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GamezBD is better than you think

Discussion in 'Black Desert Discussion' started by Pan94, Jul 21, 2019.

  1. Elyann

    Elyann Getting there

    Sep 11, 2018
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    Iunno....don't wanna be the negative one here but I'm honestly a lil' worried about this new patch mainly because of this feauture.
    People had asked for a buff in caphras drop rate and instead we got the possibility to get them by using pearls ; this is a double edged sword as on one hand it's a nice thing , honestly....but on the other one it makes you feel like if you are not going to spend your hourly pearls on caphras you are going to fall behind compared to other players who do.
    Also take into account the fact that new players will need other things such as pets to help them auto-looting or for other feautures , they will need camping tents , they will need a costume cause of the bonuses it gives , weight increases , inventory increases , artisans , value packs , ecc...as such it will take them a much longer time to start reaping the benefits of this feauture compared to how much it would take to a veteran.
    Consider that there are also going to be people who'll purchase pearls via webshop and use them to get boosted even more caphras wise...and what you get is even more disparity between players which is never good.
    I feel like this just added a layer of p2w to the server and it makes me curl up my lips in disappointment ( don't get me wrong , I am all for supporting Gamez devs but this feels a bit unfair ) .
    loboram likes this.
  2. Lareldal

    Lareldal Patience is a virtue <3 Forum Legend

    Jul 21, 2017
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    I'm guessing one of the reasons for the pearls/caphras thing was so that newer players, just like others, can obtain pen items more readily and join in the pvp faster. This is one of the things that's been asked for, no? Don't get me wrong, I understand what you're saying. That being said, there have been many many players asking for quite some time for a way for new players to be able to catch up with gear, money, etc, and this helps them, right? I have seen endless complaints that new players don't have a chance to grind for what they need because older players dominate the grind spots, so they have no way to gear up. Another problem this solves, that I have seen myself, is the "no pens are selling on the mp any more". While the kolka helper npc is there to buy pen items at half price for those who don't wish to wait for them to be sold, pen items on the marketplace are indeed being bought, now that people are more readily able to afford them. That being said, I think this means the devs truly are listening and actually trying to help with issues you guys are bringing up. Granted, maybe not in ways that are expected........... but they are helping with some issues.
    loboram, Toenail and RevelationsOn like this.
  3. Elyann

    Elyann Getting there

    Sep 11, 2018
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    Except this doesn't help newer players at all or at least not in the correct way.

    Newbies need to invest their pearls into other things ( weigh increases , tents , a costume for the xp buff and reduced death penalty and durability consumption , inventory slots , artisan memories to repair their gear , bank slots , value packs for the temporary inventory and weigh buffs , pets , ecc ) that will help them in their journey and as such will not come to benefit from this as soon as a veteran player will , otherwise they'll have issues later on.
    Even if they did invest their pearls into artisans to convert into caphras that they'd be able to sell for 1 billion every 25 hours worth of afking there would still be more problems: the first one being that the developers recently nerfed horse training cause it allowed players to earn good amounts of money while being an afk activity and now implemented another afk activity which allows players to earn even more money while doing absolutely nothing this time ( horse training still required some certain activity ) , the second one being the fact that while these players sell their stones instead of using them veterans get them and enhance their already good gear, thus widening the gap ( Let's even feign these guys will get PEN by selling their stones, which they won't cause they'll lack the necessary amount of failstacks , black stones , hards & sharps , memory fragments , cron stones and many more items which are just the bread and butter of BDO's enhancing or "failure recovery" process...this is the difference between what they will get https://bddatabase.net/us/item/13310/#20 and what a veteran will have https://bddatabase.net/us/item/13310/#20|20 as soon as they jump in the red battlefield....multiply this difference for every single gear piece and consider the fact that these new players will still not be in possess of the most basic tools needed to go ahead in their adventure because they had to invest into such feauture nor will they have the necessary knowledge needed to be able to play their class at its maximum potential because they simply just did not practice at it enough , do not have enough skill points and are underleveled compared to people who constantly grind and contest for their spot every day or take active part in GvGs ) .

    Veterans dominate grind spots and that much is true , we are all aware of it as we are aware of the fact that only a few grinding spots are actually worth farming at. It is indeed hard for a newbie to catch up , especially now that caphras have been added to the game as this is nothing but additional grind .
    Now though , thanks to these changes , any time I am not going to invest my hourly pearls into caphras as a player and use them to enhance my gear I am going to fall behind compared to a player who does ; this does not encourage me to buy a costume or any other item that is not strictly caphras. It's not a good choice .
    Let's also take into account the fact that a veteran can earn 200-400 millions per hour simply just by grinding in endgame areas while newbies can only earn 1 billion every 25 hours worth of afking and by afking ( which can mean 1 day and 1 hour or 2 days or 3 or more depending on how much they play every day ) thus still making significantly less silver per hour than a veteran who is still just as able to buy caphras as the new player is...and this time...the veteran can benefit both from their own caphras and from the ones they can purchase from new players due to the amount of silver they earn.

