull

    2: it sould not be immune it just changes(if the target is sleaped then you use curse of roots the sleap gets replaced by curse of roots)...
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  4. Daisuko

    Daisuko Banned

    Jun 5, 2010
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    I never saw inescapable judgment do damage on retail, but if more people agree with you I'll remove that.

    Also, yes that's how it's supposed to work. Unfortunately instead... Currently if you have a target tree'd, then sleep them while tree'd, once tree wears off they act normally even though they should be asleep.
  5. Thebeard

    Thebeard Expert

    Jun 23, 2010
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    Swiftwing doesnt increase speed correctly only increases by 0.1

    Concentration doesnt work.

    Inescapable judgment does dmg in retail. its more of a "auto attack" that happens once the pull begins because its minor dmg. but Major Anti-shock is supposed to block this dmg and prevent pull.
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  6. Sheytane

    Sheytane Well-Known Member

    May 26, 2010
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  7. liniv

    liniv Proficient

    Jun 11, 2010
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    As soon as my comp is back up and running i will log on to retail and show you that it deal damge.
  8. Daisuko

    Daisuko Banned

    Jun 5, 2010
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    No need, Shey posted a vid :) Removing.
  9. liniv

    liniv Proficient

    Jun 11, 2010
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    saw that i were writing when he posted it

    ---------- Post added at 11:58 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:55 PM ----------

    Actually they do delay only it is that it sais the dmg dealt with the skill when the effect hits the player not when he take dmg
  10. Demental

    Demental Banned

    Jul 11, 2010
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  11. Daisuko

    Daisuko Banned

    Jun 5, 2010
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    List updated.
  12. Lakhane

    Lakhane Expert

    Jul 2, 2010
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    Never really cheated, did abuse the abyss point system and get banned for it, other then that, no. I was in Benny Lava until Rheeza made relax.


    Poison does not disable fly.

    Actually, NCSoft patched this and on retail you can fly even when poisoned now.

    Aether Arrow I
    (does not do MP damage)

    Did you try with a character with no armor on? (Low magic resist)
    Anuhart gives a huge magic resist boost so this might be the problem.

    Last edited: Jul 21, 2010
  13. Chloraform

    Chloraform Banned

    May 28, 2010
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    You are not supoiosed to be able to fly in mouform

    Psn is not supposed to disable your flight

    some of this skills act as they are gonna ebe for a while

    i will work on the rest
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  14. Lakhane

    Lakhane Expert

    Jul 2, 2010
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    Actually Chlora, on retail you are able to fly in Mau form.
  15. Daisuko

    Daisuko Banned

    Jun 5, 2010
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    1. Yes, you can fly in mau form. Any humanoid form you can use all skills and effects in.

    2. Poison is supposed to disable flight/glide. That's why when you're poisoned it's grayed out.

    Unless poison was updated in 1.9 to no longer do this, poison has always disabled flight. Once the first damage from poison ticks, you can't fly unless you're already flying.

    EDIT : By the way, this is the public thread, I have a duplicate in the staff section that you can edit out things as you (or anyone else) fixes 'em
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2010
  16. Sheytane

    Sheytane Well-Known Member

    May 26, 2010
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    Poison disables fly was fixed in 1.5.
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  17. Daisuko

    Daisuko Banned

    Jun 5, 2010
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    Oh? Didn't know. Either way, I guess Chlora can make it so poison does or does not disable flight.

    ---------- Post added at 02:11 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:11 AM ----------

    Must've been later on in a patch note I missed. I'll remove it from the list :)
  18. minosu

    minosu Expert

    Apr 17, 2010
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    Slows make you unable to initiate gliding (maybe even flight, ono)
    Stuns make your wings pop off during gliding

    Also, entangling shot (ranger), chain of earth (SM), various ice chains of the sorcerer, meteor strike (chanter)... do not reduce flight speed.

    ---------- Post added at 02:40 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:34 AM ----------

    ^ also, if you're going to test those, test them on another player. Not a mob. Airmobs don't count as 'flying'.

    ---------- Post added at 02:41 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:40 AM ----------

    While I'm at it, fear shriek (in gamez) only worked on the x and y coord, not the z coord. So people that were above or below you a little bit weren't hit with it. I don't know if that's the issue with it on crystal though.

    ---------- Post added at 02:55 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:41 AM ----------

    Binding word and booming smash... also don't slow in the air o.o
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  19. komokoro

    komokoro Proficient

    Jul 1, 2010
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    damn spiritmaster class is so f4cked up..

    but I still luv it.. Hopefully new coders can fix em..
  20. minosu

    minosu Expert

    Apr 17, 2010
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