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God - an animate being, or a perfect concept?

Discussion in 'Old Threads' started by Lucent, Jul 31, 2011.

  1. Lucent

    Lucent Ghost in the shell of a former Drama Queen Forum Legend

    Jun 5, 2010
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    So, what better than an anime to get you thinking about philosophical things?

    Throughout time, most people have considered God (if they believe in the existence of God or Gods) to be an animate being. No one sure of the appearance of God, they all seem to believe it a person, or maybe an animal.

    However, what if God was never meant to be considered an animate being? What if God is only a thought, a concept, something of that matter.

    In Code Geass, "God" is instead simply the collective unconscious of all humans. While it never uses that definition to literally define the religious aspect of God, its an interesting thought.

    More interesting than that, though, is the thought presented in the anime - Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn (maybe other sources, but I haven't seen it elsewhere as of yet) of "a God called Possibility".

    It makes me think, what if God was only ever meant to be just that - possibility. Possibility that if we follow morality (note: morality does not mean hating people because they're gay or because they don't share your beliefs, or anything like that) we will live a life of happiness. Possibility that one day, when we have to give up our life, we will rest in peace, and not have to face the unrelenting agony of time. Possibility, that with hope in ourselves and our futures, we can make the world better not only for ourselves, but everyone else. For if anyone was to believe in God, they would be believing in a thought. There is no concrete proof of existence, only possibility.

    Its a lot easier to believe in a concept such as that, in my opinion. Possibility doesn't deny evolution, it inspires it. Possibility allows a tiny bacteria to occasionally morph into something more complex. Possibility allows the big bang to happen, just because it was possible, however odd it was for it to happen. Possibility flows with science, instead of dismissing it, and thus one can believe in a God called possibility, and still believe in the hard fact sciences of our modern society.

    What are your thoughts on the entire situation (not just about possibility), do you think God could be a concept instead of an animate being, would you prefer it that way, or the other?
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  2. Played

    Played *Kung-Fu Master* Forum Legend

    May 7, 2011
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    Only because there is no proof of Gods existence you cant really say he isnt real .... For example Air you cant see air but you know its there ... Atoms you cant see Atoms with the naked eye but you know its there ... etc ... you cant really say he isnt real... tbh i believe he is a person(not a physical person like people we see with our eyes but someone who's there even when i cant see him) and he isnt just a possibility or a concept ...but there's also the saying "believe in what you want to believe and go with life".. i believe he's a person and not something you think of out of pity because your going through a rough time (seeing as to how many of us only seek to put God's name in our words when we are in need, troubled, or in a sticky situation.) ... thats my opinion.
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  3. Lucent

    Lucent Ghost in the shell of a former Drama Queen Forum Legend

    Jun 5, 2010
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    I wasn't saying he isn't real, everyone has their own beliefs and they should stick to those beliefs because thats what makes them unique to themselves, so its not my right to say he is or isn't real to anyone else, I was only meaning to say that there isn't any proof of his existence so for some it may be easier to believe in a concept that isn't intrusive of their own beliefs.

    Though atoms and air we can't see with the naked eye, we can see them with a microscope. We have yet to see God with anything, keep that in mind xD
  4. Played

    Played *Kung-Fu Master* Forum Legend

    May 7, 2011
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    your a bad troller you know that o_O ... leave the trolling to Domo
  5. Terrorized

    Terrorized Beautiful Garbage Forum Legend

    Aug 17, 2010
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    Honestly, I think it another tale that makes feel one content, and have a purpose. Such as, "Oh yes, there is a god that will save me, so I may live eternally at peace in heaven." But me.. I honestly don't care where I go when I die.
  6. chin

    chin haters be hatin'

    Aug 9, 2010
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    under your bed <:
    well we all came from something. i believe in God. its a nice feeling to believe in something good. :p he could be in any form or whatever. but even if im catholic i dont base my faith in my religion. religion is man made. it was used some decades ago to control people.

    maybe its religion's fault why people came up with this. they exaggerated too much D:
    or we could all just ask diclonus :eek:
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  7. dmaxcustom

    dmaxcustom Well-Known Member

    Jun 30, 2010
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    Absurd... Even if god were an animated thing, first its has to be an idea. One does not overlap the other.
  8. Adieu

    Adieu Respected Member

    Jul 16, 2010
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    A concept to just the bible, perhaps, but when you apply a book to real world situations things become different. I could read Harry Potter to my real world situations and make claims that when I move into the 'next life' these things will be available to those who 'believed.' I suppose what I mean to say is, concepts will be manipulated to benefit the manipulator, so for the morality to exist from it, would require people didn't change things to how they wanted them to be.

    Now, assuming the bible isn't the one that created this 'God' you speak of, or that this god was just word of mouth, then why should people be weak to say that they should exist after death. Isn't it selfish to say that? And what kind of God would send people to suffer eternally if they don't comply to these things? Morality should come naturally, its wrong to kill, among the other things, and people that do these things of course should be punished.. not because a book or word of mouth said so, but because that's what people decided.. of course, this does leave to question what if these same people make other unlawful rules, but that doesn't come down to an argument over religious reasons.