    Let's also not forget how , again , players are able to simply just swipe their visa into Gamez' webshop , purchase cash to convert into pearls , convert said pearls into artisans and said artisans into caphras thus pay to winning through the whole process at expenses of those who can not or who prefer to earn their caphras by working hard inside the game itself.

    Does this change really help the players catch up the one with the other in the end ? More or less...it negates and creates more disparity at the same time.

    I'm not saying it was a complete mistake on the devs end...I am saying it can potentially lead to more and worse issues than the server already has if not handled in an appropriate way .
    loboram likes this.
  4. loboram

    loboram Respected Member Forum Legend

    Jan 29, 2018
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    I agree completely with what @Elyann says. I indeed made the exact same deduction, and it is now more than ever evident that the ones complaining about this particular strategy ARE the ones who are already geared, and most likely their guilds have been encouraged to complain endlessly (as you put it @Lareldal) to get these things on an otherwise great server and community.

    Problems only increase when this community is being lead by the ones who BULLY other players into submission, telling them that there is such a thing as "my spot" killing other new players over and over again JUST for being in the same area, which leads to (just an estimate) about 40-60% of new players just abandoning this very server and community; BECAUSE the developers listened to the "wrong"-crowd.

    I can plainly see how this entire server is being taken over by the worse players in the GamezBD-game-world, the ones who want it all for nothing at all. The ones who have two (or more) computers linked 24/7 onto the game, and are trading in Pearls because they are now (exactly what @Elyann mentioned) a PAY-TO-WIN commodity.

    Once again I can only point to the fact that while you receive endless grief from a lot of players, these do NOT represent the entire community, and the ones that actually would love to play this game as it was marketed (Action-MMO-RPG) are the ones suffering and leaving the community because you are not able to distinguish between real concerns for the survival and thriving of the GamezBD community, from the "trolls"-in-game who want to rip this server and community apart through a show of mass-force, as in Complaining endlessly.

    I get that it is nearly impossible to figure these things out as the staff of more than one server and game, as well as your limited time and payment for such service, but it stands to reason that when there is a large amount of complaints pretty much all about the exact same thing, almost a perfect copy and paste text from all of them, then it is not a real concern or something that is good for ALL others but the ones who abuse of the communication system between players and staff. As has been stated MANY MANY times before, the problem is only growing as the mainstreamers join the guilds with the highest numbers in them, which then puts all the game into chaos since they basically can decide what this ENTIRE server and community will be about in the future.

    What GamezBD REALLY REALLY needs is a mission statement!
    In one clear voice (although it may be extremely difficult to get all to agree), declare what exactly it is you want with the GamezBD-server.
    Is it just to earn more money for yourselves?
    Is it to enable ALL people from all around the world to join a game where they get to interact in good faith and have a great time while playing a computer game?
    What exactly are your goals with the game?
    Is it just to keep copying Retail and never to stray too far from that poorly constructed model?
    Is it to improve upon and create something much much better, adding in new areas and features?

    I think that this could be a most wonderful and absolutely amazing place, but it is not in my hands, it is up to you GamezBD staff (@Noyah @Kolka @Lareldal @Carl sorry if I am forgetting some here, do not know how many are working on BD-side).
    Kobasun, Toenail and RevelationsOn like this.
  5. Toenail

    Toenail Proficient

    Mar 29, 2018
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    Very much this.
    Kobasun likes this.
  6. Kobasun

    Kobasun Getting there

    Jul 1, 2019
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    Well, with Caphras force-upgrade deliberately disabled (long before this update, as it suddenly turned out - no official info in the server description), newer players CANNOT obtain PEN items through Caphras more readily NO MATTER how Caphras are obtained - traditional grinding, buying from auction, or doing the new pearls/caphras exchange. There's a megaton of Caphras now on AH, and it has features of p2w in this particular aspect either internally or externally - swipe your credit card, get pearls, get Caphras for your PEN gear. Be a silver billionaire, buy Caphras from AH for your PEN gear. Only players that ALREADY have top gear benefit from this, there's no reason for others to insert a single Caphras into TRI-TET gear just for the bonus knowing that you won't be able to safely get to the next tier and will lose 15% of inserted stones when extracting them. And with the current Caphras overflow on the market, you won't even benefit from selling them. In all, situation that needs to be thought over and rectified.
    Elyann, Toenail and loboram like this.
  7. Stoops

    Stoops New Member

    Aug 16, 2019
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    Was curious about if some of the other "servers" out there where as pin as this.. seems I made the right choice to come here, wicked to see what's going on!
  8. omarxz11

    omarxz11 New Member

    Apr 27, 2018
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    hey mate please answer this , i heard they removed free peral for free players after shai update , im returning player btw and didn't download the game yet , or this post out dated ?
  9. Elyann

    Elyann Getting there

    Sep 11, 2018
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    Free pearls were not removed. You still get them every 30 minutes.

    There's so many caphras in the marketplace they aren't even selling anymore.
    Newbies sure won't benefit from this.
    loboram likes this.

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