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Faster crafting speed suggestion

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by pajkec2031, Sep 25, 2014.


would u like faster crafting??

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  2. No!

  3. I do not ctaft...

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  1. pajkec2031

    pajkec2031 Proficient

    Dec 31, 2010
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    Hi :D

    With this new update all new chars got all craft skills and that....it is really cool but most players mainly need scrolls, pots etc...

    As u all know to craft 10K scrolls u 1st need get aether, then morph a lot, and then make those powders and craft the scrolls...the aether part is borring, morph part takes a looot time too....and then when u finnaly have all that u need another few hours to right click all those greater morphed items to make normal ones....when u finnaly start crafting u need wait another few hours to craft the powders and another few to make scrolls...

    most ppl do it with seperate accounts or when they go AFK.... but why?? that only make server a bit more laggy and for those who cannot open multiple instances of aion (because of comp performance) makes the process even longer....im one of those ppl because i play on laptop most of the time...

    well my suggestion is that we make all that waiting time shorter....
    • 1st: when u click on item to seperate into lower items it could ask u how many items u want to seperate and PUF there they are in your inventory (u could do that by command too.... like it was on TBT event 1st 2 days .... u could write .transform [item ID] [quantity] or something like that (ID u can get on aiondatabase and is not so so many those IDs so is not so huge problem to implement it))
    • 2nd: shorten all those craft times for morph, craft etc...when u click "craft all" the time could be set on 0 (or close to 0) so the process would take only few mins or seconds....(i think that u can implement because u alredy manipulated the enchant time (if i'm not wrong is shorter as it was some time ago))

    i think is a nice suggestion and dont rly have a side effects (wont effect much those who craft and sell scrolls because ppl will be still to lazy to kill 100000 mobs for DP and morph all those items...) afterall we play on this server because of PVPVE and not so much about farming all those items and waiting million years to craft scrolls xD afterall is the best PVP server ;)

    P.S. feel free to comment on this thread...and i hope i get a responce from some staff members too...(if u decide to start implementing it i'm shure many players (if not many at least me xD ) would be happy to help with those IDs of all the gatherables that can be seperated and into what :D)
  2. cocosul

    cocosul Guest

    make your own DP potions...this is easy.....learn morphs on all your toons..or make a new acc for this...and u can morph on all chars 1 after 1...just ussing DP potions:) when i need to craft i morph on 2 acc 8xchars and in like 30 mins i have all i need....then u can craft with 2 chars same time since u have autolearn crafts on new toons. anyway was cool to have npc's with all mats like in the past...but just a nice dream :D
  3. pajkec2031

    pajkec2031 Proficient

    Dec 31, 2010
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    Well looks like u didnt understand me or didnt read the thread ;) i dont need DP or morph faster.....i want that time when u click "craft all" at NPC and have 10K scrolls to craft faster.... so u dont need to be at sanctum for 5hours or more but u can finish in in few minutes and do other stuff like PVP then :D

    the morph is fine as it is...because u actually must do something (get DP) to make items :)
  4. Finaldestiny

    Finaldestiny Lead by Example Forum Legend

    Feb 18, 2013
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    big YES! Crafting is no fun
  5. Dimitra

    Dimitra 安心。 Forum Legend

    Oct 22, 2010
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    I didn't quite get the 2nd suggestion but if the crafting time for everything was set to zero and aether was so easy to break then everyone would make tons of them and you wouldn't be able to make any profit at all from selling consumables D: The price of them would be lowered even more than it is now just because they would be so common.

    I mean don't get me wrong, I am a crafter myself and breaking down aether is the worst part, but think of those who make kinah out of selling the scrolls they make *-*
    Markmyword and Bernkastel like this.
  6. Ddraig

    Ddraig Steel of Destiny

    May 16, 2012
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    If something becomes so easy to make, it lose its value. Kinah needs to keep moving.
    I hate crafting, but when I do stuff I like to sell it at a good price.
    Nyusagi likes this.
  7. Grrr

    Grrr Highly Damaging Member Forum Legend

    Jun 12, 2011
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    Pain Train
    Normal people don't make 10k scrolls. I make 1k running/atk speed/crit per "session" and done for a few weeks or a month. Takes max 3 hours for it all.
    Too much effort so it won't happen. And those "not so many IDs" are hundreds, gl convincing anyone to bother implementing that.

    If you really wanted to make 10k each it's pretty fine to waste a day or two considering that would last you close to a year.
    Nyusagi likes this.
  8. vesiinabox

    vesiinabox Death be chillin bitches. Forum Legend

    Aug 5, 2012
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    Chicago, IL
    Or be like me and have like 100k of them saved up from like 4 years of surveys :eek:.
  9. Kyle

    Kyle Banned Forum Legend

    Sep 13, 2010
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    I just allow my Toon to craft while I sleep or go work
  10. Nyusagi

    Nyusagi Gaow ~ ♥ (๑ ' ー'๑) Forum Legend

    Jan 11, 2011
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    meh agrees with Sexay Balaur and Robocop.

    i break the meta & vote big

  11. pajkec2031

    pajkec2031 Proficient

    Dec 31, 2010
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    well everyone have his own oppinion :) i didnt want it to be easyer to get items....just faster...and yes for one char 10K scrolls is a lot...but i have many friends who dont have time to play much because of school/work (i go to university next month too, so wont have much time to play too) and would be nice to speed up the process....

    u still need to get thons of DP and farm other ingredients as aether and so on...this work should be done like it is now....but i dont see the point in staying ingame few nights to craft (I and few of my friends gets DC or send log error after 1h or so...and that slows the process even more :/ )
  12. Bordy

    Bordy i am chilleriest Forum Legend

    Dec 3, 2011
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    Somewhere you don't belong.
    A lot of people are busy with work,school and personal stuff too but they still manage to craft consumables for themselves and even sell it to others. I guess it's just a matter of time management and I don't see what you wanna happen happening soon.
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