    Basically.. no, a god shouldn't exist through word of mouth, a book, morality, or any of the sort. People should just be smart, strong, and many other things, things they try to fill in with the god gap. It might be funny to hear... but grow up, your thousands years of fallacy is outdated.
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  9. Kisra

    Kisra /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\ Forum Legend

    Oct 4, 2010
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    Rig site
    for me God is outer of this life he is not part of the creation because I can’t consider the creator of this world part of what he did create

    so the shape of god can’t be told coz he is not part of our world
  10. konichi

    konichi Century Old Artifact

    Oct 15, 2010
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    It's funny how some posts here like to impose their own intelligent(not) philosophical views to others. I like hearing and reading other people's opinion about such issues but then it saddens me when someone tries to attack others belief(directly or indirectly) just because they do not agree with it. Some people believe that aside from our own physical being we also have a spiritual being and others just don't, that at least should be given a respect.

    I see a God just like love. It's abstract. You can't see it but then you feel it. Of course for non-believers they wouldn't, they don't believe in it in the first place how could they feel? How do people know it was love they were feeling? Through experience, on what they have read, through what people say, yet love doesn't show up in front of them saying "I am LOVE". They just feel it. It doesn't have any form.
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  11. Jessica

    Jessica Banned Forum Legend

    Aug 10, 2010
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    I remember a preacher outside of Catholic religion say this:"God is love" and I do so believe that people who doesnt believe just needs to feel more Love in them. I listened to this on their TV channel and everything makes sense, it enlightened me and my family about tithing and the wrongs of other religion in our country, though we are not still a part of this organization we just listen to their preach and apply it on our lives in some way, its been years since i came inside a catholic church now, idk if this is called advertisement in this forum but i'd take a temp infraction just to spread the word of the truth.
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2011
  12. Neoropsychoholic

    Neoropsychoholic Proficient

    Jul 11, 2011
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    What if God was one of us?! just a stranger on the bus, trying to make hes way home, hahaha watch Bruce all mighty.
  13. secthdaemon

    secthdaemon Proficient

    Oct 13, 2010
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    Mother Russia
    my thoughts: there's no God, there's no Satan. There's only death.

    Last edited: Aug 1, 2011
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  14. konichi

    konichi Century Old Artifact

    Oct 15, 2010
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    lol reminds me of the Book turned TV Series Game of Thrones "There's only one God and his name is Death".
  15. panuway

    panuway Proficient

    Jul 12, 2010
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    I have been to 3 near-death experiences...for me, had God or angel not been in there in my life... i would have died when i still 12 years old....you may not realize God for now, but some people who have gone down to the lowest pit of their lives realize that with yourself you cant do anything, but with God, you can get help and rise from wherever hell you maybe. Have you ever thought how amazing your body and organs function? If there weren't Someone who planned such complicated and sophisticated functionalities, and yet organize our body so that we will be able to survive this world, then i dont how i will survive....
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  16. secthdaemon

    secthdaemon Proficient

    Oct 13, 2010
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    Mother Russia
    I think religion is the best way to rule masses. So i'm out of it.
  17. Jessica

    Jessica Banned Forum Legend

    Aug 10, 2010
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    //inb4 someone answer u with:"Evolution"
    Doctors of all people should know, how complicated a human body is.
  18. Adieu

    Adieu Respected Member

    Jul 16, 2010
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    It's human to attack things we don't agree with, does that make the either party wrong? The fact that you had to add your own (not) to your statement just point proves that point because you don't agree and chose to attack it. Now, personally I have a hard time respecting people who spread beliefs I don't agree with, but I dooo respect intelligence, and it's hard to find intelligence inside religion.

    Love is an emotion we created to justify the feeling we have between husband and wife, children and parents, and country/race etc.. many people seem to have the wrong idea of what love really is. If god is love then what is it I feel for my family? My friends and all the people I truly care about? God is faith, love is something else. If emotions are god, then what are happiness and sadness? These feelings don't have form, they just happen ;p
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  19. Dranzell

    Dranzell Banned

    Feb 12, 2011
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    Mangalia, Romania
    We've said it so many times that I'm bored to repeat it so:

    Who's god?
    He doesn't exist.

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  20. konichi

    konichi Century Old Artifact

    Oct 15, 2010
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    That doesn't make any party right or wrong, it is what you call respect. Respect of his beliefs as how others respect yours. Your truth doesn't make a truth for everyone and it is only right to give these people the freedom to believe in things freely without being attacked. These things do no harm as it did no harm to me and specially it wont do any harm to you. SO why the hate?

    My "NOT" is me stating my opinion that it's not intelligent for people to attack just because you think their belief is wrong. It's enough to express your "OPINION" but why go to the point of attacking people of their beliefs?

    Just as you have your own definition of "Love" I have mine too. Should I attack you just because I don't agree with it? No. Everyone holds their own "TRUTH's" and the only common ground for this is respect.

    For me Intelligence without wisdom is useless.

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